Chapter 542: 2 people with water shadow qualifications

In Wuyin Village, far away from Konoha, Shirai Shinichi knelt down in front of Master Yuan, and Master Yuan's face looked unusually ugly.

Wuyin Village is still wrapped in confused mist, which looks both mysterious and hazy.

But in Shirai's new eyes, there is no hazy beauty here at all, there is only depression and blood.

It took him a month, relying on the secret techniques of the Baijing family, to finally avoid all sight and lead the troops back to Wuyin Village.

But when he met Yuan Shi, he chose to come back alone.

The target is too big and easy to be discovered. He alone has this secret technique to help, and it is not easy to expose.

Although his golden eagle was devoured by his patriarch, it did not mean that he had no ninja abilities at all.

His basic level is still there, so he finally came to the master's residence after wasting some effort.

After a rigorous investigation, he finally met the Master Yuan.

The first time Master Yuan saw Shirai Shinichi, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Why did this Baijing clan who should be in the country of vortex appear here, I am afraid things will never be a good thing!

The fact is just as he thought, when Shirai Shin reported the battle damage report this time, Master Yuan's face changed.

The five patriarchs were completely wiped out, and there was no news of the other troops at all.

Especially after he heard the information left by Shirai Naoki from Shirai Shin, he suddenly felt that his scalp began to tingle!

Is all this a conspiracy?

All this is actually a conspiracy of Konoha and Suiko?

"Are you sure that Shirai Naoki told you that?" Master Yuan stared at Shirai Shinichi, although he already believed it in his heart.

After all, the Konoha ninja came prepared, and there were powerful ninjas leading the team.

To put it bluntly, it is a choice made after knowing the information here.

And the time when that mysterious Uchiha appeared was indeed a bit unexpected to the extreme.

It wasn't long before Konoha's accident, and actually appeared in the fog, isn't this passing on the contradiction?

Otherwise, why don't you simply go to other people's troubles later.

Instead, Yun Yin and Konoha fought a few years later, and you only ran out?

Also, why did those families run towards Konoha all at once?

Wasn't it ready?

Why does the Hui Ye family have so many supplies?

Wuyin is so tightly closed, how would these materials get in if there is no one to help?

It can be said that Master Yuan actually believed it, but Kai Uchiha is still a topic that cannot be avoided.

Because Uchiha Kai is too young, it can be said that it is outrageous to be young!

"Yes, that's what the patriarch said." Shirai Shinichi lowered his head and said, "The ninja with me can fully prove this, and we can even have our brains checked."

Examining your brain is the last resort of loyalty discrimination, and just checking your brain will expose all your secrets.

Most people are reluctant to accept this, and Shirai Shinichi actually doesn't want to, but in order to gain trust, he has to make such a choice.

Master Yuan looked at Shirai Shinichi's face and was silent for a long time, and finally he sighed helplessly.

It seems that Shirai Shinichi did not lie, the patriarchs of the five major families are all gone!

Not only that, their troops are probably gone too.

Such a loss can be imagined how terrifying.

It can be said that for a long time to come, he will not be able to fight with Shuiying.

Without enough support, how could he fight Suiying?

Without a good enough ninja, how can he prevent the water shadow dog from jumping off the wall at the last moment?

Originally, he had this ability and this capital.

But now, he's gone, and he doesn't even dare to pass the news on.

Because once it spreads out, he will inevitably suffer the disaster!

Not only him, but none of those who follow him can escape.

Even if he can not think about himself, he has to think about it for those who follow him.

With a helpless sigh, Master Yuan knew what to do.

All he can do now is to pretend to be a grandson and find a way to regain his strength.

Other than that, he has no choice!

"I understand."

Master Yuan looked like he was ten years old in an instant, but one could imagine how much all this had hit him.

"You go first, and I will let someone bring back those troops under your command."

"Yes." Shirai Shinichi said simply, with a very respectful expression: "Then, what about the other things?"

