Chapter 496: How are they worth?

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

Uchiha Kai looked at the four people who entered his house, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Three of the four, he found that he seemed to have some memories.

If I remember correctly, the three people behind the guy who led the team will have a lot of achievements in Yunyin in the future.

What are these four people doing in their own house?

Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself that although he was paying attention to the negotiation side, his attention was naturally not as high as the people involved in the negotiation.

In addition, I recently left Konoha, and I was on vacation after coming back. Yesterday, I didn't return all night.

Looking down at the tooth marks on his hand, Uchiha Kai shook his head, he didn't know what these guys were doing for him.

Iori quickly made the tea and brought it over, she looked flat.

Although his face naturally did not have any indifference, it did not bring any emotion.

This kind of performance has already shown her unwelcome to these Yun Ren, after all, it is the village that provoked the war, and these guys Iori really don't like it.

"You have ten minutes." Picking up the teacup, Uchiha Qi took a sip of the tea and said directly without waiting for Osay to speak.

Except for the captain who led the team, he was not familiar with the four people in front of him, and he had a little memory of the other three.

But no matter what the future holds for these people, they are the losers in this era, at this moment.

In the face of this kind of person, and Uchiha Kai still has such a high enough status, spending one more minute with these guys alone will have a greater negative impact on him.

Even if Kai Uchiha didn't take these things seriously, he still paid attention to his feathers relatively.

"This..." Osay's face changed when he heard Uchiha's words.

The faces of the three young men behind him who were about the same age as Uchiha Qi also changed. Is this guy too proud?

Samui, Azi, and Nozomi are indeed about the same age as Uchiha Kai.

Some are older than him and younger than him, but in the end they are the same age.

But now this person of the same age, the tolerance and pride shown have completely broken their cognition.

Before they came, they knew how high status and how powerful Uchiha Kai was.

It's not that I haven't heard of how proud the Uchiha family is.

But when they faced this guy, they found that they still seemed to underestimate those rumors.

Uchiha Kai, this guy, has no intention of taking them seriously.

Maybe in his eyes, these people are just a group of 'not worth mentioning defeated generals'?

They have had this kind of feeling before, and they have come to Konoha, but they have never been so direct and deep into their souls as they are now.

"Lord Qi, we have no malice." Osay took a deep breath, and he said quickly, "We just want to visit you..."

"You only have nine minutes." Uchiha Qi interrupted him, and he slowly put down the teacup with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"The purpose of your coming to me is not simple, you and I both know it well, and I only see you because the time of your visit is just right, plus I...

Well, I'm in a good mood, remember, you don't have much time. "

"Master Qi, we really have a purpose this time." Osay didn't dare to touch the tea on the table at all: "This time, Konoha's conditions are too harsh, we don't think it will do anything to both of us. benefit....."

"You came to me with this question, did you find the wrong person?" Uchiha Kei interrupted Osay rudely. He tapped the table lightly with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"The representatives of the negotiation are the two respected elders of Chuan and Mitomen. I'm just a junior. I'm sorry, you came to the wrong place."

Kai Uchiha now seems to understand what these guys are looking for.

To put it bluntly, they found some problems with this negotiation.

That is, the head of Hokage and the administrative department did not participate, but just found a few 'people from the weak side in the Konoha camp' to represent the negotiation.

There are many problems here, such as the political ecology within Konoha and the strength of Konoha's internal position.

Every ninja village will have its own think tank, the decision makers and the executors, although their origins are all "ninjas".

But standing at a different height naturally has to change a lot of things.

If the decision makers act indiscriminately and are stubborn, the development of Shinobi Village will go bankrupt.

Or if the use of military force caused a series of disasters in the village, it would be terrible.

The ninja family during the Warring States Period, and those wars that took the country as a unit have long proved all this.

Therefore, the existence of think tanks is to give opinions and suggestions to decision-makers.

Even at certain moments, they need to use their rights, such as subverting the current decision-makers and even the decision-making level, so that everything can be restored to order.

Of course, this is what happens when you encounter an unqualified decision maker or decision-making level.

And in the hands of reliable decision makers, all the think tanks need to do is analyze all kinds of things.

Obviously, this time Yun Yin and Konoha negotiated, they analyzed a lot of things, right?

And according to their analysis, similar to this guy named Osay in front of him, he will take some practical actions.

They will try to visit the high-level executives of Konoha's real power, especially those close to Hokage, in order to obtain their necessary information.

Of course, this kind of information is not necessarily intelligence.

After all, based on the information they have, they can basically determine what Konoha is doing now.

All they want is an exchange, some real exchange.

For example, secretly completing the negotiation and handing over the person who was handed over.

Even if they pay a higher price for it, it is in their current interests.

Don't think that the idea of ​​'just wait and everything will be fine' is so correct. At least during the game between countries or villages, the longer the time is dragged on, the more disadvantageous it will be for the defeated side.

Look at those guys in Yanyin, they are ready to move when they fail in Yunyin.

How can Yun Yin feel at ease without a strong man like the Fourth Raikage sitting in the town?

"Master Qi, you are not a junior, and we can also judge that the two people, Chuanshi and Mitomen, are not really negotiators in the strict sense."

Osay sighed: "Even according to your position, you shouldn't be involved in this negotiation, but as the most trusted person in Naruto, I think you should know more..."

"Oh? Did you find out about the information?" Uchiha Kai shook his head gently: "You were born a fighting ninja, right?"

