Chapter 539: precious gift

"How are they doing now?"

"Master Qi, except for Ghost Lantern Manyue, the situation has stabilized for the time being."

"Very good, then I'll leave it to you. Hurry up, we're going to assemble back."

"Yes, Lord Kai. The main thing is that Lord Kakashi is too ruthless, and his neck is about to break. We can only deal with it at full speed now. It should take half an hour to completely stabilize him."

Uchiha Kai nodded and didn't say anything more. In fact, why didn't he know how bad Ghost Lantern Manyue was now?

However, it is still necessary to simply supervise and understand the progress of the processing. After all, strictly speaking, they are still out of bounds.

This is not the territory of the country of fire, although the country of vortex was once the sphere of influence of the country of fire.

But since the Uzumaki family was equivalent to being wiped out by the fog, Konoha withdrew the garrisoned ninja from here.

The country of the vortex is basically not, the sphere of influence of Konoha.

If they stay here for a long time, even if others dare not say it, there will always be all kinds of troubles.

This kind of trouble is in the reputation of the overall ninja world, although it does not necessarily cause any damage to Konoha's credibility.

But being labeled as 'overbearing' and 'reckless' is not a good thing for Konoha.

After all, Konoha is not Yun Yin's gang of rough men.

Even Yunyin has been operating for a long time before starting.

Then they got a relatively suitable excuse before they shot Konoha.

After taking Kakashi and others out of the room, they soon came to a relatively quiet corner.

Kakashi followed all the way. This guy has always been very silent, and it seems that he has some questions to ask.

It was just the environment just now that he had no chance to ask these things.

But now, I am afraid that Qi also found something, so he deliberately brought them all out.

"It seems that this time the harvest is very big."

Uchiha Qi looked for four weeks, and gave Imai Kenta a look. The kid immediately checked for four weeks and nodded.

After seeing this, Uchiha Qi continued: "Terumi Mei, dried persimmon ghost shark, and ghost lamp full moon. Tsk tsk, this is the guy who has a future in Wuyin, and he has all caught."

"I want to kill Terumi Mei, but this woman has two kinds of blood, so I'm afraid it will be troublesome to kill."

Hyuga Aya thought for a while and said directly: "And instead of killing her, it is better to keep her. Her value is not low. But now it seems that it is hard to say whether she is valuable."

Indeed, it is really hard to say whether Terumi Mei still has such a high value now.

The most critical factor is that if the message is passed back to Wuyin, I am afraid that there will be chaos inside Wuyin.

If I really want to redeem this woman, at least I have to wait until the chaos inside Kiriyin is over.

What's more, the ghost knows whether this guy, Yuan Shi, can really win!

If you win like the original, Obito will be driven away.

Then the value of Terumi Mei can be reflected.

However, in the original work, it was noticed that Qing, who was controlled by the illusion of the fourth generation of water shadows, has been smashed to ashes by Uchiha Kai.

It's hard to say whether they can successfully perceive the situation of the fourth generation of water shadows without the help of this white eye.

Of course, whether they realize it or not, they also have reasons and excuses to get in trouble.

If Obito loses, then the value of Terumi Mei can also be reflected.

After all, this is a double-blooded ninja, and her actual value is not small.

"Indeed, keep it for the time being." Uchiha Qi thought about it and said directly: "As for how to deal with this woman, I will leave it to Captain Watergate to decide. Of course, if it is really worthless, let her be thrown into the laboratory. Well, after all, it's a double blood successor."

"You guys are really cold." Imai Ken too smiled: "Dry persimmon ghost shark has nothing to say, he lost, he was captured. But I finally know why you want us to stay, I have to say that this kid's ninja qualities are really good."

"Oh? Did you notice it?" Uchiha Kai asked amusingly.

"Well, I noticed." Imai Kenta nodded: "However, are you sure about this guy?"

"Let's try it out. It's hard for anyone to say whether he has grasped such a thing. However, he was betrayed and the mission failed. Do you think this will be an opportunity?"

"Yes, such despair is really hard to say."

The problem of dried persimmons and ghosts, in fact, Uchiha Kai originally hoped to follow the route of the original book.

But sometimes things go beyond your imagination.

Just like now, there is no such scene in the original book.

The Yuzu clan, who had not been visited by Kei Uchiha, were completely wiped out by the soil.

Finally, some people came out, but they never left Wuyin.

If it wasn't for his identity being exposed, the boy named Bai might have died in peace and quiet.

There is no tool for not slashing, and there will be no seventh class that encounters fate.

As for the ghost shark, he may have killed his teammates again and again without any fetters. The little hope that finally appeared was cut off by himself, and his belief finally collapsed under the high-pressure blood fog.

In the end, after being fooled by Uchiha Kai Obito, he began to pursue a new life goal, and regarded the "Moon Eye Project" as his ultimate belief and was willing to die.

It's different now. With the emergence of Kai Uchiha, some people are destined to be changed.

"Kai, the ghost lamp full moon is actually giving up the fight." After Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya finished talking, Kakashi also said slowly: "This kid is very smart, he sees through a lot of things, so he took the initiative to provide me with some information. , and I hope I was captured. It's just in the village of Kiriyin..."

"Has he noticed what's going on inside the village of Kiriyin?" Uchiha Qi touched his chin: "So he just gave up fighting to the death, hoping to survive and return to Kiriyin in the future to figure out these things?"

"Yes." Kakashi nodded: "I don't know if I should agree to him, but in the end my idea was to bring Konoha back to make a decision. So I agreed to compete with him in swordsmanship, but I don't know why... .. there seems to be something wrong with me."

Something went wrong?

Uchiha Qi looked at Kakashi quietly, and he actually already had a certain answer in his heart.

