Chapter 522: idea

Sarubi Kento's feeling is indeed not wrong, because today is indeed a bit difficult for them.

All these changes came too fast, and it was almost before they could react, and everything started.

Seeing that under the leadership of the Hinata and Chishou clans, and Uchiha Qi taking the lead, almost all the small clans began to make their own pledges.

There are only some slightly larger families, as well as the really powerful families, who have not expressed their opinions.

"Damn it!"

Sarutobi Kento scolded weakly, as to whether he was scolding Uchiha Kai or someone else, it is really unknown.

The patriarch of the Sarutobi clan is not Sarutobi Hizen, because Sarutobi Hizen is the third generation Hokage, so he did not become the patriarch in order to avoid suspicion.

Sarutobi Kento is a powerful and powerful clan leader, so he naturally became the clan leader.

But he is also clear in his own mind that he is only a patriarch in the superficial sense.

In the internal affairs of the Sarutobi clan, it is impossible for him to intervene at all.

Maybe he can make decisions directly on small things, but once it involves some big aspects, he can only honestly report to Hizan Sarutobi.

But this time, he didn't dare to report.

He knew it himself, and the report didn't seem to have any effect.

After Koharu and Mito Kazuto were arrested, Sarutobi Hiizan went to the Hokage office.

But in the end, he knew it well.

There was no result at all, and there was no follow-up news, Sarutobi Hizen just left!

What does this mean?

This shows that their actions at this stage can be described as failure!

The problem now is not only Kento Sarutobi's panic, but even the transfer of bed, Mitomon, and Shimura are a little panicked.

Turning around overnight, there is really nothing better than this!

"We are also willing to contribute all ninjutsu except esoteric."

Just when Kento Sarutobi was feeling depressed, reality gave him a slap in the face again.

Perhaps, this time the slap was not too painful.

Because he is a little numb now, or he is already prepared.

The three clans of Pig, Deer and Butterfly made their own statement after all the small families expressed their opinions.

These three families were considered to have supported the reform of Namikaze Minato when the resolution was voted, and their current statement of Kento Sarubi is not surprising.

"However, this shows that it's a scam, doesn't it?"

It’s not an accident, it’s not an accident, but it’s still unhappy when I’m not happy inside.

Sarutobi Kento's face was gloomy, and he didn't know what to say.

Except for Uchiha and Chisato, these two big families have done a little bit.

Of the two big families, Hyuga and Zhuludie, which one is not based on the boundary of blood, or is based on secret techniques.

The conventional ninjutsu can contribute fifty more, so it certainly doesn't hurt to call one by one.

What made him even more tired was that, next, Inuzuka and Oil Girl also said that there was no problem.

These two are also occult families? One is a professional dog breeder? The other is a full-time worm breeder.

Naturally, it doesn't matter to those ninjutsu that are not usually used!

At this moment, Kento Sarutobi really felt a little bit? Why are there so many Konoha Secret Art families?

As these clans continued to express their opinions? In the end, only Sarutobi, Shimura, and the four clans of Kuanmen and Mitomon were left.

Maybe it's okay to go to bed and Mitomon, these two families are really not very good.

If it wasn't for Koharu and Mito Menyan? They both became disciples of the second Hokage.

Perhaps these two families can only, and only deserve to belong to the ranks of small families.

Compared to these two families? Sarutobi and Shimura are regular big families.

In their clan, there is no blood and inheritance boundaries, and there is no inheritance of secret techniques, and they all rely on their own cultivation.

The clan is full of various ninjutsu, and is usually guarded as a treasure.

Now asking them to contribute is like cutting meat with a knife.

Unfortunately, the current situation really does not allow them to think about what they are doing.

In particular, they noticed the eyes Uchiha Kai looked over, the kind of eyes that really wanted to look at friends? But it was as cold as winter.

"Patriarch Sarubi, Patriarch Shimura? Only you two are left." Uchiha Kai said in a slightly soft voice? His eyes narrowed into a slit: "Oh, right? And the two of Chuan and Mitomen? You haven't made a statement yet."

