Chapter 536: What's on top of bloodstain elimination


When everything was over, Uchiha Qi took a long sigh of relief, and the eternal kaleidoscope pattern in his pupils gradually disappeared, turning into ordinary black pupils.

The god-like Susanoo disappeared, and Uchiha Kai slowly descended into the sky.

It was only when he just reached the ground that he staggered suddenly, and only recovered after a while.

He used the complete body Susanoo very few times. On the one hand, he was unwilling to expose it, and on the other hand, this battle was a bit beyond his expectations.

When facing the eight tails, his consumption is not small, but that time Kirabi was obviously scruples, and the guy was not flexible since he moved a lot.

In his eyes, such an existence is simply a living target.

And this time facing the five patriarchs, each of these five people is not weak.

The combination of five people and flexible movements, their deterrent and destructive power are much more terrifying than the original Kirabi!

Of course, in a one-on-one situation, Uchiha Kai doesn't even need to turn on the full body Susanoo.

But he didn't have a chance to be one-on-one, and these five people wouldn't be foolish enough to fight with Uchiha.

And their secret and ninjutsu powers are too exaggerated, so Uchiha Kai can only rely on the complete body Susanoo to fight.

Although the damage to the eyes under the eternal kaleidoscope is very small, the consumption of chakra has not been reduced too much.

Even if Susanoo's own chakra is used, there is a lot of chakra needed to maintain Susanoo's stability and protect himself.

Especially the slashing of the knife, each sword consumes his huge chakra to maintain stability, he is not as relaxed and comfortable as he appears.

"Completely Susano is very strong, but I haven't reached the level of invincibility. Maybe it's good now, but what about the future? What's more, my Susanoo hasn't grown to the peak, and my strength has not reached the peak."

Sighing slightly, feeling that his body had recovered, Uchiha Kai looked forward.

The earth was in a mess, as if it was a scene after the end of the apocalypse.

All of this is to say, not too long ago, there was a battle here that completely surpassed the current ninja power system.

Thinking of the previous battle, Uchiha Kai still has some aftertastes.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the five patriarchs being frightened by his knife, plus they were somewhat scruples and careful thinking.

In fact, if they really unite and work hard, they may not have the strength to fight.

Look at the knife of the patriarch of the Yuyi clan, didn't it directly make a gap in Susanoo?

If he used it earlier, maybe their ending would not change, but Uchiha Kai would have to pay some price.

But they have some scruples, and that's fine.

Otherwise, Uchiha Kai didn't have a chance to make them seriously injured at one time, and then killed the patriarch of the ghost lamp clan with one knife?

Kill this guy first, except this guy is the commander.

There is another reason, that is, this guy's skills make Uchiha Kai feel trouble.

Kiriyin Village itself produces water ninjas. This guy turns water into a special oil and detonates it directly.

Just imagine how terrifying the scale and scope of such an explosion would be if there were people from the dried persimmon family?

However, it was the ghost lamp Yinyue who was killed, which seriously damaged their confidence. Although they started to work hard, they actually ran away.

Uchiha Kai could see clearly, the dried persimmon corpse flounder originally wanted to run away, but someone took a step ahead of him.

As a result, the person who ran away was killed by Uchiha Kai, and he knew that he had no chance.

And now, he also turned into ashes and disappeared on this earth.

"However, is the patriarch of the Baijing family dead?"

Uchiha Kai frowned, although the power of his knife was definitely lethal.

But the skills of the Baijing family left a deep impression on him.

The Chakra, who was hidden in the cut jade before, also caused some trouble for him.

But soon he was too lazy to think too much, after all, his knife was carrying the flame of Amaterasu.

Even if he didn't die, he was definitely infected.

In addition, he has already overdrawn his vitality to fight, and he will definitely not last long!

With a cold snort, Uchiha Kai walked straight forward.

Soon, he found the dying patriarch of the Yuyi family in the ruins.

This guy isn't dead yet, but he's probably not far from death.

Seriously overdrawn his chakra, and more bones in his body were broken.

The wounds on his body are almost no longer bleeding, and the internal organs in his body are probably almost rotten.

