Chapter 483: Differences in fairy mode

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

Immortal mode, this chakra mode can definitely be said to be the most bizarre skill Uchiha has ever seen so far, and the most incredible skill to improve a person.

The fairy mode is actually a special way of using natural chakra.

The so-called fairy chakra is actually a state of using natural energy.

However, in this state, natural energy can be used to enhance attack and defense, and at the same time, natural energy can be used to increase the attack range and perception of Taijutsu and Ninjutsu.

This kind of all-round, super-powerful improvement.

Under such an improvement, Jiraiya is as terrifying as a person has changed!

He can actually keep up with the speed of Uchiha Kai now. It's terrifying to know that Uchiha Kai gave up using Susanoo's normal speed!

But in this state, Jiraiya didn't seem to give in at all.

Even if it is not comparable to the level of the fourth generation of Raikage, the comprehensive ability he has displayed now is extremely terrifying.

Kai Uchiha was even thinking, are those so-called chakra patterns simulating immortal patterns to some extent?

Or, in fact, those so-called chakra patterns are actually just the use of a simplified fairy pattern?

If you think about it, it doesn't seem impossible.

Because the so-called immortal mode, in his opinion, is just a simplified use of the six-chakra mode.

The six-chakra mode, at least according to Uchiha Kai, is actually the aggregation of all chakras plus a special mode that incorporates immortal chakras.

But reaching that level of existence, the power they use is completely natural chakra, not this ordinary chakra power.

Therefore, when they reach the level of Six Path Immortals, they can be said to be in a state of immortal mode all the time.

It belongs to the fairy mode itself, and with the integration of chakras of various attributes, is this the so-called six-chakra mode?

In other words, in fact, the fairy mode is just a simplified use of others?

In fact, even the simplified use of the 'Six Chakra Mode', the Immortal Mode has reached an incredible height.

After Jiraiya summoned two toads to assist in the battle, Uchiha Kai also felt a lot of pressure without using Hitomi and Susanoo.

But he also figured out a lot of things, especially through his kaleidoscope, he saw a lot of hidden secrets.

"Jiraiya is not as tacit with the immortal chakra as he imagined. If you compare it according to Naruto's state, Naruto is 100%, then he can only be regarded as about 80% or 90%."

Dodging an extremely exaggerated fire escape that was used in conjunction with the immortal chakra, Uchiha Kai thought to himself.

At this time, Jiraiya also rushed to his side, and a toad on his body suddenly stuck out its tongue at Uchiha Kai.

This tongue also contains Immortal Chakra. Under the action of Immortal Chakra, it becomes incomparably hard but remains terrifyingly active.

Uchiha Qi didn't dare to be hit by this thing, and with a wave of the cut jade in his hand, he immediately blocked it.

However, Jirai didn't have any free time either. His speed was extremely fast, and he didn't know when he had jumped above Kai Uchiha.

In his hand, a huge light ball containing the terrifying magic chakra appeared.

Spiral Pills, or Xianfa Super Large Jade Spiral Pills!

This thing is more than ten times larger than a normal spiral pill.

Uchiha Kai completely believed that if he was hit by this thing, then he decided to die.


The huge roar was incessant, and the earth was punched into a deep pit by this terrifying spiral pill in an instant.

Uchiha Qi stopped steadily on a tree, looking at the traces left after being attacked by the Immortal Magic Spiral Pill, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Although the explosive power and scope of this technique are not very good, the actual effect and lethality are really amazing.

Kai Uchiha was even thinking about whether he could use the fourth-stage Susanoo to block this.

"However, Jiraiya's immortal mode seems to be different from other people's immortal mode."

Uchiha Qi jumped up and rushed directly to Jiraiya's side, his ninja knife looked directly at Jiraiya.

And Jiraiya's reaction speed is also extremely exaggerated, although he does not have the insight of Uchiha Kai.

But at this moment, he seemed to be able to 'see' Kai Uchiha's movements, and his brain and body could respond.

This allows Uchiha Kai to affirm and judge more things, and Jiraiya is purely relying on the 'perception' ability improved by the immortal mode to fight.

