Chapter 531: smart people

The latest website: "Are you, Hatake Kakashi?"

Ghost Lantern Manyue looked at the guy with white hair and a face mask showing one scarlet eye in front of him.

Although his tone was an inquiry, more of it was affirmation.

The guy in front of him is definitely Kakashi, and Ghost Lantern Manyue has seen a lot of information.

He is familiar with the powerful guys on the enemy's side, and Kakashi is also within the scope of his attention.

After all, Kakashi is the son of Shigeru Hatake, and he himself is very good at using a knife.

Ghost Lantern Moon is not a person who is keen on fighting, but he feels that he is definitely a person who is very good at using knives.

As a swordsman, he is happy to fight anyone who is good at using a sword.

In the ninja world, there are many ninjas who use powerful swordsmanship. For example, Kirabi of Yunyin, this guy is a good swordsman.

He also got a nickname, something like a killer bee.

But this guy's identity is too special, Ghost Lantern Manyue doesn't think he can meet him.

And after meeting him, I don't think I can win.

This time on the mission, Ghost Lantern Manyue knew that there were a lot of messes involved.

However, the ghost lamp and the full moon did not refuse. In fact, strictly speaking, their family had absolutely no way to refuse.

The Ghost Lanterns don't care about the family with the second generation of water shadows a few decades ago.

Since that group of neuropathy from the Hui Ye clan broke out completely, the water shadow of the wolf orange clan also began to go crazy.

He doesn't distinguish his goals at all now, and has serious hostility to almost all the blood descendants.

Under such circumstances, the most famous and most famous Ghost Lantern clan naturally had no way to avoid it.

If it was a few years ago, maybe they could resist.

But in the past few years, they have suffered serious ruptures because of the war, and then because of the policy of Kiriyin.

It is impossible for them to resist Suiying at all, all they can do is seek the protection of Yuanshi.

It's just that this shelter is limited, otherwise he wouldn't be able to appear here with his patriarch.

When they chased and killed the members of the blood family who defected, and the Konoha ninja stopped him, he knew that 80% of his group had been sold.

Ghost Lantern Manyue is not like his younger brother, his brain is very shrewd.

From the first sight of these Konoha ninjas, he knew something was wrong.

Especially after he saw a guy with extremely sharp knife skills and white hair like himself, he basically concluded that they were ambushed.

"Ah, I am." Kakashi randomly hacked a misty hidden person to death, and then looked at the white hair in front of him with a cold gaze: "Is the ghost lamp full moon?"

"Looks like we've really been betrayed." Ghost Lantern Manyue nodded with a wry smile: "I've heard the name of Your Excellency Kakashi for a long time now. Can you tell me why you came here?"

"Do you want to be stimulated?" Kakashi shook his head: "Everyone who should know, the ghost lamp clan, the dried persimmon clan, the wind demon clan and the Yui clan, all the clan leaders cooperated with Anbu to dispatch, and also brought a lot of powerful guys. ,Is it right?"

"It's really sold thoroughly." Ghost Lantern Manyue sighed, and then pointed with a playful look: "However, is it still a bit concealed, at least that guy hasn't been exposed."

Kakashi's eyes swept away slightly, and he suddenly noticed that there was a hummingbird hovering above Wuyin's troops!

Suddenly, the wind of the knife rang, and the sound of the sharp blade cutting through the sky echoed in Kakashi's ears.

However, Kakashi didn't panic at all? It was as if he had expected such a thing to happen.

He pulled out his ninja sword almost instantly? Chakra wear caused the blade to burst into silver light.

Then he lifted it up? He easily held the knife of the ghost lamp full moon!

"Hummingbird, the Shirai clan?" Kakashi frowned and asked, "Why did you tell me this information."

"Nothing, just wanted to say."

Ghost Lamp Man Yueman said indifferently? Then he used the knife in his hand to push it hard? Then he took a step back and raised the knife to block Kakashi's attack.

"Your attitude is not very good." Kakashi frowned more and more tightly: "If you don't make a quick decision, your subordinates will die!"

