Chapter 471: see 1 person

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Ignorance is sometimes a joy.

Because sometimes the more you know, the more you will discover that many things are completely beyond your imagination.

Things beyond imagination are never what you want to see.

"The closer you get to the truth, the more desperate you are."

It seems to have a Cthulhu-like setting, but the reality is often so absurd and suffocating.

Hyuga Hizu thought of his own associations, and looking at it now, it seems that everything has been completely connected.

The man in black who attacked him in the Nine-Tails Incident, the real black hand in the Wuyin Incident, the battle that changed the terrain at the Konoha Boundary, and the real murderer who is now completely wiped out by the Yunyin...

Shaking his head fiercely, Hyuga Hizu didn't dare to think about it any longer.

Because he perceives too many problems, these are too dangerous!

Kirigakura was attacked, and Konoha happened to be reforming Chunin, and the most violent thing at that time was the cancellation of the special jounin.

It's just that everyone's attention was on Kiriyin's side at that time, and this matter was quickly dealt with.

And now, Yun Yin and Konoha went to war, and the Security Department killed all the missions - although they committed suicide.

But the security department's actions are so decisive and the monitoring is so strict, is there really nothing else in it?

Now Konoha is promoting the reform of Shangnin, and it happens that Yunyin and Konoha are also at war, doesn't this explain the problem!

Familiar method, familiar style!

Ending the war would also reduce losses for Konoha, retain more supporters, and then negotiate to attract more attention.

Is this the work of Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato?

Uchiha Qi probably never dreamed of it, he just guessed that Hyuga Hizu had thought of the fact, and gave him a positive smile.

As a result, this smile actually made him think of so many things.

"Negotiations will continue."

Uchiha Qi didn't know what Hyuga Hizu was thinking, and even if he knew, he wouldn't explain anything, he said directly.

"But I think we should also pay more attention."

"It is true that we need to increase our efforts, but the number of Anbu in Yanyin is not large. Although the Anbu left by those small Shinobi villages can get a lot of information, but..."

Kakashi's face also became a lot more serious: "But I'm afraid those guys don't have any substantive information to give us."

Ninja villages in small countries really have no practical ability.

The main reason is still not enough influence, and not enough money to develop.

The cultivation of ninjas can't be done, and if there are not enough strong ninjas to hold the stage, how can they get enough trust?

I am afraid that people from their own countries are more willing to hand over large-scale tasks to large-scale Ninja villages.

If there is no trust, there will be no mission, if there is no mission, there will be no funds, and the big name of the small country will also tighten its pockets. This is a vicious circle.

Therefore, they can only be regarded as the dependencies of big countries, and thanks to the world, the utilization rate of these small countries is extremely low.

Otherwise, these guys are natural war agents, raw material collection centers and commodity dumping grounds.

Of course, they can also boost their economy by investing in roads and bridges, etc.

After making them rich, they can make a lot of money through various means.

Just like the one that Uchiha Qi is most familiar with, it's really a lot of younger brothers and agents.

For example, the Ninja Village in Tangzhinai hopes to develop, but suffers from lack of money.

Konoha can support them in some missions so that they can earn money.

The mission is there, but what if there are not so many ninjas?

Even simpler, send some jounin over there, and teach them some useful knowledge there.

There is not enough medical system, no problem, Konoha has a complete medical system, which can be directly shared with them.

In this way, there are tasks, ninjas, and a medical system to protect the lives of ninjas, so naturally, you can make more money.

But these are petty money, and big money is still big missions and the protection of caravans.

And there is not enough infrastructure and roads in the country of Tang, Konoha can also send some engineering team ninjas to go in.

In this way, wouldn't the development of a small country's forbearance village pick up?

And as long as you keep some minds, those sent out to the ninjas entrain private affairs and promote the goodness of Konoha, which can attract these ninjas even more.

After a set of procedures, the construction of a ninja village was perfected, which helped the ninja village to have enough economy to train the next generation, and finally veiled the goodness of Konoha.

