Chapter 532: why don't you think about how

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"It's incredible?"

Kakashi held a ninja sword and looked at the ghost light full moon indifferently, and the ghost light full moon looked a little ugly.

The knife just now was a knife that contained his own will and his own sword intent.

It was so easy to be cracked by Kakashi so lightly?

This result made Ghost Lanman Moon feel a little uneasy, but also suddenly felt a little excited.

His use and research on knives really took a long time.

Especially as the youngest of the seven swordsmen, after inheriting the double sword flounder and getting familiar with it thoroughly, he is still studying other ninja swords.

He has always had an idea, that is, to completely master all the ninja swords and attribute their power to one person!

But all this will take time, especially now, he has to find a way to survive first.

Throwing the ninja sword in his hand, Guidengmanyue took out a scroll.

"It's really incredible." Ghost Lantern Manyue nodded, and then spread out the scroll: "Wait a moment, the weapon just now is not in your hand, after all, you know, I am a member of the seven people of the Kirikin Shinobi... ."

Kakashi didn't speak, and he didn't really make a move. He quietly watched the ghost lamp full moon to unlock the seal.

The current battle situation has basically stabilized, and there is no intention to calculate. At the same time, the number of ninjas is more than that of the opponent, and the quality is also comparable to the opponent.

Under such circumstances, Kiriyin's chasing troops had no room for resistance at all.

The screaming screams in the forest have basically stopped, and many Konoha ninjas have also slowly approached.

But they didn't do it. They obviously knew that the white hair of the ghost lamp clan in front of them was Kakashi's opponent.

Especially these two are very good at swordsmanship, I am afraid this will be a peak swordsmanship duel!

Of course, just because they don't do it doesn't mean they don't do anything.

The fate of Ghost Lantern Full Moon is actually doomed. Either he will die in battle or he will be captured. There is no other possibility.

The purpose of their coming here is to clean up these mist ninjas.


As a white fog filled the air, a pair of ninja knives in the shape of a 'flatfish' appeared in the hands of Ghost Lamp Manyue.

Kakashi didn't show much expression when he saw this scene.

He has the information on the double knives and flounder. Standing in his position, he can basically get all the information on the bright side that he wants.

Double-knife flounder is very sharp, which is inevitable.

Secondly, it also has the ability to release Chakra light **** to attack the enemy, which is a skill with a good sneak attack effect.

"Okay, it's much more comfortable this way." Ghost Light Man Yue held the ninja knife in his hands, and couldn't help showing a slight smile on his face: "Then, let's get started!"

The voice fell, and the ghost lamp full moon did not hesitate at all.

With his toes on the ground lightly, he jumped up and flew towards Kakashi.

When he was in the air, chakra swayed slightly, and blue chakra bloomed on the flounder.

With a slight twist of the wrist, after drawing a perfect curve in the air? With a terrifying blade, it slashed towards Kakashi's throat.

His movements are not standard? It looks very casual.

He's not sliding fast in the air? But his speed is a bit fast, and it looks like he's making a mistake.

But Kakashi, the opponent, saw it clearly.

Such an action? Such a speed, displayed from his hands? But it has a different kind of smooth beauty.

Especially, the speed of this guy's knife is just right!

The ninja sword in Kakashi's right hand appeared blue again, and he took a deep breath.

Then, he slowly exhaled the breath in an even manner? He looked at the flounder that was getting closer and closer to him with calm eyes.

The flounder was only one meter away from his throat, and he didn't move? But the writing wheel of his left eye opened and slowly began to spin.

Only fifty centimeters away, he still didn't move, the three gouyu in the writing wheel's eyes were spinning faster and faster.

Only ten centimeters? He still didn't move.

Even without him knowing, the three gouyu in the writing wheel in his left eye have quietly started to connect.

When the flounder was only about five centimeters away from his throat.

At this moment, Kakashi closed his right eye and complimented his left foot forward.

In his world, everything seemed to slow down a bit.

And everything seemed to be completely under his control.

He can clearly see everyone's movements, and can guess what they are saying and thinking.

Even, he seems to be able to see what they are going to do next moment, there are several possibilities!

Especially at this moment, what appeared in his left eye was no longer an ordinary picture.

It is a world with red and black as the main color, with clear lines on everyone.

"Are those lines the flaws of everyone?"