Looking at the wound marks on Ghost Lamp Manyue's neck that seemed to be twisted by space and forcibly twisted open.

He was almost certain that Kakashi must have used the power of a kaleidoscope.

This situation is more than ten years faster than in the original book. To know that Kakashi revealed the kaleidoscope, it seems to be the time of the wind.

"When I was fighting him, I didn't know why, but suddenly I felt..."

Kakashi considered his words for a while before continuing.

"It felt like everything in my sight was in my hands.

I could see into his every move, every thought, and even what he was going to do next.

Not only that, but everyone around me is under my control. "

"Also, in this state, my swordsmanship seems to have entered a new realm. A bit...

I feel the same as you, no matter how the opponent moves, I can see into his weakness, I don't need so complicated swordsmanship at all.

As long as my speed can keep up with my insight, all I need is a slash, a slash to a weakness I can clearly perceive, and I can settle the fight.

It's just that in this state, my chakra consumption is very fast. "

"However, if you just maintain this state, the consumption of Chakra is not a big deal, and I can support it for a long time. the end, when I planned to attack the flaw that I learned about, the ghost lamp full moon, my chakra couldn't control it at all.

Moreover, a vortex appeared on that guy's neck, distorting the vortex of space..."

Speaking of which, Kakashi himself didn't know what to say.

On the contrary, Imai Kenta looked at Kakashi in disbelief, and then he quickly turned his gaze to Uchiha Kai, obviously he had noticed something from Kakashi's words.

Although Uchiha Kai never said how he presented and felt when he was fighting.

But Kakashi's state just now seems to be very consistent with Uchiha Kai's previous performance.

And this guy Uchiha Kai has such a performance only after he has the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Kakashi does have a wheel eye, but this guy should not be qualified to open a kaleidoscope.

It's just that this guy's statement just now is very problematic!

However, after Hyuga Aya frowned, her expression was very dull.

She knows a lot of things, especially since she has basically confirmed the true identity of the so-called "Uchiha Lin" from Uchiha Kai.

"I see." Just when Imai Kenta and Kakashi were a little puzzled, Uchiha Kai said, "Kakashi, show your shackles."

"Yeah." Kakashi didn't hesitate.

He raised his forehead by himself, revealing the scarlet writing wheel hidden underneath.

Uchiha Qi stared at this eye, he had considered before, whether to guide the power of this eye in advance.

But then he thought about it and finally didn't do it.

But now it's different, Kakashi himself has already inspired this kind of power.

So letting Kakashi master this power more thoroughly seems to be the best choice.

In addition to the possibility of exposing the existence of Uchiha Obito, but...

How is it really exposed?

Obito is no longer the mouse hidden in the stinky ditch in the original book, he is a spy endorsed by someone.

He closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened his eyes, the pattern of the Eternal Eye had turned slightly in Uchiha Kai's eye sockets.

There was not much movement, but the power in his pupils had begun to overflow.

And Kakashi's writing wheel eye seemed to be stimulated, and it began to slowly turn.

Although Uchiha Qi has a deep research on the use of the Sharin, he really does not do a good job of in-depth analysis of other aspects of the Sharin.

However, there is still no problem with the power of simply motivating the writing wheel.

As his Eternal Eye was constantly attracting Kakashi's writing wheel eye, the rotation speed of the three hook jade in Kakashi's writing wheel eye was getting faster and faster.

Kakashi frowned, feeling his head getting more and more dizzy.

For a long time, he closed his right eye.

His right eye is not a Shakern, and he has absolutely no way to resist Uchiha Kai's eyes.

It's just that even his left eye doesn't seem to be able to resist Uchiha Kai's eyes, but at least the pressure isn't that great!

Time passed slowly, and Kakashi felt the pressure on his eyes increasing.

He seems to be facing a mountain, and he is just an ant.

The feeling of being completely overtaken made him suffocate.

Suddenly, Kakashi regained his spirits, and he felt as if he could resist this feeling.

He felt that his pressure had plummeted, and his chakra had begun to flow faster.

"Concentrate." Uchiha Qi said directly: "And remember this feeling!"

"Yeah!" Kakashi responded softly, silently doing what Uchiha Kai said.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya both stared at Kakashi's left eye, and soon their expressions changed slightly.

A smile appeared on the corner of Hyuga Aya's mouth, because at this moment she was completely certain of something.

Imai Kenta's face became a little shocked, and he was not shocked at this moment.

He was shocked that he had seen the pattern of this kaleidoscope writing wheel.

It's the kaleidoscope of that guy who is lurking in the mysterious organization Uchibo Lin This is the pattern.

So, does it mean that this guy's real identity is...

The one who is already dead?

Thinking of this, Imai Kenta's face became playful.

It turned out that the so-called 'Uchiborin' was this guy.

However, when did this guy break into the enemy's camp through suspended animation?

Or, he originally joined the enemy's suppression, but was later found out for some reason and pulled back?

Imai Kenta thought silently, and soon he shook his head and stopped thinking about these questions.

For him, these questions are really not worth thinking about.

"All right."

When Kai Uchiha was completely sure that Kakashi's left eye had completely turned into a kaleidoscope, he stopped.

Kakashi didn't move, he was still feeling the changes.

It took him a long time to take a deep breath, and at the same time he took a handful of kunai and placed it in front of his eyes.

Kunai reflected his current appearance under the sunlight, still the same white-haired boy.

It's just that the writing wheel eye in his left eye has completely changed!

"Is this... kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?" Kakashi muttered to himself.

"Yes, this is a gift from Obito." Uchiha Qi nodded: "It is also the power that countless Uchihas dream of, now this is your power, cherish this power, understand?"

"A gift from Obito for me..." Kakashi's eyes were already a little red.

"This too precious..."



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