Chapter 497: private meeting

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

"It seems that the urgency of these guys is higher than we thought."

Namikaze Minato sat in Hokage's office, looked at the document in his hand and said with a smile.

In this office, there are also Uchiha Kai, Kakashi, Imai Kenta and Nara Shikaku.

Uchiha Fuyue has already gone to the front because he is in command of the large army.

When Yun Yin was negotiating with Konoha, these 'military aid plans' were put out directly, giving them a chance to choose.

Although Yun Yin was extremely reluctant, a large army of Konoha appeared on his border.

Especially the commander of this unit is Uchiha Fuyue.

But the situation is stronger than people, even if Yun Yin is not happy, they will know that they really need help now.

It's just that the deterrent power of Uchiha Fuyue has been thoroughly demonstrated after this war.

Even if he doesn't do anything, he directly brings the troops to the border of Yunyin, I am afraid that the deterrent force caused by it is not what Yunyin can do now.

In desperation, Yun Yin could only agree. Konoha's plan did help them in their current situation, but it also made them more dangerous.

Especially this time, Uchiha Fuyue was not the only one who set off.

He also has an assistant whose identity is quite interesting, and that is Hyuga Hizu.

Hyuga Hizu chose to follow Uchiha Fuyue to the front line. This decision is very strange. The most important thing is that this guy took the initiative to find Uchiha Fuyue.

I don't know what they were talking about, but Uchiha Fuyue agreed to this request. At that time, Uchiha Qi was not in Konoha.

But no matter how they communicated when they arrived, it was conceivable that the two of them set off together to bring a cloud.

"But they misunderstood something to a greater extent, although we have such a meaning in it."

Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "But you need to pay attention, they may not be convinced in their hearts, and they specially brought the geniuses from the village to face such a thing, I am afraid the purpose is not simple."

Samui, Azi, and Nozomi appeared in Konoha, which Uchiha didn't know before, or it would be better if he was not interested at all.

But the purpose of their presence here is actually very clear.

To put it bluntly, it is to let these young juniors remember what they have to face after failure.

Remember this fiasco experience, remember such a shame, let them have more tenacious fighting spirit and firmer will.

And a more cautious attitude to face everything in the future.

However, such an approach can only be limited to those who are completely loyal and loyal to Yun Yin.

If it is some guys who are swaying from side to side, Yun Yin may not necessarily bring them out.

Even though a lot of things can be discerned in this way, people's hearts are always weird.

It is also impossible for them to conduct this test on every ninja who comes to Konoha.

Once the small seed of distrust is planted, it will sooner or later emerge until it becomes a towering tree.

"No matter what purpose they have, the conditions they give are not bad." Minato Namifeng smiled: "Lu Jiu, did they find you too?"

"Yes." Nara Shikaku nodded: "I see what they think, but I didn't negotiate with them.

But it is certain that they have guessed our purpose. Fortunately, we have the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-tailed People Zhuri in our hands, and they do not dare to act rashly when they know it.

All they can do now is to quickly complete this negotiation, or fully cooperate with our actions and secretly complete a part of the exchange. "

"Obviously they plan to complete some transactions with me." Uchiha Qi took over the topic: "But the 'price' I proposed is not too low, I don't know exactly how it will be, but only two necessary prerequisites have been determined. condition."

Uchiha Kai and Osay didn't negotiate much, even if their dialogue was very vague, but they both clearly understood these things.

The most important thing is that the content of their conversation is also rich enough.

The first is the alliance work of the two sides, which is not really difficult.

Konoha and Yunyin have both been attacked by guys from those mysterious organizations, and there is no problem with their alliance being limited to this!

However, the request from Uchiha Qi is not so simple, but it is accompanied by a gesture of letting Yun Yin 'be a younger brother'.

As for the outcome, it's not clear, but limited alliances are fine.

After all, the two sides were once belligerents, and it is obviously impossible to achieve a complete alliance.

Because the size of both sides is not small, and they do not have a style similar to Sha Yin.

