Chapter 537: That's a devil!

In the forest hundreds of kilometers away from the battle between Uchiha Kai and the five chiefs, a large group of Kirigakushi ninjas are sweeping the battlefield.

This is a chasing team of Kiriyin, and the leader of the team is a member of the Shirai clan.

In fact, this time, the five patriarchs brought their own family members to participate.

It's just that these people don't have the reputation of the ghost lamp full moon, and there is no situation where the dried persimmon ghost shark is concerned by Uchiha Kai.

But they are basically the captains of various attack teams. After all, they are members of the big family, and their strength is not weak.

"Hurry up, we'll go to support other places when we're done."

Shirai Shin shouted to the Kirigakushi who were dealing with the corpses. He looked calm, but he was a little anxious in his heart.

"Yes, captain!" All the misty hidden present answered quickly.

Their work is also not that complicated, that is, destroying corpses and destroying traces.

These dead people are all members of the Xueji family, and their corpses are very valuable.

After they die, it is difficult to say whether the body will be taken away to do some research, or to get any information out of their heads.

Therefore, after killing these people, you don't need to care about whether their bloodline is activated or not, and it's best to just focus on it and burn it!

As long as these corpses are completely destroyed, it will not cause any loss to them.

However, there are many owners of these corpses, some are from the Snow Clan, and some are members of other families.

And their luck was not bad, they didn't bump into Konoha's ninjas.

It's just that the shaking of the earthquake just made them inexplicable. They didn't understand why there are so many earthquakes in the country of vortex

They didn't want to understand, but Shirai Shinichi understood very well.

He knew very clearly that it was not an earthquake at all, it was caused by man!

Shirai Shin sent Asuka to investigate the information early in the morning, but unfortunately, just as his Asuka approached the area, a big explosion came directly head-on.

That explosion made his flying bird instantly annihilate, and he doesn't know what the specific situation there is now.

But he knew that this matter was probably really not optimistic.

"Who the **** are you fighting, and it's actually causing such a big fluctuation."

Shirai Shinichi thought to himself that he didn't dare to tell his subordinates about this.

"Also, what's the situation in the battle now? What the **** is going on here?"

Shirai Shinichi really can't understand, he can feel the terrifying vibration from such a distance, what kind of battle is this to reach such a level?

However, he is also very clear that I am afraid that he is not even qualified to watch a battle of this level.

Because his strength is like this, the people who fight may not have any major problems.

But it's no joke that the fallout from them can wipe them out.

"Captain, it's ready."

Just when Shirai Shinichi was thinking about a lot of messy things, an Anbu Kirikin came to him.

"Well, then let the ninjas who can escape the fire gather and burn it directly." Shirai Xin nodded and ordered directly: "I'll go to support after I've dealt with it..."

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly found that the birds that he had released, and the birds that were staying in the sky to investigate the surrounding situation had all disappeared!

Could it be an enemy attack?

Shirai Shinichi immediately became alert, but the next moment his face became ugly.

Because once the golden luster hit the ground like a meteor, it was actually a large golden eagle upon closer inspection!

However, this big eagle looked extremely miserable, with blood all over its body, and the most important thing was that its tail had a dark flame that kept burning.

If it wasn't blocked by a touch of golden chakra to prevent the flames from spreading, I'm afraid the current situation would be even worse.

"This..." Bai Jingxin was stunned for a moment, and his face changed greatly: "Golden vulture bite? Clan.... patriarch?"

The golden eagle let out a whimper, and then a ray of light burst out from its body.

The face of the golden eagle began to appear as a looming human face, it was Naoki Shirai.

When Shirai Shinichi saw this scene, he could imagine how shocked he was.

Golden Eagle bite, this is Shirai Naoki's last trump card.

As a member of the Shirai family, Shirai Shinichi also started raising his own golden eagle.

These golden eagles are the key to the battle of the Baijing family.

They are constantly providing Chakra to Baijing's clansmen, and helping Baijing's clansmen to control more birds.

