Chapter 509: You are the devil, I am the devil

"Nara Shikahisa told you about the third Hokage, right? He woke up?"

Walking on the street of Konoha, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya walked forward together.

At this time, it was the peak period of Konoha's get off work, and dense crowds kept coming out of the surrounding offices. These were all ninjas in Konoha's functional department.

There are more ninjas who came from outside the village, probably after completing the task and returning to the village to rest?

In addition to ninjas, there are also a lot of civilians at this point, so naturally they need to relax after a day of work.

However, after seeing Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya, these people kept smiling with kindness and stopped bothering them.

The intimacy shown by these two in the past month, even Akai, who has the lowest emotional intelligence, can see that the two of them have made substantial breakthroughs, let alone others.

Therefore, everyone will not disturb these two people at will, especially if they themselves know that disturbing them at this moment will definitely not have any good results.

Aya Hyuga closely followed in the footsteps of Kai Uchiha and walked towards a restaurant.

The intimacy between them has indeed grown unimaginably since that night.

Kai Uchiha's rare initiative, coupled with the fact that Aya Hyuga's inner defense line may have been broken through.

Therefore, she rarely refuses Uchiha Kai.

Of course, she still maintains her bottom line.

Even if their current relationship has broken through, she can't let Uchiha Kai do whatever she wants.

Uchiha Kai is a pretty good guy. Although he likes to do some little things with his hands and feet from time to time, she doesn't bother to pay attention to this guy unless it violates her bottom line.

Their performance now is more and more like a couple, but they know in their hearts that even if they are a couple, they will not lose their own characteristics.

Even if they accommodate each other because of certain circumstances, they maintain their independence.

As Uchiha Kai said, none of them can tame anyone.

Looking at the people coming and going on the street, Aya Hyuga suddenly asked in a plain voice, and Kei Uchiha was stunned, then he smiled and nodded.

He was still thinking about this, but he didn't expect Hyuga Aya to take the initiative to ask questions.

He didn't know that Hyuga Aya actually cared about this kind of thing very low from beginning to end.

After all, she is neither Uchiha Kai nor Imai Kenta, and she is full of hatred and dissatisfaction with the three generations of Hokage and its system.

She is now taking the initiative to ask questions, which can already be regarded as caring.

"I thought you weren't interested in these things." Uchiha Kai said casually: "Indeed, he woke up."

"Is there any trouble?" Hyuga Aya asked directly: "After all, those guys have been waiting for their backbone, and now he wakes up..."

"Don't worry, there will be no problem." Uchiha Qi stretched out his hand to hold her: "If he is in the election, or if we and Yun Yin haven't completely reached some consensus, then everything will become very troublesome. ,but now....."

By now, both the frontline and the rear ninjas already know the news.

Even if the three generations of Hokage have a great influence, it is impossible to change anything.

What's more, the negotiation still involves everyone's energy on the surface.

It seems that they are preparing for Minato Minato, but in fact, they have secretly reached a consensus, and the first batch of supplies is about to be delivered.

What the three generations of Hokage want to do now is very difficult.

Whether it is to incite those ordinary ninjas, or to negotiate and make a fuss, it will become extremely difficult.

Even if he can really use his influence to achieve certain goals, when Namikaze Minato put out what he got from Yun Yin directly.

You can imagine what it will be like then.

The time for the three generations of Hokage to wake up is really not the right time, and it can be said that it is the right time. I am afraid that there are not many things he can do now.

"Let's go, leave him alone." Uchiha Qi felt his slightly cold hand being pulled in his hand, and then slowly said: "However, why are your hands so cold all the time?"

"How do I know." Hyuga Aya looked down at the hand she was holding, and then she raised her head and said, "Also, don't tell me to wear more clothes, just lie to other people, I don't need to already."

"Well." Uchiha Qi nodded: "So, drink more hot water?"

"Nervous disease." Hyuga Aya rolled her eyes and tried to shake Uchiha Kai's hand away.