"Don't spread it out." Master Yuan's expression became extremely cold: "As if you don't know, as if you came back after the mission failed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord Elder!" Shirai Shinichi replied quickly. Although he didn't understand the meaning of Yuan Shi, he also knew his own position.

He is the only one who has obtained the information of the patriarch, and he will also get the golden eagle left by the patriarch.

It can be said that as long as he handles it properly, he can become the most powerful person in the Baijing family!

What he needs now is protection. With the protection and recognition of Yuan Shi, his future will be very easy.

This is an opportunity to change fate. Although Shirai Shinichi is not strong, it does not mean that he has no other ideas.

Now that the opportunity is in front of him, why can't he try to seize it?


"Already confirmed? Those newcomers?"

"Yes, if there is no accident, they are all members of Kiriyin's family, and they all defected to Konoha."

In the Konoha root base, the three generations of Hokage sat on a chair, and in front of him was a young man.

This young man is none other than Uchiha Shisui!

Three generations of Hokage is definitely not a dreamer, but an absolute doer.

Since he has decided to cultivate Uchiha Shisui and at the same time enhance Uchiha Shisui's trust in himself, he will never just talk and do nothing.

Even if he doesn't trust Shishui until now, but in terms of performance, he can be regarded as trusting Shishui!

And Uchiha Shisui's current performance is also the performance of a perfect part-time disciple.

He had already made a decision, and he had also met Kai Uchiha. In addition, he had also seen Minato Namika quietly!

After getting the answer he wanted, he joined the three-generation Hokage camp without hesitation.

His performances are excellent, both in training and in completing tasks.

Talking less and doing more became his creed within the roots.

And no matter what the three generations of Hokage asked him to do, he would not hesitate in the slightest.

His attitude was so good that Hiizhan Sarutobi felt incredible.

However, Sarutobi Hiyzen is an old man after all. He naturally knows the word "step by step", and he also knows that it is necessary to guard against others.

The things he sent Zhishui to do were from the shallow to the deep, step by step to test the bottom line of Zhishui, and challenge the tolerance of Zhishui little by little.

As a result, Hiruzen Sarutobi was stunned to discover that this guy was indeed very uncomfortable in certain things.

But in the end, he will be expressionless and silently complete the task neatly!

For example, a bandit camp in a certain iron country, it is more a small village than a bandit camp.

The robbers settled in that place and robbed a lot of women to reproduce.

After more than ten years of reproduction, and other robbers continue to come to seek refuge, their power has grown stronger and stronger.

In the country of iron, there is no ninja village, and there are only some samurai who have learned chakra.

The leader of this group of robbers seems to be the rebel of Da Nin Village, and his strength is not weak.

Under the construction of this guy, their small village is like a small stronghold, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Under such circumstances, these samurai also have no choice.

In addition, their leaders are very smart, and they often send money to send women over. Over time, some people are willing to take care of them.

This group of people has taken root in the Iron Country like a tumor, and the surrounding residents have no money to find a way to submit the mission.

In fact, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Konoha, without receiving the task invitation, Konoha will not meddle in his own business.

As a result, in such an environment, the leader himself got carried away.

After he was drunk, he exposed his true identity - Konoha Rebellion.

The news was exposed and passed back to Konoha. After some investigation, Konoha quickly determined the identity of this guy.

He is indeed Konoha's rebellion, or a war deserter.

In the end, the root chose to dispatch to destroy this guy.

Uchiha Shisui is also in this mission, and he is the main executor of this mission.

It is conceivable that the entire small village, men, women and children, were all killed by him with his own hands.

This kind of taste, no matter who it is, I am afraid that there is no way to stand it.

Shishui couldn't accept it at first, his humanity refused him to do such a thing.

But just when the other root members decided to do it themselves, he seemed to adjust.

Whenever Sarutobi Hizan asked him why he made up his mind to do such a thing.

His answer is also very simple, because this is the order of the three generations of Hokage!

