Chapter 498: be gentler

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

Kenta Imai's attitude made Kei Uchiha a little puzzled.

But looking down at the scar on his hand, he didn't dare to speak loudly.

Although everything last night gave him a feeling of 'don't know whether to reminisce or regret'.

But it is undeniable that these two emotions are intertwined at the same time, and he feels that the latter seems to be heavier.

Shrinking his hands, Uchiha Qi blocked the tooth mark so that no one else could see it.

But luckily, he seemed to notice Kakashi's slightly obscure gaze.

This made him suddenly feel a little swollen in his head, what the **** is going on with these guys?

"What's wrong with you?" Uchiha Qi turned his head to look at Kakashi: "Why do I feel like you guys, it seems that something is not right?"

"!" Kakashi immediately shrank his head, looking a little frightened.

But soon he seemed to be aroused by curiosity, he hesitated before asking in a low voice, "Last didn't go home?"

"Er..." Uchiha was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly darkened: "How do you know?"

"I went to your house yesterday and wanted to celebrate your birthday, not just me, Lin, Akai, but also... everyone followed you."

Kakashi swallowed and said in a low voice, "But you were not at home last night, and your mother told went out, and...may not come back."

"anything else?"

"With Aya-senpai..."

Uchiha Qi immediately rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and then couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

what is this?

Ryoko actually sold herself directly?

Uchiha Keiichi thought that he teased Aya Hyuga with his mouth yesterday, but after being heard by her, the final thing turned into this ghost.

This is definitely not what Uchiha Kei wanted, and now he seems to think about it, as if he hadn't seen Ryoko and Keisuke this morning.

Where the two of them went, Uchiha Kai didn't know.

He was in a daze by the river for a long time before returning home, and he didn't see the two of them when he came back.

He didn't ask Iori what was going on, but quickly asked her to help him deal with the wound.

Now it seems that there are some mistakes, and the ghost knows what the two of them have said to Kakashi and the group of guys.

But no matter how you look at it, it seems to be something full of misunderstandings, right?

Shaking his head helplessly, Uchiha Kai said, "This is a misunderstanding..."

"I know I know." Imai Kenta suddenly came over and interrupted him: "Is it all a misunderstanding, I know."

"Probably, just like we went to the custom shop?" Kakashi also whispered.

However, as soon as he finished saying these words, he immediately noticed that Uchiha Kai's eyes seemed to be very unfriendly.

Especially when he noticed that Minato Nami and Shikahisa Nara also looked over, which made him quickly shut up.

But unfortunately, the conversation between the three of them, especially Kakashi's last sentence, was clearly heard by others.

If the three young people were talking about other relatively unrelated things, Minato Namikaze and Shikahisa Nara wouldn't look at anything at all.

There is a special bond between young people, especially the three of them have lived and died together.

Kakashi led the team on the task of blowing up the Kamabashi Bridge.

It is a pity that Lin was captured. Under such circumstances, Kakashi and Obito also violated the principles of ninjas, and they gave up continuing the mission and went to save Lin.

The final result can also be said to be very tragic. Their actions attracted a surprise attack from several teams of Iwa Shinobi.

It even caused Obito to die on the spot, and the body was never found.

If it wasn't for Uchiha Kai who rescued a large group of captives and asked these captives to cooperate with him to complete the task, and happened to arrive in this area, I am afraid that Kakashi would really be in danger.

After that, the two teams merged together at the request of Minato Namikaze.

Despite all kinds of experiences, at the end of their team, only Uchiha Qi and Imai Kenta were still able to fight, and the others were sent back.

But no matter what, they are considered to have lived and died together.

And their current positions are aloof enough, and the better their relationship, the better.

It's just...Namifeng Minato asked with some distress: "What's the situation at the custom shop? Did Teacher Jiraiya take you there?"

"Yes." Uchiha Qi sighed: "Master Jiraiya took us there, but we didn't mess around. As for Master Jiraiya..."

"Jiraiya-sensei's words..." Minato Namika sighed slightly: "Jiraiya-sensei's situation is relatively special, but you have to remember that that place...

