Chapter 510: mind of revenge

"Right now, that's how it is."

In the best single room in Konoha's hospital, Hiizan Sarutobi, Koharu and Mito Tomon were sitting together.

Outside this single room, there are a lot of root ninjas hidden.

After learning about Konoha's current situation in detail, Sarutobi Hizan immediately found his two old classmates.

He needs to determine some things, determine the current situation inside Konoha, and the progress of negotiating with Yun Yin.

However, what made Sarutobi Hizan deeply powerless was that he knew that it was really too late for him to wake up.

If he had only been in a coma for a week, he would still be able to completely cover up the incident.

If he can wake up two or three months earlier, then he is also sure that this reform will be stillborn.

But now, it's too late.

He really doesn't think he has any chance to let this decision to completely reverse the political framework he created, to smash the Konoha pattern he created, completely stop or even fail.

This negotiation is probably just...

No, it must be a pretense!

A pretense that catches everyone's attention and allows Namifeng Minato to complete all the preliminary work.

Since it is the given few months of buffer time, it is only used to make more preparations, and at the same time think about how to deal with the reserved time for opposing families.

Their method is very disgusting, but it makes people unable to refuse at all.

If Koharu and Mito Kazuto want to continue to live in Konoha's political system, then they accept becoming negotiators and that is the only choice.

Although the best negotiator is Nara Shikahisa, in terms of seniority and ability, they are not bad at all, and it is reasonable to choose them.

However, choosing them did not tell them Konoha's bottom line at all.

Just ask them to continue to oppress Yunyin according to the target set by Hokage.

Even if they are stupid, they can see that this is not for Yun Yin to agree, but to hold Yun Yin back.

In other words, they were dragging themselves, dragging the gazes of all the ninjas up and down the entire Konoha.

Let the people of Namikaze Minato be able to do what they want to do quietly and without any influence.

Even the three generations of Hokage are speculating whether it is whether they have actually completed the transaction with Yunyin.

After all, Yunyin's current situation is really an internal and external problem. They must have a strong enough person to quickly return to Yunyin's interior to stabilize the situation in all aspects.

For this reason, it is difficult to say whether Yunyin will provide some special and more favorable conditions.

Use this as a bargaining chip for part of the deal, in exchange for the people they need.

"Hizan, do you have any thoughts?" Mito Menyan looked at Sarutobi Hizan who was in deep thought, hesitated for a long time, and finally finally asked slowly: "The current situation is probably true for us. very bad."

"It's really bad." Sarutobi Hizan sighed helplessly: "Those guys seem to have come prepared, but now I need you to do something."

"You said, Rijian." Turning to bed Xiaochun nodded: "What do you want us to do?"

"Do you know where the Fourth Raikage and the Ya-Tai Shiroku are imprisoned?" Hizan Sarutobi thought for a while, and said quickly.

Where are the fourth Raikage and Yashio Shuri being imprisoned?

When Koharu and Mito Kazuya heard it, they immediately knew what Sarutobi meant.

The two of them have been in contact with Yun Yin for a while, although Yun Yin did not show any specific disharmony.

But the two of them are also human beings, and naturally they can hear the meaning of Sarutobi Hijen.

Yun Yin's current urgency is entirely because they have huge problems of their own, and they need a qualified person who can suppress all of this to return.

Then the most ideal candidates are just a few people, especially the Fourth Raikage.

What are the thoughts of these people, Namikaze Minato, they are also clear.

But it's clear what they should do or what to do.

Some of them are even thinking, is it better to put the conditions higher and let those Yun Yin get angry and go back.

It's just that I just think about it. For them, all they can do is to be obedient and hold those Yun Yin down honestly.

Or, learn about the real bottom line of Namifeng Watergate, so as to reach a real cooperation agreement with Yunyin.

But this is obviously very difficult.

Because as long as the guys like Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikahisa don't reveal anything, then they can only honestly restrain these guys according to the current terms.

The reality is sometimes so helpless. If they talk to Yun Yin privately and don't belong to the content of the wave of wind and water, then they really don't need to mix up.

Fame, this thing is extremely important to them.