"Well, yes." Ghost Lamp Manyue nodded: "But the skills are not as good as people? Naturally, you should die. As a ninja, it is better to die heroically than to live in humiliation because of the mercy of others! If you don't, you don't deserve to be a ninja!"

While speaking, their ninja swords had collided with each other several times.

Every collision sparked a lot of sparks? But such a simple sword fight was really not difficult for them.

Kakashi didn't take it seriously, he was thinking, thinking about what the ghost man full moon was thinking.

Because from the moment I saw myself with this guy, his performance was very wrong!

And the ghost lamp full moon is not serious, the two seem to have reached some tacit understanding.

Suddenly, Kakashi seemed to understand something.

The strength in his hand increased slightly, and after quickly repelling the ghost lamp full moon, he looked at the guy in front of him indifferently.

"You're really a lunatic." Kakashi said in a cold tone, "Are all the people you raised by Kiriyuki like you?"

"Don't say it so nicely, Your Excellency Kakashi." Ghost Lamp Manyue showed a smile: "'In order to ensure that the information will not be leaked, the mission execution team will accompany an Anbu', have you heard of such a rule?"

"What do you mean?" Kakashi was unmoved, his eyes were still cold.

"It means..." Ghost Lamp Manyue still maintained that smile: "If there is a possibility of information leaks, this accompanying Anbu will kill or people, and if there is a chance, cut off their heads."

Having said that, the ghost lamp full moon rushed up again, and Kakashi quickly raised the knife to block his offensive.

Kakashi's eyes still looked cold, but he couldn't believe it in his heart.

Has the ninja of Kiriyin reached this point?

As the Minister of Anbu, Kakashi naturally knew some changes in Kirigakushi.

But now it looks like this change is really scary.

The policy they implemented, the **** unbelievable policy, was actually true!

"Look, you also accepted such a policy, otherwise you wouldn't be so indifferent to your subordinates." Kakashi said in a cold voice.

His blade slid through Ghost Lantern Manyue's throat once again, but Ghost Lantern Manyue took it straight.

"What can we do if we don't accept it. The aftermath of the Third World War has prevented us from recovering. And these policies, aren't you still obedient as a ninja?"

Ghost Lantern Full Moon said as a matter of course: "But accepting does not mean agreeing, does it?"

"But as a ninja, it's really good that you don't die in battle?" Kakashi asked quietly, the strength of the ninja sword in his hand began to increase.

"Indeed, ninjas do have to be mortal. Now in Kiriyin School, only one person of each age can graduate, the one who is alive."

Ghost Lantern Manyue firmly resisted Kakashi's knife, and said quickly: "But ninja doesn't mean that he can't be captured, does it?"

"Do you think you can go back alive after being captured?" Kakashi ignored him.

Pushing away the blade of this guy, and at the same time bullying forward, the strange sword technique was displayed again.

"Why not?"

The ghost lamp full moon ninja sword seemed to be integrated with him, and every time he subtly blocked Kakashi's offensive.

"You and Yun Yin will also exchange prisoners. After Wu Yin knows that I have been captured, in order to protect my secret, won't he find a way to get me back?"

The two of them communicated while fighting, but the others couldn't see it at all.

Even though their battle looked extremely fierce and desperate, it was probably not a big deal for the two of them.

The ninja knives were constantly swung, and the soft sound of metal collisions resounded in the forest.

The battle between the two of them looked like they were dancing, but the sharp edges of their blades could kill anyone if they touched it!

"So, do you think I block the news of your arrest, so I can get more?"

Kakashi didn't mean to let go, he kicked the ghost lamp full moon, and then a terrifying arc appeared on his blade.

"That's right, but the hummingbird is still watching." Ghost Lantern Manyue said indifferently, but looking at the flashing arc, he still swallowed involuntarily.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon is a water escape ninja, and even the secret techniques of the ghost lamp family have brought him unimaginable gains.

That is the technique of hydration, with which he can even avoid all physical damage.

Even if it is ninjutsu, as long as he is not too restrained, he is not necessarily afraid.

However, Lei Dun is indeed the most restrained ninjutsu of water escape, or the most restrained hydration technique.