The reason why he is still alive is really because he is strong enough, barely leaning on Chakra to breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, there are also factors that Uchiha Kai deliberately kept.

"You.... you devil..." Masaya Yui saw Uchiha Kai approaching, and he scolded weakly and intermittently.

"Save your energy, you were about to die, so instead of speeding up to the Pure Land, why not take a look at everything you've remembered."

Uchiha Qi squatted down and looked at the guy: "Of course, you're right, after all, are you in pain right now. So, do you need my help?"

"You are really... a devil!" Yu Yi Zhengya gritted her teeth and said with difficulty: "I want to get information from me..."

"Then let the people of the mountain family handle it." Uchiha Qi has no room for manoeuvre at all: "Of course you can also choose, if you agree, I will use illusion and you will give up resistance, and I will let you die decently. If If you refuse, I promise you will die ugly."

In fact, Uchiha Qi doesn't need any inquiry at all, because Yui Masaya has no resistance at all in his eyes.

This can be regarded as respect for an opponent, of course, it is also worried, worried about whether this guy has any technique that directly destroys the brain.

Even if the writing wheel is not open, Uchiha Kai is always staring at him.

The reason for interrogation is to find out if they have the ability to transmit information.

Another point, he wanted to find out why the group of people scolded him inexplicably just now.

Cursing is the venting of emotions. If all this is really normal cursing in despair, he will never take it seriously.

But their swearing before, especially after seeing his Susanoo, was so emotional that it was like being betrayed.

This is worth his serious consideration and exploration. What happened, or what they thought of, would appear in such a situation.

If it is something interesting, maybe it can be put to good use!


"this place....."

When Kenta Imai and Aya Hyuga came to the main battleground of Kai Uchiha, Kenta Imai was stunned.

Although it was far away, I felt the violent chakra fluctuations, and the earth was constantly shaking.

And it's not that he hasn't seen the full-scale battle between Uchiha Kai and Yatai Hitozhu.

But all of this at this moment, no matter how you look at it, is far too much than that of Yao.

This devastated, shattered earth, this is the Asura field on earth!

Is this really what humans can do?

Imai Kenta looked a little weird, but soon he felt that it wasn't a big problem if he really played like this.

After all, Uchiha Kai really doesn't look like a human being.

Because the power he possesses has completely surpassed the limits of Imai Kenta's definition of human beings.

However, Kenta Imai didn't feel too uncomfortable. As a descendant of the Thousand Hands clan, and he opened the wooden escape, he was also confident.

In the future, maybe you can reach the level of your ancestors!

In contrast, Hyuga Aya was much calmer.

It is probably because of seeing many operations like Uchiha Kai, and she has already seen all this in advance with her white eyes.

Therefore, she was not too surprised, but she was equally envious in her heart.

She hopes that she longs for her future to have such strength.

"Maybe with such strength, the caged bird has long since been freed?" Hyuga Aya thought silently.

Suddenly, she felt that her fight with Terumi Mei seemed a little childish.

There was still some mentality of successful revenge, but it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The gap is too big, that kind of pride is not worth mentioning at all.

Let Uchiha Qilai face Mimei, I am afraid that it is necessary to be as troublesome as her.

You must know that several years ago, when Uchiha Kai faced Terumi Mei and his teammates alone, he could kill a team of Terumi Mei by himself.

If it weren't for that guy Ao, and the situation on Kakashi's side...

"Found him, there he is."

Just when Hyuga Aya was feeling infinitely emotional, Imai Kenta suddenly pointed to the distance, and then he walked directly over there.

Hyuga Aya also came back to her senses, and then followed him towards the front.

It didn't take long for them to find Uchiha Kai among the ruins.

And beside him, there is a corpse lying, it should be killed by him.

However, apart from this one corpse, it seems that no other corpses have been found.

The two of them didn't care too much, and most likely they didn't even leave the corpse behind, right?

"Are you here? Is the movement too loud?"

Uchiha Qi raised his head and glanced at the two of them, then lowered his head and took out a scroll to continue his business.

"Well, the movement you made just now is really outrageous." Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta walked to his side: "Whose body is this?"