Kakashi's mind is not very clear, because he finds that he seems to have entered a whole new world.

Everything in this world has become a little slower, no, it's not slowing down, nor is it getting faster.

But he can clearly see everything that everyone is going to do in the next moment, and he can easily see into everyone!

Kakashi doesn't know what's going on, he doesn't know why he's like this, he just feels it's so wonderful!

He seemed to understand a little, why Uchiha Kai would be so scary.

Why is his swordsmanship simplified to that point, and why his attack basically only needs one knife to solve the enemy.

Because there is no need at all, as long as the speed can keep up with your own eyes, then you only need a simple knife to solve the battle.

If that's the case, why do you have to do a lot of bells and whistles, and directly understand the flaws and kill people, wouldn't it be good?

"It's just that the consumption of Chakra seems to be too much."

Kakashi murmured, he didn't know, at this moment his left eye.

The last gift that Obito left him, the three gouyu have quietly joined together.

A triangular pattern like a dart is slowly spinning in his eyes.

Suddenly, a blade of light shot up into the sky.

The azure blue blade light followed the ninja blade in Kakashi's right hand, precisely and elegantly at the critical moment.

With perfect timing, perfect angle, perfect strength and perfect speed, the flounder that was close at hand was impeccably blocked!

The two knives met in the air, making a 'clanging' sound, and sparks scattered and overflowed.

Kakashi's expression was indifferent, he had performed such a sword technique once.

That was the sword technique he used when Lin died four years ago.

After that, he tried countless methods, and he was stunned to find that it was difficult for him to enter such a state.

But now, this state doesn't seem to have any difficulties at all, and this state also makes him feel extremely comfortable!

"Perhaps, Kai was in such a state when he was fighting."

Kakashi sighed silently, this state is too suitable for him.

The only thing he didn't understand was that he felt that his chakra was being consumed twice as fast as usual.

But he didn't care about that either, and it wasn't that he couldn't find a way to overcome this kind of thing.

His eyes were slightly deflected, and he raised his head to look at the ghost lamp full moon.

On this guy's body, there is obviously a clear horizontal line at the neck.

This may be telling Kakashi how to use a knife and behead him directly.

It's just that Kakashi is a little strange, what's going on with the incredible face of the ghost lamp and the moon, and the expression like seeing a ghost?

Especially, this guy is staring at his left eye?

However, he was too lazy to think about these questions, and he would just torture him slowly after the battle.

He just wanted to try it out to see if the lines in his eyes really worked.

However, before he had time to draw the knife, he suddenly felt that his chakra was consumed like a flood that had opened the gate.

At the same time, in the center of the line on Ghost Lantern Moon Moon's neck, an eerie swirl began to appear.

And the neck of the ghost lamp full moon is also twisted at this moment...


"Looks like we're in trouble."

In the five-member team that was most chasing the leader of the rebellion, Naoki Shirai suddenly dropped a hummingbird on his shoulder.

The hummingbird chirped in his ear for a while, and then disappeared into the air as a cloud of smoke.

Shirai Naoki's face looked a little ugly, and then he said directly to the people around him.

I have to say that this action is really not optimistic, especially the report just now made his heart sink to the bottom.

"What's wrong?" Ghost Lantern Yinyue frowned.

"Did their actions go wrong?

No, except for the Xuezhi clan who may have some combat power, the others can only be considered troublesome, and it is more troublesome to clean up.

Even if the local ninja forces in the country of vortex detect it, there will be no problem. What happened? "

The trouble in Naoki Shirai's mouth is obviously not an ordinary trouble.

They are all patriarchs, and they can almost be said to be the top of the family and the strongest combat power.

The trouble they talk about is definitely not an ordinary situation.

You must know that if they are singled out, they are also the top ninjas in the ninja world.

As long as you are careful, there are not many people who can easily solve them.

Even if they provoke some dangerous forces, it is not impossible to escape.

"Let's talk about it, what's going on?" The patriarch of the dried persimmon clan, the dried persimmon corpse flounder, obviously didn't have much patience, and he asked directly.

"We have already cleaned up two families, only the Xuezhi family and the Yanping family are left. Even if there is any trouble, they can't escape." Yuyi Zhengya, the patriarch of the Yuyi family, sighed helplessly.

