Chapter 472: Suspect

Although Uchiha Kai's words were cryptic, it did not prevent Minato Minato Namikaze from guessing who he was going to see.

Orochimaru, obviously only this person will let Uchiha Kai meet in person.

Now Orochimaru seems to be still in the country of fire, and Namikaze Minato also knows some of this guy's whereabouts through Anbu.

There was no problem with Uchiha Kai going to see Orochimaru, because they had already negotiated their attitude towards Orochimaru.

It's just that Namikaze Minato was a little worried. When he saw Orochimaru, wouldn't he have a bad idea?

No way, who made Uchiha Kai in front of the public, and said, "Go and unplug someone's oxygen tube" without concealing it.

The meaning of Orochimaru's existence now really has the effect of "pulling out someone's oxygen inhalation tube".

In case Uchiha Kai hated Sarutobi Hizen, and finally gave Orochimaru a similar order, it would be really a headache.

Although Namikaze Minato also hates the three generations of Hokage very much in his heart, what he hates is his actions, and what he hates is his administrative orders.

For the three generations of Hokage, as well as his attitude towards Konoha and his determination to defend to the death, Namikaze Minato has a very high reverence.

"Don't worry, in fact, there are people from me at the root." Of course Uchiha Qi knew Naikaze Minato's worries, and he gave an explanation with a slight smile.

"There is also a curse mark on his tongue, but because of someone's help, the binding force of that curse mark is very low, and it can normally transmit information to me."

"So, are you going to ask for a way to remove the curse seal?" Minato Namikaze immediately understood what Kai Uchiha meant.

"Ah, it's better to do some preparations." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Although I can communicate through the psychic object he left for me, it's better if I take the initiative to go once. This guy has a lot of information."

"I understand, then the team members are yours to choose." Minato Namikaze didn't say any nonsense: "Please, Qijun."

The conversation between the two made everyone else a little confused.

I'm afraid that apart from Uchiha Fugaku who completely understood and Imai Kenta seemed to have thought of something, the others really didn't understand it at all.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand, saying it in front of them has already revealed a lot of information.

Some things don't need to be entangled all the time.

In particular, they believe that, over time, they are bound to know a lot that they didn't even know before.

After the matter was settled, they casually chatted about other issues, and soon the meeting was over.

Hinata was very thoughtful, and it looked like he needed time to sort through the information he got today.

It can be considered difficult for him, perhaps because of the influence of the Uchiha family, perhaps because of the influence of Uchiha Kai.

Hinata Hizu has changed a lot, neither the way he looks at the problem nor the things he involves are not in the original book.

He really needs time to sort out and scrutinize.

However, it can be seen that this guy seems to have made some choices in his heart.

What changes did Hyuga Hizu have made, and Uchiha Qi didn't have so much spare time to take care of him. He has a lot of things to do now.

When Uchiha Kai found the four division leaders in the office early the next morning, he directly announced many of the next plans of the Security Department, especially the complete expansion of the Security Department.

"From now on, the security department will have four teams and not four teams." Uchiha said very calmly, as if he didn't pay attention to this matter at all.

It's just that when he announced the news, the four people in front of him seemed to have different expressions.

Although Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryuying remained calm, the fiery radiance in their eyes was simply uncontrollable.

The expressions of Uchiha Jun and Hyuga Risari were a little stunned.

Pure Uchiha is okay, after all, she knows that the current team structure of the security department is completely unrealistic, and the number of people is really excessive.

The most important thing is that as the security department has more and more responsibilities and more and more projects, expansion is basically a matter of course!

But she really didn't expect that she would have gotten to this point inexplicably.

She came to the security department to pass information to Uchiha Fugaku, and she didn't know if she still had a chance to complete the task.

The day difference of Hyuga is pure amazement. He has not been in the security department for a long time, and his entry into the security department is the result of the transaction between Hyuga and Uchiha, and the mutual compromise within the family.

Then this result actually made him inexplicably become the most powerful person in the Hyuga clan?

