Chapter 504: Remember what you said in the morning

The question of Aya Hyuga is actually not a very friendly question for Kai Uchiha.

It may be that Uchiha Obito's experience, coupled with the current situation of the two of them, made this woman unconsciously start to think wildly.

It's just her idea that Uchiha Kai doesn't agree with at all!

If, what is if?

This is just a hypothetical statement, but in Kai Uchiha, what he is facing is an established fact.

If it was before, maybe he was so cold-blooded that he didn't care about all this happening.

Perhaps, he was still eager for such a thing to happen.

But now, he really can't guarantee that he can still maintain an extremely indifferent attitude when facing all this.

Everything has changed, or once a person has some fetters that he can't restrain himself and has already appeared, it is really difficult for anyone to cut off all this easily!

Madara Uchiha did not do it, nor did Sasuke Uchiha.

Even Uchiha Itachi, who seemed to have killed his entire clan, did not completely cut off his inner **** in essence.

Uchiha Kai is a cold-blooded person, which he will not deny in the slightest.

But he also won't deny one thing, and that is the fact that he is still a normal person.

Otherwise, after he crossed over to the Uchiha family, he could have cultivated his feelings for his parents and killed them when the feelings became too strong.

Isn't this also a way to open a kaleidoscope?

Although there is a big factor of "deceiving yourself", it may not really open the kaleidoscope.

But it's an attempt after all, isn't it?

But he really couldn't do such a thing. The war distorted his humanity, but it didn't wipe out all this.

For him, Hyuga Aya's current question, he is unwilling to answer.

Because his kaleidoscope has long been opened, without these eyes, he really can't live now.

He might not be able to pass the loess level alone, let alone everything that he will face afterward.

Of course he knew what answer Hyuga Aya wanted to hear, but he was unwilling to cooperate.

He admitted that he did already have the figure of this woman in his heart.

If so, why make assumptions?

Maybe his thinking is a bit too "steel straight man", but he always believes that the past events will let them disappear.

Focusing on the future is the most real thing, the most worthwhile thing to grasp.

Sighing slightly, Uchiha Qi said softly: "Sorry, I know what the answer you want, but I won't answer. I won't let such a thing happen, because such a thing is definitely impossible for me. occur!"

"Really?" Hyuga Aya stared at Uchiha Kai, and after a long while she suddenly laughed: "Of course it can't happen, do you think I'll put myself in that situation?"

"It's hard to say, because you can't beat Imai Kenta." Uchiha Kai suddenly laughed, but when he noticed that Hyuga Aya's eyes suddenly became dangerous, he immediately changed the subject: "By the way, we are now Where are you going? This road seems to be quite far from your house, right?"

"I didn't look at the direction at all, so I didn't follow you." Hyuga Aya snorted lightly, then looked left and right: "Speaking of which, this place is quite far from your house, isn't it?"

"Or?" Uchiha raised his brows, "Tonight..."

"Don't dream!"


Uchiha Kai looked at Hyuga Aya's picture that seemed a little uneasy, but revealed a firm face, which made him smile wickedly.

But so far, Uchiha Kai has not gone further.

It is enough to joke to a certain extent, and excessive jokes can only lead to some bad things.

Silently holding Hyuga Aya's hand and walked forward, but this time they have a goal, that is Hyuga Aya's home.

The two seemed a little silent along the way, almost when they came out of the restaurant.

It may be that both of their personalities prefer to be quiet, or it may be that there is a little embarrassment between them.

Unconsciously, they came to a park in the center of Konoha Village.

At this time, people in the park are rare, probably because it is too late, and few people choose to come to such a place, right?

"Sit in the past?" Uchiha Qi pointed to the bench in the park.

"Yeah." Hyuga Aya didn't object.

Following Uchiha Kai's footsteps, they quickly ran to the bench and sat down.

Uchiha Kai leaned on the bench and looked up at the night sky. Today's sky is quite face-saving.

Under the bright moonlight, the stars all over the sky shone even more.

Hyuga Aya sat beside Uchiha Kai, turned her head to look at his profile, and felt a trance in her heart.

Once upon a time, she, who has always been independent, seems to be gradually becoming less independent at this moment.

Or she will try to accommodate some people, whether seriously or subconsciously.

"Hey..." Hyuga Aya sighed slightly, raised her head and stared at the bright moon in the sky and suddenly asked, "What are we now? Teammates? Friends? Collaborators? Or..."

"Are we?" Hyuga Aya didn't finish her sentence, maybe she was a little bit speechless.

Uchiha Qi could only take over the topic and thought about it carefully before he said slowly: "I heard a story before, I don't remember exactly where I heard it, do you want to hear it? ?"

"Go ahead." Hyuga Aya nodded, showing no emotion.

Uchiha Kai looked at the bright moonlight, and then slowly told the story that emerged in his mind.

In fact, the story Uchiha Kai wants to tell is not that complicated.

As a liberal arts student, he has read too many books.

Among them was a book that he remembered quite deeply. The name seems to be "The Little Prince"?

This book is exactly a fairy tale novel, but this fairy tale is also very different. It is a fairy tale for adults.

However, Uchiha Kai is not so stupid, and tells the whole story.

He just selected some excerpts that he found interesting and could also express some of his thoughts.

As for right or wrong, it doesn't matter at all, because he doesn't think Hyuga Aya can read this fairy tale.

And it's a very good thing that I haven't seen it. In this case, there will be no problem with how Uchiha Kai wants to make things up.

"'Go and look at those roses again. You will see that yours is the only rose in the world. When you come back to say goodbye to me, I will give you another secret.'

So the little prince went to look at the roses again.

