Chapter 513: You will get unexpected rewards

"Is it interesting?"

The next morning, in Uchiha Kai's room, Uchiha Shisui was half kneeling on the ground with his head lowered, while Uchiha Kai was thinking about something.

Early this morning, when Kai Uchiha was still sleeping, he suddenly noticed a little movement outside his room.

This made him get up immediately, even in Konoha, his vigilance has always been high, which has become a habit.

What he didn't expect was that the boy Uchiha Shisui came to him early in the morning.

It's not that he didn't expect that Uchiha Shisui came back to find him, and he even made a bet with Hyuga Aya.

As a result, he did not expect Uchiha Shisui's sense of urgency to be no lower than those of Yun Yin who was negotiating with Konoha.

But he is still quite smart, at least he ran to himself without coming back.

The ghost knows if the old man Sarutobi Hizak will make some preparations and conduct some kind of loyalty test.

In fact, judging from what Uchiha Shisui told him, Sarutobi Hiizhan never trusted Shisui, which is not surprising.

This guy, Sarutobi Hiizan, can be considered to have a good grasp of the scale. He didn't say much, but just expressed his own views and guided Uchiha Shisui to think for himself.

If Uchiha Shisui was still the kid who only had the ability to make simple judgments, maybe now he would have completely followed Sarutobi Hiizan's train of thought.

"Do you think what he said is correct?" Uchiha Kai shook his head, looking at the young man in front of him expressionlessly.

"Lord Kai, I feel..." Uchiha Zhishui's tone was respectful with a little firmness: "His words are wrong."

"Looks like you still have some brains." Uchiha Qi stood up, and walked to Zhishui with his arms around his chest.

"In order to protect the interests of the faction you belong to, change the angle of the bad things you do, and put on the cloak of the ninja world to sing praises. There is really another way. You came to me because you have doubts in your heart?"

"Yes, Lord Kai." Uchiha Shisui nodded: "Although I feel that there is a big problem with the three generations of Hokage, it's just..."

Just don't know, where is the problem?

Uchiha Qi nodded lightly, and he really didn't have too many surprises.

Uchiha Shisui is still too young after all, even though he has learned a lot, he understands a lot of things.

But after all, he is not a traveler like Uchiha Kai, and there are no learning materials such as "Mao Sima Li" in this world.

Not to mention study materials, even if you want to mix in this system, you can only slowly explore by yourself.

"Actually, you don't need to think too much, do you remember what I said to you last time?" Uchiha Kai's voice was still soft and flat.

"Go out and see more, go out for a walk, and think for yourself.

Although you are still young, you may not be sure about many things, but you should know one thing, Konoha, and even the ninja world, are the majority of family ninjas or civilian ninjas?

To give you another idea, it is to lose a little petty profit to make Konoha stronger and better as a whole.

Or do you hold on to some of the interests, making some people powerful, while others are reduced to cannon fodder? "

Having said that, Uchiha Kai paused for a while, then turned around and walked directly to his chair.

"The strong family continues to make themselves strong, but the lives of others have nothing to do with them.

Even in a village, everyone has a clear surname, and they deal with their own related things, but they can't completely stick together.

Or is it better to break such a ball cage, formulate rules for superiors and subordinates based on the ninja level, and also provide a visible and tangible promotion channel? "

"Let's go." Uchiha Qi sat down, his eyes calmly looking at Zhishui, who was half-kneeling on the ground.

"Think about these questions, and you should also know why you think there is something wrong with Hinzaki Sarutobi's words.

I don't deny that he's a good Hokage, at least in the circumstances he's in, there's nothing wrong with what he's doing.

But the tail is too big, and he can't change it. "

"Yes, Lord Kai." Uchiha Shisui seemed to understand something.

After hearing Uchiha Kai's eviction order, although he wanted to continue asking about something, he knew Uchiha Kai's temper, so he immediately stood up and left here.

Looking at Uchiha Shisui's hidden and quick actions, a smile appeared on Uchiha Kai's face.

When he saw Uchiha Shisui last night, he had a hunch that something might happen.

But he never thought that this matter does not seem to need too much guidance from himself.

Uchiha Shisui is still a long way off, but no matter how he looks at it, he has the ability to think for himself, and continues to expand with his inner desire as the center.

And it just so happens that everything Uchiha Kai does is the most in line with his "circle center" approach.

As for Sarutobi Hiizan, Kai Uchiha didn't lie, at least at this stage.

He won't care about the future, but at this stage and even with the passage of time, he is an extremely qualified Hokage.

In such an extreme situation, it is not bad for him to be able to stabilize his rights and manage Konoha—

Even if he is eating the legacy left by the second Hokage, his performance is definitely not bad.

But just as Uchiha Kai said, the empire built by consolidating his own rights still has too many hidden dangers after all.

And this hidden danger also forced Uchiha Kai to do something, otherwise he would die in it sooner or later according to the wheel of history.

So breaking the long-standing pattern and system has become the only thing he can choose.

Fortunately, he met Namifeng Minato to make his ideas come true, otherwise he wouldn't have such a good environment.

"However, no matter whether he does well or not, since things have come to an end, he can only be the enemy."

Uchiha Kai stood up and glanced at the time.

"Since it is an enemy, we must deal with it seriously, especially if this guy is a third-generation Hokage. Even if I kill you, I want you to be completely alone!"

Uchiha Kai's eyes became a bit ruthless, and with the blessing of Hokage's identity, many things really couldn't be done to him casually.

This incident broke out from the Qianshou Hashimoto cell experiment, and Uchiha Kai was already deeply aware of it.