This answer moved the three generations of Hokage.

This time Konoha's large-scale Anbu operation, even the frontier defense troops were dispatched.

Not only that, but the head of the mission department, the head of the security department, and the head of the dark department, all dispatched to the country of the vortex.

If Sarutobi Hizan wasn't curious about such a thing, it would be really strange!

"Well done, Shisui." Sarutobi Hizan sighed: "I really didn't expect them to do such a big thing, this time they won, it's really a big improvement for Konoha. The most important thing is that they were actually persuaded to change their surnames to Shui Wuyue, which is really..."

Shaking his head, Sarutobi Hizan stopped talking to himself, and then turned his eyes to Uchiha Shisui again.

Although Namikaze Minato and the others have no intention of concealing it, there is absolutely no public idea of ​​doing it publicly.

In fact, Sarutobi Hizen has already known the news for a long time, and he is still waiting for Uchiha Shisui to continue to report.

He wants to see if Uchiha Shisui has some other interesting information, or more secret information.

"Lord Hokage, there is one more thing I need to report."

Uchiha Shisui's eyes were cold, and he couldn't see any emotion.

"The fourth generation did not spread the news about this matter. Even Anbu was silenced. I learned about it through Uchiha Itachi."

"Oh?" Sarutobi Hiyuzhan raised his brows and said, "What else does it need to be so secretive?"

"It's like this. Uchiha Itachi and I complained when we were training. His father, Uchiha Fugaku, has been out early and late late recently, and he seems to be dealing with something important."

Uchiha Shisui's voice was also unusually cold: "Later, he heard some interesting keywords, that is, Uchiha Kai killed five patriarchs, and he also arrested Terumi Mei's double-blooded stepdaughter ninja. ."

"Killed the five patriarchs?" Sarutobi Hizan's eyes widened when he heard the news.

He did know that Uchiha Kai brought some prisoners back, but he really didn't know which clan chiefs that guy killed.

Moreover, it is naturally impossible to send out to hunt down those **** family members.

Killing five at one time, this news is really exaggerated!

How strong is this Uchiha Kai?


"Hey, are you really going to subdue this guy?"

In Konoha Anbu's prison, Uchiha Kei, Imai Kenta, and Hyuga Aya walked together towards the deepest cell.

Kakashi didn't follow, he still had things to do.

But even if he didn't follow, basically all Anbu knew the three of them.

Especially those Anbu who followed Uchiha Kai on missions, although they had never seen him make a move, they all knew his record.

Although the gag order was issued, there was still internal communication In addition, the performance of Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya also made them stunned.

Imai Kenta is okay, after all, he is a member of the Thousand Hands clan and the head of the mission department.

This guy used the second-generation and fourth-generation vision techniques, but it's not a big deal.

But this guy's performance also made all Anbu shudder, it was really terrifying.

As for Hyuga Aya, I am afraid that the members of the Hyuga clan in Anbu will be stunned. Is this woman's performance too exaggerated?

Therefore, the three of them appeared, and although the members of Anbu were all surprised, no one stopped them.

On the one hand, knowing their relationship with Kakashi, they must have obtained permission to come.

On the other hand, they respect them from the bottom of their hearts, not to mention that there are many people in the family of the three of them working in Anbu.

"Yeah, so good ninja qualities, why not try it?"

Uchiha Qi smiled and said directly: "Not to mention that everyone else is also awake? Isn't it right that we come to see the prisoners?"

"Who do you want to subdue?" Hyuga Aya was a little puzzled, but she soon thought of something: "That shark face?"

"Well, that's right." Uchiha Qi nodded: "It's him, that guy, I've heard of his ninja qualities, and he's just been sold, I'm not very comfortable if I don't try it."

"What about the others?" Hyuga Aya rubbed her chin and asked, "Aren't there two other people besides him?"

"There are two left, one can be disgusting and exciting, and one can be tried to fund. If I say, both of them have the potential to be water shadows..."

"Do you believe it?"



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