"That's right, let's talk about it." Fengmo Yangping, the patriarch of the Fengmo clan, was also impatient, and his face seemed slightly dissatisfied.

"It's not that I don't want to say it, but I'm also a little helpless by this news." Naoki Shirai shook his head: "Our actions have been detected, and our opponents should be the garrison and Anbu, with a large number. The other party belongs to. ... Konoha."

Hearing this news, the expressions of the other four suddenly changed slightly.

The garrison and Anbu had already exceeded their expectations.

The fact that these troops are moving and there are a lot of numbers means that they should know their actions.

Otherwise, who will let the garrison get out of the line of defense and cooperate with Anbu?

Especially their opponents are not ordinary existences.

That's Konoha, that's the direction in which these rebels defected!

Why does Konoha know about their actions?

Shouldn't, really shouldn't.

You must know that in Wuyin Village, but strictly guard against the inflow and outflow of various intelligence.

Those guys had no chance at all to deliver the news to Konoha, even if it was out of the fog.

Because along the way, Shirai Naoki has been controlling Asuka to monitor them.

Otherwise, it is impossible to catch up with them so easily, and then complete the chasing mission.

All of them are patriarchs, and they are all smart guys.

Even the head of the Kaguya clan, who is very problematic, seems to be clearly in his head.

The dead guy, in addition to being a little crazy, doesn't necessarily have a serious brain problem.

The five of them determined almost immediately that their information had been leaked.

Although I don't know how much was leaked, it is certain that Konoha definitely knows a lot.

And the person who leaked himself is probably not an ordinary person, it is very likely...

"It seems that there is trouble." Ghost Lantern Yinyue sighed faintly: "Because we are the blood descendant family? Or did we take refuge in Yuan Shi?"

"No matter what kind, I'm afraid they all want to use a knife to kill people, right?" Yu Yi Zhengya said with a gloomy face.

"Actually, think about how much we've been weakened over the years.

It is true that we were indeed weak after the Third World War, but we were not without resistance. but now....."

"No matter which one it is, we have no choice." The dried persimmon corpse flounder looked extremely terrifying with a shark face: "Could it be that we can still rely on Konoha? Our family is all hidden in the fog."

"Even if the situation is bad, I won't go to Konoha." Fengmo Yangping gritted his teeth and said, "You shouldn't forget, how did our ancestors go to Wuyin Village?"

Their five families, it is really a coincidence that they were all driven into the sea by Uchiha Madara.

Really let them choose, I am afraid that none of them are willing to go to Konoha.

What's more, even if the Fire Country and the Vortex Country were their former homes, they already had their own new homes in the Water Country.

In addition to some hatred in the past, even if they don't care about these hatreds, they dare not easily evacuate Wuyin.

It's just that the current situation makes them really feel a headache one by one.

"Tell me about the loss." Ghost Lantern Yinyue sighed: "Hope...hope it's not too bad."

"Generally speaking, it's very bad." Naoki Shirai shook his head: "The second, third, sixth and eighth units were all wiped out, and the only thing left was those who encountered Konoha or were fighting, the specific situation unknown."

"What?" Hearing this news, Ghost Lantern Yinyue and Dried Persimmon Corpse Flounder's expressions suddenly changed Because their family's genius is in these four troops!

"You two are lucky, the dried persimmon ghost shark and the ghost lamp full moon were captured, but the ghost lamp full moon is a bit bad."

Naohui Shirai said directly: "That kid met Konoha's Anbu Minister, and he didn't know what attack he suffered, his neck almost broke, if it wasn't for the technique of hydration... Now he is being treated, not dead. ."

"so far so good...."

"However, Terumi Mei is in some trouble, she was also captured, and... the situation is very bad, and now her life and death are uncertain."

"The genius of Shuangxueji? This is too bad, she is the treasure of Yuanshi..."

"It was done by a white-eyed ninja. Forget it, what we can do now is to quickly clean up the people of the Xuezhi clan, and then return to Wuyin immediately, this time... Be careful!"

When the five people were communicating about what to do next, suddenly a strong Chakra brought a fire dragon and rushed towards them.

The five of them responded quickly, and immediately jumped out of the goshawk that was riding them, and then fell to the ground one by one.

Just as soon as they landed, a soft voice echoed in their ears.

"Instead of thinking about what it would be like to go back, why not think about how you are now..."


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