"But this kind of perception ability doesn't seem to be so exaggerated. Could it be that the immortal mode of each holy place is actually different?"

The kaleidoscope in his right eye rotated slightly, and suddenly Jiraiya's speed began to slow down.

Uchiha Kai carefully observed Jiraiya's situation while thinking silently.

The Earth Dragon Cave Immortal Technique used by Dou, although the improved Chakra is also very exaggerated, but this guy's performance does not seem to be so comprehensive.

In the original book, when he was in immortal mode, the number of chakras became extremely exaggerated, and the power of ninjutsu he performed was unbelievable.

In addition, after he closed his sight, it also did not affect his battle in the slightest.

It can be seen from here how strong his perception ability was at that time.

But what surprised Uchiha Kai was that at that time Tou seemed to have lost the ability of taijutsu.

This is completely different from the current Jiraiya performance.

It is true that he is facing two owners with kaleidoscope Shakers, but don't forget that his physical skills are also extremely exaggerated.

"Is it understandable that, in fact, in each so-called holy place, the magic they are good at is actually different?"

A very relaxed sideways, Uchiha Kai dodged Jiraiya's attack.

However, he suddenly felt that the pressure on his right eye began to rise. This was because his eyes were under a lot of pressure to feed back to him in a special way.

This makes Uchiha Kai even more concerned. He doesn't know how much Jiraiya's chakra volume is, but it should not be as much as the fourth generation of Raikage, right?

When I faced the fourth Raikage, my right eye took almost a minute to react, but now it takes less than ten seconds to react.

"Is there a problem with the quality of Immortal Chakra?"

Uchiha Ki kicked Jiraiya's stomach and kicked this guy a distance, he thought silently.

"Such a quality is indeed much more terrifying than ordinary chakra."

"Also, my thoughts seem to be correct..."


Uchiha Kai really felt that his thoughts and guesses were not a problem.

Because according to Jiraiya, Naruto, Minato, and even the performance of Shigego and Senju Hashima as an analogy and summary.

He did find something more interesting.

Namikaze Minato, Naruto, and Jiraiya, they are all representatives of Mt. Miaomu Xianshu.

And from their performance, it seems that the strengthening aspect is really "all-round".

It can only be said that the big toad deserves to be the product of living from a thousand years ago to the present, and even had an intersection with the young six-path immortal brothers.

The immortal mode it created may be the 'six path immortal mode' that is closest to the state of Otsutsuki.

Of course, the products in these holy places are born to use natural chakra, which can also be regarded as a representative of the natural immortal mode.

Therefore, the 'immortal model' created by the three holy places also has a 'bias' similar to the kaleidoscope Sheron.

"Besides the manifestation of one's own abilities, Miaomushan's immortal art provides powerful manifestations of physical, ninjutsu, and perception abilities.

Moreover, it also performed very well in defense. Whether it was physical resistance, ninjutsu resistance or illusion resistance, they all reached a terrifying strength. "

Looking at Jiraiya who was slashed by himself, but still alive and strong, Uchiha Ki shook the blood from the tip of the knife.

If it was a normal person who was hit by the knife, it would not be so comfortable.

In particular, this knife is the Lan cut that Uchiha Qi is very good at.

This kind of swordsmanship that combines Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, Jiraiya also behaves like a normal person, and this kind of resistance is really terrifying.

Not to mention the previous battle, Uchiha Kai did not use illusion to test.

As a result, Jiraiya didn't even pause, and launched another attack directly at Uchiha Kai.

"The perfect bag, but only for me."

Dodging Jiraiya's surprise attack, Uchiha Kei coped with his offensive while thinking silently in his mind.

"Basically, it can be determined that the three holy places formulate the immortal model through their own bias.

Miaomushan's immortal mode is completely based on the performance of Otsutsuki Yui, and then strips off other inner modes of chakra to perfect the immortal mode.

Although it is quite satisfactory, there are no advantages or disadvantages, but it can be regarded as the most comprehensive and complete fairy mode.

The immortal mode of Dilong Cave is completely integrated with the characteristics of snakes, perhaps because snakes are sensitive to life and the perception ability of snakes is very terrifying.

