Chapter 541: stable

The Xuezhi clan was given a surname, and the matter was settled directly.

As for Shui Wuyue or something, this is purely for convenience.

Uchiha Kai himself doesn't know when, it seems to be when he first watched Naruto.

After seeing the boy Bai, many people directly regarded him as a girl.

It doesn't matter, after all, Bai does look like a girl, and it is especially in line with Uchiha Kai's aesthetic.

But the point is, I don't know why he suddenly has a new surname, and it is even passed on as Shui Wuyuebai.

After Uchiha Kai came to this world, he was stunned to find that there was no water without moon at all.

Although others have a special general name, called the Snow Clan, but they don't have a surname at all, only a first name.

However, he is also deeply influenced by the "Shui Wuyue", and he has been foolishly calling it for more than ten years.

Now that the Xuezhi clan has defected to Konoha, with such an opportunity, whether it is out of personal thoughts or practical considerations, it is an excellent choice to change them to Shui Wuyue.

After dealing with this matter, Uchiha Kai stopped paying attention to the new Mizuki clan.

He still has a lot of things to deal with by himself, how could he be in the mood to arrange those troublesome things?

Although he doesn't care, he still maintains a certain degree of attention.

The housing problem of those who came from the fog was solved by Minato Nami, Shikisa Nara, Fugaku Uchiha and Hiyaka Hizu.

The location is not so close to the core area, but it is definitely not remote.

If they were really sorted by residence, they should be at the bottom of the third echelon.

Not high, but not low either.

You must know that the Qianshou clan still lives in the civilian area, and that location is basically close to the periphery.

And the place where Namikaze Minato lives himself can only barely be regarded as the edge of the third echelon.

It's just that he doesn't do this by himself, and he doesn't have family support, so he doesn't care where he lives at all.

After Minato found out where he lived, he was a little flattered.

He already knew about this strange living arrangement in Konoha.

Of course, after learning about some security systems inside Konoha, he was completely relieved.

In fact, in the past, those big families liked to be close to the core area of ​​the Lord. In addition to the manifestation of status, there was another point that was also very important.

That's the safety of the place to live.

After all, the family is so big, and no one wants to encounter some troubles.

Although there is absolutely no problem with the defensive strength within the own family, what if someone has a particularly outstanding ability to hide, and then attack the weaker people in the family?

Think about Kushina from more than ten years ago, and Hinata in the original book.

Therefore, a complete security system is also what they are after.

And now, Konoha can say that he has the most complete and wide-ranging security system in the entire ninja world.

Under such a security system, it can be said that where you live, there is no huge difference.

Probably the only difference is whether the distance from the Hokage Building is strong enough, and whether it is convenient to the most prosperous area of ​​Konoha.

Without any hesitation, Minato directly agreed to the place Minato Minato and the others helped him choose.

And he also made two decisions directly after the clan land was determined.

The first decision was to accept all the Kirigakushi ninjas who came to Konoha in exile, and from then on they all changed their surnames and called them 'Mizuki'.

Uchiha Kai was quite surprised by this, but it was just a surprise, not a lot of surprises.

Minato... Now it should be called Shui Wuyue Minato, this guy's brain is definitely quick to respond.

He naturally knew that it was better for them exiles to form a group, and everyone had to change their surnames.

Therefore, we simply call everyone Shui Wuyue, which is also conducive to unity, and let them work together to face all problems.

In addition, it is also convenient for Konoha to monitor them.

As for the second decision, when their clan land is built, they will open up their clan land.

This is something Uchiha Keiza never expected, this guy's acuity is really beyond imagination.

In the entire Konoha, there are not many families who have opened their own clan, but they are definitely not many.

The most typical representative is Uchiha.

At the request of Kai Uchiha, and under the circumstances at that time, it was the best choice for the open clan to force Uchiha and the ninjas in Konoha to get closer.

But the clan is mysterious after all, Uchiha Fuyue actually thought that it was almost time to close it.