However, after finding that there was no effect, she could only ask helplessly: "What are you going to eat tonight? Really, I'm outside every day..."

"Want to go to my house? Or to your house?"

"Forget it, let's go outside."

Looking at Hyuga Aya's statement, Uchiha Kai smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

He also knew that for the two of them, as long as they could fill their stomachs and have more physical strength to support their actions, they would feel enough.

It's a standard wartime ninja coping mechanic, and they both do a great job with this set.

But let them concentrate on doing something that can make them feel delicious, I am afraid this will really embarrass them.

They actually have very similar views on food.

Maybe they also like something that tastes better, but most of the time, their food is protein and energy at best.

But that was a choice in a time of war, but now is not a time of war.

They don't have to feel wronged so much, and it's also a very good choice to enjoy life.

"It's just..." Uchiha Qi suddenly thought of something, and his pace slowed down a bit.

"Just what?" Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai inexplicably.

"I'm thinking, in the future, who will be in charge of cooking?" Uchiha Kai seemed to be really thinking about this issue, and said flatly, "After all, neither of us seem to be good at this?"

"You bastard..." Hyuga Aya was choked for a moment, but then she said helplessly: "Please, even if you really get to that point in the future, don't you know how to find a nanny? The servants hired by your Uchiha clan. , isn't there a lot?"

There are indeed a lot of servants in the Uchiha family. In fact, even if Sasuke lives alone in the original book, I am afraid that many servants are taking care of it.

After all, this provided a lot of jobs, and Sasuke Uchiha was so small at the time.

It is absolutely impossible for the guy who has been spoiled and pampered to do it himself.

However, those servants basically did not show up in the original work. In addition to deliberately creating a lonely atmosphere, it was also clear that Sasuke Uchiha was really lonely.

Those servants have no way to become his relatives and friends.

"Besides, do you think you've settled for me?" Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking, Hyuga Aya spoke again.

"Ah?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed: "It's not you who decides whether to eat or not, nor is it me who has the final say, it's time. I suddenly feel that I need to. Do something."

"What's up?"

"Inevitably, do a good study of illusion?"


"What a rare visitor, Minister Qi."

Qiu Dao Dingza looked at Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya with a smile, and then quickly welcomed them both into the barbecue restaurant.

In Konoha, most of the barbecue restaurants are actually related to the Qiu Dao family.

The main reason is that they eat too much, although it is not necessarily that they are really gluttonous, because their secret arts require them to have enough fat to consume.

But no matter whether it is to satisfy their own food intake or to meet the needs of secret arts, they must increase their efforts in this regard.

It is like the Nara family has their own farms to raise deer, and rely on the reproduction of these deer to obtain sufficient income.

Deer antler can be used for medicine, and deer blood also has special effects.

Venison meat can be provided to the barbecue shop of the Qiu Dao family, and the deer skin can also be specially processed into scroll products used by ninjas.

Every family has its own direction of business, even Uchiha is the same, but Uchiha has many other businesses.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency Ding Zuo." Uchiha Qi smiled slightly: "I didn't expect you to be here too."

"Just call me Ding Zuo, you don't need to be polite." Qiu Dao Ding Zuo said with a smile, and then his brows raised: "Do you need to find a quiet place for you?"

"Of course, I'll trouble you." Uchiha Qi bowed slightly, expressing his respect and gratitude at the same time.

Now he is very proficient in doing all this, even if he knows his identity does not need to do it at all.

But in the face of being "one's own" in terms of position, especially the other party's resources and strength are not weak, and at the same time he is older than himself.

Keeping such a humble attitude can definitely get unimaginable benefits and benefits.

Sure enough, Akira Uchiha's expression became even more happy when he saw Uchiha Kai's current attitude.

Even if he still knows that Uchiha Kai is wearing a mask to make a show, but Uchiha Kai's identity and strength are determined, even if he is performing, he can win great favor.

Qiu Dao Dingza happily went to prepare, and it didn't take long for Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya to come to a relatively quiet place.

