Chapter 495: tooth print

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

"Hs... lighten it up, Iori!"


At Uchiha Ki's house, Uchiha Ki bared his teeth and looked at Iori who was helping him apply medicine.

Iori apologised pitifully, maybe she felt that she was doing too hard, didn't she?

Uchiha Qi shook his head. In fact, he didn't feel any pain in his arm, but the numbness was more intense.

It's just that he felt very embarrassed in his heart, and this embarrassing feeling made him a little unable to control his temper.

"Is this woman a dog?"

Shaking his head slightly, looking at the tooth mark on his arm, Uchiha Kai felt helpless.

Last night, he did not go home, but spent the night alone with Hyuga Aya.

However, the 'wind' that was full of atmosphere yesterday did not blow them back to Konoha. Instead, the two of them sat by the river until they fell asleep.

Such an experience is quite new to Kai Uchiha.

But this kind of freshness was definitely not what he wanted.

When he woke up in the morning and looked at the woman who was burying her head in his arms, Kai Uchiha was really complicated.

The ghost knows what the **** he did last night and agreed to this woman's nonsense.

This led them to spend the night by the river.

Now he feels that his arms are stiff, probably because the current sleeping position has been kept all night, and the arm is pressed by her, causing the blood to not flow smoothly, right?

'This woman is much heavier than I thought? ’

Uchiha Qi thought silently, looking at the girl whose head was still buried, he did not move to wake up his girl, but lifted her bangs with the other hand.

However, what Uchiha Qi never expected was that the girl's vigilance did not seem to be reduced by staying in Konoha at all.

When Uchiha opened her bangs, the woman suddenly opened her eyes.

Those white eyes seemed a little confused, but the next moment they seemed a bit ruthless.

There was no room for Uchiha Kai to react at all, she just bit into his hand, which made Uchiha Kai dumbfounded.

However, this woman also seemed to sense something was wrong, and Uchiha Qi clearly saw her eyes turn from ruthless to sober quickly.

Then she became a little confused, and finally she observed through the corner of her eyes that the person she was biting was Uchiha Kaihou.

Her white eyes suddenly looked a little ruthless, and she exerted a lot of force!

"Hey! Are you crazy?"

Uchiha Qi was in pain, but he could bear it there, and he immediately shouted loudly.

"Hmph." Hyuga Aya said, and then stood up directly.

Gently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, then tidied up his clothes, and finally said indifferently: "I also said that I am very experienced, and I was looking forward to it. The result is like this, I am so disappointed. .gone....."


Uchiha swears that this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

Looking at Aya Hyuga who trotted away even though she kept her pace steady, Kai Uchiha lowered his head to look at his arm that had been bitten, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Is this the old driver being taught a lesson by the new driver?

Such a helpless emotion, I am afraid that he will not dissipate when he returns home.

What is this?

Your seventeenth birthday is too much, right?

"Ki-sama, it's ready." Just as Uchiha Kai recalled everything from last night to today, Iori's voice interrupted Uchiha Kai's thoughts.

"Ah, thank you." Uchiha Ki nodded, lowered his head and glanced at his hand, he had already wiped off the medicine.

He didn't want to leave such a mark on his hand. Although it wouldn't affect his battle, it looked a little ugly and shameful no matter how he looked at it.

Flicking his hand, the numbness in his hand has completely disappeared.

In fact, his physical quality will basically not let him face such troubles too much, but the psychological effect still occupies a large factor.

He raised his head and looked at Iori who was packing his things, and he shook his head involuntarily.

This girl is almost eleven years old, and the thin and small figure from the beginning has completely changed.

However, her eyes are still bright, but these bright eyes will look a little scared when facing her.

But the only good thing is that such fear only appears when facing oneself.

In the face of Ryoko and Keisuke, it is more a feeling of happiness.

Even in the face of yourself, there is such a performance, but the fear factor will occupy more, right?

"I've said it many times, I'm called my brother at all times except in the lab."

