Chapter 555: you don't deserve it

Condensing the fist of terrifying chakra, with the will of this guy to move forward, he punched Kenta Imai.

This fist tore the ground with a terrifying fist wind in an instant, and the roar of the explosion kept blasting in the ears of the middle-aged man.

While the earth was shattering, the surrounding buildings also collapsed directly.

Obviously, these buildings simply cannot withstand the impact of this punch.

Even if it's just the aftermath, they can't bear it at all!

"Is it dead?"

The middle-aged Otsutsuki gasped continuously, and used the divine air strike, even if it was just a single divine air strike, it made him feel like he was going to die.

Shenkong Strike is almost the strongest lore skill of their Otsutsuki clan.

Shenkong Strike actually has a total of 80 styles, and together with Baiyan, it can form a perfect formation that integrates offense and defense.

But he can only use one style, and even if it is this style, he can't stand it.

If he is injured and he uses this trick, I am afraid the situation will not be much better.

In the desperate battle between the sect and the branch that year, he had seen a master of the sect use the divine air strike.

The final result was that there were some cracks in the bones of that guy's whole body.

And the hand he used to make the move even had a broken bone. Although it could be recovered, the price was really not too big.

And now, when he was seriously injured, using this move would be a life-threatening attack.

With this move, he already felt that his whole body was collapsing.

If it wasn't for the fact that he could control the power of Yang Dun and his physical fitness was excellent, I'm afraid he would be dead by now!

It's just that he knows that he is not far from death, I am afraid it is only a few days.

But this is enough, because he believes that such an attack, even if the ground ninja is fast, he will never be able to react!

"Sorry not."

However, to his despair, the other party's voice came from dozens of meters away.

This made the middle-aged Otsutsuki look suffocated. He couldn't understand why it was so close, so fast, and so powerful.

The combination of these three does not even have a reaction time of 0.1 second, why can this guy still run?

why is that?

what is this?

Turning his head blankly, middle-aged Otsutsuki saw a man not far away.

At this time, some weird patterns have appeared on Imai Kenta's face, and he has also completed the knot seal.

"Why is that a **** air strike!"

"I have to say, you are really terrifying this time. Is Shenkong Strike? It's really strong, but you really think I have no way to deal with you? I probably know how Orochimaru lost, and I have to admit that you are really powerful. ,so"

"Wood escape tree is bound to be buried forever!"

"Bam! Boom! Bam!"

Hyuga Aya glanced left and right, and her eyes were full of blue veins, which looked a little scary.

The puppet corpses had collapsed all around her, and she herself was not injured.

Just looking at the puppets that kept coming over made her sigh.

The Hyuga clan has always used soft boxing to cooperate with Chakra in the escape technique. They rarely go to the end to learn too much.

They might learn the three-body technique and the instant body technique well, but the others wouldn't really work too hard.

Although Hyuga Aya is honest and obedient, she has mastered a lot of chakra attributes.

But it is a pity that she has mastered the actual escape technique, but she really didn't exercise much.

Therefore, in the face of these **** puppets, she really had no way to burn them all at once.

Even her soft fists are not slow to deal with these puppets, but they are really far behind Uchiha Kai and the others.

"It can't go on like this."

Hyuga Aya secretly thought to herself that her eyes had long been locked on the person who manipulated the puppet, and she didn't want to waste any time now.

"Kai's side should be finished, Kenta's side should be fast too, I should speed up too"

Taking a deep breath, the chakra in Hyuga Aya's body began to rippling.

In fact, she didn't want to use this power so quickly, but she also knew that the progress would be slower if she didn't use it now.

Besides, isn't the power learned to be used?

Thinking of this, Hyuga Aya no longer had any entanglement looking at these puppets rushing towards her face, and even a little smile appeared on her face.

"It just so happens that I haven't used it in real combat, you will be the first batch!"

When her chakra concentration reached a peak, she closed her eyes the next moment.

The blue veins around her eyes began to disappear and were replaced by some purple eyeshadow.

Her white-eyed effect didn't disappear. It's amazing that the use of white-eyed doesn't seem to require blue veins to pop up at all.

