Chapter 533: The power of Uchiha Kai

The latest website: "Patriarch, can you slow down, those children may not be able to bear it."

In the depths of the forest of the country of vortex, a ninja whispered beside Minato.

He looked out of breath, and although he was still tall and straight, he couldn't hide his exhaustion at all.

They have been running for six or seven hours since they left the port.

Strictly speaking, a ninja like him would have absolutely no problem running for six or seven hours in a row.

The problem is that the psychological changes brought about by normal and being chased are completely different.

When people are in a dangerous environment, they do have the possibility to explode their potential, but more often they make themselves weak.

Minato's current situation is not very good. He glanced at the children behind him, and he was also very helpless.

He also wanted to slow down, or even find a place to rest.

But he knew it was impossible, because behind them were a group of family workers that would kill them.

Although it is unclear how many people they have lost now, it is certain that their losses are absolutely beyond imagination.

Minato can't be stupid, he deliberately looks for the dense forest to escape, because he knows who is inside the fog.

But what made him helpless was that even if he entered the dense forest, he was still followed by a group of birds.

Even if they killed a lot, what's the use of it?

The ability of the Baijing clan to control birds, I am afraid no one can compare with them.

The birds they control can completely get information from other birds, and even if they are very incomplete, they can find their whereabouts.

"And, if you want to get information from these beasts, you can't be too far away."

Minato thought to himself, but soon he said, "You can't slow down, the people of the Baijing family know that we are here, and slowing down is tantamount to suicide."

"But...hey...." The ninja opened his mouth, and finally he could only nod helplessly: "I understand the patriarch, it's damn!"

"Instead of complaining, it's better to keep some strength. We can get to the junction of the country of fire and the country of vortex as soon as possible so that we can be safe."

Minato said helplessly: "It's better to be tired than to die, especially since you are the guarantee of the continuation of the family."

"Yes." The ninja nodded, suddenly he seemed to think of something, and his voice was extremely low.

"Patriarch, do you want to stay... No, let some children act separately, so that we may face fewer enemies..."

Hearing this sentence, Minato's eyes instantly turned gloomy.

Split up the team and send a group of children to die.

Obviously, this is indeed a way to attract the attention of the enemy.

Especially fear will make these children run around, and the distraction of the enemy's energy is definitely considerable.

Then, the chances of them surviving in this way are greatly improved.

It's just that sending a group of children to their deaths is definitely challenging Minato's bottom line!

But Minato also understands? Now is the time of life and death.

If more fire can be kept? Then it is not impossible to let some die.

He's already made a similar decision? It doesn't seem like much of a problem to do it again.

It's just that those are...

Taking a deep breath, Minato already made up his mind.

If these kids run around, maybe a few more will survive.

Like this? Maybe their family...

"Don't talk about this." Minato's voice turned cold: "It's not a last resort..."

"I understand? Patriarch." The ninja nodded: "I won't embarrass the patriarch, I will choose well."

Reason finally prevailed over other psychology, even though he knew that his actions were absolutely shameless to the extreme.

But at the moment of life and death, he really couldn't help thinking about what he was thinking.

Sighing lightly? Minato didn't want to think about it when he wasn't there.

Since the ninja beside him has already said he will handle it, he will definitely handle it.

After all, it is definitely the elite of the family who can follow him? At that time, the children he chooses will probably also be children from the bottom.

Reality is always ruthless, and those who are abandoned are always the weakest and the most humble.

Minato couldn't help shaking his head? He knew he wasn't the first to make such a choice.

When Konoha faced the siege of the Four Great Ninja Villages, he did not know how many children were put on the battlefield.

The Uchiha Kai who he had seen himself is a typical example, that kid was already waiting to die on the battlefield at the age of seven or eight.

And Kakashi is even more so, he was already on the battlefield at the age of five.

"I'm sorry, everyone..." Minato closed his eyes: "If that time comes..."


Just when they were thinking about it, suddenly there was a violent roar behind them.

