Chapter 512: You absolutely, right?

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

Uchiha Zhishui walked slowly to the roof of the hospital, looking at the figure with his back turned to him, he half-knelt on the ground.

Three generations of Hokage, actually woke up?

Uchiha Shisui did not expect this to happen at all. The reason why he came here was because he received a message from the root.

Although the three generations of Hokage fell into a coma, the roots are still running, but this operation has always lacked the soul.

Uchiha Shisui, as the most hidden member, had temporarily left his roots when the third Hokage left Konoha.

But he also knew something about what happened recently at the root.

For example, the four generations of Hokage tried to control the root in the past, but this matter was finally heard to be a failure.

He was stopped by Koharu and Mito Kazuya.

However, the fourth Hokage finally conveyed his decree, which is to let the members of the root go to Iwagakushi and the small countries around it.

Gather the information over there as quickly as possible, so that Konoha can understand Iwagakushi's movements and their thoughts.

Neither Mito Menyan nor Chuan Koharu rejected this matter, or they simply had no way of rejecting it.

However, after that, the Fourth Hokage did not continue to persecute, but directly ignored everything at the root.

This incident made Uchiha Shisui feel a little regretful. He really hoped that the four generations of Hokage could directly take over the roots.

He actually has no sense of belonging to the root, because with the "enlightenment" of Uchiha Ma and Uchiha Kai, his judgment ability can be said to be relatively reliable.

In addition, he also knows that the three generations of Hokage may really not trust him.

In addition to teaching myself seriously, I don't allow myself to participate in many other things.

Therefore, he really has no sense of belonging to the root, and the most terrible thing is the training method of the root.

That is simply a way of secretly using illusions to make people subconsciously believe in the root creed.

As a Uchiha, especially an excellent Uchiha who opened the wheel-eye early and has a good talent for illusion.

It's really impossible for this method to have any effect on him.

In the original work, although Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui both joined the roots, neither of them were obedient to Danzo.

To put it bluntly, the training mode of Danzang is of no use to them at all.

Otherwise, where are there so many things behind?

As for Danzo himself, do you want to go to Shishui in person?

Do you have to wait until the Uchiha clan is dead before sending your men to dig the eyes of those people in the Uchiha clan?

Even if it is to prevent their ideas from being exposed in advance, the ninjas are all movie kings.

Don't look at Sai's idiotic appearance, that guy's condition is really bad.

But it is precisely because of his poorness and his simplicity that he can better integrate into the seventh class and into the younger generation of Konoha.

The real ninjas who have been trained will never be fools. They can control their emotions, states and so on.

If they can't do it, is it not courting death to let them go lurking?

The root members in the true sense are actually guys like Yakushi Dou and Yakushi Ye Naiyu.

"You're here, Shishui."

The three generations of Hokage slowly turned around, and he looked blankly at Uchiha Shisui, who was half-kneeling on the ground with his head bowed deeply.

Looking at the young face in front of him, he felt that he was really old.

He actually intends to rely on such a kid...

It's just that such an idea just appeared in his heart, and it was directly suppressed by him.

The victor will not care what despicable tactics he used in the process of victory.

Uchiha Shisui, this kid deliberately stayed and tried to cultivate, the purpose has never been pure and simple.

That is to let him play the role of a surprise soldier at a critical time.

Let him make enough contributions for Konoha, or for himself.

And now, the time seems to have come to make a decision.

Even if this kid doesn't really trust him, it doesn't matter, his revenge plan is not an overnight success, he needs to take it slowly.

What he has to do now is to make this kid trust him, and he also needs to continuously deepen his trust in this kid!

The members of the Uchiha family are always a group of people who are more emotional than rational.

Even Sarutobi Hizan himself knew that such a cognition was definitely incomplete.

But the existence of Sharinyan is doomed that at some point, their perceptual cognition is higher than their rational cognition.

Even if he pretends, he has to pretend that he trusts Uchiha Shisui, so that he can get more support.

"I'm looking for you this time. First of all, I need to apologize to you."

The three generations of Hokage slowly walked to Uchiha Shisui's side, and then helped him up with both hands.

"I promised to teach you, but because of the war with Yun Yin, I haven't had time. Now that I wake up, I will naturally fulfill my promise."

"Three.... Three generations of Hokage..." Uchiha Shisui was stunned, and then immediately buried him a little deeper.

The words of the three generations of Hokage really touched his heart a little bit.

A man who fought for Konoha until he was seriously injured and unconscious, but still did not forget his promise.

Such a guy, with such a charismatic personality, how could he not touch other people?

In particular, the identity of this person is even more exaggerated. Although he has retired now, he is the former Hokage.

This is impossible to be forgotten so quickly!

It's a pity that Uchiha Shisui has some touches in his heart.

But he was no longer the boy he used to be, who would be emotionally aroused at will.

He knows that behind him are Makoto Uchiha and Kai Uchiha, especially since he also expressed his thoughts to Kai Uchiha.

Since he has already done this step, he will never break his promise easily.

In particular, he felt that what Uchiha Kai and the others are doing now is really good for Konoha.

However, Uchiha Shisui didn't show too much emotion. He didn't know what the purpose of the three generations of Hokage was to find him, especially when he just woke up and came to him.

Uchiha Shisui would not think that he did such a thing without knowing the current situation of Konoha.

Although such an idea does not seem to be a good idea, from Uchiha Ma and Uchiha Kai, he has learned to think more, observe more and analyze more.

"Well, it's better to get up early tomorrow morning. Although my situation can't teach you too much, I can also teach you something in other areas."

