Chapter 540: water without moon

After confirming that he had obtained the Kaleidoscope Shaker, Kakashi's performance seemed a little silent.

Along the way, his words seemed to be very few, maybe he remembered something again, or thought of something?

However, after Uchiha Kai's understanding, he basically found that this guy was simply caught in a situation where he was digging horns.

What he was thinking about in his mind was, 'If Obito had this power back then, would he be able to smash that boulder directly'.

Or something like 'If I had this power at the time, would I be able to save Obito' or something.

When Uchiha Kai heard these topics, he shook his head awkwardly.

This silly boy has absolutely no idea about the situation of the writing wheel, right?

But think about it carefully, I am afraid that there are really not many people in this world who understand Sharinyan.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to say anything to him, just told him "to cherish the gift from Obito, and let the power of Obito bloom in this world once and for all".

Kakashi clearly understood what Kai meant, so he asked Uchiha Kai a lot along the way.

At the same time, I am constantly practicing and adapting to open the kaleidoscope state.

"Speak, is he really okay like this?"

Imai Kenta glanced at the village gate not far away, and then looked back at Kakashi, who had his right eye closed and his left eye in a kaleidoscope state.

"After all, this eye will be blind if you use it too much, and his reaction doesn't seem to be right."

"It should be because he didn't adapt." Hyuga Aya whispered from the side: "After all, it is not the blood of the Uchiha clan. He can withstand the negative reaction of writing round eyes and only a very low intensity, which is already very good. But the kaleidoscope state, to him I'm afraid..."

"It's okay, he can adapt." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently: "This guy is full of faith, as for the low-intensity reaction, I'm afraid it doesn't matter to him. His most fatal flaw is actually Chakra. issues.”

At the point of Kakashi's adaptation to the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Kai still maintains a very optimistic attitude.

Don't look at this kid's original book where he is 'no blue' all day long. As a result, once he's 'no blue', he is just a chidori, and "the amount of blue has bottomed out" is a divine power.

I am afraid that the negative reaction that Sharinyan brings to him is to keep his chakra in a very low state all the time.

Other adverse reactions seem to have not seen anything.

It really doesn't work, Uchiha Kai can try to communicate with Minato, and let him get some of that Yamato blood from the root.

Yamato can be regarded as a semi-finished wooden Dun user anyway, the level of wooden Dun inherited by this guy is really not very good.

But one thing I have to say is that this guy's chakra is really huge.

Let Konoha study the group of people who study the limit of blood, extract some genes from Yamato, and then study optimization.

Finally, try to integrate into Kakashi's body and let him have more Chakra, it seems not impossible.

Kai Uchiha doesn't know yet, but Yamato has already been brought under the command of Minato Namifeng.

"Chakra, forget it, it's too troublesome." Hyuga Aya shook her head: "By the way, what are you going to do with Masaya Yui's body?"

"Leave it to you." Uchiha Qi didn't hesitate at all: "I'm afraid only you can do this."

"Yes, but I have a request." Hyuga Aya did not object, she directly put forward her own request: "I need a certain level of combat missions."

"Combat mission?" Uchiha Kai was stunned, and then his eyes looked strangely at Hyuga Aya.

The combat mission is not easy. Could it be that something happened to Hyuga Aya to make this decision?

After thinking about it carefully, he seemed to understand something, which made him laugh.

When she arranged for Hyuga Aya to do these tasks, this woman also suspected that she was deliberately letting her leave the battle sequence.

This made it easier for me to deal with her in the future, but turned her head around, and when she got a specific promotion, she wasn't talking about these things.

This time, it was brought up again, probably because of the troubles he encountered during the battle with Terumi Mei?

Is it the degeneration of combat awareness, or the unfamiliar combat techniques, or is it because you are not familiar with your current strength?

No matter what kind, since she brought it up, she must have suffered some small losses, right?

Regarding Hyuga Aya's request, Uchiha Kai finally smiled and nodded.

If your girlfriend takes the initiative to ask for this kind of thing, as a boyfriend, it is impossible not to respond.

The big deal is that when the target is too dangerous, send Kakashi or Imai Kenta, or you can follow quietly.