With all this done, it's time to talk about money.

How can there be so much money to pay back Konoha in the newly developed Ninja Village of Yuzhikuni?

It's okay, you can take the loan mode and repay it slowly.

It’s okay if you can’t afford it. There are many mines in Tangzhi, especially in the area adjacent to the Iron Country.

Mining rights, shares and the like are all things that Konoha can accept.

And the development of mines can also drive another group of people to get more money, that is, the common people, which can make more money!

When ordinary people have money, they can drive the economy, which in turn prompts more tasks to appear.

And of course, in the end, don't forget to protect existing results.

There are ninjas, but strategic materials are not in place in one step.

Konoha is a big ninja village in the ninja world, and it has a lot of strategic materials, including weapons and medical drugs.

Konoha can directly sell these materials to these Ninja villages when they update their equipment and before these materials are completely discarded.

This can not only reduce the loss of Konoha, but also earn a fortune.

Just like before they sold the supplies to the Kaguya clan of Kiriyin.

It can be said that this is a business that is guaranteed to make a profit without losing money, and it can also bring a lot of younger brothers to Konoha!

Small countries are used in a wide variety of ways. It's a pity that no one here seems to know how.

"Captain Minato, who is in charge of the roots now?" Uchiha Qi shook his head, and then his eyes turned to Minato Namifeng: "I remember, it seems that the roots like to do things like this?"

"The root?" Minato Namifeng thought for a moment: "The root has its own commander and operation system, but they are all people who completely obey the three generations of Hokage. Now the three generations of Hokage have not woken up from a coma, maybe I can give it a try, but they ..."

"Is it a curse mark?" Uchiha Qi sighed: "Don't they claim to be the roots of Konoha? The three generations of Hokage are in a coma, I think it's not a problem for Captain Minato to lead them temporarily. Of course, if I go and kill someone the oxygen inhalation tube, some techniques will be invalid, and the members of some organizations will also..."

"Ki, please don't have such thoughts." Namikaze Minato didn't wait for Uchiha Kai to finish, and immediately interrupted him: "This is not a good idea, the hero still treats him as a hero, such a tolerance I think you definitely have, unless he made a mistake."

At this point, Uchiha Kai can only nod his head to show that he understands. 1234 Novels

However, he really did not have the idea of ​​pulling out the third-generation Hokage oxygen inhaler.

Although such inferior means are very effective, there are too many sequelae.

However, through such a dialogue, he knew the bottom line of Minato, which was very beneficial to him.

It was just his conversation with Minato Namikaze that made everyone else look at him.

Nara Shikahisa pretended he didn't hear it, and lowered his head to sort out the documents.

Imai Kenta just glanced at him casually and closed his eyes.

Kakashi and Uchiha Fuyake looked a little weird, but they didn't say anything.

Only Hyuga Hizu's expression was very strange, how could he not be able to hear who the person in Uchiha Kai's words was?

This attitude, and the way of replying like Minato Namikaze, really made him feel too terrifying and depressing.

There is only one thought in his mind now, that is, Uchiha Kei is really too dangerous, this guy is too ruthless.

"Okay, I was joking before. Heroes naturally have to be treated like heroes. I don't think about killing heroes. Otherwise, what is the difference between me and Shimura Danzo."

Uchiha Kai looked at the atmosphere and was a little silent, he said with a smile, and then his face became a lot more serious.

"Actually, although Ohnogi's actions are somewhat unexpected, they are also reasonable. It is also very simple to crack the plan of their approach."

"Oh?" Nara Shikahisa didn't bow his head to sort out the documents now: "Do you have any ideas for Minister Qi?"

"Ah, I do have some ideas." Uchiha Kai nodded and smiled: "Isn't Yun Yin suffering huge losses because of the defeat in the war? Then, can we provide them with military assistance?"

Military aid?

This word seemed unfamiliar to everyone present.

If they are taken apart, they can understand, but together there seems to be some problems.

Did Konoha send troops to Yunyin to help Yunyin fight against Iwayin?

