Chapter 556: The art of destroying the world

"Looks like it's all settled."

In front of the ruins, Kai Uchiha glanced around with his hands around his chest, and then asked Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai curiously.

With three fronts and three battlefields, Uchiha Qi has no perception ability, and he has no white eyes to enhance his sight distance.

But he also knew that he asked a nonsense, otherwise the two would not have appeared by his side so safe and sound.

However, sometimes some nonsense should be asked or need to be asked.

"It's all settled." Imai Kenta nodded, and then he touched his head. "I have to say, their strength is really exaggerated, and the white chakra is really scary. It's just."

"It's just their actual combat experience, it's really bad." Hyuga Aya took Imai Kenta's words, "It's really hard to believe that their chakra is so strong, and they are all abnormally full. In the end, their tactics The cooperation and combat experience really make me unbelievable.”

"Life is too easy, after all, the place where they are can be regarded as a paradise." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly, he was not surprised that the two saw the enemy's problem "Don't talk about you, I It's all kind of incredible. Can you imagine that I killed five or six guys like Jiraiya and Orochimaru with the Detonator Talisman?"

It is indeed unbelievable that the detonating talisman kills people like Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

It's not to say how strong their physical fitness is. In the original book, Orochimaru was also injured by the detonating charm hidden in the snake's mouth by Sarutobi.

Ninjas are inherently high-attack, high-sensitivity, but low-defense existences, and there are many powerful guys who were stabbed to death by Kuwu Back.

It's just that powerful ninjas, without exception, have gone through countless life-and-death struggles before they can reach the stage of powerhouses.

The strength of these big tsutsutsuki on the moon is really exaggerated, but their combat experience is simply overwhelming.

It's really rude to say, just throw their combat experience into the ninja world.

I am afraid that there is no need to fight head-on. Those old oilers who survived on the battlefield have no idea how many ways to make them die silently.

Although combat experience may not necessarily improve strength, their importance has never been doubted

"What to do with their corpses?" Shaking his head, Hyuga Aya didn't bother to think about these messes anymore. The weaker the opponent, the better for them, right?

"Seal it up and take it back, just in time to study it." Uchiha Qi said directly, "For example, check their gene sequence, these should help you?"

"It's helpful, it's just on their foreheads" Hyuga Aya hesitated before continuing, "I found that they also seem to have caged birds. But their caged birds seem to be different from mine, although many similarities"

"Perhaps, your current caged birds are the result of their weakening?" Imai Ken too spread his hands. "You know, that guy used a move on me just now that I couldn't imagine. It seems that none of you Hyuga doesn't have such a move. , but there are many similarities, that move seems to be called Shenkong Strike."

God air strike?

Hyuga Aya was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes looked at Uchiha Kai vaguely.

She didn't forget that this kind of move was recorded in the information that Uchiha Qi once gave her.

It seems that this guy Uchiha Kai has always been so trustworthy and reliable.

Unless, of course, you have a good relationship with him.

Hyuga Aya shook her head and immediately drove out the things that came out of her mind. Since she was with this guy, she knew that this guy was really worth relying on.

"Let's go deeper."

Uchiha Qi didn't know what Hyuga Aya was thinking. He was just a little surprised that an ordinary member could use such a move, but he didn't bother to care.

"Since there are branches here, maybe there are also clans. At that time, maybe we can find some interesting things."

"Yeah." Hyuga Aya's expression became a little hot. "Thank you, Kai."

"Is it necessary for the two of us to say thank you?" Uchiha Kai smiled and looked at the girl in front of him. "However, I seem to have felt the fairy mode just now. It seems that you have prepared well?"

"Hey, hey, can you two stop in moderation?" Imai Kenta sighed helplessly. "The others have gathered in front of us to wait for us. Are you still like this, are you really okay? Let's go!"

After speaking, Kenta Imai walked forward first, obviously he couldn't stand his two teammates.

And Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya looked at each other, but Hyuga Aya glared at Uchiha Kai, and then walked straight forward.

Uchiha Qi spread his hands, he showed a little smile, but soon his face became serious.

He really wanted to see Aya Hinata's immortal mode, but he wouldn't be too anxious.

Because this girl can't escape from his palm.

The three of them walked forward quickly, and right in front of them, Otsutsuki Toru and all the elites who could fight had gathered here.

Their white eyes had already seen the three of Uchiha Kai, and they also saw how the three defeated their advance troops.

I have to admit that these ninjas from the ground really have a good set.

Their methods really make people feel suffocated, but also make them feel extremely insidious.

In their opinion, although these three guys are powerful, they are all a group of mice that can't stand on the table!

Otsutsuki, who was standing high in the castle, also had a faint gaze. The majestic chakra in his body had become extremely active, activating his already aging body again.

The last time I was activated to such a degree was when I faced the members of those clans.

In fact, he didn't care too much about these three people at first, until he saw the three people, the battle of the three people, the chakra of the three people.

This made him realize that I am afraid that these three are not easy characters to deal with.

It has to be said that Otsutsuki also made a very correct choice, although he used the number of chakras to judge the strength of the enemy.

Using chakra to judge the strength of the enemy, although it is also a very common method in the ninja world.

But the ninjas in the ninja world, especially the experienced ninjas, will not simply look at Chakra, they will only use this as one of the means to judge the strength of the enemy.

When the three of Uchiha Kai walked 50 meters away from them, the elites of the Great Tongmu people also responded quickly, and they watched the three outsiders vigilantly.

"Who are you?" Otsutsumiya also asked indifferently, the chakra on his body oscillated inexplicably and spread around, "Do you know where this place is?"