'You are nothing like my rose, and you are nothing! ' said the little prince to them.

'No one has tamed you, and you haven't tamed anyone. You are as my fox used to be when he was just a fox like a thousand other foxes. However, I have now regarded it as my friend, so it is now unique in the world. ’

At this time, those roses looked very embarrassed.

‘You are beautiful, but you are empty. ' The little prince was still saying to them: 'No one can die for you. Of course Luo, my rose, an ordinary passerby thought she was just like you.

However, she alone is more important than all of you, because I watered her.

Because she is what I put in the flower cover. Because she was protected by me with a screen.

Because of the caterpillars on her body - except for the two or three left to turn into butterflies, I eliminated them all.

Because I have listened to her grievances and self-esteem, and sometimes even her silence. Because she is my rose...'"

Uchiha Kai spoke very slowly, and Hyuga Aya also listened very seriously.

She had never heard of this story, and if it were normal, she probably wouldn't listen to similar stories at all.

But at this moment, the story and the storyteller caught her attention.

She has kept quiet, has been listening quietly.

And as the story continued, her eyes slightly changed.

Until the "little fox" in Kai Uchiha's mouth appeared, she seemed to know the meaning of Kai Uchiha's story.

She sighed slightly, and asked when Uchiha Kai stopped, "You mean, my rose, every ordinary passerby thinks she is the same as everyone else.

However, she alone is more important than all of you, because I watered her. Because she's the one I put in the flower hood..."

"Isn't it interesting?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head and asked with a smile.

"Yes, the feelings between people are really as the little prince said."

Hyuga Aya sighed slightly: "When a person falls in love with another person, it is considered to be tamed by that person, and it becomes her uniqueness.

Roses are unique to the little prince. Even if there are countless roses in the rose garden, they cannot be compared with hers. "

"That's it." Uchiha Qi put his hands behind his head, raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky: "Actually, everyone is the same, whether it is the rose or the little prince, they have already been tamed, just tamed. The extent is different.”

"What about you?" Hyuga Aya sighed, "Can someone really tame you?"

tame me?

Uchiha Kai did not look back, but still looked at the bright moon in the sky.

This question is not very easy for Uchiha Kai himself to answer, because he never feels that he is a tamed person.

Maybe it's too selfish, or maybe it's something else.

So in the face of such a problem, he will more or less feel very uncomfortable.

However, he didn't show too much emotion, but this attitude obviously made Hyuga Aya unsatisfied.

"Let's go." Hyuga Aya stood up suddenly, and she said softly, "It's very late, I'll go back too."

"Well, I'll take you off." Uchiha Qi also stood up and followed behind her.

Hyuga Aya did not reject his proposal, but did not agree directly.

The two walked forward silently side by side, and two long backs were dragged out from under the street lamp.

Maybe it's just spring, the weather is not as good as expected, and the breeze at night is still a little chilly.

But for the two of them, the cold really wasn't a problem.

However, such a cold wind also made the heads of the two of them seem to be awake a lot.

Aya Hyuga tilted her head slightly to look at Kai Uchiha, and soon she sighed slightly.

She knew that this guy Uchiha Kai would never admit that he was tamed.

No matter his strength or status, he is not allowed to make any similar statement.

And Hyuga Aya himself actually felt that how could a man like him really be easily tamed?

This guy is so proud, very few people can really guess how he thinks.

In addition to this, there is another key factor, that is, Hyuga Aya doesn't think that she will really be tamed by Uchiha Kai!

Although it seems that she can feel that she is getting closer and closer to Kai Uchiha in many situations and directions of actions, but this does not mean that she has lost herself.

She is still Aya Hyuga, she is still the person with an independent personality.

Even if she is indeed influenced by Uchiha Kai, why isn't Uchiha Kai also influenced by him?

Thinking of this, Hyuga Aya's mouth couldn't help showing a smile, but neither of them spoke.

As for what happened between the two of them, what happened, and what will happen next time they meet, they didn't think much about it.

Maybe they already have the answer in their hearts, but neither of them has broken it for a while.

And, it's really broken, but it's not the answer they hoped, that's really bad.

"It's here, it's in front." When she came to a corner, Hyuga Aya suddenly stopped: "You don't want to send me in, do you?"

"Isn't it supposed to send you in?" Uchiha Kei also stopped and looked at Hyuga Aya with a smile.

"Forget it, I don't want some rumors circulating in the entire clan tomorrow..." Hyuga Aya shook her head and directly rejected the proposal.


Now it's not a matter of what rumors are circulating in your clan, but the whole Konoha is circulating some not-so-good things.

Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly, looking at Aya Hyuga who was about to turn away, he did not let go, but tightened his grip.

"What's wrong?" Hyuga Aya felt the power coming from her hand, and couldn't help but look back strangely: "I'm going back."

"Ah, I know." Uchiha Ki nodded,

Suddenly, he slowly took a step forward towards Hyuga Aya's position, making the distance between the two very delicate.

Looking at the girl who was close at hand, especially the pair of white eyes flashed a little strange light.

He showed a smile: "Remember, what you said in the morning?"

"Morning?" Hyuga Aya hesitated: "What did I say?"

"'I said that I was very experienced, and I was looking forward to it. It turned out like this, I was so disappointed.'" Uchiha Kai repeated what Hyuga Aya once said: "Do you have an impression?"

"What do you want?" Hyuga Aya shrank back subconsciously, but she soon realized that there seemed to be a wall behind her.

Looking at the man who was getting closer, she didn't know what to do now, should she resist?

But soon, a voice came from her ear.

"I... just want to see, will you be disappointed this time..."



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