Chapter 523: important news

One more minister, which is an excellent signal.

Because the minister's power is really great, one more in his own camp is also considered to be more power.

However, it is not easy to build a department.

But even so, Kai Uchiha's proposal made Minato Nara and Shikahisa particularly excited.

Difficulties are indeed difficult, but this is also an excellent opportunity!

Of course, this is not a chance for anyone to get the command.

Because they never thought that they could get this right by themselves.

If this department really becomes a reality, it may not have much power. After all, this department has no administrative capacity.

But how important it is can be imagined.

You must know that you have mastered the ninjutsu of almost all the big families in Konoha as 'as complete as possible'.

Therefore, according to the ideas of Minato Nami and Shikahisa Nara, even if this department is established, it will be a department jointly supervised by various families plus civilian ninjas.

As for the opportunity he talked about, it was actually quite simple.

That is to use this department as a way of testing the effectiveness of the 'Junin power'.

Jōnin always has the right to vote, even if there will be various conference systems in the future to solve the contradictions within each ninja class.

And there is a larger conference system to comprehensively resolve the contradictions among the classes.

But the right to vote is a unique political right of the Junin, and they may not have much of a voice - the voice is chosen by them as their own representatives.

But they also have the right to vote to represent their own choices.

They can even be allowed to vote without the same choices as their own representatives.

This point really completely separates Chunin and Genin.

Because of these two levels of ninjas, they don't have this right.

They can only rely on their own representatives to speak for them in large meetings that include the Hokage Metropolis.

However, they are not without channels to rise, and everyone has a bright future.

The formation of a new department has basically been set, and the rest is to choose a good time and then let everyone participate.

And they are also very confident that this time the new department preparation plan will definitely pass.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand at all, Namikaze Minato made such a big concession in this new department.

And this time, I got all the civilians to participate in, and it is very difficult to pass.

"But there is one thing that Captain Watergate needs to pay attention to."

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai seemed to think of something, he frowned and said.

"The punishment mechanism for Shangnin's inaction has been determined. In order to ensure the rights and interests of the Shangnin and some patriarchs, part of the assessment has been exempted. It seems that we have not established the representative mechanism accurately, especially the representative mechanism of the lower ninja. It seems that we have not done a good job. Establish it."

"Representation mechanism problem?" Minato Namifeng frowned, and he suddenly realized that this was also a troublesome thing.

It may be easy to deal with the Jōnin, as long as a year is set, it is not impossible to vote within the Jōnin.

The most important thing, Shangnin can be said to be a decent person now.

Especially in these Jōnin, there are existences such as Hokage and Minister.

It is impossible for them, and they dare not commit crimes against the wind, occupying one seat.

But at this stage of Ninja, it's really hard to say.

The representatives of the interests of the middle and lower ninja classes, although they don't look very good, they are also the ones who have the right to vote!

If some people's mind is crooked, use some means.

It's hard to say, will this become their private property, and then they can benefit from it for themselves?

Therefore, it is necessary to think of complete restriction rules to prevent certain people from doing these things.

Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikahisa nodded involuntarily when they thought of this question.

Indeed, some things still require stricter management, otherwise others will take advantage of them sooner or later.

"It seems that more consideration is really needed here." Nara Shikahisa said slowly: "If some family members never upgrade their ninja rank in order to maintain their political status, and use some means to occupy them for a long time. The location is really troublesome.”

"So we have to introduce a countermeasure mechanism. Of course, this may also annoy some people." Uchiha Qi shrugged slightly: "Of course, if they really start trouble, maybe I have to thank them."

thank them?

Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikahisa looked at each other, and finally nodded helplessly.

Indeed, I really have to thank them.

The establishment of this kind of ninja class as a means of class division is completely to clarify the two sides of the conflict.

Let everyone know who the subject of their conflict is, and let them know what they should do.

At the same time, it also gives them the opportunity to overcome the limitation of class and go to a higher class.

In this case, if there is no contradiction, or if the contradiction is directly suppressed, then the difference from before is really not that big.