Sarutobi, Shimura, Chuan and the four chiefs of Mitomon, you look at me, I look at you, all of a sudden speechless.

They have nothing to say about being run for this kind of sake.

The Shimura patriarch gritted his teeth and said, "We Shimura are willing to contribute from a complete set of wind escape ninjutsu!"

"Tsk tsk, a whole set?" Uchiha Qi smiled and shook his head gently: "Chimura Shimura, you are a bit stingy, it's not a good habit to cherish your broom. Look at the other patriarchs, everyone is doing better for the village. Good development and better implementation of resolutions are all 'as much as possible' to contribute all the ninjutsu in the clan."

Shimura Patriarch's eyes widened and he was speechless, his heart trembling with anger.

He didn't believe that Uchiha Kai didn't understand the difference, which was clearly a deliberate embarrassment.

What the Shimura clan is best at is Feng Dun, and even if there is a collection of other ninjutsu other than Feng Dun, it will definitely not be a powerful thing.

Instead of taking it out to shame, it is better to hand over what you are good at.

But soon, he seemed to understand something.

Uchiha Kai, this bastard, is deliberately trying to find fault.

Because he didn't make it clear whether this whole set contains some forbidden techniques!

As we all know, the forbidden art has a negative impact on the caster because of its too strong power.

Therefore, such forbidden techniques are generally not included in the regular ninjutsu.

He still didn't make it clear, or he deliberately didn't make it clear.

This guy just won't let go, how hateful is this bastard!

However, in the face of this situation, he was powerless, and he was not even confident enough to bargain.

After all, in addition to the previous clans, Uchiha also came up with a lot of ninjutsu, which is real and can't be faked.

In the end, he gave in.

The Shimura clan explained that they would come up with a whole set of wind escape ninjutsu including forbidden techniques.

When he agreed, Shimura Patriarch really almost cried.

These are accumulated by the family for countless years, and this time they all contributed. The key is that he has no way to resist!

Facing Kai Uchiha, the patriarch of the Shimura clan hated to the extreme, but also feared to the extreme.

Because this guy killed Shimura Danzo with his own hands!

After finishing the Shimura clan, only Sarutobi was left, and Uchiha Kai turned his head with a smile and said, "Patriarch Sarubi, I wonder how much ninjutsu your clan is going to contribute to the village?"

"..." Sarutobi's patriarch remained silent.

He is a ninjutsu and doesn't want to contribute, but he doesn't know how to say no.

He was thinking quickly, how to protect some ninjutsu in the clan.

But Uchiha Kai's eyes told him that he had no choice!


In the end, Kento Sarutobi also made a choice, and he handed over all the regular escape techniques except the forbidden technique.

In this regard, Uchiha Kai did not embarrass him too much, although his eating appearance was already ugly.

But considering that the Sarutobi clan basically took out everything that could be taken out, they had to leave something to press the bottom of the box anyway.

Therefore, he is not persecuting. For him, or for the entire Konoha ninja system, this is enough.

I have to say that the ninjutsu reserves of the Sarutobi clan have been looted fiercely, and almost 80% of Konoha's ninja system needs have been fed.

This family may be born to represent the use of ninjutsu. If they don't have too many accidents, they can basically use two or even more than three different escaping techniques.

Therefore, from a very long time, they began to collect ninjutsu of various attributes.

And there have been many powerful guys in a family like them, such as Sarutobi Hiizan at his peak.

This old man is not very good now, and even his performance in the future is not very good.

But this guy is a real, full-attribute chakra user.

During the Fourth World War, he used shadow clones, and then he used five chakra escape techniques at one time, which is still vivid in his mind.

It can be said that if you really want to talk about the most reserves of ninjutsu in the entire ninja world, then it must be the people of the Sarutobi clan.

They really can be described as the largest ninjutsu warehouse and the largest resource reserve.

"Jiaqing hit a dynasty with Heshen to eat enough, and I forced Sarutobi to reach the limit, and I was almost full of Konoha. This is really..."

The Sarutobi clan had no choice but to obey obediently.

As this family and the previous Shimura clan expressed their opinions, there was no way for them to switch to bed and the Mitomen clan.