But Shirai Shinichi's golden eagle is really not good. Compared with his own patriarch, there is a world of difference.

And these golden eagles also have the ability to combine with the caster.

After the fusion, it can give the caster the ability of the eagle, and can even rely on the state of the eagle to fight, and has the ability to fly.

However, once the golden eagle is merged, it is basically useless, and it can be said to be the last resort.

And the patriarch himself looks really bad!

It's just that when Shirai Shin was stunned, golden chakra suddenly appeared from his body, and the next moment his golden eagle was summoned directly.

Shirai Naoki didn't care about Shirai Shinichi's pale face at all. He bit the golden eagle that had just been summoned, and then devoured it completely.

The golden eagle didn't even have a chance to struggle, so it was completely swallowed.

This kind of devouring made his originally illusory face become a lot more solid.

"Patriarch...what's the matter with you?"

Of course, Shirai Shinichi had an ugly face, because it was the golden eagle he had raised for more than ten years, and there were really not many golden eagles like this.

The loneliness of the Baijing family also has a huge relationship with the increasing rarity of these golden eagles.

It is completely conceivable that if he cannot find a new golden eagle, then he will be completely abolished!

But he didn't dare to speak out. No matter what, this was his patriarch.

Especially this guy's style of speaking in the family, Shirai Shinichi didn't dare to say anything even if he hated in his heart.

Such a big movement here also made the misty hidden people come over one by one, and they were also very curious about what happened.

"Hurry up, order everyone to retreat! Hurry up and give up this mission!" Naoki Shirai gasped and shouted with difficulty: "Hurry up! That demon, that demon is coming! We have been betrayed!"


"What.... what's the matter with the patriarch? What happened? What about the other patriarchs?"

Facing Shirai Naoki's headless words, Shirai Shinichi was a little dazed.

Although he was unwilling, he knew that this matter might really go wrong.

Glancing at the ninjas around him, he looked a little wary now.

He was betrayed, but he heard these words clearly.

But the question is who was betrayed?

Fortunately, these ninjas are all subordinates of Yuan Shi, and they all belong to one faction strictly speaking.

Although he was vigilant, he did not forcefully drive people out.

Shirai Naoki opened his mouth, but he took a deep breath, and the Amaterasu behind him jumped up violently, as if to burn through the golden chakra light.

The heart-piercing pain was uploaded later, he couldn't help coughing twice, and he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

The transformed face became a little illusory again. Obviously, the golden eagle swallowed by him couldn't keep him in this state at all.

But now he can't be bothered so much anymore, but as soon as he opens his mouth, he sees a member of Anbu wanting to step forward to help him, which makes his face change!

"Do not touch me!"

Shirai Naoki spit out a mouthful of blood just after saying this, and Shirai Shinichi had already pulled out his kunai.

However, what he never dreamed of was that the dark flames suddenly jumped up.

It was just a little spark that smeared on the two mist ninjas, and the dark flames burned along their arms.

One of the hands and feet was faster, and he touched Amaterasu in advance, and the flame spread quickly, and it spread to half of his body in a moment.

He howled in pain, rolling desperately on the ground, hoping to extinguish the flames, but to no avail, instead the ground burned more vigorously.

The other one slowed him down by half a step, but Amaterasu was still smeared, and the flames burned up along his arm.

Seeing that it will spread all over his body, this guy is decisive enough.

He gritted his teeth and pulled out the Kunai, cutting off his own arm.

When it hit the ground, Amaterasu's flames mercilessly devoured it, and in just a moment, it turned into a pool of ashes.

This mist Ninja's wound was still bleeding non-stop, and the piercing pain kept coming.

But his heart was full of joy for the rest of his life, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and he almost collapsed on the ground.

Shirai Shin stared blankly at this scene, and he quickly realized that he wanted to deal with another Kirin.

However, the mist ninja had stopped rolling, and the flames had completely ignited him.

After a while, the screams of the Jounin stopped hoarsely, and he didn't move again, and the dark flames quickly devoured him.

