Chapter 479: Do you want to go play?

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

It took a group of four people two days to arrive at the agreed town.

They didn't act in a hurry. After all, it was normal for a ninja to leave the village for more than a week after the normal mission was carried out.

Although Uchiha Kai and the three of them are in important positions, it is definitely not a good thing for them to be away for too long.

Especially at this moment Konoha is negotiating with Yun Yin, and the entire Ninja World seems to be affected by this negotiation, and there are many chain reactions.

But this kind of problem doesn't need them to work hard. After all, Konoha still has the Hokage of Feng Minato, and the head of the administrative department of Nara Shikahisa.

As long as the three of them don't stay out for a long time, there won't be too many problems.

The three of them are obviously aware of this, so their performance is so unhurried.

Especially when they came out this time, they had a lot of other ideas, even Kakashi.

After meeting Uchibo Lin, Kakashi was really surprised to find that he got along very well with this guy.

Although they have different views on many things, the tacit understanding between them seems to be innate.

He really released a feeling that 'I am getting along with Obito'.

It is true that Uchiha Kai's position in his heart has rivaled or even surpassed Obito, but this transcendence is more of a kind of respect.

He has always regarded Uchiha Kai as his teacher, the one who guided him from going astray in his life and led him from darkness to light.

Such a person is his best friend and a person he admires in his heart, but it is difficult for him to see himself and Uchiha Kai on the same level.

Although there is no problem in getting along with each other in daily life, his heart will always put Uchiha Kai in a higher position unconsciously.

With this 'Uchipolitan' again, he didn't have such a feeling. Instead, he felt a kind of intimacy that seemed to come from blood.

"Looks like it should be here."

Kai Uchiha didn't know what was going on in Kakashi's mind.

After entering the town, he observed the environment here a little, and directly concluded that this place was the place they were looking for.

I have to say that the situation here seems to be so chaotic, because after a few of them entered the town, they found that there are quite a lot of ninjas here.

If it is a normal registered Konoha ninja, it will be fine, but the ninja in this town is very complicated.

In addition to wearing a forehead guard to determine which ninja from the ninja village, there are all kinds of wandering samurai and ninjas, so it is completely impossible to judge.

There are ninjas who are attached to Ninja Village, and they may come here to perform tasks.

And those wandering samurai and ninjas, I am afraid it is not so simple here.

For these lone wolves who have no influence, there are really not many ways for them to make money.

The most suitable task for them is probably the most dangerous bounty task.

Wandering samurai and ninja, they call it a lone wolf who disdains to join the ninja village.

But to put it harshly, they are simply some traitors or people who are not strong enough and are not valued at all.

Of course, there are also many powerful guys among such people, but those guys are basically betrayal ninjas who have been nailed in the ninja village battle manual.

So no matter which category they belong to, the things they can do can only be the most dangerous, and they are the real outlaws.

"It's very suitable for Orochimaru's choice." Imai Kenta said in a low voice, "It's messy and there are so many people of all kinds. This kind of place is really suitable for hiding oneself, and it is also suitable for getting information."

"Indeed." Uchiha Qi suddenly stopped as he walked, looked at a strange building beside him and touched his chin: "It seems, I'm almost seventeen."

"Isn't it? Isn't it?" Imai Kenta looked at him incredulously: "You wouldn't want to play here, would you?"

"Is it too much to take a hot spring?" Uchiha turned his head to look at Imai Kenta: "I told you to go to a custom shop, so you can't have a good hot spring bath?"

"You think I would believe your nonsense? Of course, it's fine for Aya to believe you."

"Please, she didn't come with me, not to mention that you brought me to the hot spring for the first time."

Kenta Imai rolled his eyes when he heard the words. The last time he took Uchiha to the hot spring, it was a regular hot spring in Konoha.

And where is this house in front of you?

This is a custom shop!

I am afraid that there are not many people with normal brains who do not know the specific business here.

It is true that there are hot springs to offer, and even quite decent accommodation.

But that doesn't change the nature of the place, does it?

Uchiha Kai actually thought of coming here to play?

This is really what Imai Kenta didn't expect, although there is a high probability that he thinks that this is a big joke started by Uchiha.

However, when he thought that Aya Hyuga didn't follow him, Kai Uchiha started to say something like this, which means that this guy doesn't seem to be honest.

But soon, Imai Kenta touched his chin.

Guys like Kai Uchiha would say such things, is it that Aya Hyuga is usually too strict?

Think about it too, that woman is not only crazy, but also extremely dangerous.

It seems normal to get along with this kind of person or even go further, and it seems normal to be unbearable.

Thinking of this, Imai Kenta suddenly changed into a look of "I sympathize with you" and patted Kei Uchiha on the shoulder.

This guy's face-changing speed and attitude directly confuse Uchiha Ki, who was joking, and he didn't realize what was going on for a while.

"Seriously, I sympathize with you." Imai Kenta said in a slightly low voice: "Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you, as long as you treat..."

"Go to hell." Uchiha Qi patted the guy's arm with one hand: "Let's not say what your sympathy is, and I can treat you to dinner, and pay for other things yourself."

After saying this, Uchiha Kai walked forward without looking back, but he felt something was wrong for a moment.

When did you say that you are going to play in such a place?

This is just to tease Imai Kenta, and at the same time recall the only time he came to this world and went to the hot spring.

It turned out that it was better now. Imai Kenta, the bastard, started talking nonsense, as if he wanted to play.

"The **** guy."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, but a joke is a joke, and it's over when it's over.

Taking a look at a pub in front of him, Uchiha Kai's expression became much more serious. That pub was where they met with Orochimaru...