"Yes, Master Qi."

"You know, the last negotiator who was born as a fighting ninja left a very bad influence on me..."

"You still have eight minutes, drink tea, or you can just leave..."


Pure fighting ninjas get involved in negotiations that can turn a good negotiation into a disaster.

There is really a big difference between the decision-making layer and the executive layer, which is beyond doubt.

Uchiha Qi has almost forgotten what the name of the fighting ninja who ran to Konoha to negotiate last.

But this is not important, because in his eyes, that guy is not an eye-catching person at all.

Even though he gave his life for Yun Yin's benefit, as a loser, especially the instigator of the war.

After this guy dies, he will inevitably commit a lot of crimes that do not belong to him.

To put it simply, it is 'the dead are the best people to blame', and they are also the 'best people to vent'.

After all, he is already dead, and he can maximize his value after death, so why not do it?

However, this incident will more or less leave some impressions on many people, even if they are deliberately guided.

That is, the purpose of the negotiation projects that pure fighting ninjas are responsible for will not be pure!

In fact, according to Uchiha Kai, the purpose of any negotiation will be simple.

It's just that their purpose is completely hidden.

Osay came over with three subordinates, and the purpose was very pure in Uchiha Kai's eyes, but he didn't want to talk to these guys.

He probably thinks that he doesn't have the name of the guy Osay in his memory, or maybe it's just out of prejudice against Yun Yin's pure fighting ninja.

Uchiha Kai's attitude seems very natural.

However, in the eyes of Osay and his three subordinates, it became an outright arrogance!

Several of them are the elites of Yunyin Village, especially the three young people.

Although they are not really elites now, Yunyin's cultivation of them is completely visible.

Although they were very dissatisfied in their hearts, they also resisted letting their tempers erupt.

Losing the war means they have no right to bargain at all.

They can only appear here in a lower stance, facing a person of a similar grade to them, but almost twice as young as facing Osay.

Such humiliation made them feel very uncomfortable, but they could only endure, even if the opponent was too arrogant.

The loser will go to everything, which is why Osay came here with Samui, Azi and Xi.

The future of Yunyin must realize all this!

"Lord Kai, actually Konoha doesn't intend for Yunyin to have a big problem, right?" Osay took a deep breath, he raised his head and looked at Uchiha Kai seriously: "Otherwise, there would be no such military aid plan. , isn't it?"

"Perhaps, it's just that they want to facilitate the attack on Yunyin?" Uchiha said indifferently: "You take the initiative to raise the war, and now you will naturally have to pay the price, and these costs will be handed over to the negotiating table. okay?"

"It is true that Konoha may really have such a plan, but the downfall of Yunyin is not a good thing for Konoha, right?"

Osay didn't pay attention to Uchiha's tone, he continued: "If Yunyin falls, there will naturally be small countries divided up. Although Konoha can also eat cakes, I am afraid that more will be taken by Yanyin.

And weakening Yun Yin too much will create hatred..."

"Hate is just a pretext for war created for profit. I don't need to teach you a lesson, right?" Uchiha Qi interrupted him without hesitation: "You still have seven minutes."

Uchiha Kai is now a little bit interested. The guy named Osay in front of him doesn't seem to be a simple fighting ninja.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Samui, Aziyi, and Xi will all be the right-hand man of the four generations of Raikage in the future.

To put it simply, they are all elite figures in the future of Yunyin.

Even though they are still growing, Uchiha Qi naturally remembers the future value of these three guys after reading the original book.

Since they are three people with good prospects in the future, the people who lead them must not be simple things.

Osay, the name is unfamiliar.

Uchiha Qi didn't remember at all whether this person's name appeared in his mind.

But that's not the point, the point is that what this guy said really shows.

This guy, or Yun Yin analyzed a lot of Konoha's situation, and another point is that they are very anxious now.

"Sorry, indeed, hatred is just an excuse to boost morale and create war." Osay sighed slightly: "Master Kai, I think we have guessed Konoha's purpose whatever Whether it is to cooperate with you to delay time, or other things, we will do our best to do it, we will not make you feel embarrassed, and we will pay more if necessary..."

"Can you take full responsibility?" Uchiha Qi looked at the guy in front of him with a funny look: "Sorry, I can't, but I can properly tell your price to Hokage-sama."

Price code?

In your eyes, the four generations of Raikage-sama, the eight-tailed person Zhuli and the surviving Yun Ninja elites are just price tags?

Osay clenched his fists slightly, but his tone remained calm: "I can't take full responsibility, but I know the rules, and I will report to the report."

"Yunyin is indeed very valuable in the Five Great Ninja Village, at least he can attract the attention of many people." Uchiha Qi tapped on the table lightly, his tone was very indifferent.

"And this time, the people of that mysterious organization made a lot of trouble. As people who were also attacked, should we find a way to deal with them together?"

"Indeed, they went too far." Osay lowered his head, his fists clenched tighter: "However, they seem to have failed this time, I think we need to protect our people Zhuli, or need a strong The ninja came to protect the village, because there is still a person in the village, Zhuli..."

"We will protect the people who stay in Konoha, Zhuli. After all, they have also attacked us, so you don't have to worry about it. Of course, the powerful ninja protects another person in your village. Zhuli knows to consider, but this person The price is not low.”

"I don't know what Master Qi means?"

"He plus the one in prison now, what price do you think is the most suitable?"