But what I didn't expect is that this opening has been opened directly to the present, because ghosts never thought that after the opening of the clan land, it would actually lead to the development of the family economy.

To put it bluntly, it is actually a kind of tourism effect.

Who doesn't wonder what's going on in the Uchiha clan?

With curiosity, people will come in and hang out, and the business of many hawkers in the Uchiha clan will follow.

In addition to curious people, there are those who have teammates who are Uchiha, and they will run in from time to time to find people.

There are many training grounds in the forest behind the Uchiha clan.

These training grounds have naturally become places for many ninjas to train. After the training, they will naturally enjoy a delicious meal in the clan.

Although Kai Uchiha's laboratory is also there, but that laboratory is full of seals and enchantments.

In addition, there is a group of dead soldiers guarding, not to mention people, not even a fly can fly in.

The opening of the clan's land has not only shortened the distance between the clan and the village, but also inexplicably stimulated some economies within the clan.

After Uchiha Fuyue learned the news, he naturally wouldn't mention the closure of the clan.

However, the opening of the clan cannot be 100% open, at least some places will not be open.

And in the evening, it will not let outsiders come in casually.

The newly born Suizuki directly chose to open the clan, and it was obvious that they planned to refer to Uchiha.

When I first arrived, I was not familiar with Konoha people at all.

How to quickly close the relationship between the family and the residents of Konoha, and at the same time, there is a certain income for people in the family who are not suitable to be ninjas.

This problem was naturally thrown on Minato, and after thinking about it, this guy finally decided naturally, that is to learn Uchiha.

This kind of thing is basically impossible to imagine in Wuyin. After all, there is a strict hierarchy in the family, and the hierarchy in the village is even more severe.

And now, this guy's practice of directly opening the clan's land not only caters to Konoha's situation, but also satisfies some of their ideas.

It has to be said that this family is indeed too keen.

They had just arrived at Konoha for less than a month, and Minato had already thought through it clearly and clearly.

All I can say is that, as expected of the person who left a good impression on Kai Uchiha, and let him lead the team to rescue him in person.


In the training ground behind the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya stood on the field and fought fiercely, while Imai Kenta watched the two of them on the field.

The training ground was full of people, but none of them dared to approach.

If it wasn't for a member of the Uchiha clan who asked Uchiha Kai in advance, he got an answer that allowed viewing but not allowed to approach.

I'm afraid these guys don't even have the qualifications to watch. After all, the training of ninjas is relatively private.

This is not the first time that Kai Uchiha has practiced against Aya Hyuga. Before, Kai Uchiha's opponent has always been Kenta Imai.

Because strictly speaking, only Imai Kenta can play against Uchiha Qi to some extent.

Kakashi might count as one, but the way they both fight is too similar.

If you really fight, whoever has a good foundation will be powerful. Kakashi is obviously not as good as Uchiha Kai in the use of Sharinyan.

Therefore, Kakashi basically has no chance to defeat him, and the practical significance is not much.

As for Hyuga Aya, Uchiha Kai didn't actually want to fight her.

It's just that there is no task recently, or a task that makes Aya Hyuga see her eyes, so she finally chose to practice with Kai Uchiha.

It's not that she doesn't know how to play against this guy, and she has absolutely no chance of winning.

But one advantage of fighting him is that she can attack recklessly, and she doesn't need to worry about any accidents.

Uchiha Kai's writing wheel eye is really too strong.

"The speed is slow." Uchiha Qi avoided Hyuga Aya's palm and said in a flat tone: "And you didn't see the flaws in the attack. You will suffer when you encounter ninjas who are good at speed."

"How many people are as fast as you?" Hyuga Aya countered, but she also began to make adjustments, and then she slapped it again.

This time the speed is indeed faster, although the strength is relatively weakened, but the power is better than before.

Moreover, Hyuga Aya also adjusted the angle of attack well, and the position she attacked was much better than before.