Entering this tavern, Uchiha Kai frowned slightly.

This pub looks very dark, and even needs to turn on the lights in the daytime.

Moreover, the tavern was also full of people, and these people seemed to be very vigilant, and they were a little wary of strangers coming in.

These guys don't see any signs of identity at all, let alone where they belong.

Uchiha Qi glanced at these guys and walked directly inside.

They had already taken down the sign that they belonged to Konoha, and even Uchiha Obito had replaced the green vest.

Among the four of them, although three of them still have the possibility of being recognized.

But now they have all taken off their iconic identifiers, and it doesn't matter whether they recognize them or not.

Besides, the few of them have no intention of hiding their identities.

Simply put, as long as you are careful, they don't even care about these wandering ninjas, or some kind of betrayal.

As long as they are guarded against poisoning, these families are not necessarily able to do anything to them no matter how hard they are living.

And they have another purpose for taking down the Konoha markers, which is to convey a message - they are not here to arrest or kill.

Going all the way to the deepest part, Orochimaru's predetermined location is a single room similar to a box.

In fact, the sound insulation of such a single room is very general, such as now.

When they passed a single room, they could hear wanton laughter from inside, as well as some girls' panting.

"A place like this is really interesting." Imai Kenta suddenly laughed: "A guy like this is not afraid of being targeted by his enemies and dying here."

"I'm afraid these outlaws never thought about that day at all." Uchiha Obito said suddenly: "Moreover, a really powerful guy won't let go, so I'm afraid this kind of person won't be a powerful guy."

"That's true." Kakashi nodded: "But it's not accurate. After all, Konoha has a ninja with a peculiar but powerful personality."

"People cannot be generalized." Uchiha Qi directly took over the topic: "Think about how powerful the previous Hokage was, but look at the virtue of the guy who inherited the current Qianshou family."

"Hello? What do you mean by that?"

"It's not interesting, it's just a comparison, and I didn't name it."

Uchiha Kai teased a little, and ignored Kenta Imai's unhappy face, he stopped directly at the door of a small single room.

He knocked on the door lightly, and then he opened the wooden door directly without waiting for any response from the people inside.

This room is not very big, but it is no problem to sit five or six people in it.

And there was already a person sitting in this room, Kakashi and Uchiha Obito couldn't help but dilated their pupils slightly when they saw this person.

Because this guy has no disguise at all, he is Orochimaru!

The person Uchiha Kai wants to meet is Orochimaru?

This guy is the most wanted man in Konoha, why does Kai Uchiha want to see this person?

Suddenly Kakashi seemed to understand something, but he was not so sure about many things.

He felt that he had better watch it quietly now and see what Uchiha Kai and Orochimaru were going to talk about.

After all, his teacher sent himself to follow Uchiha Kai, which definitely has its meaning.

"It seems very bad for you to be swaggering like this, Orochimaru-sama." Uchiha Qi sat down directly, and then sighed slightly: "You should know that we are now in a relationship between a cat and a mouse, you will make me very embarrassed. of."

"Is it really just a relationship between cats and mice, Minister Qi?" Orochimaru seemed to not care what Uchiha Kai said at all, his eyes swept over everyone present and then laughed hoarsely.

"Three ministers plus a mysterious guy. I'm afraid now it seems that I am no longer a mouse or something, but a knife in your hands?"

Uchiha Kai chuckled lightly, then picked up the teacup in his hand and took a sip.

Even though this guy Orochimaru has been away for so long, his vision and vision have not been affected in the slightest, on the contrary, he has become more acute.

Just looking at the people in front of me and contacting their identities.

He instantly guessed the meaning of Uchiha Kai, or Namikaze Minato.

But he didn't mean to disagree at all, and of course he didn't give any meaning in favor.

It's no big deal to make him Orochimaru a knife.

The key is, what can Konoha give, and what can he give him?

These are the most important!

Orochimaru is a very practical person, and he has no interest in imaginary things.

If Konoha can give him what he wants, he will be very happy to make Konoha a knife.

Kakashi sat on the side and listened to the conversation between the two. At this moment, he also clearly understood the reason why his teacher called him over.

Sure enough, it was the same as what he thought, and at this moment Kakashi also knew what he was going to do in the future.

In fact, let's recall when Uchiha Kai raided the Orochimaru base.

It seems that Orochimaru deliberately left something behind, which allowed his teacher to regain a lot of rights.

And after Konoha announced that Orochimaru is a traitor, it seems that only Jirai is chasing Orochimaru from beginning to end, right?

Here, a lot of problems have been explained.

Only Obitu tilted his head, as if the matter had nothing to do with him, but he was thinking about something else.

"How to understand is the matter of Mr. Orochimaru himself, I just don't want to expose some things that shouldn't be exposed."

Uchiha Qi looked at Orochimaru calmly, and then he took out a note from the empty bag and handed it over.

"I think Orochimaru-sama has a lot of psychology, doesn't it?"

"Of course, don't worry, no one can know who I am when I come in, except some people."

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue. He took the note and looked at it: "It seems that Minister Qi is really ambitious when he comes to me this time."

"Simply put, here is what I need, what Konoha needs, and what Hokage-sama needs." Uchiha Kai's voice was still flat.

"In addition to giving you normal shelter, we can also give you some resources, but whether these resources are in Konoha's interests depends on the consideration of Lord Orochimaru."

"It's interesting." Orochimaru looked at the note carefully for a long time, then nodded and put the note away.

"I'll sort out what I want and tell you tonight. But before that, I need you to help me out."

Troubleshoot some trouble?

Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, but at this moment, the door to the private room they were in was opened...