"Can't you even introduce yourself when you ask someone who they are?" Uchiha Qi completely ignored these chakras that were shaking. He didn't even make any moves. These chakras naturally avoided. He "However, I can tolerate your rudeness, I'll take Uchiha Kai."

"Uchiha?" Otsutsuki also frowned, he had never heard of such a surname.

Although their Otsutsugi clan never left the moon, they lived in the ninja world with their ancestors before coming to the moon.

There are many records left by the ancestors, and there are not no special surnames that have appeared in them.

But Uchiha doesn't seem to have appeared, probably some descendant family?

The time when their big Tsutsutsuki left the ninja world was probably when Indra and Asura began to gradually gain influence with each other, and then left when they fought against each other.

Therefore, he did not know at all that the surnames of the descendants of Indra had become Uchiha, and the surnames of the descendants of Asura had become Qianshou, Uzumaki and the like.

But Otsutsuki is not an idiot either, he has long noticed Uchiha Kai's scarlet eyes and the three gouyu slowly spinning in those eyes.

At first, he didn't pay too much attention to it, after all, some materials are too old, but now he seems to recall something.

"I haven't heard of Uchiha." Otsuki Ya also continued, "But I seem to know your eyes, it seems that these are the eyes of Indra!"

"Indra?" Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya were stunned, they had never heard of this name.

"Yes, strictly speaking, I am a descendant of Indra." Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly. "However, the descendants of Indra have their own surname, which is Uchiha. Similarly, the descendants of Asura are also Thus, the surname of their descendants is Qianshou."

Kenta Imai was even more inexplicable when he heard these words. How did his ancestors become Asuras?

He is really full of question marks now. It's not that he hasn't read the ancient materials, but the materials he read are basically the beginning of the confrontation between Qianshou and Uchiha.

So he really doesn't know so many things, but he does know one thing, that is, Uchiha Kai absolutely understands things.

Not only him, I'm afraid the old cataract in front of him also knows it.

In this case, he doesn't need to rush to ask, and when everything is over, he will naturally have an answer.

"Very well, since you know these things"

Otsutsuki also heard these words, and there were some smiles on her face, but these smiles looked so angry.

"Then why do you still take action against us? Don't you know, Indra and Asura, what are their surnames? Did you give up your own honor and dignity by abandoning your original surname?"

"Is Indra and Asura's surnames, of course I know." Uchiha Qi twisted his neck slightly, and then he said disdainfully, "Isn't it Otsutsuki? But Uchiha is Uchiha, and Qianshou is Qianshou. . Even the current Hyuga is just Hyuga. Oh, Hyuga is the surname of those who left the moon. But that doesn't mean I don't have honor, it's you guys."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Kai paused for a while, and his voice became incomparably soft, "Although you maintain your ancient surname, in my eyes, you are just a group of backward, old-fashioned, and abandoned products of the times. I don't know, what value and significance do you have in continuing to live with this surname."

"Damn you!"

Uchiha Kai's words seemed to have stabbed Otsutsuki Yaya in the heart, he shouted angrily, and then took a step forward and came to Uchiha Kai's body.

"Ignorant guys, insidious guys, you are all damned people! Yang Evaporate Palm!"

"Really?" Facing the slap down the head, Kai Uchiha's tone was still soft, "Why do I feel like you are the damned one?"

When the words fell, he waved the jade in his right hand and appeared in his hand, the pair of pupils and the three hooks were linked together for a moment, and then he waved upwards lightly.

This knife looks unusually ordinary, but there is still a lively arc on the knife covered with blue chakra.

This knife is the Lan cut he is most familiar with!

At the moment when the cut jade and the empty palm staggered in the air, the chakra ripples that were visible to the naked eye in an instant were rippling towards the surroundings.

Where the ripples swept, there was a terrible collapse without exception.

Both the building and the earth are extremely weak under this terrifying power.

Imai Kenta immediately formed the seal and summoned the wooden Dun, these wooden Dun quickly wrapped him and Hyuga Aya.

And Otsutsuki Toru also gathered the terrifying Chakra at this moment, and an invisible barrier blocked him and those Otsutsuki ninjas.


The terrifying roar sounded after the chakra ripples, and the smoke suddenly filled the entire battlefield.

Imai Kenta's wooden escape has already appeared a little crack, and Otsutsuki Toru also stared blankly at the enchantment in front of him.

That terrifying chakra ripple, that's just the power of spillage, actually made a crack in his enchantment?

What made Toru Otsutsuki even more uneasy was that he seemed to sense that a very cold chakra was gathering!

The smoke slowly dissipated, and Imai Kenta's wooden Dun also dissipated, leaving him and Hyuga Aya unscathed.

The figure of Yaya Otsutsuki also landed in front of the barrier, the person in front of him with a solemn face.

The palm of his hand just now, although he didn't burst out with all his strength, he didn't mean to hold back either.

However he sensed something was wrong the moment he made contact.

Because in his white eyes, he actually saw a chakra that was indescribable for him to gather in a frenzy.

And those Chakras wrapped the descendant of Indra in front of him in an instant, which made him think of something.

"What is this?"

"A chakra coat? No, some kind of chakra pattern?"

"It's just, why does this chakra give me a very uncomfortable feeling."

"This guy is really a person at the time of evil!"

The people of the Otsutsugi tribe had already seen this scene with their white eyes, and they could not help but began to communicate in a low voice.

Only Otsutsuki Toru noticed that their patriarch's expression was a little ugly at this time.

Otsutsuki also took a deep breath, his eyes had become abnormally dangerous.

He naturally recognized this technique, although he had never really come into contact with it, his ancestors gave this technique an extreme definition!

"The art of destroying the world, Susanoh?"

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This Uchiha is too cautious https://