Chapter 557: The real way of using Mudun (Part 1)

The technique of Susanoo is really recorded in Otsutsuki on the moon.

It's just that this record seems very extreme, but according to the era of Otsutsuki Yaya's ancestors, they were facing the era of Indra and Asura.

At that time, it was not surprising that those two people, as well as Indra's Susanoo, were defined as the art of destroying the world.

But unfortunately, his ancestors obviously couldn't fully describe Susanoo.

Just briefly said some images and chakra status, nothing else really.

The descendant of Indra who came from the ground and called himself Kai Uchiha in front of him obviously learned this technique, which made Ya Otsutsuki feel a little anxious.

Even though the use of this Uchiha Kai seems to be somewhat different from what is recorded in the book, he doesn't bother to think about it even if there is a big difference.

He knows that the main thing for him now is to clean up these guys in front of him. No matter whether they are descendants of Indra, these ground ninjas should be damned!

"Do it."

Although Otsutsuki was a little uneasy in his heart, he didn't talk nonsense.

In an instant, dozens of figures rushed out of the ground behind the three of Uchiha Kai, and murderous intent was released from the white pupils.

At the same time, the clansmen standing above the city tower from other directions also took action. Although they were chatting with each other just now, they had already found the best attacking position.

Their purpose is actually very obvious, that is to destroy all three of Uchiha Kai.

There was no sign at all to go to the moon to disturb them, and to kill so many of them, these guys must die!

"It's really decisive."

Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows slightly, the dark chakra on his body looming.

Before, he also started with Otsutsugi, and he directly used the power of Susanoo, even if it was only the initial stage, the damage was definitely not low!

The Otsutsugi family, their physical fitness is really unbelievable.

In fact, to put it simply, maybe they can't compare with those big tube trees from aliens.

But their essence should be 'Hyuga' and 'Kaguya' who have not been separated.

Such physical strength, Uchiha Kai really can't compare.

Even if he absorbed Bai Jue's cells, and he had already caused those cells to be completely fused into himself, his body had also changed.

But such a change is not as good as Hyuga Aya's current situation.

However, Uchiha Kai is not on his mind, his focus is really not too much on physical strength.

As long as others can't hit me, and I have a way to defeat you.

Then physical strength is really useless to him in some senses.

"Besides, in terms of defense, can your physical defense quality be on a par with my Susanoo?"

Dozens of figures jumped high, and with the white chakra light lit up in their hands, the scene was spectacular.

Especially Otsutsuki Yaya and Otsutsuki Toru, their actions were even more incredibly deterrent. The rippling white chakra was like a bright moon, and the others were like stars adorning the bright moon.

It was densely packed, like falling meteors, and the three of them could clearly feel the terrifying power.

"Interesting, in this case, that's how it should be."

The dark chakra on Uchiha Kai's body became surging once again, and he had the posture of wrapping all Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

Only this time, Imai Kenta moved faster than him.

He took a quick step forward, then folded his hands together, and the surging Chakra had rushed out: "Wu Dun, the tree world is born!"

The rumbling sounded, the ground centered on Imai Kenta trembled violently, and countless trees rose into the sky, expanding at a growth rate that exceeded any plant in the world, turning into a huge forest in an instant.

Those Otsutsugi clansmen did not expect such a situation to happen at all, but their offensive was too fierce, and it was too late to stop.

They could only grit their teeth and burst out their strength to meet them directly.

And Otsutsuki's face changed again, this guy, this technique, is it difficult?

"It's just right, I'm afraid you guys will brake suddenly."

Imai Kenta showed a smile, and following his manipulation, the trees and vines instantly formed a canopy in the sky, blocking them like a shield.

In the roar of explosions, it kept shaking, and I don't know how many trees were hit and shattered, and I don't know how many rose to the sky at a faster speed.

In a short time, these explosions have stopped one after another, but the birth of the tree world has not stopped.

With the continuous release of Imai Kenta's chakra, the trees kept rising.

Many Datongmu people who couldn't dodge were directly rolled up by the vines, and then a wooden thorn turned into a wooden thorn and shot quickly, penetrating the opponent instantly.

Some people were not directly stabbed to death, but the tree vines also absorbed the Chakra in their bodies frantically at this moment.

Almost visible to the naked eye, several Otsutsuki people were instantly sucked into human dryness.

For a time, the scene was extremely chaotic, and the huge sound kept ringing, like an earthquake, and I don’t know how many rocks on the ground cracked.

Those clansmen of big paulownia leaped between the forests, or avoided the strangulation of Mu Dun, or simply shot and smashed those wooden branches.

"Your wooden dungeon is working well." Uchiha Qi tilted his head and said amusingly.

In the situation just now, Uchiha Kai could completely protect them all and personally kill those Otsutsuki.

However, Imai Kenta did not hesitate to use Izuku, which fully shows the confidence of this guy.

He was confident that his Mu Dun could completely settle all this, and he didn't need Uchiha Qi to take action at all.

As it turns out, this guy's Mudun performance is really good.

Even if it is very likely that it has not reached the level of Senju, but such performance is not what Yamato in the original work can do.

"It's okay, after all, I can use it a long time ago, but the power is too weak and I don't like to use it very much." Imai Kentai spread his hands: "But a while ago, didn't Aya and your sister research the secrets of the Yui clan? I will combine the water and the earth in a more specific way, although the power of the sun is still difficult to control, but”

Uchiha Qi nodded, the secrets of the Yui clan were really terrifying for his promotion.

Maybe it's nothing to Kei Uchiha, but Kenta Imai is doing exceptionally well.

However, he also knew that this guy probably hasn't fully grasped Mu Dun to a higher level.