Is this a war mercenary?

It seems that this is an alternative declaration of war on Yanyin, right?

And it seems that this will also make Konoha suffer, right?

"Kai, with your military aid plan, are you planning to... fight against Iwayu?" Minato Namifeng frowned, "In this case, we may be trapped in another war zone."

"No, why fight?" Uchiha Qi spread his hands.

"We are military aid, not war mercenaries.

Although our troops have only been disbanded, they can be regrouped. What we have to do is to push the ninjas on the border and even enter these small countries directly, but we do not do anything.

At the same time, the reconvened troops also entered the country of Tang and stayed at the border of Yunyin, and must not enter the territory of the country of thunder. "

Having said that, Uchiha Kai crossed his hands in front of his nose, and his voice seemed a little soft.

"Keeping this posture, those small countries who want a piece of the pie will never attack us unless they can't think of it.

In addition to expressing their attitudes, the troops on the border of the Land of Thunder can also directly rely on them to deliver the materials obtained from the negotiations.

At that time, whether Onogi really wants to fight or threatens us, he will have to think about it.

If he can threaten us, why can't we threaten them? "

Uchiha's plan is simple: military deterrence.

It's just that his words are very subtle, and he says it outright, and it's at least more decent when he uses a subtle word but expresses it with practical actions, doesn't it?

Do you want to divide the cake?

Yes, go and go with Yun Yin desperately.

Want to profit from the fisherman?

Konoha has been preparing for half a year, and now the morale is strong.

And just experienced a war, the result of the fight can be imagined.

"It's a really good idea." Nara Shikahisa's eyes lit up.

"Even if they can't think of it, we can directly withdraw the people, and then we will put back the four generations of Raikage that have been cultivated.

At the same time, we can sell some materials to Yun Ren, and even let them hire us to complete the task in the form of employment.

It's a war mission, it's very difficult to be promoted to Shangnin after this reform. I'm afraid I don't know how many civilian ninjas and even family ninjas want to participate. "

Having said that, there is basically nothing left to say.

Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Kei and Nara Shikahisa, and you solved the matter directly with one word, which made him a little dumbfounded.

He specifically called people who he trusted now and who he was going to trust, just to make everyone feel involved, not always the three of them deciding everything.

In the end, only Uchiha Kei and Nara Shikahisa were performing, and everyone else raised their hands in favor.

"It looks like this has been confirmed." Minato Minato rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

"That's the decision, but we still need to observe Yanyin's dynamics first, and this matter needs to be discussed with the Yunyin delegation. Finally, the issue of who leads the team also needs to be discussed."

"Why don't I go?" Uchiha Fuyue said directly at this moment: "I have experience leading a team once, and my subordinates are relatively familiar with it."

"Yes, but that's what I said, let's take a look at Iwain's actions first." Minato Namikaze agreed directly.

Uchiha Fuyue's previous performance was indeed remarkable, even if there were many things in it, it was the guy who called Nara Kyouhei to help.

But Uchiha Fuyue's performance is good enough.

This meeting is almost at this level, and the rest is just some trivial matters.

But Namikaze Minato seemed to remember something at the moment, he turned his head to look at Uchiha Kai.

"By the way, Kai, you can prepare for the expansion of the security department. The four detachments can be turned into four brigades. I hope you can manage them well, just like now."

A smile appeared on Minato Namikaze's face: "I'll let Lujiu deliver the documents during this time, you can prepare it in advance During this time?" Uchiha Qi frowned slightly. , and then he nodded: "I understand, I will handle this matter during this time, but I want to go out later."

"Going out?" Minato Minato looked at Uchiha Kai curiously, and Kakashi and Imai Kenta also looked at him curiously.

However, after thinking about it, Minato Namikaze asked directly, "Okay, who do I need to bring?"

"Let's talk about it when the time comes." Uchiha Kai smiled: "Because this time I went to see someone, not to perform any task, so..."

"Meet someone? Could it be... him?"

"Ah, it's him..."


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