Chapter 514: I hope your next life is not so sad

"Is the news confirmed?"

In the secret room at the root, Koharu and Mito Menyan looked at the black-clothed ninja who was half-kneeling on the ground, and asked solemnly.

"Yes, my lord, it has been confirmed." The black-clothed ninja's voice was hoarse and flat: "In a forest on the outer border of Konoha, the people who passed the information were with them."

"Okay, we understand, you go down." Mito Menyan nodded, and then said plainly.

"Yes." The black-clothed ninja replied softly without any hesitation, then turned and left.

As the black-clothed ninja left, the whole room fell into silence once again. Neither Mito Menyan nor Chuan Koharu said a word, they fell into deep thought involuntarily looking at the report in their hands.

This action report really made both of them feel that something was wrong, as if someone had put these things in front of them on purpose.

"There is a problem here." Mito Menyan thought for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and said, "This does not conform to Anbu's code of conduct."

Anbu's code of conduct is that you won't be told what to do when you act, but will tell you what to do when you reach your destination.

But now, they have got a complete action plan and action location.

Even if they can't be completely specific about what their goals are, Mito Tomon and Kazuya Koharu are both human beings.

Even if they are not as good as the three generations of Hokage and Danzo, their brains are still very useful.

"There are indeed a lot of problems, it seems like they are deliberately attracting us, I suspect..." Koharu turned to bed with some doubts: "It may be Namikaze Minato or Hatake Kakashi, planning to clean up Anbu. ."

"Yes, but we also got the information we want, if there is no accident." Mito Gate Yan gritted his teeth: "You are Yun Yin, who will you give back first."

"The fourth Raikage and the eight-tailed man Zhuri." Koharu said without the slightest hesitation, "However, these two are too difficult, so they can only settle for the second best. The fourth Raikage is a must, and Minato Namikaze may will let go, and the other person..."

"Tutai." Mito Menyan said directly: "And the resources they exchange will definitely not be small. After all, the importance of these two people is self-evident."

The fourth generation of Raikage is definitely an existence that Yunyin will not let go of. Now Yunyin has internal and external troubles and really needs this guy to go back and control the situation.

And Konoha wants to seek greater benefits from it, so putting the fourth Raikage back is an inevitable choice.

In addition, the soil platform can provide a very good income.

This guy is definitely the best choice with the fourth generation of Raikage. He is not as important as the eight-tailed people, but he is stronger than the hundreds of Yunjin who survived.

There is no doubt about the benefits that he and Raikage can get in exchange.

You can even use this to make Yun Yin feel disgusting. After all, Tutai has a lot of information.

If so, why not do it?

And this kind of character replacement will never be done at one time, but needs to be carried out quietly in batches.

The fourth generation of Raikage is too important, and if Yun Yin fails to make an appointment, it will be a big loss.

As a test, as a bargaining chip for profit, Tutai will naturally be the first transaction object!

"Could it be a smoke bomb?" Xiaochun pondered for a long time before he could not help sighing: "Or, they set it up on purpose, and the people who wanted to eliminate them did it?"

"It's possible, after all, their ambitions are really big." Mito Menyan's face showed a little anger: "A group of rude little devils, they really think that they can easily challenge the entire ninja world by standing in that position. Bottom line?"

"I think, let's talk to Ri Zhan about this." Xiaochun thought about it for a while, and finally said, "After all, there is something wrong with this matter."

"The order to assassinate Tutai was issued by Hizu, and we don't need to hesitate." Mito Menyan's expression became a little bit fierce: "And even if it is a trap, even if it is a smoke bomb, it doesn't matter, we let the tactical team go there. , while having someone book a prison, just in case."

"Tactical squads? Well, how many tactical squads are you going to send over?"

"How many do we have?"


"Leave one, and dispatch all the others."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun was stunned, the tactical team at the root was really not an ordinary team.

The members of this squad are all battle-hardened ninjas with the bloodline limit!

Although there are a lot of people at the root, and everyone's fighting power is not weak.

But there are only six such tactical teams, and it is conceivable that these people are precious.

Now sending five at a time, one can imagine how exaggerated such a move is.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun subconsciously wanted to persuade her, but after thinking about it, she finally gave up the idea.

There is no need to persuade now, not to mention she herself knows how terrifying the existence of Tutai is.

Letting this guy live to Yun Yin is too much help to Yun Yin. No matter what reason he decides to let go, Xiaochun is unwilling to agree.

Let this guy die on the way back, even in Konoha!

Thinking of this, Xiaochun turned to bed and nodded directly: "Since that's the case, let me arrange it. But our people..."

"I'll go to Hijen and explain the situation to him." Mito Menyan said directly: "Let them go back to their roots before they are exposed. This action can't be discovered casually, and the action must be... ..”

"I know." Turning bed Xiaochun nodded, then turned around directly: "Since I decided to do it, then I will naturally take it all into consideration. I won't leave a living hole this time, and..."

"Why do I prevent the handover personnel from encountering, I will let them do it earlier or later."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun thought very clearly, if the handover is really going to be done, then there must be a high-level intervention from Konoha.

Although the basic members don't care about who the other party is, but Koharu and Mito Menyan can't ignore it!

Even though they, like Sarutobi Hidden, hate Uchiha Kai to death, they also know that they cannot easily cross the line.

If they cross the line, what they have to face is that Minato Namikaze holds the authority of Hokage and begins an uncontrolled and endless full-scale revenge!

This is definitely not what they are willing to face, after all, that is Hokage.

If he is really reckless, no one in the system can disobey his orders, even if there are three generations of Hokage protection, it is useless!

A shadow is a shadow, that is a village, the most powerful person in the true sense...