Therefore, in addition to the basic enhancement, the fairy mode of Dilong Cave will also enhance itself towards perception and chakra.

However, it seems that Taishu is not so strong, but at least in this chakra mode, he can make movements similar to snakes to avoid attacks.

And the last one is the Shibone Forest. The representative of Shibone Forest is the first generation of Hokage and Qianshouzhujian.

His own strength is already at its peak, and he himself has a terrible perception ability, which can be seen from the performance of the second-generation Hokage.

Although there will be no more users of the Shibone Forest Immortal Technique in the future, but according to the notes he left behind.

It seems that his immortal mode has greatly enhanced the physical activity to increase agility and defense, and at the same time, the power of all the techniques he is good at has been improved by leaps and bounds.

That is to say, the immortal mode of Shibone Forest actually removes the perception ability, greatly increases the performance of physical fitness, and improves the power of 'jutsu'. "

It has to be said that Uchiha Kai still has a set of analytical abilities.

Maybe it can't be compared with Namikaze Minato, Kakashi, and Jiraiya, but he has been in this world for so many years, and he has basically absorbed all the knowledge that he should absorb.

The most important thing is that he has a vision for the future that no one else has at all, as well as all kinds of miscellaneous information.

In addition to the accumulation of these information, combined with his experience, it is completely possible to judge many things that other people cannot perceive!

When Uchiha Kai was secretly analyzing the information and categorizing and combining these contents, Jiraiya was already a little miserable.

He knows that his opponent is very strong, and he also knows that his opponent's eyes have already reached a more terrifying stage.

That is the legendary kaleidoscope that has disappeared for an unknown time.

But knowing is knowing, when you don't really fight against such a guy, you will never know how powerful he is.

As if the Konoha ninja knew, the first Hokage was very scary.

But they really don't know how terrifying he is.

Maybe it's because of the education system, maybe it's people who deliberately want to forget about this, one guy who can change the world.

Over time, in just a few decades, the mighty power of the original Hokage has become a legend, and even in the minds of many people, this is an exaggerated rhetoric.

Jiraiya feels very bad right now, Uchiha Kai's fighting style makes him clearly and clearly know that he is really being played around by the other party, and even the other party is doing it deliberately!

He didn't use any special abilities, he didn't use any special pupil technique, and even the Susanoo he used at the beginning was removed.

what is this?

The most important thing is that Jiraiya and Fukasaku and Shima on his shoulders also noticed that Uchiha Kei was thinking about something while fighting.

It's like...

"He's exploring and studying the fairy mode!"

They are not stupid, Uchiha Kai's speed is too fast now, he has all kinds of opportunities to end this battle.

Every time Jiraiya gets close, he is risking his life Because Uchiha Kai is using that terrifying Chakra giant with both offense and defense.

Even in the immortal mode, it has a huge improvement in all directions, but he will still die if he is fatally injured.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't use any such ability at all, just dodging, and then using basic attack methods, and then observing and thinking.

This kind of performance is already obvious, how exaggerated the gap is.

"Little Jiraiya, I'm afraid we are really in big trouble..."

Fukasaku and Shima stood on Jiraiya's shoulders and said in a low voice.

"Especially his eyes, have you noticed the pattern in his eyes, and there is a double image?"

"I saw it a long time ago, but what does this mean?"

Jiraiya replied quickly, but the next moment Uchiha Kai's offensive suddenly changed.

Just as it was just like a mild drizzle before, now it is like a violent storm that is irresistible.

Jiraiya was kicked away directly, but he quickly stood up.

"That double image..." Immortal Shenzuo took a deep breath: "If I am not mistaken, I am afraid that those eyes are no longer ordinary kaleidoscopes, but a pair of eternal kaleidoscopes, Xiao Zilai."

"Eternal Kaleidoscope?" Zilai also frowned.

However, before he finished speaking, Uchiha Kai suddenly burst out with a speed like a ghost.

It was too late for Jirai to resist. He only saw that Uchiha Kai's right eye seemed to be overflowing with blood, and at the same time, a pitch-black fist suddenly appeared from this guy's body.

The next moment, Zilai also felt pain all over his body, and then he felt that his brain was getting more and more dizzy...
