Chapter 505: Uchiha Kai in a good mood

Yun Yin is not a group of people who can sit still, especially after they came into contact with this guy Uchiha Kai, they were even more unable to bear it.

So on the second day, they went to visit Namifeng Minato, intending to get more information.

And Namikaze Minato is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he will never take his position lightly until he has thoroughly figured out what he wants to get.

However, this incident also made Minato Namikaze know that he must speed up now.

Therefore, after the members of the Yunyin negotiation delegation left, he immediately asked Kakashi to call Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta over.

"Although it is a bit hasty, it is indeed time for us to talk about necessary things now."

When Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai were seated, Minato Namikaze said directly, "Yunyin's urgency is completely beyond their imagination, but I didn't discuss too much substance with Luku yesterday, so... .."

"I think I understand, Hokage-sama." Imai Kenta spread his hands indifferently: "Actually, the established policy should be in place, right? If so, everything will probably be much simpler."

"It's really been done." Nara Shikaku nodded: "But many things need to be supplemented and improved. We only have one policy, but there are no other specific things."

"Let's take a look at the plan first." Uchiha Qi said directly: "Without the plan, we don't know what specific thoughts the two have, don't we?"

It is undeniable that Nara Shikahisa and Namikaze Minato have already made plans.

In fact, Uchiha Kei felt that after their discussion yesterday, Nara Shikahisa should go back and formulate a plan for the relevant policies.

However, this plan should only be an outline. How to expand requires the two of them to slowly discuss and add or subtract according to the current actual situation.

It's just that Yun Yin's sense of urgency and crisis is now beyond their imagination.

Yesterday's Kai Uchiha relaxed a little because he was "in a good mood", as if they had found a life-saving straw, they came together without caring.

Such performance is very fatal to the negotiation.

But knowing the current environment of Yunyin and the problems they are facing, it is actually completely understandable why they are in such a hurry.

Of course, from their internal political point of view, it seems to be a good choice.

There are not many villages that are peaceful inside, and there is no village that is free of contradictions.

The existence of contradictions is a very real thing, and even sometimes these contradictions are an important driving force for the development of the village.

It is also very common that conflicts caused by different positions will evolve into various types of infighting.

And now on the issue of the fourth-generation Raikage, it seems that Yunyin has reached a consensus internally.

Those who support Raikage of the Fourth Generation naturally hope that he will come back quickly, so as to stabilize the current extremely unfavorable situation.

The eagerness of Yanyin and those small countries has just been suppressed, but they have not completely extinguished their inner ambitions.

Konoha's army stayed on the borders of the Land of Thunder in the name of assistance, seemingly helping them.

In fact, in their eyes, it is more like preparing for the breakdown of the negotiations, ready to rush into the country of thunder!

In addition, they also have a two-tailed human column force that has not yet grown up. This once strategic threatening weapon has now become a hidden danger that may lead to unimaginable disasters at any time!

In such an extreme situation, the return of the fourth generation of Raikage, whether it is those who support him or those who oppose him, is exceptionally supportive.

Those who support him don't need to say much, and those who oppose him can also get what they want.

For example, in the future, they can completely use the "exchange for the fourth generation of Raikage to consume too many materials and cause huge losses to Yun Yin".

In exchange for something more in line with their interests.

Uchiha Kei and Imai Kenta spread out the plan handed over by Nara Shikahisa, and Kakashi stuck his head out to read it together.

Sure enough, in this plan, what Konoha wants has already been planned.

It's just that these things are just a general category.

There are ninjutsu and secret techniques. There is no clear number or no. These things are also what Uchiha Kai and the others need to seriously discuss.

"However, this is almost the same." After reading the report, Uchiha Qi thought for a while and asked directly, "I don't know what Captain Minato wants, what is the coverage area?"


Namikaze Minato has been patiently waiting for Uchiha Kai and the others to finish it, so he immediately began to think about Uchiha Kai's question.

"You mean, the scope of Ninja coverage? Or the scope of application?"

"That's right, we don't know what Yun Yin's background is, but as a big country, the number of ninjutsu they have is definitely not small."

Uchiha Qi sat up straight and said directly: "In this case, what we have to do is a bottom line that can be floated.

Just before that we need to make one thing clear, and that is the exchange content this time.

Is the scope we need to cover just for the jounin, or for all ninjas. "

"Is there any difference here?" Kakashi asked curiously, but just as he spoke, Kenta Imai rolled his eyes at him.

"Of course there is a big difference here, please." Imai Kenta sighed helplessly: "Because this will affect the quality and quantity of ninjutsu we get."

Indeed, coverage issues are definitely worth serious consideration.

In the end, it must be a large number of low-level ninjutsu that can be used by everyone.

It is still necessary to have extremely high quality and powerful, but a limited number of advanced ninjutsu, which is indeed worth discussing.

It's a fact that negotiations don't happen overnight.

However, the benefits obtained from this negotiation must be what Konoha hopes to obtain most.

Only by understanding this issue can we make better negotiation choices.

Kakashi immediately understood what Imai Kenta meant, he touched his chin and said, "Actually, the Shimonin and Chunin aspects have been rolled out, but the reform of the upper ninja has not fully begun, and there are even many things that have not been resolved. .

So, I think we are looking for more ninjutsu resources at the current stage, will it be better for ordinary-level ninjutsu resources? "

"I think it's better to think about advanced ninjutsu." Imai Kenta touched his chin.

"Think about it, the low-level ninjutsu is actually a ninja school, and the reserves in Konoha's storage warehouse can completely handle it.

Therefore, I think it is more cost-effective to use the two of them to completely exchange high-quality and powerful ninjutsu this time, right? "

In fact, the number of people to exchange can be considered as determined.