"Don't touch me!" Naoki Shirai said weakly again: "I'm helpless, but you all leave quickly! Be fast, we are all betrayed.

Mizukage betrayed our information to Konoha, and Konoha has sent Anbu and the garrison here.

His purpose is to eradicate us with the help of Konoha, and his plan started years ago, it's a complete conspiracy.

The Konoha Kyuubi incident was not a man-made attack, but their own mistake, the person who attacked Kiriyin is actually Uchiha Kai, he is that mysterious Uchiha..."

At the last moment of his life, Naoki Shirai quickly said all the information he saw and thought of.

He was forced to escape with one breath, and the Amaterasu flame on his body was burning all the time, and the whole person had already reached the limit.

If it wasn't for Shirai Shinichi's golden eagle, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to tell all the information now.

It's just that the information he said made the faces of all the ninjas present changed dramatically. This information is really terrifying!

Is all this a conspiracy?

And this conspiracy, actually started so early?

The Konoha Nine-Tails Incident was simply his own fault?

A few years ago, Uchiha Kai, who attacked Kiriyin, was the first time to clean up the ninjas of the Yuanshi faction?

It was Konoha who secretly funded the Kaguya clan, and was Suiying doing it on purpose?

The purpose is to let Kaguya detonate the fog hidden, so that he can clean up the political enemies, plus the factors he thinks are unstable?

Also, Uchiha that mysterious Uchiha?

This information is too explosive, and it is too heart-wrenching.

Actually.... is it hidden so deep inside?

In particular, all of them are members of the Yuan division, and when they learned that Shuiying actually started to attack them.

And they sold their information to Konoha and let Konoha clean them up completely. This...

This is to prevent them from going back alive!

Thinking of this, everyone's faces changed, some were angry, some were confused, and more was a kind of despair!

"Things...that's how things are..."

Shirai Naoki has been weakened to the limit, but he is still holding on.

" leave here quickly, Yinyue and Yangping are already dead, I'm afraid the scorpion and Zhengya won't live for long. You can leave quickly and run to a place no one knows, Huiwuyin will tell all this. Master Yuan is also fine, hurry up, hurry up!"

Just after saying these words, Shirai Naoki suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and the dark flames behind him became even more vigorous.

But it is a pity that even though the golden chakra is as pale as a piece of paper, it is still protecting Shirai Naoki.

Naoki Shirai raised his head with his last strength to look at Shinichi Shirai, and reached out his hand to him.

"Family.... The family will be handed over to you in the future... Golden Eagle... There is one more... Grow well... Hurry up..."

Shirai Shinichi took what Shirai Naoki handed over, which was a bone that exuded weird chakra.

After doing all this, UU reading www. Shirai Naoki took a few breaths.

For a moment, the body suddenly shook violently, and the golden chakra light behind him was immediately burned through by Amaterasu, shrouded straight ahead.

Immediately, the black flames rose rapidly and swallowed him directly.

Shirai Shin stared blankly at this scene, if Anbu behind him hadn't pulled him down, I'm afraid the Shirai family would have lost two people today!

"This flame...this it hellfire?"

Shirai Shinichi muttered to himself, his voice was hoarse, and he was obviously frightened by this strange scene.

Uchiha Kai, what kind of monster is this?

The siege of the five patriarchs was killed by him so easily?

But when I think that this guy is the culprit who was attacked by Wuyin, it's even more of the team that got Yunyin.

It seems that this guy really killed the five team leaders together, and it is not impossible.

But this guy is really not human!

"Captain..." When Shirai Shinichi was still in shock, suddenly an Anbu behind him asked in a low voice, "What are we going to do next?"

"Next?" Shirai Shinichi was a little confused, he really didn't want to go back to Wuyin, and of course he didn't want to stay.

But Naoki Shirai has almost helped him make a decision. Does he really have a chance to choose?

With a wry smile, there is still the Baijing family in the village.

"Gather everyone, let's go back." Shirai Xinyi sighed: "We will report this matter, but..."

"Before that, don't reveal anything to anyone, okay?"

"Yes, Captain!"



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