A few of them were talking and laughing, and behind them was a large group of Konoha ninjas and guys without forehead guards.

These guys were rescued by them, family ninjas who defected from Kiriyin Village.

There was a mighty group of people, and it looked like there were at least a few hundred people.

In fact, these ninjas are quite few. They set off together with several families, and they add up to no less than a thousand people.

But now, there are only a few hundred people left, and most of the high-level people are gone.

I don't know if it's dead, or if I rendezvous with Nara Shikahisa and the others ahead of time.

But you can also see how miserable they are.

"Lord Kai." After their group entered Konoha, Genma Shiranui immediately ran over: "Lord Naruto asked you to go to the office."

"Well, I see." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then said amusedly: "What's the matter, do you call me that?"

"Please, there are so many people behind you, anyway, I want to give you some face as a minister."

When Shiranui Xuanjian heard Uchiha Kai's words, his voice suddenly lowered: "Also, Kai, you are also worth it, although we are in the same period..."

"Okay, time to get together." Uchiha Qi interrupted him, patted him on the shoulder and set off.

The Anbu did not disband on the spot, and their mission was not strictly completed.

They also need to be optimistic about these guys. As for who will command, there is no need to think too much.

Although Kakashi left, Genma Shiranui is still here.

This kid is a member of the Hokage Guard, and even the captain of that squad.

Anbu naturally knew him, so relying on him for command was not a problem at all.

Shiranui Xuanjian obviously also got the order, and he quickly took over the current affairs and arranged these people reasonably one by one.

"Qi, are you here?"

When Kai Uchiha brought Kakashi, Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai to Hokage's office, Minato Namikaze immediately greeted them with a smile.

Everyone in the office who was supposed to come has already arrived. In addition to Nara Shikahisa, Uchiha Fugaku, and Hyuga Hizu, Uchiha Ki also saw Minato.

It's not surprising that this guy is here.

He just arrived at Konoha, and Minato Minato wants to see him and plan some things, such as where he will live in the future.

And let him come over is also a purpose, that is to make sure this guy doesn't talk nonsense.

When Uchiha Kai visited those families, I am afraid that he is almost dead now.

This information is still known by Uchiha Qi from Yui Masaya. Before Uchiha Qi caught them, they had already cleaned up several high-level families.

When they were about to catch the Yuzu clan, Uchiha Kai happened to appear, and killed them all without the slightest politeness.

"Hokage-sama." Uchiha Qi nodded slightly at Minato Minato Minato, and then his eyes turned to Minato: "Your Excellency the patriarch, after a few years, I didn't expect that the next year's words would become a prophecy. Anyway, no matter what. , welcome to Konoha."

"The Minister is serious. Maybe I remembered it wrong. We haven't met before."

His face was full of bitterness, but he still managed to show a slight smile: "But now I'm a bereaved dog. If it wasn't for Hokage-sama and the minister who were willing to accept and rescue them, I'm afraid..."

Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows, and then showed a smile, this guy is really cautious enough.

I haven't seen it before, and naturally I don't know that Uchiha Kai went to Kiriyin a few years ago.

They defected and chose Konoha, which was just a temporary plan, and had nothing to do with Konoha at all.

Nodding at him, Uchiha Kai didn't say anything more.

As for what he was afraid of, he didn't say everything, but everyone present basically knew what he meant.

Namikaze Minato also showed a smile and didn't say much, he has done a very good job of concealing his emotions now.

In fact, strictly speaking, they really have nothing to do with Obito when they become like this.

Namikaze Minato knew about this, but he completely let it go.

On the one hand, he wanted Obito to lurch down, and on the other hand, he wanted to weaken Kiriyin.

Now not only face the bitter master, but also accept the bitter master who does not know the truth and thank himself.

If it was four years ago when he had just become Hokage, I'm afraid he would be unable to hold back his emotions.

But now he can face all this calmly, it is conceivable that he has really completely adapted to this position now.

Minato didn't know what Minato Namikaze was thinking, but he really thanked Konoha for his rescue.

He learned a lot of information from Nara Shikahisa, and of course, Nara Shikahisa specially told him this.