In the past, when the entire village was divided vertically, everyone had no idea who the subject of their conflict was.

And the precipitation of internal division will only allow those who benefit to continue to become 'representatives' and gain more and greater benefits.

But now that it is completely open, everyone knows it, and naturally they know what to do, and naturally they have a goal to strive for.

What people like Namikaze Minato have to do is to make these contradictions appear.

Then let the ninjas of different classes meet by themselves, collect and resolve some minor conflicts as much as possible.

Small conflicts are resolved, and the remaining conflicts that cannot be resolved can be resolved at the final meeting.

This plan was also negotiated, and Namikaze Minato has been acting in accordance with this plan.

If those guys really make trouble for some trivial things, this is not only in line with the idea of ​​Namikaze Minato, but also they can find a chance to clean up these people.

"Okay, the basic situation is like this. As for building the building, just leave it to the ninja of the engineering team. And defense and the like, Kushina Join can also complete the seal, right?"

Uchiha Qi stretched his back: "This is not difficult at all, after all, difficult things are almost finished."

"Yes, indeed." Nara Shikahisa nodded, but he soon asked a question: "Ki-kun, how do you think such a meeting would be more appropriate? And how long would it be appropriate for a representative to serve?"

"Can't you decide this?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "The ninja meeting of each level and the final meeting should be held once a year, but the months are separated, one is left at the end of the month, and the other is before the end of the month. As for the term of office. if"

"Once every five years, it's not interesting to exchange it, and it may take a longer time to see the actual ability.

Of course, if it doesn't work, just kick it out."

After confirming these things, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to care about other things.

For him, these things really don't need him to pay too much attention.

He has done everything he can and can do, everything has been done to the extreme.

It's not impossible to go a step further, but he's probably going to be the next Hokage.

To be honest, with the passage of time, Uchiha Kai has not ruled out the possibility of becoming Hokage.

Although he really doesn't care about this kind of thing, he knows what the future direction is.

But just imagine, he has made Konoha like this, even if it is not active, but it can be said that he has put a lot of effort into it.

In this case, if there is a chance to go further, why exclude it?

But it is not exclusive, and it does not mean that he will take the initiative to do something.

Namikaze Minato is now young and strong, with unlimited energy, and has relatively consistent values ​​with Uchiha Kai.

If that's the case, what's wrong with letting Minato of Namikaze continue to stand in front?

When Namikaze Minato feels that he should retire, and he still has some ideas of being a Hokage, then it is not impossible for me to fight for it.

"Even, I'm afraid I don't need to fight for it, and those people will take the initiative to push me up?"

Standing on the building of the Security Department, Uchiha Ki looked at the autumn mood that was gradually emerging outside the window, and couldn't help thinking silently.

According to the current development progress, Uchiha Qi basically has no way to take the initiative to retreat.

Moreover, the interest group he created was not only to serve Namikaze Minato, but also to serve himself.

And now the character he created in Konoha can be said to be quite pleasing.

Once Namikaze Minato really chooses to abdicate, I'm afraid he doesn't need to compete too much. He only needs to express an idea, and he will be the biggest pick.

Whether it is an internal vote or a referendum.

He doesn't even need to rig the election, he'll be the biggest winner!

At that time, I am afraid that someone with a little brain may not choose to compete with him, right?

As long as Kai Uchiha continues to follow the current situation and continues stably, all this will not be difficult.

"I didn't expect it, I've come this far before I knew it." Uchiha Qi showed a slight smile: "I really don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it."

"Where are you thinking nonsense?" Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai standing by the window talking nonsense, and couldn't help frowning: "Instead of getting nervous there, you might as well do something more practical!"

"What more practical things are there, my eldest lady." Uchiha Kai sighed helplessly.

"Now Konoha is all stable, the security department is getting better and better, the ninja logistics and welfare department has been established, and even the upper, middle and lower ninja meetings have been formed, and representatives have been elected, I have nothing to do. ."

Time has slowly entered autumn, and even Hyuga Aya, who was born on July 7th, has passed her eighteenth birthday.