Even if it's just a captain in the security department, don't forget to have the endorsement of this time on the reform of the Shang Ninja, especially now that there seems to be no more senior ninja in the family.

Although on the border, there are also their people in the small cities of the Fire Nation, but the highest position is only the captain and the like.

Therefore, Hyuga Risari has become inexplicably the one with the most power in the Konoha system within the Hyuga clan.

This change made him inexplicable, but also felt a lot of pressure.

The current situation within the Hyuga clan is really not optimistic.

Because his brother actually used some small means to distinguish the choice of himself and his family members, and his choice was also voted that time.

Now his brother's life in the clan may not be easy.

To be honest, Hyuga Risari was actually a little bit sorry in his heart.

It's not that he hated his brother because of the difference between the clan and the branch.

Even though he knew that these were helpless things, he couldn't control the hatred in his heart.

But he is more aware that he still loves his brother in his heart, and this kind of relationship between brothers can't be erased.

But now, his older brother made such a choice, which made him think of the hatred he had in the past, and a feeling of extreme remorse grew.

"A brigade has four divisions, which means that there will be a total of sixteen divisions in the security department in the future."

No matter what they were thinking in their hearts, Uchiha Keiko continued to give his orders.

"So I ask you to set up a sound administrative action, the security planning, job details, and coverage of the entire Konoha must list a detailed document, do you understand?"

"Yes, Mr. Minister!" Although the four of them had different inner thoughts, they still maintained a very strict attitude when facing Kai Uchiha.

"As for your sub-commander, choose for yourself." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"Also, in the future, your office will be in the area you are responsible for for three days, and you will be here for two days. The office will find it by yourself.

Finally, the selection and training of personnel are also left to you to do.

But remember, the autonomy given to you does not mean that the people you select can be lower than the standards I have specified, understand? "

"Yes, Mr. Minister! This subordinate understands!"


It seems extremely irresponsible to send all these things to subordinates, but Kai Uchiha didn't care at all.

He has seldom dealt with these messes with his own hands.

After all, the position is already so high, and his subordinates are not stupid.

He doesn't need to let himself waste time on these things at all, all he needs to do is to make overall plans, the future course of action of the Security Department and the layout of all aspects.

Coupled with the fact that the captains who used to be in the team now have the power that they have after becoming the captain, they are almost comparable to when they were ministers back then.

It is conceivable how miserably the Security Department was suppressed back then.

Obviously it is a super large department, but there are only three teams under it?

Of course, this also has something to do with Uchiha turning the security department into a private department.

The former security department was full of Uchiha members. What future does such a department have?

Uchiha Kai changed all this, and gradually turned this department into a well-deserved "department".

By now, this department is probably the largest and most powerful department in Konoha.

What these former sub-captains have to do is to familiarize themselves with their rights.

And imitate the framework that Uchiha Qi has built a long time ago, and slightly modify it to suit your own habits.

If they really can't do these things well, then Uchiha Kai won't mind letting them continue to do it, the squad leader they are more familiar with.

There are so many members of the security department, especially in this expansion, more people will be absorbed.

Survival of the fittest, this natural law applies everywhere.

In the security department, the principle of survival of the fittest is maintained, which can fully guarantee the vitality and competitiveness of the entire department, and even the brigade, squadron and even each team under the department.

The security department is no longer a private department, and the only one with privileges is Kai Uchiha.

Once other people fail to meet the standard, it is inevitable that they will be eliminated.

However, Uchiha Qi is not too heartless. Elimination is only a way to eliminate the ascent. As long as he does not make mistakes, he will not be directly kicked out of the guard team.

After explaining these things, the four teams...

No, they should be called the captains of the four battalions now, and start their own actions.

Even Uchiha Kai and the others emphasized that before the document is down, don't say anything about the expansion.

However, the post of the security department still attracts the attention of unknown ninjas.

The prestige of the Security Department in Konoha is getting higher and higher. In addition to this war, everyone can see the contribution made by the Security Department.