Sarutobi Hiizhan didn't know what Uchiha Shisui was thinking, but seriously, he really didn't take such a thing too seriously.

Age determines experience, and not everyone is like the kid Uchiha Kai.

In fact, even Uchiha Kai he is not so eye-catching, because that guy is too young.

Coupled with the fact that this kid is so close to Uchiha Fuyue, he thinks that 80% of the time this kid got the guidance of Uchiha Fuyue to become what it is now.

"Many thanks to the three generations of Hokage." Uchiha Shisui was helped by the three generations of Hokage, but he still lowered his head and whispered: "However, the Hokage-sama should still take more care of his body, after all..."

"It's alright, I understand my body." Sarutobi Hizan shook his head indifferently, and then he sighed slightly.

"Furthermore, with the complicated situation in Konoha now, especially the kind of thing that will break the prosperous and harmonious Konoha pattern that we have accumulated and created, I can't rest well at all."

"" Uchiha Shisui's eyes slightly enlarged.

However, since he kept his head down, Hiizhan Sarutobi couldn't notice it.

Patting Uchiha Shisui's shoulder, the three generations of Hokage turned around and looked at the bustling Konoha Street in the distance, and he said in a low voice.

"It's all beautiful, isn't it?"

"'s beautiful." Uchiha Shisui raised his head, then nodded seriously.

"But, someone wants to break the silence of all this." Sandai Hokage sighed: "Maybe you can't understand my worries, and you can't understand what I'm saying. But don't talk, just listen, after listening. Just forget it, you know?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Uchiha Shisui didn't know how to answer, he could only nod his head to show that he knew.

He seemed to have more or less guessed what the elderly third Hokage was going to say.

Uchiha Kai didn't tell him about this, but Uchiha, an elder who was very afraid of Minister Kai, pulled him in advance to give him a vaccination.

Uchiha Shisui knew that he needed to listen to and remember the words of the three generations of Hokage, but he could not be brought in.

Even if you have doubts in your heart, you must wait for Mako Uchiha or even Kailai Uchiha to answer him.


Uchiha Shisui felt that if necessary, he could go to meet the fourth Hokage himself!

But that is the last choice, Uchiha Shisui will not forget his promise.

As long as Uchiha Kai gave him a key answer that made him understand, let him understand, and let him know the key, he would never change anything.

If he can analyze it himself, then it will naturally be better.

However, he is still not very confident about this kind of thing, because he was deceived too badly before.

"Did you know that in the entire ninja world, there is a very clear rule, even if it is an unspoken rule, but it has always existed."

The three generations of Hokage said slowly: "That is 'the family ninja is the real ninja'! This sentence once became the truth, although there were many problems later, of course, these problems are 'good problems', the first generation of Hokage. The adults established Konoha, which gave us the ability to protect ourselves.

And because of this, many ninjas with civilian status have also been born.

But in essence, the entire ninja world has not changed. Even if civilian ninjas appear, the real control will still be in the hands of family ninjas.

You know, I used to be very envious of the Uchiha clan, because the Uchiha clan is an elite ninja in the entire ninja world.

Elite ninjas not only represent strength, but also a complete inheritance that can be continued.

You have a complete education system, a unified idea, and sufficient ninjutsu resources.

With these things, with these things that have been proven over the years, can it be called a family, an elite ninja family.

You know, in fact, I have never felt that Xue Ji is a sign of family continuation, it is just the continuation of blood.

Only that kind of inheritance, the inheritance that has been proved by the years, is the symbol of a family. "

Having said that, the three generations of Hokage paused.

He turned around and was leaned against the prosperous Konoha Street behind him, while staring at the change in Uchiha Shisui's expression.

It's a pity that Uchiha Shisui's expression did not change much, as if he was caught in thinking.

Yuan Feiri nodded secretly, he didn't need Uchiha Shisui to comprehend anything.

He just needs this kid to follow his own thinking, and he doesn't expect this kid to understand so many things.

"But now, someone wants to break the system."

The three generations of Hokage continued: "The unity of the ninja family is one of the important criteria to reflect the combat effectiveness of a ninja village.

But some people, for their own selfish desires, hope to break this system that continues in the entire ninja world.

Break this system of providing high-quality talents for the village and condensing the fighting power of the village.

Imagine if everyone was forced to make some choices that went against their hearts under some pressure.

Moreover, it is necessary to break the current system and be forced to provide resources for cultivating high-quality talents within the family Is this really good?

Maybe some people will think that this is strengthening the fighting power of the village?

It's ridiculous, if the ninja who mastered these resources died outside.

And the enemy used special means to find these very important ninjutsu, so is this considered to be the enemy?

Breaking the mechanism for cultivating talents within a family, does this count as destroying the way of survival of the ninja family?

Forcibly breaking the inherent system and causing huge contradictions in the village, does this count as destroying the interests of the village?

Sadly, this was passed.

Everyone only sees its benefits, but not the harm it can bring.

I don't actually blame other people, who don't want to get more power, who don't want to get the same rights as the family's elite ninjas.

But some things are really not that simple.

And is it even more hateful for those who bewitch these people, and even rely on their own deterrent power to force certain families to make choices? "

Having said that, Sarutobi Hiizan stopped.

At this point, it is obvious that there is no need to continue talking.

Although he knew that what he said was probably worthless to the knowledgeable people.

But it's almost enough to deal with a kid!

Glancing at Uchiha Shisui with a bit of confusion on his face, with an unusually complicated expression, Hiruzen Sarutobi patted him on the shoulder.

"Go back to rest early, and find your guide, Joinin, tomorrow morning, and he will take you to me."

"I...I understand, Lord Hokage III..."



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