"The patriarch of the Yui clan, Yui Zhengya." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "The blood of this clan is quite interesting."

The blood of the Yuyi family?

Hyuga Aya glanced at it inexplicably, she really didn't know how capable the Yuyi family was.

After all, there is a family that has not been out for many years, and Hyuga Aya herself is not too interested in this family.

Therefore, she really didn't know the situation of the Yui clan, but Imai Kenta seemed to remember something, and then he looked at Uchiha Kai with a "no way" expression.

"You're going to use his corpse... No, what are Xuegu doing?" Imai Kenta twitched the corners of his mouth: "You two seem to be studying all-attribute chakra?"

"Almost, although I don't quite understand why the blood of their group can do this."

Uchiha Kai covered the scroll on Yui Masaya's body, and then made a seal with one hand.

"But this doesn't prevent us from doing a good research. In fact, you should also prepare for it. The first and second generations are almost full-attribute chakra existences."

Uchiha Kei's words made Imai Kenta pondered. Indeed, even if Uchiha Kei didn't tell him too much about this matter, it didn't mean that he didn't know.

The two people he is most familiar with are doing the same thing, so it is impossible for him to have no idea.

And Uchiha Qi is right, that is his two ancestors, but they are all owners of all-attribute chakra.

Possessing all attributes is not necessarily very powerful, for example, Sarutobi Hidden seems to be not so powerful.

But becoming a strong person really seems to be inseparable from these necessary conditions.

"Do you want to use his corpse for experiments?" Hyuga Aya understood Uchiha Kai's words: "He is special?"

"Yes, his bloodline is very peculiar. Every time he improves, he can obtain a familiar chakra, and this familiar chakra can be integrated with his own chakra."

Uchiha Qi nodded: "However, the power should not reach the limit of the blood, this guy has three attributes of chakra, but compared with Chen Dun, it is not enough. Of course, it may be a problem of application. "

"Fusing Chakra?" Hyuga Aya immediately found the key: "Do you want to understand the key, so that you can also integrate Chakra?"

"Maybe try it out, because have you ever thought about a question?"

Uchiha Kai picked up the scroll and then received it in his ninja bag.

"The fusion of two types of chakras can form a kind of blood succession boundary. The fusion of three types of chakras is the elimination of bloodstains, so what about the fusion of four and five types of chakras?"

This question made both Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya frown, because they hadn't thought about these things.

Perhaps they themselves are the owners of the bloodline boundary, and they will not consider these issues.

Or maybe the integration of the blood and succession boundaries is too difficult, there are too many cases of losers, and these losers basically end up miserably.

Therefore, they will not think about it or consider it, and they will not try these things easily.

In fact, many names of Xueji Boundary are similar, but there are many differences among them.

For example, different methods of use and different chakra distribution ratios have different effects and powers.

But it is undeniable that the improvement brought by the fusion of chakra attributes of is indeed eye-catching.

After the fusion of the three-attribute chakra, the bloodstain elimination power formed is even more incredible.

But the four attributes after the three attributes, the five attributes?

Even with Yin Yang escape?

The essence of Mu Dun between Qianshou Zhuzhu is the fusion of soil and water, but to say that he is the boundary of blood is really underestimating Mu Dun.

Because this wooden escape contains the terrifying Yang Dun chakra.

And the chakra of Yang Dun is really not something ordinary people can do.

They are more of a special power hidden in the body, which can be perceived but is difficult to use.

If they have insight into the ability of the Yuyi family to integrate chakra, what will happen to them in the future?

Thinking of this, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya were both moved.

It is very difficult to unlock genes to this point, and they really should think of other methods.

"I have to say, I'm moved." Imai Kenta sighed: "You guy..."

"I'm also curious, what will happen after the bloodstains are eliminated." Hyuga Aya nodded, and her eyes became a little deeper: "Also, I don't know if it will affect our genetics. unlocking helps."

"Help is inevitable, there is no doubt about that." Uchiha Qi stretched his back: "Okay, things are done, let's go."

"Well, by the way, what about the others?" Kenta Imai nodded, but he soon asked curiously, "Is it just this person's body?"

"Anyone else? They're all dead, but I also learned something interesting..."



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