The next moment the earth was trembling, and terrifying cracks spread directly from their side.

There was even an unlucky guy who fell directly into this terrifying crack and disappeared in an instant.

This is like a situation where the end of the world is coming, and all the members of the Snow Clan are dumbfounded.

Even if it was Minato, he knelt on the spot stupidly.

It was because he didn't stand firm, and with the crazy vibration of the ground, he knelt down directly.

He didn't get up, but looked behind him.

It's a pity that because there are too many trees on the route he chose, he can't see it at all and doesn't know what happened.

But he had a strong hunch that they were safe...


"Instead of thinking about what it would be like to go back, why not think about how you are now."

The soft voice reached the ears of the five patriarchs as if old friends were talking to each other.

This voice didn't make them feel like they were facing an old friend at all.

On the contrary, such a soft voice is like coming from Jiuyou Hell, making people shudder!

Turning to look, I saw a man wearing a black ninja combat uniform with a Konoha forehead guard on his forehead.

Black medium-length hair fluttered in the wind, and a pair of scarlet young teenagers were standing and walking towards them.

"Uchiha?" The five people recognized the pair of scarlet eyes almost immediately after seeing Uchiha Kai.

"Introduce yourself."

Uchiha Kai looked at the five people in front of him with a calm voice. Although he found some guys he couldn't recognize at all, he didn't care too much.

"Next, Kai Uchiha."

"Uchiha Kai?"

When the five of them heard the name, their faces became even more ugly.

This name is really not unfamiliar to them.

The head of the Konoha Security Department, the one who once cooperated with the four generations of Hokage Nami Feng Minato to end the war.

Although the guy in front of him looks so young, young does not mean he has no strength.

Judging from the Huo Dun just now, this guy who was called a kid in their eyes was really terrifying to the extreme.

Sending such a minister over as an interceptor, Konoha is really generous!

And, it is now 100% certain that they were definitely sold.

While they were treated as executioners to clean up the traitors, they were also treated as the targets of cleanup.

And the person who does it will be Konoha!

When the five people's hearts were uncertain, Uchiha Kai also frowned.

To be honest, the five people in front of him really gave him a big surprise.

Before that, he really didn't know that there was a family of dried persimmons.

But looking at the guy with a shark face, he was 100% sure that this guy was a member of the dried persimmon family.

As for the others, no matter whether there is any information, he basically recognized them through the family emblem.

"The Shirai family, and the Yui family?" Uchiha Qi thought silently.

It was not mentioned in the original work of the Shirai clan, probably because Uchiha Obito was directly cleaned up by him when he implemented the blood fog policy in Kirigakura.

However, the information of this family, Uchiha Kai has heard of it.

It's also interesting to say, he knew it from a ninja of the oil girl family.

The oil girl family is good at controlling insects, and they will know something about the same or similar families as them.

The Baijing family is one of them, they are a group of guys who control birds.

And the Yuyi family, this family Uchiha Kai is more impressive.

The relationship between this family and the Uchiha family during the Warring States Period was not too bad, but it was definitely not much better.

Especially when they used to be in complete opposition to the Qianshou clan, probably that's why they didn't turn against Uchiha.

However, after Uchiha and Qianshou joined forces to form Konoha, they left the country of fire.

In other words, it would be better to be driven out of the sea by Madara Uchiha.

After all, the land of fire is vast and rich in products, and it is the favorite place for almost all ninja families to choose to station.

Uchiha Madara is probably 80 to 90 percent of the blood of Kiriyin Village.

And this family, in fact, has not disappeared from beginning to end.

Uchiha Keiki seems to have the family emblems of all the families at the end of a certain section of the anime.

What still exists is engraved on it, while what has disappeared is covered in blood.

The family started from the Warring States Period until Konoha was established, and returned to Banli Village to attack the village and was defeated by Hashirama.

The family emblem of this family has not disappeared, indicating that the Yuyi family has not declined, or has declined to the extent of disappearing.

Exactly where is not stated.

