Chapter 473: battle (on)

"You bastard..."

Hyuga Aya quickly caught up with Uchiha Kai, her face was a little unhappy, and she seemed very unhappy with what Uchiha Kai did.

But that's all, in her subconscious, she seems to be slowly accepting and getting used to it, Uchiha Kai's similar practices.

Habit is a terrible force.

It can unconsciously change a person's acceptance level and acceptance bottom line.

Just like a tamed kitten, but obviously this cat is still very ferocious.

"Don't worry, I won't expose myself for the sake of face and other issues."

Although he knew that Aya Hyuga might gradually get used to and accept some of his own practices, Kai Uchiha didn't want to go too far, and he smiled slightly casually.

"What's more, the last time I fought with him, I used the pupil technique all the time, and the fighting styles were completely differentiated. Even if he was sharp, he might not be able to detect anything."

For Hyuga Aya's concern, Uchiha Kai is still very appreciative.

However, Uchiha Qi is really not worried, what the fourth generation Raikage can detect.

Even if he hopes to test and dig out the secrets of Uchiha Kai through a method similar to battle.

But just like what he said, when he was fighting with the fourth Raikage, he directly used his pupil technique and directly crushed this guy.

Although the situation at that time was a last resort, the pressure brought by the fourth Raikage was a little too big, and he did not have any information on the fourth Raikage.

Therefore, directly using the pupil technique that restrains this guy the most to achieve the perfect suppression effect is his best choice.

But now, he already has information on the fourth Raikage.

That speed was really outrageous, but he found that he could still see the movement of the fourth Raikage.

He is different from Uchiha Fugaku, that is, the reaction nerves and physical coordination brought by his original bias are very terrifying.

Even if he can't completely keep up with the speed of the fourth Raikage, he can still see his movements clearly and defend honestly.

The most important thing is that he has read the report on the injury level of the fourth Raikage.

It can be said that if this guy's physical fitness is not too exaggerated, I'm afraid he would have died long ago!

Look at the old man Sarutobi Hizuchi, who is still stuck in the oxygen tube and hasn't woken up yet.

Although it is undeniable that Sarutobi Hibiki is old, and his physical fitness is completely inferior to the fourth generation of Raikage.

But after being hit so hard, how much of his strength could he show without Konoha completely giving him medical resources?

Eighty percent is a big deal.

Uchiha Qi can't believe that he can play 100% of his strength.

Even if he fully recovered, this is Konoha, does he really dare to do this?

Taken together, Uchiha Kai is not afraid of him.

And Uchiha Kai, who doesn't use the pupil technique, is not the opponent of the fourth-generation Raikage?

The two chatted all the way, and it took about an hour or so before they came to a forest on the edge of Konoha far away from the center of the village.

This forest is full of all kinds of weird runes, and as soon as the two of them got here, they clearly noticed that someone seemed to be spying on them.

But this kind of peep, after confirming that neither of them was a transformation technique or a disguise, immediately disappeared without a trace.

And an Anbu wearing an animal mask quickly appeared in front of them.

"Master Qi." The Anbu half-knelt on the ground: "Master Hokage has been waiting for you inside for a long time."

"Ah, is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he glanced at the guy in front of him with a slightly puzzled look: "Are you a member of the Uchiha clan?"

"Yes, Master Kai." The Anbu voice seemed to become a little excited.

"No wonder..." Uchiha nodded, and then patted him on the shoulder: "Come on."

After that, Uchiha Kai walked directly inside.

After the Uchiha family took back the rights of Anbu after the Naikaze Minato, they separated some loyal members into the Anbu.

Counting the time, it has been several years now.

The performance of these people is not bad, although there are also a few people who are very unlucky to die in the process of carrying out the mission, and even the writing wheel can not be retrieved.

However, Uchiha Fuyue did not say anything. Since he chose to enter Anbu, he must have been prepared for this.

After seeing Uchiha Kai, this Anbu's performance of kneeling directly on the ground seemed to be a little fanatical.