She could still see far away, and she could still see with exceptional clarity, to a level she had never experienced before.

"Fairy mode, such a feeling"

When Hyuga Aya opened her eyes, her temperament seemed to have undergone an earth-shaking change.

She also knows these changes in herself, and seems to have an incredible attraction to Uchiha Kai.

This is also one of the reasons why she is not particularly willing to use the fairy mode in front of that guy.

This will make her wonder whether Uchiha Qi likes her or her changed after the immortal mode.

But she also knew that the immortal mode she had to use, and she couldn't escape it in the future.

"It's cheap you guy"

Hyuga Aya sighed inwardly, and then flew out with a brisk stride.

At this moment, Hyuga Aya's speed has completely surpassed the previous level.

Moreover, her perception and strength have also been enhanced. The most interesting thing is that she found that her dynamic vision has been further enhanced in the white eye state.

This dynamic vision may not be able to compare with normal Uchiha, let alone Uchiha Kai, who has brought dynamic vision to the extreme.

But this state is definitely not weak!

"Sixty-four palms of soft fist gossip!"

At this time, Hyuga Aya will no longer care about those puppets. Although it is still cleaning them up, it will only deal with those who stand in front of her.

Blue chakras have appeared on her hands, and each palm has a terrible palm wind.

These palm winds don't seem to be anything special, but the moment those puppets touched her palm winds, they turned into tatters.

Hyuga Aya is like an elegant dancer, and those puppets are her dance partners.

As long as these dance partners can't keep up with her rhythm, they will be ruthlessly eliminated.

Hyuga Aya's speed is getting faster and faster, her shot is still elegant and there is no trace.

But the speed and efficiency of her cleaning up the puppets have been greatly improved.

It only took more than a minute, and she forcibly rushed directly from the large puppet to the controller.

What she never expected was that the controllers seemed to be a little dazed and looked at her in disbelief.

"Who are you?" An old man among the controllers suddenly asked, "You also have white eyes, are you a member of our Otsutsugi clan?"

"The Otsutsugi clan?" When the Otsutsugi people were looking at her, she was also looking at the Otsutsugi people.

It must be said that seeing is believing is the eternal truth.

Hyuga Aya does trust Uchiha Kai and everything he says.

It's just that even if such trust is high, I'm afraid it won't be able to continue upwards when it reaches 90%.

If you want to fully reach the full value, you really need to see the real thing.

And now, Hyuga Aya has seen the real thing.

In front of these guys who call themselves Otsutsuki, aren't they just guys who have mastered the white eyes?

Such a close-up observation is not the same as what was observed with white eyes before.

The white eyes that were completely in front of her eyes really made Aya Hyuga feel extra excited.

Although I haven't seen those so-called blue eyes yet, but I have already seen the owner of the white-eyed who is not named Hyuga, will everything be far behind?

"Wait, I understand!" Just as Aya Hyuga was thinking inwardly, the old man suddenly shouted angrily, "You are the descendants of those traitors who once left the moon. You are now called Hyuga, right?"

"The descendants of those traitors who left the moon?" Hyuga Aya raised her head slightly, and then a sneer appeared on her face, "Perhaps, in your opinion."

"Your name." The old man looked at Aya Hyuga. "After all, you also have white eyes, and your chakra is not weak. If you want, I will let you return to the Otsutsugi clan. If you don't want to, I will die before you. Later, you will be buried in the clan tomb, and your name will also be engraved."

"Although I really want to say, your idea is unrealistic." Hyuga Aya lowered her body slightly, and her expression became more and more cold. In this coldness, a kind of nobleness was unusually highlighted. "My lord, Hyuga Aya!"

After the words were closed, Hyuga Aya launched an attack involuntarily.

Maybe it's because he has been with Uchiha Kai for too long, although Hyuga Aya's fighting style is still dominated by soft boxing.

However, her movements and postures still have some biases, and some changes have taken place towards Uchiha Kai.

Her movements, even if they were offensive, were full of graceful gestures.

With her movements, the surrounding air seemed to come alive all at once, and all the surrounding air began to move in an orderly but irregular manner.