In fact, Hyuga Aya does not lack combat experience, various skills, and the maximum strength of these things.

All she lacks is the time to adapt to her own strength, and the time for her combat experience to return to her.

To put it bluntly, it's just rehabilitation training, and Uchiha Kai doesn't plan to fight back at all.

"Not bad this time, but I think you could be faster."

Aki Uchiha blocked Aya Hyuga's palm, and then continued, "By the way, how's the research on Masaya Yui's corpse?"

"Generally, his genes are being examined, and various possibilities are being explored, which will take time."

Hyuga Aya slapped it with another palm, her hands already had a lion-shaped Chakra, and the power of her move became even more terrifying.

"Hey, I asked you two to be more serious."

Imai Kenta heard their words clearly and naturally, which made him roll his eyes.

"However, Ling, your progress is too slow. It's been more than a month and you haven't found anything. This is not good."

"shut up!"

Hyuga Aya scolded without looking back, and then shot even harder.

"You two idiots, do you think research is easy? One month, don't forget how many years our previous research took?"

The corners of Uchiha Kai's mouth twitched, and now he really seems to be looking for trouble with this guy, Imai Kenta.

He just inquired normally, but as a result, Imai Kenta, a bastard, didn't think it was a big deal.

Well now, Hyuga Aya is fighting against herself, and it is her who is unlucky for this woman to be arrogant.

This made him really want to be beaten passively, which made him really depressed.

He raised his hand to block Hyuga Aya's attack, thought for a moment, and then his speed began to increase and he also launched an attack.

He wouldn't be willing to be beaten purely passively, but he wouldn't hit hard either.

In pair training, at least you have to make your opponent feel the pressure, right?

After Uchiha Kai started to fight back, as expected, Hyuga Aya suddenly felt a huge pressure.

Even though Kai Uchiha didn't move much at all, his attacks were just right every time.

The speed is basically at the level that Hyuga Aya can react to, and the strength is not even comparable to her.

But it was this kind of attack that made her feel a level of invincibility.

What frustrates her the most is that Kai Uchiha still has time to talk.

"By the way, did this kid Kakashi look for you?"

Uchiha Kai grabbed Hyuga Aya's fist with one hand, and then asked casually.

"At that time, he asked me to annoy me. I asked him to ask you something. The basic question of the wheel and kaleidoscope. You are completely fine. Did he find you?"

"I found it, I just gave him a little advice." Hyuga Aya is not as relaxed as Uchiha Kai but she still answered.

But after she finished speaking, she took the initiative to launch an attack, but unfortunately Uchiha Kai grabbed her hand again.

In fact, on the night of his return, Uchiha Kai met with Minato Namikaze alone.

He talked about the result of his battle, the possible leak of intelligence, and the Kakashi Kaleidoscope.

After hearing the news, Namikaze Minato's expression didn't change much.

Kakashi's kaleidoscope should have been said, and Uchiha Qi killed five patriarchs. Although he was a little surprised, it was not worth the surprise.

Because Uchiha Qi has such strength, he can do it completely.

However, after some thought, the feng shui gate of the leak of information felt that it was not unacceptable.

Because the news that may be passed on, to some extent, is a good thing for Konoha and Uchiha Kai!

However, it is better not to disclose this matter.

Because that mysterious organization really exists, if that mysterious organization is hidden because of this news.

That pair of Konoha is really not a good thing for the entire ninja world.

As for Kakashi, it was Namikaze Minato who asked Kai Uchiha to teach him.

Uchiha Kai promised yes, but after being visited by Kakashi several times, he also had a big head.

In the end, he handed it directly to Aya Hyuga. Now it seems that his girlfriend is doing well.

The battle between the two of them looked as graceful as they were dancing, and the eyes of the people watching were blurred.

They don't know that these two are the masters who are still chatting while fighting.

I don't even know how easy it is for Kai Uchiha to face such a battle...


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