Although Uchiha Kai's status is indeed very high, and he also has a great reputation in Konoha.

But Anbu is Hokage's direct troops, and they generally don't do this.

But the members of the Uchiha family are different. The attitude of these Uchiha members towards Uchiha Kai has become more and more fanatical over time.

Now in the Uchiha clan, his voice is equivalent to Uchiha Fugaku!

Walking into the depths of the forest, a wooden house appeared in front of them.

There are more guards around this wooden house, both openly and secretly.

Among them, many of the guards here are still staff of the Security Department.

In addition, there are also some enchantments arranged here.

It's hard to believe that such an inconspicuous Orion-like hut has such a powerful arrangement.

However, if you know who is living in this cabin now, I am afraid there will be no such idea.

The Fourth Raikage, and the Eight-Tailed Shuri, all of them are imprisoned in this place!

It can be said that this place is actually a prison, and of course it can be said that this place is a hospital.

How to interpret and understand it depends on Konoha and the Fourth Raikage.

The fourth Raikage has been awake for more than half a month, but Kirabi is still in a coma.

After all, Kirabi was facing Susanoo in the fourth stage, and he was also beaten the hardest, so his situation was really not optimistic.

"Lord Hokage."

When Kai Uchiha walked into the wooden house, looking at the various instruments piled up throughout the room, and the Minato Namikaze who was standing aside watching it all, he smiled and called out.

"Ah, Minister Qi, you're here." Minato Minato Minato nods slightly: "Thank you for your hard work. There are so many things going on in Konoha recently, and you need to come over in person."

"Are you Uchiha Kai?"

Uchiha Qi was just about to respond to Minato Namifeng, but he was interrupted by a slightly stout and low voice before he could say anything.

"In that mysterious mouth, the guy who can make him want to fight? It's just a kid anyway."

"Yeah, I'm just a kid." Uchiha Qi nodded, and then he showed an inexplicable smile: "But anyway, I didn't get hurt like this in the battle with him."

"Little devil, are you provoking me?"

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? Aren't you doubting me and planning to do some tests? Otherwise, as Raikage, your brain wouldn't be so stupid, right?"


The Fourth Raikage was silent, that's what he really thought.

He has heard that Uchiha Kai has the same black Susanoo as that mysterious Uchiha, and he also heard that Uchiha Kai's physical skills are very terrifying!

Even if there are some rumors in Konoha, these rumors show that 'Susanoh can have the same color'.

But in the eyes of the fourth generation of Raikage, this seems to be deliberately helping Uchiha Kai clear the relationship.

Even Uchiha Kai is afraid of being misunderstood by Konoha, but as the head of the security department, as long as Naruto trusts, there is almost no problem.

Taking the initiative to explain and release rumors in this way is not in a hurry, but probably for some unknown purpose.

Four generations of Raikage regarded Konoha as a hostile opponent, and he would naturally use the most vicious to speculate on various things in Konoha.

So he is guessing, guessing whether Uchiha Kai is that **** mysterious Uchiha!

He hoped to confirm this conjecture, and if it wasn't, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Anyway, he is already a prisoner, and it is normal to have all the resentment in his heart.

If it is, then he may be able to win a lot of things for this negotiation!

Konoha is attacked by these mysterious men, and the Nine-Tails are unleashed to cause unimaginable destruction.

Even Minato Minato Namikaze's wife, Kyuubi Shinna, the nine-tailed man, almost died.

With such a deep hatred, he didn't believe Konoha would defend Kai Uchiha.

The Fourth Raikage is not a brainless guy, at least from the time of the war, when they Yun Yin faced the mysterious Uchiha.

Konoha came over without hesitation. Although he had the idea of ​​fighting the autumn wind, he didn't have a good attitude when facing that guy.

"Hmph, nonsense!"

Although the fourth Raikage thinks this way, he still needs face.

"I'm just curious, what kind of power will make that **** guy interested in fighting, and I also want to see how you face that guy!"