One after another, undercurrents formed unconsciously.

In a breath, she had come to the front of the old man and slapped the old man on the opposite side!

The old man stared at Hyuga Aya, then he stepped forward heavily, a step appeared in front of Hyuga Aya, and he slashed at her.

The strong and solid palm cooperated with the white chakra, which locked the entire space in an instant, which gave Hyuga Aya an unavoidable illusion.

However, Hyuga Aya is not an ordinary person. The chakra in her hands has been condensed into the appearance of a lion.

Then, at the moment when the old man's palm was about to hit her, she twisted the roaring lion in both hands.

Suddenly, the airflow in the entire space moved quickly, forming invisible vortices, constantly tearing and pulling!

This suddenly appeared force kept pulling the old man's palm, suddenly forward and backward, left and right, big and small.

And as time goes by, the angle and intensity of this tearing force are constantly becoming more bizarre and erratic.

"It's soft boxing." Hyuga Ling felt the power of this boxing style, and couldn't help but sighed inwardly, "It's really strong, if it's not immortal mode, I'm afraid I can't resist it at all. It's just these white chakras, what are they?"

"Let's do it together and kill her!"

While Hyuga Aya was fighting with the old man, the other members of the Otsutsugi clan seemed to have reacted.

One by one, the weird Chakra appeared in their hands, and then directly surrounded Hyuga Aya and launched an attack.

Hyuga Aya frowned, but she didn't panic.

She, who has been baptized by many wars for a long time, of course knows that the more nervous she is in such a situation, the easier it is to have problems.

What's more, she is in the fairy mode now. The improvement she brings to her in this state is too great!

After the rapid calculation of her brain, she already knew how to deal with it.

I have to thank Uchiha Kai and her for the training, and according to Uchiha's fighting ideas, he gave her a lot of advice.

At the moment of being besieged by this group of people, Hyuga Aya almost made the perfect response!

At the moment when the enemy's fist or palm was about to focus on her, she suddenly turned sideways to dodge the combined attack of several people, and then even held up the attack of several people.

It's just when she calculated the time to fight back, she was stunned to find that she was actually quick.

Just when she thought whether she was in the scheme, the other party's attack came too late.

This made Hyuga Aya a little baffled, but she didn't bother to think about it.

After several more attempts, she basically determined that the other party did not cooperate well.

Or, it looks like you don't have enough combat experience?

But now is not the time to think about it, after Hyuga Aya killed an obviously disjointed Otsutsuki with one palm, then disappeared without a trace.

"Rouquan gossip thirty-two palms!"

When she reappeared, she had already come to the front of the old man. She waved her hands urgently, and the energy of her soft fist quickly formed a dense circle.

The old man snorted coldly, of course he saw that Hyuga Aya killed his subordinates, which made him extremely angry.

However, he was still very calm, and in the face of Hyuga Aya's offensive, he defended slowly.

He really couldn't be too familiar with Hyuga Aya's palm technique.

Because he has been cultivating these things all his life, and his understanding of this palm technique is deeper than that of the girl in front of him!


But what he never expected was that when he was waiting for the eighteenth palm, the girl in front of him completely launched the offensive.

The girl with purple eyeshadow in front of her has changed her moves without any sign!

The original Eight Trigrams Thirty-two Palms, without any hesitation, turned into the Eight Trigrams Empty Palms in an extremely smooth and smooth manner!

This unpredictable change directly caused the old man to have no reaction at all for a while.

When the palm was so heavy that it lined his chest and smashed his internal organs, he completely reacted!


When those Otsutsugi ninjas saw this situation, they immediately surrounded them. They looked at the old man who was vomiting blood in disbelief, and looked at Hyuga Aya in horror.

"I have to say, you really let me down." Hyuga Aya didn't do anything, but looked at the group of people in front of her with a sigh in indifference. "There are powerful powers, but you don't use them at all. You, all of you, Are you mentally handicapped?"

"Forget it, in fact, in my eyes, you are all dead, as far as I personally feel."

"You really don't deserve to be blindsided!"

This Uchiha is too cautious https://