"Come on, go and gather with your people."

"Well, let's go."

After the earth platform was brought out from Konoha Prison, Uchiha Kai spoke directly to Kakashi, and then the two set off directly.

This time the mission is very classified, so they all have to make some necessary moves.

For example, when they were about to arrive at the prison, they decisively checked the surrounding situation, and used the shadow clone to walk directly into the forest.

And now, the two of them have been disguised, both of them are wearing Anbu's clothes, and they also put on masks to block their faces.

Especially Kakashi, he also found a wig to block his white hair.

Uchiha Kai may be okay, after all, there are still quite a few black-haired people in Konoha.

But Kakashi's white hair is too iconic.

After all, the two of them are really well-known in Konoha.

If you don't disguise well, maybe the two of them will be directly and completely exposed.

Not only is their actions exposed, after all, everyone is not stupid, what are the two ministers dispatched to do together, there are a lot of things worth analyzing.

Either it's a matter of Konoha's internal reform, or it's a matter of negotiating with Yun Yin.

Based on these two points, we can actually infer a lot of things, a lot of interesting things.

So it's always right to be careful, especially Kakashi has other thoughts in it, and Uchiha Kei doesn't mind cooperating with him.

"By the way, have you ever considered, if someone really comes to ask for trouble, what are you going to do with the people behind them?" As he walked, Uchiha Kai revealed a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "You know, our There are not many enemies."

"Please, don't give me a headache with such a troublesome thing, okay?" Kakashi rolled his eyes, glanced at the earthen platform with his five senses sealed in front of him, and finally shook his head: "What's more, this kind of thing Shouldn't it be handed over to the teacher?"

"You guy." Uchiha Kai shook his head, Kakashi is still good enough.

If there really is an inner ghost, then it is clear at a glance who the inner ghost is, so the people who come to make trouble will naturally be those people.

These people are the most difficult to deal with. After all, where the identity is placed, no matter who it is, it will feel a certain headache.

Even Namikaze Minato will do this, as long as it is still within the framework of reasonable rules, all this is not so easy to deal with.

However, if they really do something bad, and they are caught by Uchiha Kai.

Then everything will become very simple and very interesting!

"Forget it, it seems that we can only expect some better performances from them." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Of course, it doesn't matter if they don't come, I can save some things."

"Ha, you bastard." Kakashi's dead fish eye turned into a crescent moon: "Actually, I don't want them to come, after all, it's too troublesome. But thinking about it, I think they come more often. Okay, once and for all."

"Almost, you can only look forward to it. After all, the two of us act together, so it's not likely that the other party won't get a report." Uchiha Qi spread his hands and said casually.

"That's not true. Maybe they think we'll go directly to the designated location and wait." Kakashi touched his head: "After all, it's impossible for a guy like us to **** a prisoner in person, right?"

Indeed, people of their rank and status, running to **** prisoners in person, doesn't seem quite right.

No matter how important this transaction is, they are responsible for checking the results.

Even if someone takes the opportunity to make trouble and kill the prisoner, they can claim to the outside world that other Shinobi villages did it, right?

Transferring conflicts is something that Ninja Village is very good at.

Especially now that Yanyin's posture, this guy is definitely the first suspect to bear the brunt.

Whether they did it on purpose or were framed, they can't escape the relationship, reverse thinking, the less likely you did it, the more likely it was you did it.

In addition to Yanyin, there are many objects that can be avoided.

There are really many people who hate Yunyin, not to mention those who hate Konoha. Think about the third ninja war, which is almost Konoha against the entire ninja world.

It can not only make Yun Yin unlucky, but also deepen the conflict between Konoha and Yun Yin, and the negotiation has fallen into the quagmire. Why not do it?

It's just that at the end of this matter, he will still turn his attention to the village.

But as long as those people are given time to prepare, they will be able to produce a lot of 'evidence' to prove that this matter has nothing to do with them.

The two walked forward slowly, and suddenly Kakashi's face changed slightly, and then he quickly made a very hidden gesture to Uchiha Kai.

And Uchiha Qi responded quickly, he nodded slightly to show that he knew.

Neither of them showed any special expressions, as if they didn't find anything, they continued to walk forward at a pace.

But at this moment, a very subtle shadow suddenly appeared under his feet!

This shadow quickly wrapped around their feet, directly making their bodies stiff, and even unable to move at all!

Then a guy with yellow hair suddenly jumped out He took a stamp and instantly made them both stiff, and then he lowered his head and seemed to pass out.

At this moment, it was pitch-black, and dense swarms of insects emerged from all around, quickly surrounding the earth platform directly.

And at this time, four or five guys dressed like Anbu rushed out in an instant.

They held the blade and stabbed Uchiha Kai and Kakashi precisely into the body!

This kind of cooperation, this kind of combat method, rigorous and ruthless, there is no possibility of leaving any room at all!

The most important thing is that when the blade pierced through Uchiha Kai and Kakashi, many people dressed in similar clothes appeared near this open space.

They wore uniform black dark costumes, with black robes wrapped around their bodies, and masks covered their faces.

Together, there were about twenty of them.

They didn't have any communication, and they didn't care that the people they killed were Konoha Ninjas, who faced all this as coldly as a machine.

"It seems that your mission is to kill Tutai, and by the way, silence."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded around them.

This sound didn't make them riot, and even the two figures they killed turned into wood without any change.

It's just that the insects that wrapped the soil platform also dissipated in an instant, which made them move.

"Pure mission tool, kind of interesting..." The voice sounded in their ears again, this time it seemed to be a little softer.

"Then, I hope you will not be so sad in the next life..."



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