Most of Konoha's ninjas don't like them because they are against certain proposals, and it would be really miserable if something went wrong here.

They who dare not mess around, naturally cannot reach any agreement with Yun Yin.

And Yun Yin's urgency is likely to make them do something, bypassing the current negotiators and quietly finding people like Namifeng Minato.

Once they negotiate something, it will be even more trouble!

"We understand." Turning to bed, Koharu and Mito Menyan both nodded, and then Mito Menyan said: "But this may not be easy, because that kid Namikaze Minato tried to avoid being noticed by the negotiators. We refuse to tell us the location where Raikage was detained because of some intelligence, and we need some time."

"Unfortunately, we don't have much time." Hiruzen Sarutobi rubbed his head, he really didn't expect Minato Namikaze to be so decisive.

The matter of detaining the fourth Raikage and the eight-tailed person Zhuri was not disclosed to the two elders, Koharu and Mito Gate, who were transferred to bed. I am afraid that this guy did not trust these two people at all, right?

"Although they don't know the location of the fourth Raikage, they are not helpless." Suddenly, Xiaochun seemed to have thought of something.

"Oh?" Sarutobi Hibiki was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he was refreshed: "Tell me, what did you find?"

"Actually, when you were on the front line, something happened to Konoha." Xiaochun turned to bed and organized the language, and then slowly said: "That is Yunyin who hopes to use a larger-scale battle behind enemy lines to make Konoha stronger. The fighting power is dragged in Konoha."

"Who did they send here?" Sarutobi Hizan heard this sentence and immediately understood something.

"That guy..." Turning to bed, Xiaochun said here, and his expression also showed a little incredible: "It's a soil platform."

"What?" Sarutobi Hizan was stunned.

Tutai, this guy is no ordinary person!

His status in Yunyin is really no lower than that of Nara Shikaji.

But this guy is obviously not an overly powerful ninja. Coupled with his particularity, what is the brain of the fourth Raikage to send this guy over?

And even if it is dispatched, you have to protect this guy, right?

Or, does this involve Yun Yin's infighting?

"Tell me about it carefully." Taking a deep breath, Hiruzen Sarutobi calmed himself down: "Tell me carefully, what is the situation with this guy Tutai."

"Speaking of which, I also find it incredible..." Xiaochun turned to bed without hesitation, she said directly: "But, all this happened, and this happened a few months ago, that kid Kakashi Hatake and Uchi That kid Bo Qi, let's go on a mission to clean up spies together..."


After turning to bed, Koharu spoke in great detail, and Sarutobi Hizan also listened carefully.

Although the specific information that Xiaochun can get is not much, because she is no longer the one who can read Anbu's action log at will.

But anyway, she has also been operating in Konoha for so many years, and she can also borrow the personnel left by Hijen Sarutobi, so she is relatively clear about the details of some tasks.

It wasn't until she put the latest information, even if this guy was swaggeringly thrown into Konoha Prison and turned into a prisoner guarded by Uchiha Kai, it stopped completely.

"It's probably like this." Turning to bed Xiaochun finally concluded.

"Obviously, what Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato are doing is to release a message.

This guy can get out of Anbu Prison and enter Konoha Prison, on the one hand, it means that this guy's use value is gone.

On the other hand, it means that this guy can be used in exchange, so..."

"It's just, how can such a guy be exchanged for it!" Mito Gate Yan was furious: "Is Namikaze Minato insane? Doesn't he know the value of Tutai?"

"I'll talk about this later, I have some doubts." Sarutobi Hidden interrupted Mito Menyan's words, and he asked directly: "Is there something missing in the action log you mentioned? ?"

"I haven't seen the action log at all. The current Minister of Anbu is Kakashi, and your people have been 'idle' from before."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun shook his head helplessly: "The information I got can only be regarded as oral transmission. I also asked the guy if the information is complete. He told me that the information was written like this."

Sarutobi Hizan was also very helpless, he knew that Anbu had actually left his management.

If it wasn't for Kakashi's lack of achievement, the acting minister would have given them a chance before he set off.

I'm afraid that if he becomes a minister at that time, they will have even less chance.

