Chapter 478: 4 man squad

"I said, why are you following?"

"You think I want to come? Watergate-sensei's task is just that, who is the person you're talking to, why did Watergate-sensei ask me to come with me, and she also asked me to make some mental preparations, and tell me directly, okay?"

In a grove outside Konoha Village, Uchiha Kai, Kakashi, and Imai Kenta were walking unhurriedly forward.

The three of them had already left Konoha for some distance, but this time the trip had changed from the original two to three inexplicably.

In fact, Uchiha Kai didn't even think about it himself. When he and Imai Kenta walked to the gate of Konoha Village, they found Kakashi waiting there.

After some exchanges, I found out that this guy feels that this guy wants to act with the two of them.

But now, Uchiha Kai has figured out what Namikaze Minato means.

Quite simply, letting Kakashi come out was just to convey some information.

On the one hand, it is to convey a message to Orochimaru, and the meaning of this message is clear.

Kakashi is the minister of Anbu, and this matter is not hidden from anyone.

Except for some Genin who are too low in status, and some Chunin who are not in the mainstream.

Everyone else will know that the former Konoha genius Hatake Kakashi has become the minister of Konoha Anbu.

For a guy like Orochimaru, his intelligence gathering ability is absolutely top-notch. It is impossible for him not to know the news.

And now Namifeng Minato directly sent the three ministers, the Minister of Anbu, the Minister of the Security Department, and the Minister of the Mission Department, to Orochimaru openly.

Obviously, he is telling Orochimaru, 'I already know your existence, and I don't plan to pursue your past affairs. We will cooperate with you, but you should not do anything beyond the scope of our cooperation'.

It means a warning, and it also means an intention to cooperate.

A person as smart as Orochimaru would probably not have imagined what it meant.

To put it bluntly, it is to let him continue to keep in touch with Konoha, so that he can do some things that Konoha is not good at doing by himself.

Likewise, Konoha will provide him with enough shelter and certain resources.

All of this is hidden and will never leave any trace of information, but it is definitely information that Orochimaru can understand.

Compared to the obscure message that was passed on to Orochimaru, Minato Namifeng took great pains to pass a message to Kakashi.

The message is very simple and straightforward, that is, "Orochimaru is our person, and Konoha will suppress his situation in the future" and so on.

And just in case, Namikaze Minato would not let Kakashi go to see Orochimaru alone, but let Kakashi go with him while Uchiha Kai and the others act this time.

Not only can it increase their friendship, but it can also broaden Kakashi's horizons.

"Because the person you want to meet is not an easy person, Kakashi."

Imai Kenta said with a harmless smile on his face, the whole person looked very sunny.

"Well, to put it simply, it's a guy similar to Kai."

"A guy similar to Kai?" Kakashi was a little puzzled, why was I the only one who didn't know: "The same gentle person?"

"No, no, it's not that this guy has a face... cough, cough, treat his friends like that."

Imai Kenta felt a 'death stare' as soon as he opened his mouth, and he immediately changed his tone.

"It's the way he behaves when dealing with the enemy. I don't know how many people call him a 'cold viper'."

"Like, a cold and vicious snake-like person..." Kakashi was stunned, he naturally knew the nickname Uchiha Kai.

When he served in Anbu, he captured a lot of enemies.

And from some of the battle manuals of these enemies, or the information they got from their mouths, without exception, their evaluation of Uchiha Kai was very bad.

In addition to 'powerful', 'smart', and 'high-level writing wheel eyes', there are only various negative comments left.

For example, 'cold', 'cunning', 'shameless', 'unscrupulous', etc., among which the most common description is 'cold viper'.

These are the enemy's evaluation of Uchiha Kai, and it is almost completely stripped of Uchiha Kai from his performance in the village.

And it can be seen that those enemies' evaluation of Uchiha Kai is very bad and full of fear.

So who is like Uchiha Kai, who will make the enemy hate, fear, and be full of fear.

And listening to Kenta Imai's tone, it seems that when the guy faces his own people, he will feel that this guy is very good.

But at this moment, Kakashi suddenly noticed a strange chakra.

He immediately became alert, not only him, but also Uchiha Kei and Imai Kenta also stopped and looked around.

Uchiha Qi is not a ninja with sentience, but he can clearly perceive the bright and undisguised chakra fluctuations, even if he is not good in this respect.

Not to mention Kenta Imai, a guy with extremely strong perception, who has already discovered this chakra.

It's just that none of the three of them acted, because there is no way to tell whether the owner of this chakra is an enemy or a friend.

The only thing that can be known is that the owner of this chakra deliberately made them aware of it.

This can be regarded as a relatively good-willed performance, and it is precisely because of this that they did not do it for the first time.

Otherwise, once the three of them decide that the other party came with malice, they will definitely not hold back any hands.

"What... how is it you? How did you come back?"

The three stood there and waited, and soon a figure appeared in front of them.

Looking at this guy who appeared, both Uchiha Kai and Kakashi were stunned.

Imai Kenta had a puzzled look on his face, and finally Uchiha Kai couldn't help but asked a question.

There is no doubt that this guy is Uchiha Obito.

It was precisely because he found out that it was this guy that Uchiha Kai was so stunned. How did this guy come back?

"Lord Kai, I'm sorry I didn't inform you, because the matter is a little urgent." Uchiha Obito ran over while feeling his head.

"Because some people disguised themselves as other people, and then made too much trouble, and I didn't seem to say it was okay, so I took the initiative to take a mission to investigate the information, so I came back."

"Don't speak so yin and yang, especially when you are facing your boss, does Hokage-sama know?"

"Understood, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find you."

Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Obito with his hands around his chest, but this time he knew the reason why Uchiha Obito came back.

The relationship is because he was too violent, which caused Uchiha Obito to seize the opportunity.

And this opportunity may be 'I have used my eyes for so long without any problems, thus attracting Hei Jue's attention'.

I have to say that this guy Hei Jue really pays attention to himself, and this kid Uchiha Obito is really looking for opportunities...


Inexplicably, there was an extra Uchiha Obito in the team, which turned the original three-person team into a full task team.

The most important thing is that the configuration of this squad is so luxurious that it can easily destroy some small countries.

The power of Kai Uchiha does not need to be repeated. Even if the fourth stage of Susanoo has not completely become a complete body, this stage can also be regarded as a weapon of war.

Imai Kenta's ability to attack and strangle is also terrifying. The most important thing is that he is not only good at small-scale battles, but his chakra and ninjutsu are also the most terrifying existences in large-scale battles.

As for the two guys Kakashi and Obito....

One is one of the most popular white hairs in the original book, and the guy who can fight with anyone.

The other is the villain who performed well and even forcibly reached the stage of Six Paths in the original work until the late stage.

With such a combination, Uchiha Qi felt that he might not talk about some small countries.

Let them quietly enter the Ninja Village of a big country, I am afraid that the final fate of the Ninja Village will be destroyed by them, right?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai was too lazy to think about these messes.

Taking a look at Uchiha Obito who was walking with Kakashi, the ghost knows if the two are naturally attractive.

Even though the two of them seem to be chatting with each other now, the level of harmony is really not comparable to Uchiha Kei and Imai Kenta.

Perhaps, the two really have an unprecedented tacit understanding, right?

"Speak, who is this kid?" At this moment, Kenta Imai suddenly asked in a low voice, "The guy who was placed in that mysterious organization?"

"Yes, it's him." Since Kenta Imai asked, Uchiha Kei didn't hide it at all: "Isn't it surprising that this kid is so young?"

"It's a little bit, but it's not too surprising." Kenta Imai nodded, and then his expression became a little dignified: "However, this kid is really trusted, I feel that white substance on him. breath."

The breath of white matter?

Uchiha Qi turned back and glanced at Obito, the guy's arm that was supposed to be white was already wrapped in bandages, just like the future Seventh Hokage.

I have to say, this guy is quite prepared.

Even if his camouflage can hide the color on his arms, it is likely to be seen through by experienced ninjas.

So, instead of pretending to be like that, it's better to just wrap it up.

And it's not surprising that Imai Kenta found such an anomaly.

This kid doesn't know how many similar serums he has injected himself, and he already has an unknown number of such cells in his body.

He is just waiting now, waiting for such a cell to slowly become his own.

Once this step is completed, I am afraid that his strength will also be extremely terrifying.

Even if it is not as good as the first Hokage - the first Hokage has incredible secret techniques and a lot of actual combat experience, I am afraid that his actual performance will not be too bad.

"After all, he is also a very important **** for that mysterious organization." Uchiha Qi sighed and replied in a low voice.

"Tell me about that mysterious organization?" Imai Ken tilted his head too much: "From the beginning to the end, my understanding of that mysterious organization is very vague, who they are and what they plan to do, I don't know at all. clear."

"They're going to capture the tailed beast." Uchiha Qi glanced at him, thought for a moment, and then said slowly.

"Of course, not now, he has a more important chess piece for them that hasn't transformed.

And their purpose is not only that, it is crazy and terrifying, you can understand this organization as a group of lunatics. "

"Okay, it's so perfunctory." Imai Kenta shook his head, turned to look at Uchiha Obito, he suddenly said with a smile.

"However, a group of lunatics is also very interesting. The lunatic cooperates with the lunatic. They are all people with mental problems. It's really no problem to do so."

Uchiha Kai glanced at Imai Kenta with a faint look, this guy's mouth is really getting more and more unscrupulous.

But Uchiha Kai didn't bother to argue with him about this kind of thing.

Because in Uchiha Kai's opinion, the so-called Xiao organization, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito are really the product of a group of lunatics and two neuroses.

The Uchiha family are all neurotic, which Uchiha Kai very much agrees with.

He didn't think secretly once that the Uchiha family might be all crazy except him.

There is no problem with Kenta Imai's words So why did he refute it?

Now with his own intervention, those people in the Uchiha clan's "condition" have gotten a lot better.

But it is undeniable that their neurotic practices in memory really left an indelible impression on him.

Even now that his condition has improved, isn't there a "neuropathy" like Uchiha Shisui?

Fortunately, this guy's 'illness' is not that serious, otherwise there will be only one end waiting for this kid.

"To be clear, I agree with you that the Uchiha clan are insane, but please exclude me."

Uchiha Qi's voice suddenly became a little softer: "Speak ignorant of the facts, no matter how familiar we are and how good our relationship is, you will pay for it."

"Okay, okay, except for you, the Uchiha family is crazy." Imai Kenta smiled and spread his hands: "Speak, do you know where Orochimaru is now?"

"Of course I do." Uchiha Ki gave him a disdainful look: "When I came out, I already got in touch with him through the psychic snake, and agreed to be in a small town between the Kingdom of Fire and Konoha. Meet."

There are many small towns, villages and cities in the country of fire, and the whereabouts of this guy, Orochimaru, are a little erratic.

If he didn't make an appointment to meet in advance, Uchiha Kai was not sure where he was going to find this guy.

Kei Uchiha won't do that kind of stupid thing, make all kinds of preparations, and keep responding to all kinds of unplanned emergencies.

This is what he has always insisted on the most...



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