Otherwise, Mu Dun will have more terrifying moves, such as the Flower Tree Realm, the Mu Dun·Wood Dragon Technique, the Mu Dun· Wooden Man Technique, and the Thousand-handed Buddha.

"Patriarch, what should we do?" After Otsutsuki Toru and Otsutsuki Ya also avoided Mu Dun's pursuit at the same time, he couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Also, these woods seem to be"

"Asura!" Otsutsuki also gritted his teeth, his face was extremely gloomy: "Interesting, the descendants of Indra, the descendants of Asura, and the traitors we left here, interesting, really interesting!"

After scolding fiercely, Otsutsuki quickly calmed down.

No matter what Hyuga, descendants of Indra, descendants of Asura, they are indeed strong.

But this kind of strength is not a big deal in his eyes, and their Chakra has obviously not reached a shocking level.

In fact, Otsutsuki got a lot of things wrong. Even if he didn't talk about actual combat experience, he also got one thing wrong.

That is the physique of Otsutsuki, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

The big Tongmu family on the moon has the overall strength to crush any big family in the ninja world.

In addition to the number of masters they themselves have, a very important point is the strength of their clansmen.

Compared with the uneven strength of the big family members in the ninja world, as long as their clan members are adults, the worst Chakra has the level of Shangnin. This may be due to their superior bloodline of Otsutsuki, even if they are His blood vessels were also severely degraded.

Such advantages become something they take for granted, so they are used to seeing things by their own standards.

The chakra of the three of Uchiha Kai is not too small, and it can be said that it has reached the standard of adults of the Otsutsugi family.

In his opinion, such a level can only be regarded as ordinary, but he probably doesn't know that the three of them have reached this level, but I don't know how powerful they are.

It can only be said that in this world, the bloodline is really beyond everyone's imagination.

"You deal with the traitor and the descendants of Asura, I will deal with the descendants of Indra." Otsutsuki also took a deep breath, and then said coldly: "Kill them all! Then deal with that Orochimaru together. , this group of scourges, keeping one is trouble!"

"Are you going to work hard?" Otsutsuki Toru took a deep breath, and then his eyes were only firm: "I understand, the patriarch."

After saying this, Toru Otsutsuki became excited with chakra all over his body, and as his chakra erupted, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted.

And Otsutsuki also took out a scroll. When he used his own blood to open the scroll, a special tin rod appeared in his hand that he didn't know what kind of material it was made of.

Otsutsumuya also took a deep breath. At this time, his chakra seemed to have reached a new peak. With his slight breathing, the ground around him began to crack, and the stones floated up.

"It seems that they are going to start." Hyuga Aya had already discovered that something was wrong, and purple eyeshadow appeared on her face again: "Also, their current Chakra looks extremely dangerous."

"Chakra has never been the whole of the battle, it's just a key element." Uchiha Qi shook his head, and his one hand was raised in a knotted posture: "This group of people seems to have always regarded Chakra as a The only judging criterion."

"Anyway, it's good for us, isn't it?" Imai Ken tilted his head too much: "What are you doing? Isn't it? You shouldn't"

"I've always thought that this is the best way to use Mu Dun, why don't you give it a try?" Uchiha Qi smiled, and then the chakra in his body was completely condensed.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

The scorching fire burst out in an instant, quickly igniting all the wooden swords Imai Kenta cast.

And those clansmen who are still taking Imai Kenta Chakramu to escape, are still attacking Otsutsugi.

In an instant, the chasing wood and the scorching fire merged together, just like a flame dragon from hell, leaving an indelible memory for these big tube woods.

Some people were even dumbfounded, and were directly swallowed by the terrifying flames, while others were ignited.

"Damn it! Yang Dun Yutian!"

Otsutsuki finally made his move, and a vast and terrifying chakra erupted suddenly. It was hard to imagine that this level of chakra could erupt at his age.

On the tin stick that he held tightly in his right hand, a layer of silvery and hazy light emerged.

In the next moment, the tin rod was aimed at the flaming wooden dungeons, and white rays of light came directly.

Silently, the burning wooden vines shattered, and the speed of the white light continued to strike forward without any pause.

The wood escaped, and I don't know how many trees rushed out of the block, but they were all smashed into sawdust at the moment of contact, and Baimang still attacked the three Uchiha Kai at the center.

Uchiha Qi looked at all this indifferently, and then a huge black chakra appeared on him.

These black chakras quickly completely wrapped Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya, and the jet-black skeleton also emerged at this moment, turning into a flesh-and-blood giant.

The giant quickly pulled out the long knife from his waist and slashed at the white mang.


Violent vibrations again and again, the earth was completely interrupted at this moment, and a deep chasm appeared directly, revealing everything below - this is simply a floating island!

This floating giant island was directly divided into two at this moment, and several unlucky people fell directly I don't know where it will end up.

Uchiha Kai frowned, looking at Susanoo's broken long sword and the slightly cracked body, he couldn't help thinking silently.

It's not that he hasn't encountered such a terrifying attack, but he's rarely encountered before using magic to fight against Susanoo.

Basically, when his Susanoo is in the third stage, it is very difficult to break the ninjutsu.

It is true that Susanoo has a lot of black history, for example, Danzo was able to cut through Susanoo in a hurry.

But at least in Uchiha Kai, he has never encountered such a depressing thing, and even if he has encountered him, he has basically forgotten.

But with such a strong chakra conflict now, there seems to be a certain sense of compatibility in the obvious exclusion, which basically made him 100% sure of one thing.

This guy, no, it should be said that these guys are probably using one of the things he came here to pursue!

"I probably know what the power they used." A smile appeared on Uchiha Kai's face: "If there is no accident, this is fully mobilized and chakraized."

"Yang Dun!"

This Uchiha is too cautious https://