Whether it is Yun Yin or Konoha, their senses to Sand Yin are not very good, in fact, even Uchiha Kai is the same.

Traitors are always hated, especially in his memory, this village has done such a thing more than once.

It didn't all get better until Gaara came to power.

But there is a key premise here. First of all, Naruto and Gaara have a very good relationship, and Temari is married to Shikamaru.

Secondly, Naruto's personal strength has reached the level of subverting the ninja world, and he has also proposed his own ideas.

But now, things are not like the future.

If it weren't for the special geographical location of Sandyin, and their presence would have an interest in maintaining the situation.

In addition, there is no interest in the land of sandstorms to plot against, so it is not certain whether Shayin is still one of the five great ninja villages!

The purpose of forming an alliance with Yunyin is to deal with those so-called mysterious organizations.

Although Osay is not qualified to directly agree to this, he can also give a relatively positive response.

It's almost the same to have such a response. It can be seen that this guy's status is not low.

And from his way of thinking and speaking style, he is not a Yunyin ninja who can only fight in the traditional sense.

Although it is not clear how much energy this guy has, he can do a lot of meaningful things.

In addition to the alliance, another point is the return of personnel.

This is what Yun Yin cares about the most.

Konoha has troops under the command of Uchiha Fuyake approaching the border, and Iwakaku and some small countries are ready to move.

The most important thing is that there are still four-tailed people in their village, such a guy who has not yet grown up.

They are really worried now, very worried about what horrible things will happen once the chaos starts.

They desperately needed powerful ninjas to stabilize people's hearts, and all such people fell into Konoha's hands.

Whether it is the Fourth Raikage or the Eight Tails, they are all people who can play a certain deterrent role.

According to Yun Yin's idea, they are eager to exchange these two people back first, even if they pay more price, it is not impossible!

But Uchiha Qi is not willing to let Yun Yin go so easily, but considering the actual situation, he can also relax a little bit of restrictions.

It's like packing up some essentially useless guys first and going back with a guy they need.

The four generations of Raikage, as well as the earth platform that he first captured by him, became the best choice...


The Fourth Raikage is the supreme leader of Yunyin. Although he is captured, it still affects his majesty more or less.

But if you take into account the actual situation at that time, I am afraid that there will not be too many people to blame him.

Faced with a monster like that without any information.

No matter who it is, I am afraid there is no way to really deal with it.

In particular, this monster and the all-out eight tails can be defeated, and the aftermath of the battle has destroyed the entire army!

Such a guy, who dares to say that he can truly defeat it?

Therefore, the return of the fourth generation of Raikage, no matter from which point of view, can greatly boost the morale of Yun Yin.

If this guy is used in exchange for enough Konoha needs, and can make Yunyin match Konoha for the time, then all the better!

Extreme pressure is a good choice, but it is too extreme. I am afraid that when you think you have not really touched the line, the other party has already made an overreaction.

Uchiha Kai will not choose things that are more than worth the loss.

Not only him, no matter who is at the decision-making level, will not make a similar choice!

And for a decision-making team, it's not worth hesitating how to choose when more can be gained with a proper slack of the wrist.

As for this guy Tutai, in fact, a little squeeze might be able to get more information.

But Uchiha Qi didn't have such a mind at all, or Konoha didn't have much of such a mind.

It is obviously not good to return him too easily, after all, the value of this guy is really not low.

Even if his performance in force is very unsatisfactory, his value is not in force, and his best performance is at the decision-making level.

To be honest, Uchiha Qizhen would rather kill him directly than send him back.

But sometimes, when some people reach a certain status, it's really not something you can kill if you want.

The executive layer may not consider these things, but as the decision-making layer, many things must be taken into consideration.

Because this is already considered a compromise and decision within the rules of the game.

Unless Uchiha Kai didn't intend to play according to the rules of the game at all, and directly forcibly broke these rules.

But he didn't have such an idea, and he didn't need to think too much about the headache.

Let's leave these matters to Minato Namikaze and Shikahisa Nara.