But now it is basically certain that they were also a member of the sea that year.

"Boy, you are here alone, is it possible that you are blocking all of us now?"

Just when Uchiha Qi was thinking about it, the ghost lamp Yinyue suddenly said faintly: "You are indeed very powerful, but is it too arrogant to come alone?"

"Are you arrogant? Not really." Uchiha Qi looked at the guy in front of him flatly, and then said slowly: "You can understand that I am very confident. After all, dealing with you is not really that difficult. matter."

"Hmph, you're the only one?" The dried persimmon corpse flounder snorted coldly: "It's really shameless, you Konoha have cultivated a guy like you?"

Yui Masaya, Fengmo Yangpei, and Shirai Naoki did not speak, but the three of them were ready to fight.

In fact, the five of them are all clear in their minds, I am afraid that this battle will definitely not escape.

Judging from Uchiha Kai's attack on them before, this kid probably has no intention of letting go.

Seriously, let them go back and find a way to deal with the water shadow, and taking over the Snow Clan is actually the best choice.

Even if a few of them return empty-handed, they may be severely punished.

But by using some influence and showing some gestures, there may be hope of redemption.

But they were not sure, whether it was Shuiying's promise or unbelievable benefit.

Only let Konoha rule out guys like Hatake Kakashi, Imai Kenta, and even Uchiha Kai.

I'm not sure how many people will come after Uchiha Kai.

However, the five are the patriarchs after all, and they can still overcome some of their emotions.

If that's all there is to it, then that's a really good thing.

If not, the five of them will kill Kai Uchiha!

Holding this guy's head back to Wuyin can more or less reduce the punishment!

"Don't be too arrogant, the little devil of the Uchiha clan." Ghost Lantern Yinyue took a deep breath: "One to five, you have no hope. Take a step back, you can get what you want, and we can. If not, We killed you, and even if the mission fails we have your head."

"It's whimsical." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly, and then he showed a smile: "If this is the case, what Mizuying-sama promised will be gone."


Hearing this sentence, the faces of these five people instantly turned ashen, they guessed it right!

However, before they had time to think, Uchiha Kai's soft voice rang in their ears again.

"Also, I don't think the five of you can do anything. Back then, Madara Uchiha drove your entire clan into the sea. Why should I be afraid of guys like you?"

This sentence, like a powder keg, directly ignited the emotions of the five of them.

Their current situation can already be said to be embattled on all sides.

Uchiha Kai also used such language to stimulate them, and they couldn't stand it anyway.

Madara Uchiha is probably really unfamiliar to them.

But they also grew up listening to similar stories and watching the records in the family. Of course, they knew how aggrieved their ancestors had been.

Now, another descendant of the Uchiha family is standing in front of them.

And unscrupulously tore open their wounds, they would never let this **** boy go no matter what.

With just a few eye contact, they already knew what they were thinking.

At the next moment, the five of them immediately shot, although the degree of cooperation is not high, but the absolute tacit understanding is full!

"Water Escape·Blast Water Rush!"

"Water Escape·Water and Iron Cannon Art!"

"Soil Escape: Hell Ant Technique!"

"Secret Art Eagle Flying Strike!"

"Secret Art Wind Demon Shuriken!"

The attacks of the five patriarchs were instantly overwhelming towards Uchiha Kai.

And Uchiha Qi looked at all this indifferently, the next moment he made a seal with one hand, and the chakra in the body surged instantly.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"


Extinguishing Fire is essentially a B-rank ninjutsu, but the upper limit of this technique is extremely high.

Madara Uchiha once extinguished the fire with one hand but covered thousands of ninjas, forcing them to jointly use the water escape to resist.

Uchiha Qi once used this technique to cover hundreds of fog hidden, so that they can get out together.

But now, his physical strengthening has reached an extremely high level.

The power of his fire escape has been improved to a higher level, and in the face of the joint raids of these patriarchs, especially the water escape is the main one.