Even in the face of Huo Dun, he is probably not so worried.

"What is your purpose?" Kakashi didn't take the initiative to attack this time.

He was looking at the ghost lamp full moon with concentration, as if he really wanted to hear a proper reason.

"The purpose? It's actually not difficult. I don't want to die in this kind of thing."

The ghost lamp full moon once again looked at Kakashi's arcing blade, he took a deep breath and said.

"Ninja, you should die on the mission. If you are defeated in the face of a strong enemy, it is my own problem. I will not blame anyone, it is just that you are too weak. But if you die in such an intriguing conspiracy, forgive me. I can't accept it, I'm just a ninja and I just want to do what a ninja should do."

"What about them?" Kakashi's voice seemed to soften a little: "Didn't they die in a conspiracy?"

"They didn't know about it, maybe they thought about it, maybe they were unwilling, but they didn't have the courage."

Ghost Lantern Manyue's face slowly became serious.

"But I have. I have to go back and find out all this. This is no longer what a shadow should do. The value of my life is definitely much greater than killing me."

"Really?" Kakashi looked at the ghost lamp full moon in disbelief, and then he sighed slightly.

He can agree with this guy.

Because all of this was originally a conspiracy, or it was some conspiracy that they came up with Konoha.

But putting this guy back will make the fog more chaotic, and it doesn't seem to be a problem.


There are people from Konoha in Kirikin.

This made Kakashi a little difficult to decide. Looking at the full moon of ghost lights in front of him, Kakashi closed his eyes.

When he opened it, he had already figured out what to do.

"Then come on, let me try your level." Kakashi said indifferently: "Let me see if you have this value and buy your life."

"Don't talk nonsense, you are strong, but I'm very weak." Ghost Light Man Yueman said indifferently: "Besides, didn't I already provide information to buy my life?"

"The Baijing family? That's not really any intelligence." Kakashi said flatly: "Also, he probably won't live long, with your patriarch."

"Really? Sure enough, you have prepared a lot." Gui Dengmanyue sighed helplessly, but soon he calmed himself down: "Let's compare swordsmanship, you use swords, and so do I. Only in this way can interesting."

"Are you trying to avoid your weakness? Is the technique of hydration quite afraid of thunder?"

Kakashi saw through his careful thoughts at a glance, but he still disappeared the arc on his knife.

"Come on, let me see what you, the youngest member of the Seven Swordsmen in Wuyin, are capable of."

Is there anything to do?

A smile appeared on the corner of Ghost Lantern's mouth.

Although his little trick was seen through, but so what?

They are ninjas in their essence, not those who pursue some kind of samurai spirit.

The existence of ninjas is to do everything possible, to do whatever it takes to win.

It's about getting the most wins with the least losses.

It is true that Kakashi's thunder escape will make him feel uncomfortable, but this does not mean that he really has nothing to do.

However, those methods are no longer used.

Although Kakashi is not a true samurai, why is this guy still opening his eyes?

But he is also not a samurai, and Kakashi's use of swordsmanship to fight him is already extremely beneficial to him.

Taking a deep breath, the surrounding airflow seemed to have completely stopped at this moment.

The chakra on Ghost Lantern Manyue began to surge crazily, and his expression gradually became indifferent.

At this moment, he was like a ninja knife, sharp and cold.

Kakashi frowned, looking at this guy in front of him, it seemed a little too weird.

That kind of sword intent is just as difficult to deal with as an illusion!

In his eyes, the world seemed to be black and white.

It seems that the whole world has returned to its original point before the creation of the world, and UU reading is silent and depressed.

But Kakashi didn't resist this feeling, and the writing wheel in his eyes had begun to spin slowly.

Just for a moment, the world moved again.

The wind sounded softly, and in a trance, a gentle breeze drifted towards him.

The gentle breeze made people not want to block at all, but Kakashi suddenly stabbed fiercely!

In an instant, it cracked, shattered, turned into countless fragments and scattered around.

Then, the debris in the air became dusty in the sky.

A gust of wind blew past, and all the dust disappeared with the wind.

Some are just Kakashi's ninja sword, and the incredible ghost full moon...