Well, when I didn't say it, you are adults, but you have to control yourselves, ninja three bans.... especially you, Qi Jun, I heard last night.... Don't do things that are sorry for others. . "

"..." Uchiha Qi froze for a moment, then he fell silent.

He found that the speed at which the rumors spread seemed to be more terrifying than he had imagined.

If Kakashi hadn't lied to himself, then this rumor should have flowed out since the evening of yesterday.

However, it has been less than 24 hours now, and even Minato Namikaze seems to know about it. How can Kai Uchiha endure such a situation?

Even if the rumors stop at the wise, but now, it seems that no one will think about whether it is true or not!

For people whose status is much higher than themselves, people will always take a "schadenfreude" or "extremely interested" attitude towards them.

Uchiha Qixin remembered the "Black Mirror" he had watched before he crossed over.

In the first episode of the first season, Mr. Prime Minister was obviously forced to be pressured by people with such an attitude.

In the end, I can only kill a pig, a pig in the true sense.

Although the situation of Uchiha Kai is better than that of the unlucky Prime Minister, I don't know how many times.

Although he will not sympathize with the prime minister in "Black Mirror", because a certain prime minister in reality seems to have done similar things.

But for this kind of gossip, the interest of ordinary ninjas is definitely not that low!

Shaking his head helplessly, Uchiha Kai can only hope now that Jiraiya's mouth can be a little more reliable.

At least, it should be similar to his ninja literacy.

Otherwise, the sky will be filled with rumors like "the minister of the security department once cared about the custom shop", and the social death incident will really come to him.

He is not a native, he cherishes his feathers very much.

Turning his head, he glanced at Kakashi and Imai Kenta, and Uchiha Qi took a deep breath.

Fortunately, when I ran to that place, I didn't do anything wrong....outrageous.

Moreover, there are two fellows with similar identities to accompany him.

"We're going to die together, and if this kind of thing really happens..."

"Konoha Prison will always have your place, Jiraiya!"


Seizing Jirai is definitely not a trivial matter, but Uchiha Kei believes that Namikaze Minato will never say anything at that time.

The head of the three major departments of Konoha was pitted at one time. This guy seems to really don't want to be in Konoha anymore.

Especially Uchiha Kai has never been an open-minded person, and he really provokes him to that extent, he will not let such a guy go.

Even if this guy's identity is too special, and Uchiha Kai was really deceived by him before he passed through some tears.

But today is different from the past. Not many characters in the original work died in his hands, but which one is not important?

"Please don't mention what happened last night, especially this kind of meeting." Uchiha Qi crossed his hands in front of his nose: "It would be better for us to discuss some more important things?"

"Of course." Seeing that Uchiha Ki didn't want to say this, Namikaze Minato nodded decisively.

It's just that his eyes quickly locked on Uchiha Kai's wrist: "Your wrist... In the future, be gentler?"

"..." Uchiha Qi put his hands down silently, then leaned back and put his arms around his chest, and said calmly.

"In fact, Yun Yin's problem has been almost solved. The fourth generation of Raikage and Tutai are handed over to them. As for how many supplies they can get, it is up to Captain Watergate and Minister Lu Jiu. At least they can go back and many problems can be stabilized. "

"Indeed, we have already had preliminary discussions on materials." Nara Shikahisa took the topic decisively.

"It's mainly focused on various escaping techniques and secret techniques, which can not only expand our ninjutsu inventory, but also give more choices to Konoha's ninjas.

As for other materials, it needs to be discussed according to the actual situation of Konoha and the actual situation of Yunyin. "

Indeed, for the current Konoha, all kinds of ninjutsu or secret arts are far more valuable than other things.

In terms of weapons, medical substances, etc., Konoha is really not lacking now.

Since there is no shortage, and there is more need for ninjutsu and secret arts, how to choose is naturally clear at a glance.

Konoha is carrying out the reform of Shangnin, but there are still some problems in this reform that have not been completely solved.

That is, those who oppose the family, have not yet provided ninjutsu.

