Chapter 482: it's better

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

"Looks like it's going to take a little more effort."

Uchiha Qi looked at Jiraiya calmly. Although the aftermath of the battle just now seemed to be great, in fact, both of them were just regular battles.

The strongest power used is nothing but Spiral Maru and Chidori.

This level of fighting can really pose a threat to the two of them, and even for a ninjutsu like Spiral Maru, Uchiha Kai doesn't even bother to hide when he is prepared!

The most basic, spiral pills with no chakra properties added at all.

Even if it is an instant attack, it is really difficult to break through Uchiha Kai's defense.

And although Uchiha Kai's Chidori has mastered it for four years, he can completely ignore the sprint distance, and he can burst into full power.

But Jiraiya has never been a vegetarian. In the face of a technique like Chidori, he has various means and methods to avoid it.

Such a situation is naturally that neither of them can do anything about the other, and the strength of the two of them is too strong.

The tavern couldn't bear the pressure of the two of them at all, and turned into a pile of ruins!

Looking at Jiraiya with a dignified expression, Kai Uchiha suddenly chuckled.

He could see that Jiraiya had already completely regarded himself as an enemy now.

It seems that the rumors that he threw out did not seem to have any impact on Jiraiya.

It can only be said that those rumors really vary from person to person.

The Fourth Raikage also doubted it, but after he showed a fighting style that was different from the "mysterious Uchiha", he didn't dare to say anything now.

Maybe his heart is still full of doubts, but at least he won't hold on to this matter anymore.

And Jiraiya is different. With Orochimaru's trajectory as evidence, and this time he happened to meet Orochimaru and was caught by him, he probably wouldn't believe this kind of thing easily.

But that's fine. With such hostility, you can fully exert your own strength, right?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi slowly pulled out the cut jade from his waist.

The blue chakra has completely bloomed on the knife, which obviously indicates that Kai Uchiha is serious.

Seeing this scene, Jiraiya's expression became even more solemn.

The battle just now can only be regarded as an appetizer, not even a warm-up. I am afraid that is the real battle now, right?

And Kakashi, who saw this scene on the side, also noticed that the development of things seemed to be a little more than expected.

He immediately wanted to step forward to stop him, but the next moment he was stopped by Kenta Imai.

"What are you doing?" Kakashi asked with a frown, "Didn't you realize that Lord Kai and Jiraiya are going to be serious?"

"Of course I saw it, but I think you'd better not disturb them." Kenta Imai said in a low voice, and Uchiha Obito also turned to look at them suspiciously.

"I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding about us now. Qi could have explained it, but he didn't. Why don't you think about the reasons?"

"The reason?" Kakashi frowned, while Uchiha Obito looked around and asked suspiciously, "Could it be that Minister Qi was worried that what he said would be noticed by the guys around me?"

"Of course, and Lord Jiraiya didn't mention that name?" Kenta Imai glanced at Uchiha Obito, then nodded.

"Ghosts know if these desperadoes who lick their blood with the tip of their knives will have some interesting means. Besides, such a battle is also to inspire one's own thoughts."

It's for fairy mode!

Imai Kenta made a mental complaint, and as soon as he fought with Jiraiya, Imai Kenta immediately thought of some key points.

It seems that the only way to explain why Uchiha Qi started without saying a word.

In that tavern, they had the opportunity to explain the situation.

But Uchiha Kai obviously thought about it but didn't do it, so the only explanation is that he has some purpose and ideas.

In fact, Imai Kenta is also very puzzled, why is such a powerful ninja Jiraiya acting so impulsive.

But now he seems to have reacted, and Jiraiya has been tracking Orochimaru. As a result, wherever this guy goes, the incident of "Mysterious Uchiha Attacks the Tailed Beast" pops up.

The probability of this kind of thing, plus this meeting happened to meet Uchiha Kai again, and Jirai didn't have any doubts in his mind. It's strange, and it's strange if he doesn't act so impulsive.

"Ninja, the technique of messing up the lion's hair!"

Suddenly, Jiraiya folded his hands together, and the next terrifying chakra bloomed directly on his body.

I saw his white hair suddenly grow longer, forming a huge lion head and attacking Uchiha Kai like lightning.

Looking at the blade-like hair, Kieryu in Uchiha Kai's hand quickly waved, but in an instant he cut off these hairs of Jiraiya.

But the next moment, he found that Zilai also rushed in front of him, and immediately punched him in the stomach!

"It's this trick again."

Using his hair to form cover, and then the driver launched a surprise move, Uchiha Kai had seen such a move before.

I saw Uchiha Qiwei slightly dodged Jiraiya's punch, and then kicked him in the stomach.

Jiraiya's reaction speed was very fast. He tapped his feet lightly, and the whole person flew up, and then he punched Uchiha Kai's head again.

Uchiha Kai leaned back slightly, and his fist was slashed from his eyes, but the next moment he seemed to think of something.

Without the slightest hesitation, the cut jade in Uchiha Kai's hand quickly stabbed Jiraiya's chest.

Sure enough, the next moment he found that his ninja knife was being held up.

This guy, Jiraiya, is really good at dealing with Sharinyan's insight!

This move seems to be called a frog or a hand, and Uchiha Kai can't remember it clearly.

At the beginning, Naruto Uzumaki relied on this move to avoid the shared sight of Liu Dao Payne, and then shattered a clone.

This time the attack was unsuccessful, and Jirai didn't care at all. He quickly launched his offensive without saying a word.

He didn't use any ninja tools, he just kept getting close to Kai Uchiha's body, not letting Kiriyu have any room to play.

I have to say that his actions really made Uchiha Kai a little uncomfortable.

Especially this guy's fist is really hard, and this guy's defensive ability is a bit too strong.