"There is no problem with sending the fourth Raikage back, as long as they give enough benefits, materials, etc."

Both Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikuhisa have read Uchiha Kai's report, and they thought about it and said directly: "As for Tutai, I'm actually a little hesitant about this guy, but Kai-kun directly asked him if he had any ideas. "

"No." Uchiha Kai shook his head slightly.

"I just want to throw away a trouble, after all, I can also think about the value of the soil platform.

But now we don't have the energy to integrate what can be dug out of the mouth of the soil platform.

This guy is valuable, but only if we worry about Yun Yin, just now...

Also, I feel more valuable to keep him than to kill him. "

Only when you are worried about a person and afraid of a person will you try your best to get all his information, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles.

The same principle applies to villages.

Yun Yin is indeed very powerful, but such power does not mean that Konoha will really worry.

Although the sense of crisis is indeed very important, the most important thing to realise the sense of crisis is that the other party has someone who can make him feel the crisis. This is the best motivation.

The role that the soil platform can play in its own field will definitely not make Konoha feel comfortable, especially within the normal rules!

Getting rid of this guy can really save a lot of trouble.

But with this guy around, Konoha will always be vigilant about this person.

That being the case, why not maximize the value of this guy.

Starting from the 'price code' makes him more practical and more in line with Konoha's interests.

At the same time, let this guy go back, and let Konoha remember the threat of this guy in his heart.

Especially Yun Yin was shrouded in the shadow of the defeat of the war, which gave him a stronger motivation to change everything.

Only in this way can Konoha have a more sufficient sense of crisis in his heart.

Don't dare to relax in the slightest, for fear that such a shadow will hang over your head in the future!

Uchiha Kai's idea is very simple, but it is also very practical, and Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikahisa also thought about it seriously.

"I agree with Minister Kai." Nara Shikahisa thought for a while and then nodded seriously: "Although it is a bit risky, it can give us more motivation instead of being satisfied with the status quo, which is really helpful."

"Will this guy have any impact on our reform decision after he goes back?" Minato Namifeng actually agreed with Uchiha Kai's approach, but he was still a little worried: "You know, this guy will take the initiative when he goes back. Speed ​​up negotiations..."

"If there is, then I will go to Yunyin." Uchiha Kai suddenly said.

"Of course, this is the last resort. In fact, I don't think Yun Yin dares to be so impulsive, don't forget that Lord Fuyue is on the border of the Land of Thunder.

Although the original intention is not this, but the threat posed invisibly is enough, not to mention we still have the eight tails. "

"Okay I understand." Minato Namikaze thought for a moment, then turned his eyes to Imai Kenta and Kakashi: "What do you think?"

"We agree with Minister Kai's decision." Imai Kenta and Kakashi naturally had no objection, and they directly agreed to the decision.

Namikaze Minato shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene. Kakashi and Imai Kenta didn't seem to want to think about it too much at all.

It's not that they are not capable, but on the one hand, they may be temporarily unable to let go, and many things are reluctant to discuss too much.

On the other hand, they trust Uchiha Kai too much, and as long as this guy makes a proposal, they will not be too opposed to it.

Even if they think it is reasonable, they will directly support it.

Seeing this scene, Minato was too lazy to say anything. The two of them needed time to practice.

He knows that not everyone can be the same as Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Kai glanced at the two guys, he chuckled lightly and didn't say much.

But soon he noticed that Imai Kenta seemed very tired, as if he hadn't slept well last night.

He raised his head and glanced at the fact that Namikaze Minato was discussing a specific plan with Nara Shikahisa, and he directly leaned his head over and asked.

"What are you doing, why didn't you sleep well all night?"

"You seem to be similar, don't you? Was it too much last night? Got a bite on your hand?"

Imai Ken looked at Uchiha Kai too disdainfully, then sighed faintly and leaned back on the chair.

And in his mind involuntarily emerged last night, he stayed in the laboratory foolishly alone, sitting and falling asleep waiting for today's day...