The arrogance of the fire has shown, its power beyond imagination!

He saw a huge wall of fire instantly covering most of the forest in front of him, the hot flames and the huge collision formed a terrifying white fog.

The dried persimmon corpse flounder is worthy of being a member of the dried persimmon family, and his technique is almost the same as that of the dried persimmon ghost shark.

It is very likely that the fighting style of the dried persimmon ghost shark was learned from this guy.

The starting point is to create a favorable environment for him, and the technique he uses is an attempt to turn this area into water.

But unfortunately, his purpose was at least half destroyed by Uchiha Kai.

The terrifying flames directly evaporated half of his water escape, and other people's techniques were directly burned by the flames.

"This kid, really can't be underestimated." Ghost Lantern Yinyue looked at the sea of ​​​​fire, and said with a dignified expression: "Huo Dun was displayed by him like this, I'm afraid I can't find a second one now."

"Hmph, I can only say that it is worthy of the Uchiha clan." Naoki Shirai made a seal with one hand, and a group of birds had already appeared beside him: "The current situation has nothing to say, kill him, let's go back. Moreover, he only one person."

"Is there only one person? Then he is really courting death!" The dried persimmon corpse flounder licked his tongue: "But this kid is really good, my water escape was evaporated by him, everyone be careful, even if there is only one, I am afraid it is not What a simple thing."

Fengmo Yangping and Yui Zhengya didn't speak, their stern expressions already explained everything.

The skills of the two of them were almost immediately evaporated by Uchiha Kai's fire escape.

It's not that things like this haven't happened before, but it's in one-on-one situations, or they're not serious.

But what is the situation now, they are one-on-five, and they all make up their minds.

Obviously, they can't keep their hands.

But under such circumstances, one person evaporated the skills of the five of them, and one can imagine how terrifying it is.

"He's here!" Suddenly, Naoki Shirai exclaimed.

Then the terrifying chakra appeared on the birds behind him, and they rushed forward one by one.

The other four were immediately ready to fight, and the water mist shrouded the battlefield. In the next instant, Uchiha Kai's figure descended with a high-speed falling fireball.

The huge fireball smashed into the ground, and Uchiha Kai had already drawn out his ninja sword and rushed to them.

A few turned to avoid the flying birds, and then saw a flying bird in half with a knife, and the next moment his ninja knife slashed through Fengmo Yangping's throat very quickly.

It's just that Fengmo Yangping's reaction speed was extremely fast, and almost instantly he pulled out his knives to hold him back.

At the same time, the dried persimmon corpse flounder immediately drew a knife and slashed at Uchiha Kai.

The other three scattered for the first time and surrounded Kai Uchiha.

Such ninja qualities can only be said to be worthy of being cultivated by Kiriyuki.

Both offensive and defensive, although there may be some contradictions between them.

After all, each one represents a family, and even if they form an alliance, there will be various special circumstances that will break out.

But at this moment, their cooperation can really be said to be a tacit understanding.

However, Uchiha Qi didn't care at all, the writing wheel turned slightly, and he directly avoided the knife from the dried persimmon corpse flounder.

Then he kicked this guy with one foot, but the dried persimmon corpse flounder raised his hand to block the kick.

Feng Mo Yangping suddenly pulled back a position, Yu Yi Zhengya immediately rushed up, and the ninja knife with gray chakra stabbed him in the throat instantly.

Uchiha Qixuan turned his eyes again, dodging the knife instantly.

However, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the ghost lamp Yinyue was facing him in a shooting posture.


Suddenly Uchiha Kai's face changed slightly, because he noticed that a strange chakra appeared on his ninja sword.

This chakra is constantly exuding heat, and quickly formed the shape of a flying bird.

The next moment it flew directly out of the cut jade and headed straight for Kai Uchiha!

Such a chakra, such a technique, immediately understood its essence in Uchiha's eyes.

"Did it explode? Was it the Asuka just now?"

Uchiha Kai thought to himself that in the face of such a siege trend, a smile appeared on the corner of Uchiha Kai's mouth.

