Chapter 554: God air strike

As Uchiha Qi took the initiative to activate the detonating talisman, the next moment, it exploded with a bang.

This time, Uchiha Kai can basically be 100% sure about one thing.

That's the group of guys, who really don't have any actual combat experience.

If it were the old fritters in the ninja world, they had the ability to kill the enemy, but suddenly they didn't do anything and then pushed people to their side.

In such a situation, they will definitely disperse at the first time, and they will not care about the person who is pushed over.

Not to be foolish enough to catch the person who was pushed over, because everyone knew that there might be fraud.

"With this kind of ninja quality, those little devils who have not experienced the cruelty of war may appear in the future, but the quality of the little devil's ninja is also notoriously poor. Even if Kakashi wants to save, he must make sure that he will not go wrong. Help people in this situation."

Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly, after all, ninja is not a kind profession, and the kindness he shows is not only personal factors, but also the factors of the times.

These Otsutsugi ninjas are very unlucky, and they are not ninjas who have received some kind of "love and justice".

What they encountered were ninjas who were really fighting to the death on the battlefield.

With a loud noise, these Otsutsuki ninjas didn't even have time to take any precautions, and four people were killed on the spot.

Three of the remaining five were seriously injured by the blast, and one of them was directly blown off by the arm, and blood kept falling on the ground 'tick-tock' along his severed limb.

The only one who was okay was the old man from Otsutsuki. He was already far away, and he was always on guard against Kai Uchiha.

As a result, such precautions allowed him to escape the catastrophe in a dangerous and dangerous way.

However, he looked extremely embarrassed now, his face was covered in blood and soot, and the anger in his white eyes seemed to condense into substance.

Suddenly, the chakra on this guy burst out, and where he was standing, the gravel flew directly, and the ground cracked towards the surroundings.

In the eyes of Uchiha Kai, this guy is like a tailed beast now, but his injury seems to be rapidly deteriorating!

"Damn you!" Otsutsuki's old man said angrily: "I have never seen a despicable and shameless person like you in my life, Otsutsuki Haruki. Even if you go to the Pure Land, you will not be peaceful!"

"Oh, mentally handicapped." Uchiha Kai actually didn't expect that the conventional tactics of a detonating talisman would actually work so well.

As for what Otsutsuki Haruki scolded himself, he didn't care at all.

There were too many people who scolded him back then, whether on the battlefield or in the village.

He didn't care at all? What the **** did a dead person say before.

"go to hell!"

Yang Dun · Thirty-two palms!

When the chakra on Otsutsuki Haruki condensed to an extreme? He did not hesitate to attack Uchiha.

With an angry shot, Otsutsuki Haruki didn't leave his hands behind? His palms have turned into countless afterimages? With the cooperation of his white eyes, he directly attacked Uchiha Kai's body acupoint.

The most terrible thing is that every time he takes out his palm, the space around him will be distorted to a certain extent.

Under the blessing of that white chakra? These thirty-two palms are even more terrifying than the eighty-four palms used by Hyuga Aya!

"Is the power good?" Uchiha Kai said contemptuously while dodging, his pupils slowly rotated? The cut jade in his hand burst into a more powerful luster: "But? You are just an empty force, but you don't know how to use it. idiot!"

The voice fell, and Uchiha Qi directly greeted him.

In his opinion, the speed of this guy's shot? It's really not fast? And the way he shoots is too formulaic.

He had seen the Hyuga Ayarou Fist for a long time, although he didn't know how to use it, but he completely remembered its complete punching sequence.

The Otsutsuki Haruki in front of him is an extremely rigid guy who uses the order of soft fists completely.

Even if the power is huge, in front of a powerful ninja, it really doesn't necessarily cause much trouble!

The cut jade in his hand is under the control of Uchiha Kai? It looks even more strange.

His eyes locked on Otsutsuki Haruki, the moment he hit the eighteenth palm? He shot.

The azure blue above the jade became active at this time, and then there was an arc beating.

This slightly beating electric arc cooperated with this jade? Quickly and accurately bypassed Otsutsuki Haruki's fist and pierced his heart!