But you can't do it to you, and you can't do it to the people around you?

Turning to bed Koharu, Mito Menyan, although these two guys have caused little trouble to Uchiha Kai, they have already been blacklisted.

After all, he is Hiruzen Sarutobi's right-hand man, after all, his best friend.

In that case, let them go to the Pure Land to accompany the group to hide!



At noon, Uchiha Kei was about to call Kasumi Aya, and then leave the security department to go out to eat something, when Kakashi suddenly came to his office.

Today is not a time to rest, and Uchiha Qi still needs to report to the Security Department as normal.

Even for him, it doesn't really mean much if he doesn't come to the Security Department.

After all, the entire security department already has a complete and fairly mature operating system.

But as a symbol of the Ministry of Guards, as the founder of its current status.

Even if he is here, there is really nothing big to do, but his existence is to inspire all the staff of the security department to do well.

Therefore, he really had to come, and he had to ask for a good leave.

But in comparison, he was much more comfortable than Minato Nami.

Namikaze Minato also copied his system of staying in the security department, but he didn't ask for leave at all. He was the symbol of the whole Konoha.

"Kakashi? Why are you here?" Uchiha Kai looked at Kakashi inexplicably: "Is there anything else?"

Kakashi came here, it is definitely not a simple problem, anyway, Uchiha Kai is used to it.

Now I just don't know what the matter is and how serious it is.

But thinking about it carefully, Konoha is calm now, and there shouldn't be any major problems.

The only possibility is probably some kind of party or something.

However, such gatherings are basically on days off, and today doesn't look like a day off.

"It's not an important thing, it's a soil platform." Kakashi glanced at the surrounding environment, and then said directly: "I have to say, your office is really good."

"Don't talk about these messes, I am the security department, and it is not your Anbu who faces everyone." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "What happened to this guy Tutai? He is fine in prison now, just wait. You have come to pick up people."

"It's time to take him away." Kakashi said helplessly: "The Yunyin side has basically negotiated, and we are going to hand them over to them in batches. The first one is naturally the Tutai."

"Is it so urgent?" Uchiha Qi was a little surprised, and then he seemed to understand what Kakashi meant: "You came to me, and you planned to let me **** this guy with you?"

In fact, thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no problem in doing so.

Although the two of them are ministers, it is because they have the status of ministers that they can better complete such a handover of personnel and confirm and get what they want.

The status is too low, I'm afraid Yun Yin can't trust it, and the status is higher...

That is already the level of shadow!

Yun Yin is not stupid, they dare not make such a request, so the probability of not rejecting it is too high.

In this case, it is naturally the best choice to participate in this matter as a minister-level person.

Uchiha Kai actually didn't want to go that much, but after thinking about it a little bit, he felt that he really couldn't shirk this matter.

Escorting this guy to hand over to Yun Yin, the number of people is naturally impossible.

The two of them carried an earthen platform, and they could easily achieve their goals with just a little camouflage.

And they will not be noticed, even if they encounter trouble, they can easily solve it with the strength of the two of them.

"Okay, it's really troublesome." Uchiha Qi sighed, then stood up: "Let's go, Tutai is now in Konoha Prison, you can reach it a little and a half hour faster from here, the handover over Yunyin. What time is it?"

"About an hour." Kakashi thought for a moment and said directly: "The handover location is in a forest on the border of the village. There are few people in that place, but Anbu has already waited there in advance."

"Really?" Uchiha Kei nodded and thought, but then he shook his head: "But I actually don't think people from Anbu should come to this kind of thing, after all..."

"It's true that there will be leaks, but that's also in the plan."

There was a hint of slyness in the corner of Kakashi's only exposed eye.

"I have always known that some people in Anbu are indeed disobedient, but for various reasons, plus I just came to power, I have no way to clean it up, but now..."

Uchiha Kai rolled his eyes when he heard this sentence, this guy, did he take this action as a plan to clean up his internal troubles?

But if you think about it, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

Kakashi has indeed been in power for a short period of time. Even if he was the acting minister before, everyone knew that he might come to power.

But before he actually became a minister, many people would not care so much during this gap.

Although Anbu basically obeys Minato Namikaze, it's hard to say what kind of members are inside.

Even the security department under the jurisdiction of Uchiha Qi, he can't say whether all the people inside are obedient, at least on the surface, they are all obedient.

That being the case, it is reasonable that the components in the dark part are somewhat complicated.

It's normal to clear out some guys who will obviously reveal secrets, or even go straight to the people behind the scenes.

It's okay if it didn't happen, but if it did happen, then it would all be interesting.

Uchiha Qi followed Kakashi and walked straight out of the way, and soon the two of them found a path and went straight to Konoha Prison.

Kakashi glanced at the silent Uchiha Kai, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Kai, could you reveal Lin's identity a little?"

"Lin? Oh, do you mean Uchiha Lin?" Uchiha came back to his senses, and then asked a little funny: "Didn't you guess a little? Why are you asking me?"

"This matter is too involved, and I can't be sure of it easily, especially..."

Kakashi hesitated for a moment, then sighed: "In my guess, his current situation should be very dangerous, right? Is he lurking in... that organization?"

"Ah, yes." Uchiha Qi glanced at the surrounding environment before nodding: "It is true, and his status is not low.

I can't say too much because that would expose something and cause a lot of chain reactions. It's not what I hoped, and it's not what Captain Watergate hoped, you understand? "

"Of course I know, I just don't know why, I always feel... always feel..."

"Don't say it, I know what you mean. In fact, sometimes, follow your own feelings..."

"You will have an unexpected harvest..."



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