For example, their situation was actually informed by Konoha's Anbe, so there was this rescue operation.

Minato is also very sensible, he asks what he should ask, and he doesn't ask a word when he shouldn't.

Especially on the topic of Kai Uchiha, it is completely as if I have never seen it before, but I simply know about this legendary figure of Konoha.

Even if this legend is only seventeen years old now, he is not considered an adult.

But in some senses, this is a living legend!

"Okay, let's not talk about this topic." Minato Namikaze said: "Ki-jun, we are discussing the placement of Your Excellency's ethnic group before you come here. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Is the ethnic group resettled?" Uchiha Ki and Kakashi, Imai Kenta, and Hyuga Aya glanced at each other.

Finally, after they found a place to sit down, he said: "I'm afraid I can't help with this. After all, this involves the overall planning of Konoha, and also involves some relatively obscure things. I think the patriarch's psychology is also clear. Is it right?"

Setting a new clan location really involves a lot.

In addition to the re-planning of Konoha, there is another important issue, that is, a symbol of his own status first.

To be honest, this kind of status symbol really does not necessarily depend on the location where the ethnic group lives.

But in some ways, it can indeed highlight a certain status of a family in Konoha.

Look at Konoha who was forced to re-plan because of the Nine-Tails Incident in the original book.

The Uchiha family was targeted by Danzo at that time, and finally they were directly pushed to the edge of the village.

No such thing has happened in Konoha now, although the Nine-Tails Incident still happened, and it also caused many families in the village to change their positions.

However, the Uchiha family did not retreat but advanced, and they brought their family to one of the most prosperous locations in Konoha.

Now Konoha wants to arrange a new clan land for the newly arrived Snow Clan. To be honest, this is really not too easy.

And after making arrangements for them, they also need to make arrangements for the other families who came. They are all from Wuyin, so naturally they have to be arranged together.

Whether it is to facilitate them to adapt to Konoha's life, or to allow them to warm each other psychologically, it is very good.

Most importantly, they lived together and it was convenient for Konoha to arrange for Anbu to monitor them.

This is an inevitable thing. Minato and them actually know in their hearts that they will definitely be monitored when they first arrive.

For the sake of the safety of the village, no matter how sincere they are, there must be some procedures.

This is responsible for the village, but also for Hokage himself.

"It's because these things are too troublesome that I want to see what you think." Minato Namifeng spread his hands: "I discussed it with Lujiu, Fuyue, and Rizu, but we haven't made a complete decision yet, but there are also Got some good options.”

"I think it's up to you to choose this matter. I'm actually more concerned about another matter." Uchiha Kai shook his head, he didn't want to be too involved in troublesome things:.

"The Xuezhi clan joined Konoha, even if everyone knows, but I think they should change their surnames to be more suitable for them. Even if everyone knows, this is just a show, but everyone wants to It's nothing but a face and an excuse."

Uchiha Kai's words made Minato Minato frown, and then he began to think seriously.

And Nara Shikahisa nodded at Uchiha Kai with a smile, obviously he also thought of this.

It's just that for some reason, he didn't bring it up.

But now Uchiha Qi brought this up, which saved him a lot of things.

Indeed, the Xuezhi clan can no longer use this clan name, even if they keep it, they cannot use it externally.

A ninja family defected to another ninja village. This kind of thing has a really big impact.

For whatever reason, it may not be accepted by other Shinobi villages.

Being swaggering about nothing will only make other people feel unhappy in their hearts.

Pretending to make everyone comfortable, and also banned their previous clan names.

Give up all their previous honors and completely cut off contact with the past.

This is on the face, let everyone accept it.

"I understand, Mr. Minister." Minato sighed, he is not a fool, of course he understands these things: "From now on, there will be no Xuezhi clan to the outside world, in fact, when we start in Shuiying, we leave Wuyin, there will be no Snow clan."

"It's good if you can figure it out." Uchiha Qi nodded: "You can maintain honor within the clan, but you can't externally."

"I understand, I don't know what the Minister thinks about our new family name?"

"What do you think of the surname 'Shui Wuyue'?"


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