But Sarutobi Hiizhan didn't understand at all, whose intelligence did Kai Uchiha get, so that he could accurately capture the whereabouts of Tutai?

Is it a spy planted inside Yunyin?

It shouldn't be, the spies planted in Yunyin are basically people from their roots.

Strictly speaking, most of the people who were placed outside Anbu were also under their orders.

They will not send information to the current Anbu at will.

Another point is that Konoha knows how to clean up his own internal spies.

Even if there is no way to clean it up, let them not be able to send out information, can't Yunyin do something?

Could it be that there was something wrong with Yunyin?

This is possible, but unlikely.

The unity of Yunyin is beyond imagination. For their own goals, they can definitely abandon some unnecessary concepts and work together to deal with their current enemies.

This point, three generations of Hokage can do it, so Yun Yin, who took the initiative to provoke a war, can't do it, that is the most impossible!

Never underestimate your opponent, especially as an immeasurable ninja, three generations of Naruto are very aware of these things.

"Forget it, I'm afraid Uchiha Kai, or Namikaze Minato has its own information channel."

Sarutobi Hizan really couldn't figure it out, but he was too lazy to think about it, Anbu was really out of his hands now.

"Indeed, there are a lot of problems here, and no one can figure it out. Maybe there is something wrong with Yun Yin himself."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun also nodded: "However, this is also an opportunity.

Namikaze Minato expresses his kindness, so it is very likely that people like Tutai who have no use value will be sent back first as a bargaining chip.

Basically, his identity doesn't seem to be comparable to the four Raikage brothers, but..."

"Hmph, sending this guy back is definitely the worst choice!" The anger on Mito Menyan's face did not dissipate at all: "This guy has gone back, and the trouble it brings us Konoha is unimaginable, especially Being caught in the shadow of the war, especially being sent to Anbu Prison, this guy..."

"I also know his importance, and I can't figure out why Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikuhisa would make such a mistake."

Sarutobi Hiizhan's face was also a little gloomy: "That guy, in terms of government affairs, is much better than the fourth generation of Raikage, these idiots!"

After scolding, Sarutobi Hizen forced himself to calm down.

He could probably guess what Namikaze Minato meant. The first point was that this guy mortgaged the supplies.

The second point is to think about whether there can be some problems in Yunyin.

After all, the guy who was questioned and released again, the ghost knows how much information he was caught.

The last point, that is, relying on the existence of this guy, let Konoha also have a sense of crisis!

But no matter how you look at it, spreading the threat in the cradle is the best choice.

Indeed, this guy may have various problems after he goes back, but what if he doesn't?

With hatred for Konoha, develop yourself to make Yunyin stronger?

Even if it is deliberately letting Tutai do this, so as to stimulate Konoha's sense of crisis.

But all this is too dangerous, this is definitely not something Sarutobi Hizan is willing to do!

"Send someone to watch it at Konoha Prison." Sarutobi Hizan was full of displeasure, but he still suppressed his emotions: "Also, let people watch it, once there is a chance... this guy, Too dangerous."

"Yes, we understand." Turning to bed, Koharu and Mito Menyan replied at the same time.

Although you have your idea, but your idea is absolutely wrong, I will be the corrector!

Sarutobi Hizan thought silently in his mind, killing Tutai and not letting this excellent guy go back would save him a lot of trouble.

Incidentally, it might even lead to conflicts between the negotiators Namifeng Minato and Yun Yin.

But soon, Sarutobi Hizen stopped thinking about it.

He was thinking about another thing, and that was that he wanted revenge!

Yes, he wants revenge.

The political pattern he built and the 'identity political pattern' in Konoha were directly broken, which caused him unpredictable losses.

He will never endure such a thing, especially now that the war between Konoha and Yunyin has ended.

And most of Konoha's eyes are focused on the negotiation, this is not only creating opportunities for Minato Namikaze and them, but also creating opportunities for him Sarutobi Hidden!

"Uchiha, Pig Deer Butterfly, and Hyuga..." Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were slightly blank: "Even if there is no way to change, I will not make you feel better, especially you..."

"Uchiha Kai!"



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