The whole Konoha is really smooth now, and what should be done can basically be said to be done.

Half a year ago, Koharu and Mito Kazuo were detained directly by Anbu for the reason of 'disadvantage in negotiation' and even 'dismissal and release of Tutai'. Negotiations have entered the high-speed lane.

Everything is so realistic, the two of them were seized as political sacrifices by Uchiha Kai first.

This move severely deterred a large group of people, especially when he captured a root member alive, forcing the three generations of Hokage to make a compromise.

Therefore, the collection of ninjutsu can be carried out so smoothly.

And with the iconic event of collecting ninjutsu, many things don't need to be continued, they have already won!

The smooth progress of the reform naturally does not need to argue with Yun Yin.

Yun Yin did not expect that Konoha would change his attitude after blackmailing them severely?

However, these Yun Yin still maintained the bottom line, and did not violate the promises made before.

Not to mention jumping out to say something, Tutai was released by Hokage and the like.

When these negotiators heard that the two of them had been arrested, they immediately realized something.

I'm afraid something ugly happened during the time when the soil platform was sent back, right?

But it is a pity that Tutai has been sealed with five senses, and he is completely ignorant of all this.

Otherwise, they might be able to get some information to analyze and judge what happened inside Konoha.

The negotiation went smoothly, and it can be said that a key issue of Konoha was resolved.

The negotiation was finally handed over to Nara Shikahisa.

With the previous promise, Konoha did not argue about the hostage exchange, and the two sides jumped directly to war compensation without much arguing.

In the end, Konoha got a compensation that he was relatively satisfied with, and Yun Yin was relatively painful, and everything fell to the ground.

Almost less than a week after the negotiation ended, Konoha released him directly.

At the same time, the army led by Uchiha Fuyue and Hyuga Hizu also retreated directly.

All of this was so fast that Yanyin didn't react. When they really wanted to do something, they were surprised to find that the fourth generation of Raikage had already taken the initiative to inspect Yunyin Village.

What happened to the outer village has nothing to do with Konoha.

Because Konoha still has her own things to do, among which the issue of the "Logistics Welfare Department" is particularly important.

After Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hizu came back, they didn't even rest for a week, and the ninja rank selection meeting began.

Originally, Minato Namikaze planned to vote to establish that department first, but he also wanted everyone to participate, so in the end he still waited a bit and started the selection of ninja representatives first.

In the end, there's really nothing left to look at.

Uchiha Kai publicly gave up his candidacy and stated that as a minister, he should not be involved in this kind of thing.

Representatives of ninjas, especially the ninja representatives of Jonin, have the same number of votes as ministers.

He, who is already a minister, will naturally not participate in this matter, and his statement has also been recognized by other ministers.

In the end, it took a month to finally select the representatives of the three levels of ninjas.

What's more interesting is that Hyuga Hizu got a spot, but Uchiha Fugaku, who was originally very thoughtful, lost.

Uchiha Qi also comforted him specially for this, after all, he is the patriarch, and the Uchiha family also has Uchiha Kai.

After the selection is over, naturally the first Konoha Ninja Conference will be held.

However, because it is the first time many questions have not been collected.

Namikaze Minato simply took this meeting as an explanation of their respective rights and obligations.

And what he and Uchiha Kei and Nara Shikaku added.

After everyone was clear about his situation, he threw the last blockbuster.

That is, the vote of the "Logistics and Welfare Department", and the meaning and value of this department's existence.

"In general, everything is stable, and there is nothing to pay attention to." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly, then he walked to Hyuga Ayade's side: "So"

Before Uchiha had finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of his office.

This made him frown, and then he stood up and said softly, "Come in."

"Master Kai." A masked Anbu member came in, and he half-knelt on the ground: "Master Hokage invites you to his office."

"Go to the Hokage office? Is there anything important? Also, is it urgent?"

"Sorry, Mr. Qi, my subordinates don't quite know what's going on, but it might be better for Miss Ling to go too."

This Uchiha is too cautious https://