The dark Chakra bones appeared, the arms waved lightly, and the offensive of these people was instantly disintegrated.

The bird-shaped chakra was caught by an evolving arm before it had time to explode completely.

The giant hand wrapped in pitch-black chakra exerted a little force, and the bird completely lost the opportunity to show its strength.

When the palm is released again, it has turned into a little afterglow.

"Is it interesting?" Uchiha Qi stood flatly on the spot, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth: "I just don't know, how far you can do it."

In the face of such an attack, in the face of such an offensive, Uchiha Kai actually has a way to avoid it.

Otherwise, he would not know how many times he died on the battlefield.

Of course, the enemies faced on the battlefield back then were not as strong as they are now.

But the enemy is getting stronger, and Uchiha Kai is also getting stronger.

The way you used before does not mean that it is not easy to use, ideas, they can also play an excellent effect.

However, he chose a more direct and effective way.


The five ghost lights and Yinyue dispersed at a time, still surrounded by Uchiha Kai.

It's just that after they saw this dark Chakra giant, their faces became a little bad.

Kirigakura was attacked a few years ago, and that's what the mysterious Uchiha used.

Although they did not participate in the war for various reasons, they still knew a lot more or less.

They naturally knew how much fear this dark Chakra giant had brought to Wuyin.

"Are the colors the same..." Ghost Lantern Yinyue took a deep breath: "It's really interesting."

"Hmph, I didn't have a chance to experience it last time, so this time..." The dried persimmon corpse flounder showed a **** smile.

"Don't be careless, this is not something that ordinary people can fight against." Yu Yi Zhengya held a ninja knife and looked at everything in front of him coldly: "Besides, don't you think it's all too coincidental?"

"Could it be that you think this kid is that mysterious guy?" Feng Mo Yangping said with a little disdain even though his face was not very good-looking.

Indeed, Uchiha Kei is too young, even if he looks so terrifying now.

But to really connect him with the mysterious Uchiha who attacked Konoha, Kirigaku and Yunyin, no matter how you look at it, it seems a bit far-fetched.

That guy, although I don't know who it is, has definitely exceeded the current ceiling of the ninja world.

It is unrealistic to associate such a powerful person with this little devil.

"Are you finished?" Uchiha Qi looked at the five of them flatly, and then chuckled: "If the last words have been explained, then go to the Pure Land to report."

"Boy, although you are very strong." Naohui Shirai, who had not spoken, said indifferently: "But, you are not that mysterious Uchiha after all, think the Asuka I released is so easy to kill. ?"

When the words fell, Uchiha Qi suddenly frowned, because he found that the strange chakra appeared on his cut jade again.

This made Uchiha Qiwei a little surprised, because his writing wheel eyes didn't even see these chakras.

It can only be said that it is indeed a strange secret art blood family.

The special abilities they have, which may make powerful people not pay attention, will become a tool to increase their glory.

These chakras spread quickly, and in just a moment, they spread directly to Susanoo.

At the same time, the other four quickly rushed towards Uchiha Qi.

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, this chakra is not very corrosive to Susanoo, but it really weakens the defense of Susanoo at this stage.

Uchiha Qi was too lazy to clean up these chakras. He waited until these chakras spread completely to Susanoo, and then directly scattered the dark chakras wrapped around him.

"Earth escape, split earth and turn palms!"

At this moment, Fengmo Yangping formed a seal with both hands, and then slapped the ground with a palm.

A huge crack appeared directly in the earth, and it spread towards Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha raised his brows, and then jumped straight up.

At this moment, the figure of the dried persimmon corpse flounder suddenly appeared in front of him, and when he noticed it, he was cut down with a knife.


He hummed softly, and his pupils turned into an eternal kaleidoscope pattern at some point.

His eyes turned slightly invisible, and he turned sideways in mid-air inconceivably, dodging a stab at the dried persimmon corpse flounder.

"As expected of Uchiha, he actually escaped?"