Otsutsuki's expression changed instantly? The eighteenth palm's attack? But Yang Dun's thirty-two palms attacked at the climax.

The palm technique in the front is to defend while making the opponent lose his defense, and when the opponent loses his defense, he will attack with all his strength.

The ground ninja in front of him actually waited for the moment when he attacked with all his strength, and launched such a deadly offensive.

This guy, does he know how to master it?

It's a pity that Otsutsuki Haruki didn't have time to think about these things.

All he can do now is forcibly change his moves.

He knew that he had to block the opponent's knife first, otherwise he would be stabbed in the heart by a knife before he could hit the opponent!

"What a sinister viper!"

Turning his palms around, he turned into a defensive curtain, and then he quickly spun around.

Under the white chakra wrap, a circular white ring appeared instantly.

Chieyu also intersected with it at this moment, the harsh metal collision continued to sound, and the little sparks continued to bloom outwards.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai couldn't help showing a sneer.

Although this guy's actual combat experience is not very good, even the use of palm techniques is so rigid.

But I have to say that his chakra and his reaction are quite fast.

"Just, how fast are you?"

Uchiha Kai murmured softly, and the strange pattern in his right eye suddenly began to slowly turn.

In an instant, Otsutsuki Haruki's speed suddenly slowed down.

Maybe the speed in Uchiha's eyes is exaggerated to others.

But for Uchiha Kai, this speed is already very slow.

In fact, Uchiha Kai has never resisted using his own pupil technique, but the difference between necessary and unnecessary use.

In the past, he was just a kaleidoscope, and his pupil technique would make him blind faster when he encountered a burst of chakra.

When he was close to the Eternal Eye, he was no longer so restrained in using his pupil power.

It's just that the consumption of pupil power is like a gutter, so he won't choose easily.

And now he has reached the point of Eternal Eye, although the consumption is still very high, but his recovery speed is not slow.

If he were to deal with the fourth Raikage now, he probably wouldn't feel uncomfortable in his eyes after more than ten seconds.

In fact, when dealing with the five patriarchs, he can also try to use his pupil technique to deal with it.

But he didn't do that, although he knew that using the pupil technique against them would end the fight faster.

But his Susanoo has just reached a complete body, and it is still a complete body that "is not up to the standard, and the wings have not grown".

He has to enhance his abilities in more aspects, so he will directly use Susanoo to fight.

"But now, after three years of my Susanoo, there is no need to continue exercising."

In the past three years, he has brought too many things to Kai Uchiha, and his improvement is in all aspects!

Looking at Haruki Otsutsuki in front of him, Kai Uchiha saw a suitable opportunity, and then adjusted the angle of cutting jade without hesitation.

The next moment, Qiyu pierced into the heart of Otsutsuki Haruki unimpeded!

For a while, Otsutsuki Haruki stopped all movements, he looked at Uchiha Kai in disbelief, and looked at these scarlet eyes with strange patterns in disbelief.

He seemed to have finally remembered that he had seen similar information there.

However, he couldn't say a word at all, with his eyes wide open, his head slammed down, and he didn't breathe.

"Elder Qinghui!"

The broken-arm Otsutsuki ninja on the side couldn't help crying after seeing this scene...



After Imai Kenta slashed one of the Otsutsuki ninjas with one sword, he looked at the last one with a slightly solemn expression, and he was also the strongest Otsutsuki ninja.

In fact, fighting against these Otsutsugi ninjas, Imai Kenta was also a little unsettled in his heart. The most important thing was that he did not have any information about the opponent.

But since it's already here, there's nothing to think about.

Instead of thinking about these messy things, it is better to fight head-on!

Therefore, the first time they met, he directly swept away some of the puppets with water escape.

Performing water escape in a place without water is not a difficult thing for Imai Kenta at all.

It's just that he found that it seems that the damage of water escape is not high for these puppets.

Therefore, he decisively gave up the water escape and started to use the fire escape.

Although his fire escape is a bit average, after all, this is the chakra attribute he has trained the day after tomorrow. Compared with the currents of water and earth, the gap is still very large.