While thinking about whether he should wear long sleeves to block these teeth marks, Uchiha Kai said to Iori: "Although a lot of unpleasant things happened between us, and the purpose of bringing me back is not quite the same. How kindhearted.

But now I see you as my younger sister, and you have the approval of Ryoko and Keisuke, you know? "

"Yes....No, I understand, Kai...Brother." Iori paused while sorting out the medicine, and then she said softly.

"I'll let you forget those unpleasant things, I'm almost ready." Uchiha Qi raised his head: "Just wait until this negotiation is over."

"I..." Iori Zhang Zhang, this is not the first time she has heard similar words.

In the beginning, the big sister Hyuga Aya said it, and Uchiha Kei also said it to her about twice.

Iori is not stupid, her grades in school are very good.

And because of Kai Uchiha's relationship, people in the clan are basically very friendly to her.

No matter what question she has, there will be a powerful ninja to answer her.

Although they also wondered why Iori didn't ask Uchiha Kai for help.

But when it comes to thinking that Uchiha Kai is the Minister of the Security Department, the Minister's work is busy, and it seems normal that he has no time to take his sister?

So in the past few years when Uchiha Qi didn't care about her, her level can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

Even though she spends more time on medical ninjutsu, her theoretical knowledge in other aspects is not bad at all.

So she quickly understood the meaning of Kai Uchiha's words. Looking back on the conversation between the big sister Hyuga Aya and her, she basically determined what Kai Uchiha might do.

That is, there is a high probability that he will use a method like illusion, and then erase his memory of being a laboratory, right?

Iori was a little hesitant in her heart, but she still remembered how ruthless and ruthless Uchiha Kei was in the laboratory.

Such bloodshed and cruelty really left an indelible shadow on her.

She knows that there is a big problem here, because she has never been on the battlefield, and naturally there will be a lot of unnecessary sympathy.

But she really didn't have so much time to adapt to these things, or she didn't experience so much, so let's make her heart firm.

Sighing, Iori's eyes became firm.

She has been growing up, although her heart is still soft, but she doesn't want to be so fragile!

Taking a deep breath, Iori raised her head and looked at Kai Uchiha seriously.

But just as she was about to say something, there was a knock on the door of her house...


Osay brought Samyi, Aziyi, and Xi to the residence of the Uchiha clan.

Looking at the station where people came and went, they couldn't help but sigh.

Osay is a senior Jōnin of Yunyin, his strength and level are very good, but now he looks a little distressed.

Yun Yin's quick defeat was something they never expected.

Uchiha Fuyue showed his terrifying strength, which caused a huge obstacle to Yunyin's referral program.

Yun Yin's rear is also very clear about this, and according to reports, even the fourth generation of Raikage has suffered a big loss from the patriarch of the Uchiha clan!

The existence of this guy can be said to block Yun Yin's footsteps, but this kind of thing is also expected by them.

Although Konoha is weak, it is definitely not without the strength of a battle.

Konoha still has powerful ninjas, this is the background of a super ninja village, and it is also a manifestation of their strength.

Therefore, let Konoha and them slowly fight the war of attrition, and Yun Yin is not worried once.

If you can find out the information of Uchiha Fuyake, the most powerful person in the Uchiha clan, it will be more valuable than winning one or two battles.

But they never imagined that Uchiha Fuyue, who was already the ceiling of the Uchiha family in their eyes, was actually nothing in front of the truly powerful Uchiha!

That mysterious Uchiha who attacked Konoha and Kirigakura.

After learning that Yunyin had sent Yawei to the battlefield, he attacked Yunyin's camp without hesitation!

And that attack, not only seriously injured their Raikage and Yatai people Zhuri.

It was even more so because of the battle with the eight tails who fired with all their strength, and the aftermath of the battle wiped out their entire army at once!

No one knows what the purpose of that mysterious Uchiha is, and no one knows what their organization is.

But they all know that these guys are coming towards the tailed beast!

Konoha picked up a big bargain, and also captured the four generations of Raikage, the eight-tailed person Zhuli, and the nearly 1,000 Yunyin elites who survived!