They also quickly made their own statements to avoid being targeted by Uchiha.

However, they were thinking too much, and the size of their two families, Uchiha Qi didn't pay attention at all.

Having lost two pillar-type characters, these two families are really not worth his troubles.

After the meeting, Uchiha Qi directly reported the incident to Namifeng Minato.

In fact, what they thought was a little simpler at the beginning, the ninjutsu volume that a single Sarutobi Hizan spit out was so huge.

Imagine how terrifying the things that so many families in the whole village spit out would be?

So many ninjutsu have been spit out, sorting, screening of repeated ninjutsu, and future management and distribution, all need someone to take care of these things.

The welfare of Chunin and Genin now relies on the Ministry of Government to operate.

Obviously, adding Shangnin now brings so many resources.

One can imagine what a terrifying workload this is, especially since there will be resources from Yun Yin's war compensation.

If these messy things are classified, I am afraid that in the future, the existing staff of the Ministry of Government will not need to do anything.

They just stared at the distribution of these benefits, and sorted out these things, and they were busy enough.

"The most important thing is that with so many ninjutsu, it's not easy to just find a place to store them."

Namikaze Minato rubbed his yellow hair helplessly: "Site selection, construction, and defense systems, these are all things that are nerve-racking."

"The same is true of manpower. The Ministry of Government has absolutely no way to allow so many people to do it." Nara Shikahisa also sighed helplessly: "Also, we still have to supervise some financial issues. It seems that we really thought it a little simpler at the beginning."

"However, this is also an opportunity, isn't it?" Uchiha didn't think too much about it, he said directly: "It just so happens that we can also subdivide the department structure in Konoha. The Ministry of Government is now too bloated inside, a little bit. Wouldn't it be better to break it down in detail?"

"You mean..." Nara Shikahisa touched his chin: "Participate in the construction of your security department, the small administrative department of the planning department... No, the administrative office?"

The Security Department is now almost an important reference that Konoha's various large departments must learn from.

In a simple security department, there are almost a lot of offices.

These offices of all sizes handle all kinds of things, but they all handle almost the same type of things.

They are independent from each other but cooperate with each other, and ultimately must obey the orders of Uchiha Kai.

At first, everyone thought it was a waste of human resources.

And some things have to run several offices, and it's a waste of time.

The most important thing is that there are many such offices, and the person who manages the office can also be regarded as having divided the rights in their hands.

But after a long time, they found that the security department was still in the hands of Kai Uchiha, and no one could shake it.

And those offices cooperate with each other, although it makes the process of things longer.

However, the results obtained are always the most reasonable and most reassuring.

"Yes, there is a specialization in surgery, I always think so." Uchiha Qi nodded: "The management function of the Ministry of Government is very important, but it seems too bloated now, although there will be some pain in dividing it in time, but It will definitely be much better in the long run.”

"It's really time to divide." Nara Shikaku nodded: "Actually, take a closer look at the Ministry of Government Affairs. The financial aspect needs to be subdivided, the government affairs review needs to be subdivided, and..."

"This is Minister Shikaku's own business I'm just suggesting, go back and think about it yourself." Uchiha Ki hurriedly interrupted Nara Shikaku's words.

He didn't come here to talk about this, just as he told Aya Hyuga in private, he wasn't interested in these things.

If he was really interested, he would have already started it!

Since he is not interested, he will not waste his energy on this. Let Nara Shikahisa worry about these things.

"That's right, Lu Jiu, you have to think about how to deal with this matter yourself." Namikaze Minato saw that Uchiha Qi had no idea, and did not mention this matter, but continued to follow Uchiha's words: "Then, those Ninjutsu resources, what are your thoughts?"

"I think we can open a new department." Uchiha Qi said directly: "The newly set department is specially responsible for logistics and welfare support. It just happened that Koharu and Mito Menyan also came down. They originally had this in their hands. The rights in this regard can be fully exploited.”

"The newly established department can let those Shang Nin people participate and help.

You can even transfer a lot of Chunin to serve, after all, this is not a high-risk department..."

"The most important thing, we can have one more minister in our hands!"


This Uchiha is too cautious https://