The voice fell, and the fourth Raikage wanted to shoot, but his chakra couldn't be brought up at all.

This made him look angrily at Minato Nakamo, and then look at Kai Uchiha with a look of resentment.

Uchiha Kai was a little funny. Although he knew that this guy was acting, his performance was really not bad.

If he didn't know what he thought, other people might have believed his nonsense.

Uchiha Kai shook his head slightly, although he turned to look at Minato Namikaze.

And Namikaze Minato happened to look at him and nodded slightly when he saw him.

Namikaze Minato was also very straightforward, and said directly: "Let's unseal him, it's okay, he can't make waves in Konoha."

This sentence is very confident and very firm.

After the fourth Raikage's face changed suddenly, the fist of his left hand was clenched tightly, and it seemed that his heart was very dissatisfied.

However, when the other Konoha ninjas in this cabin heard this, their faces became joyful and emotional.

After hearing the conversation between the fourth Raikage and Uchiha Kai, they immediately knew what the fourth Raikage was expressing.

This is fundamentally alienating the relationship between the four generations of Hokage and Minister Kai, and it is even more alienating the relationship between Minister Kai and Konoha!

They were very angry in their hearts, but they also knew that they couldn't get in on the conversation at this level.

But now it seems that the four generations of Hokage-sama did not believe this guy's nonsense at all.

Moreover, Minister Kai didn't seem to take the provocation of the fourth Raikage in his eyes, and directly agreed to this guy's battle request.

That's right, they can all see that the fourth Raikage wants to fight!

Whatever the purpose, the guy deliberately expressed his desire to fight.

It's okay to try it out, or deliberately take the opportunity to unlock the seal, this guy just doesn't have a good heart anyway.

However, Minister Qi didn't seem to care, and Hokage-sama didn't seem to pay attention to the actions of the fourth Raikage at all.

Also, the relationship between Minister Qi and Hokage-sama is really very good.

When Minister Qi was just an ordinary chunin, he teamed up with Hokage-sama, who had not yet reached the top, to complete a mission.

One, the mission to end the entire war!

The relationship between these two people will not be changed because of the nonsense of this **** fourth Raikage.

And in retaliation, the four generations of Hokage directly said such a shameless thing, obviously dissatisfied with this guy's open mouth.

As for whether Minister Kai can defeat the Fourth Raikage, although they are a little hesitant in their hearts, they still believe in Uchiha Kai's decision.

Because their chief Kai, but once used the shadow clone to cooperate with the four generations of Hokage to seal the nine tails.

And fight against a mysterious Uchiha alone and defeat him, although it seems that there are two members of Uchiha in that mysterious organization But anyway, Uchiha Kai is the only one who has defeated them so far. Do you have enough confidence in the fourth generation of Raikage?

Soon, the seal of the fourth Raikage was touched.

He clenched his left hand tightly and felt the chakra rushing in his body. Only at this moment did he feel real safety.

A ninja without chakra is a terrible thing.

Even if their fighting consciousness and physical quality are not comparable to ordinary people, the impact on them is incalculable.

Especially the fourth-generation Raikage, Chakra is so powerful and terrifying, and relies on Chakra to perform ninjutsu.

Once there is no Chakra, his fighting ability will be greatly reduced.

Raising his head, the Fourth Raikage looked at Minato Namikaze, and then he withdrew his gaze and stared at Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Qi didn't pay too much attention to him, but turned around and walked towards the door.

For him, the battle with the fourth Raikage was originally expected, and there was no point in talking too much nonsense.

Walking outside the wooden house, Uchiha Kai said casually to the people around him, and then simply walked to an empty place to wait for the fourth Raikage.

The Konoha ninjas who were waiting here knew what was going to happen next, and they all gathered around involuntarily.

And the Anbu people were not idle either. After the Fourth Raikage walked to this open area, they immediately began to set up the barrier.

Such a battle, but without setting a barrier, the ghost knows what will happen!

Of course, it is not entirely certain whether this enchantment is useful or not...



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