One is the fourth Raikage, and the other is the guy Tutai.

The Yun Ninja that Konoha has obtained so far can be regarded as four important units.

The Fourth Raikage, Tutai, and Yatai Renzhuli are all important units.

And the captured Yun Ninjas, all added up, can barely be regarded as an important unit.

They don't need to struggle, whether they can get everything they want, they just need to discuss what they need at this stage.

"This point, I agree with Minister Kenta." Nara Shikahisa thought for a while, and then said with a smile: "Indeed, according to the current Konoha reserve, we are not lacking in low-level ninjutsu, so we can consider it. More, like advanced ninjutsu, to prepare for the future."

"I don't think so." Minato Namikaze said after some thought.

"I just stand my ground and don't need to think about other things.

My thinking is that our reforms do continue and we haven't officially asked for ninjutsu from the families that oppose us.

Of course, everyone has not contributed their own family's ninjutsu.

But I have a hunch, I am afraid that what everyone contributes will not be too important. "

"Secret arts, it is considered that every family, especially the family like Lu Jiu, will never take it out.

And powerful ninjutsu, some families may not be able to easily come out.

Therefore, I think we might as well use some high-end ninjutsu as a precaution to avoid any major troubles. "

Namikaze Minato obviously made such a decision after some thought.

Indeed, as he said, it is obviously impossible for each family to easily take out secret techniques.

Especially those families that rely on secret techniques to eat, they will not contribute what belongs to their own family.

In addition to these secret techniques, it is definitely not easy to obtain advanced ninjutsu.

After all, advanced ninjutsu is really not something that can be easily obtained. Even in some families, the status of these ninjutsu is not necessarily lower than that of secret art.

It is obviously unreasonable to do something to one's own people.

Even if there are a lot of people here who don't deal with it, they still have an identity that cannot be ignored.

That is, they are all ninjas affiliated to Konoha!

Since they are all Konoha ninjas, as Hokage, they must be treated equally to a certain extent.

Even if they disagree in many places, they still have to express their opinions.

Otherwise, why would Uchiha resist so fiercely?

Why did Kai Uchiha do so many terrible things in the village?

"Okay, two to two." Nara Shikaku rubbed his head helplessly: "Since we don't consider the issue of identity, then we are all one person, one vote, and it happens that we also have five people here..."

"Ki, what do you think?" Minato Namikaze turned to look at Uchiha Kai without any hesitation.

Not only him, but several others also looked at Uchiha Kai.

They are really strange. Today, Uchiha Kai doesn't seem to have a high desire to speak.

But looking at the emotions on his brows, it seems to be pretty good, right?

This is a bit strange, this guy seems to have gone back with Hyuga Aya last night.

But what happened after that, Imai Kenta and Kakashi really don't know, because they went to see Obito off.

"My opinion?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a smile.

"Actually, my opinion doesn't matter anymore, because whether it's Minister Shikahisa or Kenta, or Kakashi and Captain Minato.

Naturally, you look at things differently from different perspectives. In short, there are pros and cons. How to choose is of course up to your own thoughts. "

"Hey hey hey, is it really what you said when you talk to Shi Mu?"

Imai Kenta looked at Uchiha Kai in disbelief: "Please, can you stop doing this, and tell me a plan that you agree with from your point of view."

"My angle?" Uchiha Kai was in a good mood and did not refute Imai Kenta's words.

He touched his chin and thought for a moment before speaking: "Actually, in my opinion, this is really not a good decision to make.

But to be honest, I still prefer to make plans on both sides. "

"Both sides make a plan?" Nara Lukisa was stunned when he heard the words, and then he seemed to have reacted: "You mean, let Yunyin and the others make the choice?"

Uchiha Qi nodded, his meaning was actually very simple, that is, to simply leave the choice to Yun Yin.

On my side, I set a bottom line, a bottom line that does not allow Yun Yin to refute, and use this as a bargaining chip for Yun Yin to choose.

After this transaction is over, you can directly throw another document out next time.

Have them prepare it in exchange for the rest of the crew.

"Okay, it looks like we're busy." Minato Namikaze thought for a while and nodded: "Indeed, it's a good result to leave the choice to them. Just let us count these things ourselves. ,It really is...."

"It looks like it's going to take time again today." Nara Shikhisa also smiled helplessly: "Well, it seems that this matter is really not worth thinking about I will take care of it. The number of ordinary ninjutsu, as for high-end ninjutsu..."

"Just leave it to me and Kakashi." Minato Namikaze said with a smile, then he looked at Kai Uchiha: "Kai, what are you going to do?"

"I don't plan to worry about this. The expansion of the security department is almost complete. I still need to keep an eye on it." Uchiha Qi shook his head with a smile: "That's it, I'll leave it to you."

Namikaze Minato nodded. Since Uchiha Kei didn't want to participate, he wouldn't force it.

As Kai Uchiha said, he does have other things to do right now.

However, Kenta Imai is eyeing Uchiha Kai, because his attitude is too suspicious today.

Although he usually has a gentle smile, in terms of fake smiles, there are probably not many people in Konoha who can compare with Kenta Imai.

And today Uchiha Kai's smile is obviously not the kind of disguise with a mask, but a "happy" smile.

After the meeting, Imai Kenta directly caught up with Uchiha Kai, and he asked curiously, "Are you in a good mood today?"

"Ah?" Uchiha Qi looked at this guy strangely, and then he nodded with a smile: "Indeed, I'm in a good mood."

"Last night, you sent Aya home, I remember correctly."

"Ah, yes."

"Didn't you go home?"

"No, of course I went back, just..."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Qi paused slightly, and his eyes seemed to have changed a little.

He couldn't help but remember that when he parted with Aya Hyuga last night...



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