The dried persimmon corpse flounder was startled, and he couldn't help but smile even more happily.

This was the first time he had encountered an enemy who evaded his attack so easily, and it was still in the air where he had nowhere to rely.

However, it also made him even more excited.

The knife missed, and the dried persimmon corpse flounder instantly condensed the chakra on the leg.

The next moment, his kick containing a powerful chakra swept towards Uchiha Kai.

His speed is so fast that there is an illusion that the knife is in no particular order.

Uchiha Qi didn't care about these messes at all, although the body skills of the dried persimmon corpse flounder were somewhat unexpected.

Because this guy is not only powerful, but also exaggerated in speed.

But that doesn't mean that Uchiha Kai can't deal with it.

And he was too lazy to dodge now, so he let go of the cut jade in his hand.

The dark chakra appeared here, the bones of the skeleton instantly covered the whole body, and Susa's arm extended and swept out in an instant.

He killed the birds of the Baijing family with his cut jade, so those chakras were probably left on his cut jade.

For some unnecessary troubles, it is the best choice not to apply cutting jade temporarily.


A powerful crash sounded, and the foot of the persimmon flounder collided with Susanoh's arm.

Even visible to the naked eye in the air, a circle of invisible airflow spreads.

It was formed by the shock of the air, and the mid-air where the two were located was squeezed into a vacuum at this moment!

Under the strong impact, both sides flew upside down like cannonballs, and Uchiha Kai stood on the water under the protection of Susanoo.

Although he had evaporated half of the water escape of the dried persimmon corpse flounder, the other half still formed a huge lake.

The dried persimmon corpse flounder also turned over and landed on the water, but the strong impact made his foothold explode with huge splashes.

The dried persimmon flounder frowned, and he felt like his foot was broken just now.

Especially falling on the water made his pain worse.

The hardness of the water surface is actually no worse than that of ordinary cement floors.

Because of the existence of tension, as long as the height is high enough and the way of entering the water is wrong, people can still fall directly to death.

The dried persimmon flounder was originally injured by Uchiha Kai, and he didn't have time to adjust his posture and break the tension, which caused him to feel very bad now.

However, the recovery ability of the dried persimmon family is still very good.

He believed that he would not need much time to recover.

Even if it is not restored as before, it will definitely not affect the battle.

"Secret Art White Blossom Chiyo Dance!"

Masaya Yui quietly appeared behind Uchiha Kai, and the next moment his ninja sword with silver-gray Chakra looked directly at Uchiha Kai.

As soon as the knife went down, the air was directly cut and separated at high speed.

Uchiha Qi tilted his head slightly, and the Susanoo Chakra on his body became thicker.

However, at this moment, a charged multicolored cone-shaped barrier appeared beside him, and the barrier quickly shrank and suppressed his Susanoo.

"Fuuma Ninja Mandala Binding!"

It was Fengmo Yangping, and this guy also shot.

Fuuma Ninja Mandala Binding is a very special sealing technique.

This technique Uchiha Kai has seen once in the anime, but the memory is not very deep.

In addition, the techniques of the Shirai clan also include the techniques of the Yui clan.

It was the first time he faced, and there was not much information to give him enough support.

The frantic suppression of the five-color enchantment made Kai Uchiha's Susanoo almost no time to explode.

Yu Yi Zhengya's knife slashed at him fiercely, and the river was directly cut off by the blade in an instant, but it quickly healed again.

And Uchiha Qi and Susanoo almost sank into the water under this knife.

Although there is still no problem with his Susanoo, this terrifying sword, coupled with the secret technique it possesses, still makes Uchiha Kai suffer a little.

"Water Escape Water Polo Technique!"

"Shirai Secret Technique Thunder Eagle!"

When Uchiha Kai was sunk into this artificial lake, Naoki Shirai and Ghost Light Yinyue did not start at the same time.

In an instant, the continuous sound of explosions and the dazzling thunder light continued to come from this artificial lake...