Such a record can be said to be a shame for Yun Yin, but they have to swallow such a shame.

No matter how lucky Konoha is, they have to admit that they really lost.

Luck is sometimes part of strength.

Yun Yin's character is relatively straightforward, and they have nothing to complain about when they lose.

If they fail, they will be punished, especially if they are the ones who take the initiative.

They are ready to be squeezed by Konoha.

However, when they came to Konoha, they were stunned to find that Konoha's negotiators actually showed greed, which was far beyond their imagination!

The negotiating team led by Chuan Koharu and Mito Gate Yan, the conditions they put forward are not to let Yun Yin hurt his bones.

Instead, let Yun Yin be directly eliminated from the ranks of the Five Great Ninja Villages!

They refused and would not agree to such a proposal, even if Konoha provided them with military assistance, so that Yanyin and the surrounding small countries would not dare to mess around.

But they are more willing to believe that once the negotiation fails, the army stationed on the border of the Land of Thunder will enter it as soon as possible!

Uchiha Fugaku, this terrifying guy once again served as the commander.

He was the one who once frustrated Rai Ying. With him in Yun Yin, who else could resist?

Osay is part of the protection delegation this time, and he has three other ninjas under him.

They are all geniuses, and they are the pillars of Yun Yin's future.

While engaging them in this kind of negotiation doesn't do much at all, it allows them to add some experience.

It is also a good choice to let them remember the consequences of failure.

It's just that the progress of the current negotiation makes Yun Yin a little hopeless, so they can only think of some other ways.

For example, visit some really powerful ninjas in Konoha, so as to find out Konoha's real bottom line!

After all, the negotiation this time was too strange, neither the Fourth Hokage nor the Minister of Government Affairs participated in it.

This probably shows one thing, that these people who were supposed to be involved in the negotiations have lost and lost power in the internal struggle of Konoha.

But this is impossible to happen, even if Konoha makes a 'Junin reform resolution'.

But among the supporters of this reform, there are such big families as Uchiha, Hinata, and Inoka Butterfly!

Why these families agreed, Osay did not understand at all.

However, their support means that the fundamentals of Namikaze Minato are very stable, and it is impossible to say that there is any loss of power.

Maybe there are other secrets here.

For example, in the early stage of this negotiation, Konoha hopes that Yunyin will be held back.

So as to attract the attention of others in Konoha, so that Konoha has time to experience and not be disturbed by some people, and quietly complete the reform resolution?

If this is the case, then it is necessary for them to visit, Konoha's real power figure.

The Uchiha family has naturally become their necessary choice.

Whether it is Uchiha Fuyue or Uchiha Kai, they are the core characters in Konoha.

However, compared to Uchiha Fuyue, this guy not only did not serve in Konoha, but now he is not inside Konoha.

Uchiha Kai, naturally, became their only choice.

This young man is not only powerful, but they know that this guy has defeated the fourth generation of Raikage.

Although the state of the fourth Raikage seemed to be not very good at the time, but he took the initiative to ask for the battle and explained that it recovered well.

But even so, the fourth Raikage was defeated.

It is said that it was a very easy battle, and it was defeated in less than five minutes!

In addition to this, he is also the head of the Konoha Security Department.

This is the most powerful department in Konoha, and it is also the most violent department in Konoha.

"It should be here." Osay looked at the small building and sighed silently.

This guy Uchiha Kai seems to have grown up here since he was a child, and even if he holds the power now, he has not changed the idea of ​​where he lives.

"It seems that the Minister of the Security Department is quite simple." Aziyi raised his head and glanced at the small building, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Be quiet." Osay shook his head. He took a deep breath and said, "No matter what mentality you have, but you must remember who you are facing."

"This person has defeated the fourth generation of Raikage, and even participated in the Shenmubi Bridge, the person who sealed the nine-tailed mission, and also defeated a mysterious Uchiha..."

"Even the mysterious Uchiha who annihilated our troops said that only Uchiha Kai can make him have the desire to fight..."