Now that the security department is recruiting people again, how can it not arouse everyone's enthusiasm?

It only took a few days for the Ministry of Guards to receive thousands of resumes.

This drove the members of the security department crazy, and taking advantage of this period of time, Uchiha Kai also quietly pulled Uchiha Chuan over and recommended him a candidate for the squad leader.

This candidate is naturally Nara Deer Castle.

This guy performed very well during the war, even if his performance was not much, but even the three generations of Hokage recognized it.

In addition to grasping the current situation and protecting the troops behind the enemy, there are also some small transactions between Uchiha Kai and Nara Shikahisa.

It's only natural that this guy's position has been slightly improved.

Uchiha Chuan has no intention of rejecting Uchiha Kai at all. For him, he will definitely implement what Uchiha Kai said.

And this guy Nara Lucheng also knows that this war is also a person who has shown a lot of limelight.

There is absolutely no problem in letting such a person serve as a sub-commander.

Even if this guy is willing, Uchihagawa feels that it is not impossible to let him lead the government affairs of a brigade.

After all, the people of the Nara clan seem to be very good at this.

Uchiha Qi doesn't know what he thinks, but even if he does, he will only support it.

After all, the current leader of the team is Uchiha Chuan, and Uchiha Kai is at most giving his opinion.

The rest still depends on how their subordinates use people and let them decide for themselves what is the best.

After dealing with these things, Uchiha Kai was not looking for these captains, and their tasks were all quite heavy.

The most important thing is that they still have to write some reports, and this task may also be troublesome for them.

And they also need to pick talent and start training in batches.

There are also various daily tasks inside Konoha, and they can't relax.

It can be said that they are definitely the most tired and busy people during this time, and it is not good to consume their energy too much.

It's just that Uchiha Kai is a little embarrassed, I'm afraid these guys will make things worse.

Because Yun Yin's negotiating force came over.

This time, the person Yun Yin came over was not sending a fighting ninja to pick things up like the last time.

They sent the Minister of State Affairs, who was at least a qualified person who knew how to handle foreign affairs.

And Konoha's side, just like the result of the discussion, directly sent those people from the opposition family, let them grind it slowly.

This grinding, the time period may be long.

Even if Yun Yin couldn't be in a hurry, the request made by Konoha was simply sucking blood and eating meat, and it was as if Yun Yin were completely pressed to death in the abyss.

This kind of condition that blatantly damages his own interests is completely unacceptable to Yun Yin.

If it weren't for the fact that the Fourth Raikage was in the hands of Konoha Yaweiren Zhuli was also in Konoha's hands.

According to the personalities of these Yun Ninjas, the possibility of slamming the table and not talking about it is probably the greatest!

"But, who made you losers?" Uchiha Kai looked at the report on the progress of the negotiation and couldn't help showing a sneer.

"After all, the loser has to pay the price. Let's talk slowly. Let's talk about it when we think it's almost the same."

"Your smile looks so sinister." At this moment, Hyuga Aya suddenly said, "Also, when are you going to leave."

"Don't worry, isn't Hokage-sama already gone, what are we worried about?"

Uchiha Kai put the report aside, then stood up and stretched.

"The fourth Raikage guy really can't stand it. He just taught him a lesson before, and now he doesn't seem to have a long memory at all."

"I'm afraid he suspects you." Hyuga Aya shook her head, and then she said with a serious face: "Is it really okay? It really doesn't work, don't worry about losing face..."

Uchiha Qi smiled, then walked in front of her and flicked her forehead. When she was stunned, he walked straight out.

The fourth Raikage woke up, and has been awake for more than half a month.

The negotiation between Konoha and Yun Ren has lasted for nearly a month, but he has no chance to contact those Yun Yin people.

But this guy has been wanting to see Uchiha Kai since he woke up.

It's a pity that Uchiha Kai has no interest in seeing him at all.

Because Uchiha Qi knows, this guy is probably suspicious of him.

Even, I plan to try it out...



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