But he also basically mastered this technique, and he also got the fire escape provided by the Uchiha clan from the ninjutsu warehouse.

His perception ability is always on, and he naturally knows the situation on the other side of the battlefield.

Uchiha Qi directly burned all those puppets with a fire escape, which gave him great inspiration. If so, why didn't he do it?

Without the slightest hesitation, Imai Kenta directly used the fire to extinguish it.

This technique is not difficult, but the upper limit is very terrifying.

For a ninja with huge chakra like him, it is simply the best weapon!

Sure enough, he easily used the fire escape to directly burn those puppets.

Although he did not hesitate at all, he rushed directly into the siege of those Otsutsuki ninjas.

In his opinion, these guys with white eyes can just be dealt with as the Hyuga clan!

What surprised him was that the other party's eyes seemed to be a bit strong, and the seeds he had condensed were only seen through by the other party in an instant.


Other than that, is there any advantage?

Imai Kenta really never dreamed of these guys with strong chakra, strong observation skills, and frightening power.

It was actually a group of weak combat experience, and even a few people besieged him, but there were flaws everywhere?

At first, he thought it was the opponent's tactic, until he couldn't bear to slash it, and the opponent fell to the ground.

This made him realize that this is not a tactic at all, this is that the other party is too stupid!

"This is really..."

Imai Kenta was a bit dumbfounded, it was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

Thinking back then, on the battlefield, he didn't dare to take it lightly even in the face of a submissive, and he was already used to the various conspiracies of his opponents.

Suddenly encountering such a situation, he was really a little uncomfortable.

But it's not a big deal if he doesn't get used to it. After knowing the opponent's weakness, he has no politeness at all.

Especially after he noticed that Uchiha Kai had killed most of the opponent with the detonating talisman, he became even more reckless.

In just a few minutes, he almost killed the opponent, except for the middle-aged man in front of him.

"You are very strong." The middle-aged man looked very solemn: "The quality and quantity of your chakras are very terrible, but your methods are too insidious. For such an insidious person, I will do my best!"

"Do you know?" Imai Kenta stared blankly at the guy in front of him, and after a while he sighed: "I originally thought that my red-eyed friend was a lunatic, and my white-eyed friend was a lunatic. Now look at it. Get up, it turns out that the white eye also has a neuropathy!"

"You have been completely seen by me, how can you use that weird space ninjutsu without those seeds?" This middle-aged Otsutsuki's whole body began to skyrocket: "Your ending is doomed, and even if I die, I will kill you. The sinister little man!"

"Yeah, aren't you speeding up death like this?" Imai Kenta shook his head and said, "Indeed, your eyes have some restraint on me, but..."

Imai Kenta's chakra also began to erupt, and then he fit it, and a strange chakra rose into the sky.

"You know, I can only rely on that kind of technique? I underestimate me too! Wood Dun · Thorns Killing Technique!"

Under the infusion of chakra, countless branches crazily burst out of the ground, and they seemed to be consciously heading towards the middle-aged man. UU reading www.

The middle-aged Otsutsugi's eyes wrinkled slightly, and the next moment his speed skyrocketed and rushed directly in front of Imai Kenta.

"Yang Dun·Breaking the Air Palm!"

Completely ignoring those branches, the middle-aged man walked towards Imai Kenta with one palm, and the strong palm even made Imai Kenta's clothes flutter.

"Hmph, Mu Dun·Tree Boundary Wall!" Imai Kenta saw this, he didn't move at all, he directly changed a knot seal gesture.

Immediately, a shield rose head-on, blocking this palm dangerously and dangerously!

It's just that this wooden shield didn't last long, and it was directly smashed by this guy in front of him.

This surprised Imai Kenta a little, but it was only a little surprised.

While the guy's remaining strength had not disappeared and he was still ramming towards him, he didn't hesitate to kick this guy.

However, this guy is extremely fast, especially the white chakra in his hands that makes Kenta Imai frightened.

"It's right now, Yang Dun, Shenkong Strike, Five Forms!"


This Uchiha is too cautious https://