However, Uchiha Kai is not in a hurry, such a personal battle is not a threat to him at all, but he has an insight that he does not have at all!

Finally, Uchiha Kai found an opportunity, and he quickly opened the distance from Jiraiya.

Before Jiraiya quickly posted it, the ninja sword was swung out!

Kiriyu, who exuded a bright blue light, opened Jiraiya's chest unceremoniously, but Uchiha Kai did not move further, because the 'Jiraiya' in front of him directly turned into a cloud of smoke.

"Fire Escape Fire Bomb!"

Suddenly, a powerful fire escape chakra bloomed behind Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Qi just glanced at it, and then a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In an instant, black chakra spewed out and wrapped him directly.

These dark chakras spread rapidly around his body like flames, and huge skeletons quickly emerged from the flames.

Just a moment, a dark Chakra giant with a cold atmosphere appeared in front of everyone.

And the moment the terrifying fire escape touched this giant, it disappeared directly, without causing any waves at all.

"The dark chakra giant, Susanoh?"

Jilai also watched this scene, feeling the breath that Susanoo was emitting, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Then his face turned straight, and when he lifted his hands, he quickly formed a seal: "Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!"

Without warning, the land under Uchiha Kai's feet turned into a swamp!

And the range of this swamp is unusually huge, and the process of change is unbelievably fast.

Uchiha Qi lowered his head slightly and glanced at the swamp under his feet, he couldn't help shaking his head, obviously Jiraiya planned to use this swamp to trap himself.

But is this possible?

Without any extra action at all, Uchiha Qi stood above this swamp.

The powerful chakra erupted quickly, and this swamp seemed to have no attraction to him, and did not move him at all!

"Is it just this level?" Uchiha Qi looked at Jiraiya indifferently: "If that's the case, then I'm welcome, Lord Jiraiya."

After the words were closed, the huge Susanoo instantly put his arm on the ninja sword at his waist, and the huge chakra had begun to show slightly.

There was no one around them now, and those wandering warriors and ninjas were not fools.

This level of battle is really not something they can continue to watch.

They almost felt the cold Chakra, and they quickly fled the scene when they saw the dark Chakra giant appear.

Yun Ren's dead souls of more than 7,000 people are still telling their tragedies. Although these wandering warriors and ninjas are desperados, they don't want to die so inexplicably!

The ninjas of Konoha were also terrified one by one. They couldn't figure out why the two big men in the village would start such a large-scale battle here.

But all they can do is to leave quickly and find a way to report the incident to the village.

They don't have the qualifications, and they don't have the strength to stop these two!

As Susanoo drew his sword, Jiraiya immediately felt a huge threat.

That kind of feeling as if locked by the **** of death, let him know that he really can't hold back now!

Terrible speed, incredible insight, and such a powerful ninjutsu as this Chidori.

It can be said that Uchiha Kei is a perfect type of ninja without Susanoo.

And using a killing machine like Susanoo, his destructive power and power will become even more terrifying!

"According to normal information, his Susanoo has dealt with the nine tails."

Jiraiya has already made up his mind: "Moreover, if Orochimaru and the several attacks are linked, his Susanoo may be even more terrifying. The most important thing is..."

The chakra on Jiraiya has become extremely strange, but it caters to nature extremely!

There were some weird patterns on his face, and a white beard appeared on his chin.

Susanoo was like Shura, the ninja sword was unsheathed in an instant, and the sturdy blade ripped apart the earth, but Jiraiya had already disappeared in place.

He stood steadily in the open space on the side, looking at the ground torn by a knife, his hands had begun to seal.

"The most important thing is that he still has teammates, although he has not shot, but I have to keep a hand to deal with them.

If they are lost, Wen Tai and the others can also use it for retreat or to pass on information, but it’s just, writing round eyes…”

Zilai also thought about it, but the movements in his hands did not slow down at all: "Xianfa·Fire Dun·Great Flame Bomb!"

A fire that was even stronger than before erupted in Jiraiya's mouth.

The violent flames, combined with the oil condensed by Jiraiya with Chakra, madly attacked Uchiha Kai!

Uchiha Qi looked at all this indifferently, but his heart was already overjoyed.

Immortal mode, the immortal mode he had been waiting for for a long time finally appeared!

This model Uchiha has been peeping for a long time, and he has been waiting for this kind of chakra.

Now this model finally appeared in front of his eyes Why is Kai Uchiha unhappy?

But happy is happy, he can not have the slightest slack.

In the face of such an attack mixed with immortal chakra, Uchiha Kai directly controlled Susanoo to swing his sword again, but the next moment Uchiha Kai's face changed slightly.

Because he clearly felt that although the terrifying flame was indeed cut open by him.

But the immortal chakra contained in it also entered his Susanoo.

And he can feel that there is something wrong with the internal structure of the Chakra giant blade!

"Susanoo in the second stage, can't resist the immortal mode at all?"

Uchiha Qi frowned slightly, and then he smiled casually.

"That's right, the immortal mode is already beyond common sense, and the second stage Susanoo is powerful.

However, there is still a huge gap between its internal structure and the precision of Chakra in the face of this level of art.

Maybe the third and fourth stages can be immune, and the fifth stage can be completely ignored. "

If the magic chakra can always affect and affect the structure of Susanoo, what else is there to fight between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama?

Even if Madara Uchiha is defeated every time, it is undeniable that every time he drags Chishou Hasuma to the brink of collapse.

Senju Hasuma is a master at using immortality, and if Madara Uchiha does not ignore the ability of immortal chakra, I am afraid that he will not be able to threaten Senju Hashirama at all.

"However, that's fine."

Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly, his eyes had turned into a pair of weird kaleidoscopes.

"Exactly, I can observe Jiraiya's immortal mode more closely, and I can make better judgments..."