And the single room is absolutely impossible to see easily, and when they came in, some ingredients were already placed on the table.

It can be seen that these ingredients are some expensive things.

"It seems that this place is pretty good." Uchiha Qi sat down, looked at the surrounding environment at random, and nodded: "Senior Ding Zuo is also interested, I am afraid this place is reserved for special guests. guests?"

"Ah, yes." Hyuga Aya resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and said along with Uchiha Kai.

Don't you just say that when everyone's gone, isn't it just because you're worried that the wall will have ears?

However, it is very necessary to be careful. One set in front of others has another set in the back. Anyone who does this will feel very uncomfortable.

If you want to pretend, you must pretend to the end. At least on certain occasions, you must achieve a consistent appearance, which is also a way of showing a person's advantages.

Hyuga Aya knew that she did it herself, but she was not as exaggerated as Uchiha Kai's performance.

After the two sat down one after another, Hyuga Aya began to actively select some ingredients and put them on the grill.

And Uchiha Kai also tacitly began to choose the sauce according to the taste of the two and began to prepare it.

Uchiha Kai prefers spicy food, while Hyuga Aya prefers lighter and sweeter flavors.

But these are not big things, anyway, they can eat any taste.

You must know that the barbecue that Imai Kenta's idiot made can basically be regarded as without any taste. Can't they eat cleanly?

"Seriously, don't you really worry about the third Hokage?"

Seeing Uchiha Kai seriously brushing the sauce on the food, Hyuga Aya suddenly asked with her head on her hands.

"You know, I'm not asking about those reforms, but..."

"Is his revenge?" Uchiha Kai didn't stop, he said while brushing the sauce, "Aya, do you think I'll be afraid of his revenge?"

"Of course you're not afraid, I know your strength." Hyuga Aya shook her head gently.

"But you've always bound yourself to the framework of the rules, which is your strength, but also your weakness.

Although you keep winning, no one can win consistently, and I don't want you to lose. "

"So, are you going to help me?" Uchiha Kai chuckled.

"You've been helping me, haven't you?

I bound myself because I didn't want to be an abusive demon or an abusive monster.

As for victory or defeat, I don't have enough confidence, and I wouldn't declare war easily, would I? "

"That's right." A smile appeared on Hyuga Aya's face: "You guy, you have always been prepared to do things. However, have you ever encountered something that happened suddenly that you were not prepared for?"

"Is it an emergency?" Uchiha paused for a while, then continued his work.

Suddenly, he encountered too many.

Almost every big plan, there will always be some small twists and turns, which lead his plan to go in other directions.

However, he is very clear that planning is always just planning adaptability is the most important thing. As long as you deal with it properly, in fact, many times the harvest is much greater than he expected.

Unfortunately, Hyuga Aya didn't ask this question.

But something else, more sudden, I'm afraid he didn't think of it himself?

Looking at the grilled meat that was gradually emitting a meaty aroma, Uchiha Kai turned it slightly to make them heat more evenly.

Then he raised his head and looked at Hyuga Aya: "If you have to say it, then it must be you."

"Me?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head: "I brought you a big surprise?"

"Ah, it looks like a surprise now, but then it was more of panic and anger."

Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Remember, how you threatened me at the time? I really didn't expect you to do such a thing."

"is that so?"

After a little recollection, Hyuga Aya knew what Uchiha Kai was talking about. At that time, she threatened Uchiha Kai with suicide.

"Who would want to do that if it wasn't for extreme despair?"

"That's right." Uchiha Qi nodded, then he paused slightly before slowly opening his mouth: "Do you regret it?"

"Why do you regret it?" Hinata Aya asked curiously.

"After all..." Uchiha Qi picked up the grilled skewer and handed it over: "I'm a devil."

"You are a devil, am I not a devil?"

"that's true."

"But there is one thing that needs to be made clear."

"you say."

"If you really dare to study that illusion, I will never let you go..."



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