Namikaze Minato gave them buffer time, but this buffer time also became their best excuse for procrastination.

In fact, everyone knows what they are waiting for.

It is nothing more than lying on the hospital bed and gradually improving, but the three generations of Hokage who have not woken up.

It is quite sad to say that there are actually quite a few people in the opposition.

But the successors they cultivated, one left Konoha with fear of blood, and the other became rebellion.

The last one doesn't seem to be so satisfied with their approach.

In order to avoid suspicion in high positions, they rarely push the elites of their family to power.

The practice of family inheritance is actually not very popular in Konoha.

Although there are two Hokage in the Qianshou clan, the situation is different when it comes to the third generation.

The three generations of Hokage are the heirs of the non-Thousand-hand family. In order to stabilize his own interest group, he naturally cannot do such a thing.

But in the same camp, people who have a perfect inheritance system and have the same philosophy ascend one after another. This is also an extremely good choice.

Whether it's a compromise, or in order to stabilize his own interest group, this is the choice he made.

It's just that there are some outliers in his interest group.

And the person he finally chose was also instilled with some ideas by Uchiha Qi in advance, and eventually there was a huge disagreement with him.

In fact, he is not without a chance to recover.

However, Uchiha Qi knew the development of the plot, and he did not leave any chance for the third generation!

"Ki, what do you think?" Minato Namika asked curiously. He was someone who knew Uchiha Kai well: "Do you have any ideas about the negotiation? That's great!"

"No, I don't want to be involved in this matter." Uchiha Qi shook his head. He raised his head and looked at Minato Namifeng and said earnestly, "But I have some considerations for the future."

"Prepare for a rainy day?" Minato Namikaze was stunned for a moment, and soon his face became a little serious: "Qijun means, what happened after our Shangin reform?"

"Of course." Uchiha Kai nodded: "Although there are still too many unknowns in this reform, basically, I think this is an irreversible thing, but what will happen next, Captain Watergate's strategy How about the layout, shouldn't you think about it?"

Uchiha Kai's words are very straightforward. Indeed, there are still some unknowns in this reform.

But these unknowns, as long as they are still active within a reasonable framework, then Uchiha Kai believes that under their control, this matter must be irreversible!

Unless someone really has the courage to break the routine and come to some out-of-the-ordinary contests.

But if they really do this, I'm afraid Uchiha Kai doesn't need to think too much, and Namikaze Minato will never let them go!

If that's the case, is it time to think about what's next?

Namikaze Minato showed a thoughtful expression, he was not quite sure what thoughts and plans Uchiha Kai would have next.

But since Uchiha Kai wants to come up with it, it will definitely not be an easy thing.

Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Qi contacted and cooperated, and UU read and developed a deep friendship. It has been four years in total.

He witnessed the rise of Kai Uchiha with his own eyes, the horror of Kai Uchiha, and the **** and cruelty of Kai Uchiha.

But I have to say, how frightening he is, and almost everything he does is what Namikaze Minato wants to do the most.

Even if his methods made Minato Namifeng unacceptable, the results of these methods were already clear at a glance.

Namikaze Minato knew that if he allowed himself to do it, the result of failure would be unimaginable.

He is not a person who cannot accept failure, but he will not do things with a failure rate of more than 80%.

Contact with Kai Uchiha taught him one thing.

That's when it's time to be ruthless, and you must be ruthless!

As a superior, when seeking benefits for your own people, you must sacrifice the interests of people who are not your own.

Nara Shikahisa heard Uchiha Kai's words, and when he saw Namikaze Minato's expression turned serious, he immediately realized something.

After that exchange with Uchiha Kai, he already knew how this young man existed.

His proposal will inevitably affect Konoha, he must listen carefully, and must also consider carefully.

"Captain Watergate, I have always known your thoughts, and I am willing to cooperate with you."

Uchiha Kai looked very calm: "A lot of Konoha's work has been completed, we just need to make it thrive.

So in order to expand our reach and to some extent get your ideas out there…”

"I think it is necessary for us to do something, for example, the small countries around us will be a qualified 'experimental field'..."
