Chapter 558: The real way of using the wood escape (below)

Yang Dun is definitely one of the most mysterious powers in this world. Many people do use their powers inadvertently, but their laws are not traceable at all.

Even medical ninjutsu, in fact, the use of Yang Dun is poor.

Its essence is just to guide the power of Yangdun, so that the patient can recover faster.

However, this kind of guidance, to be honest, may not be used by 1%.

The only one who can really achieve 50% or even 100% is Qianshou Hashirama.

It's just that his situation is more of an unconscious guidance.

Just like yin escape, everyone knows that illusion belongs to the category of yin escape.

But no one can materialize the yin and cause terrifying destructiveness.

Except for one family, no one in the entire ninja world seems to be able to do it.

And this family is the Uchiha family.

It's just that the difficulty of doing this is incalculable, because one of the representative products of Yin Dun is actually Susanoo!

Susanoo is a substantive product achieved by the power of the ultimate yin and chakra.

Therefore, after he came into contact with Masaya Otsutsuki's power, he immediately felt an incredible confrontation.

In addition, there is a trace of compatibility between the two.

Yin Dun and Yang Dun are essentially complementary to each other.

However, the fusion of the two requires a certain degree of adjustment and experimentation, and direct fusion may only result in a self-explosion.

But these are all for later, you don't even have the power to guide them, what qualifications do you have to talk about integrating them?

Otsutsuki also looked at Kai Uchiha in disbelief, but soon his face turned gloomy.

Sure enough, this damned descendant of Indra did master this technique.

No wonder he dared to bring a descendant of a traitor and come with a descendant of Asura.

Especially the descendant of Asura is not bad, he actually used the wooden dung against Indra in the ancient times!

But, when did Indra and the descendants of Asura have such a good relationship?

Could it be... What agreement did they make to kill Otsutsuki?

"I'll deal with this guy."

Seeing Masaya Otsutsuki rushing towards him, Kai Uchiha said directly.

"Be careful, the opponents are terrible. Although they are mentally handicapped, the powerful ones are not so easy to deal with. It really doesn't work. If I have an advantage, I will drag it. If we don't have an advantage, I will retreat, you know?"

"Don't worry, since some things have been confirmed, I still have patience." Hyuga Aya took a deep breath and said slowly, "Besides, I believe in you. So far, you still have the full power to exert yourself."

"Hey, it's as if I used all my strength." Imai Kenta chuckled, and his eyes gradually became dangerous: "Except for the Shenkong strike that forced me to use the immortal mode, now I have But they are not using those powers."

"Is it immortal mode?" Uchiha Qi took a step earlier: "It seems that I have to think about these powers. Orochimaru is really slow. This time I have to talk to him."

The power of immortality, Uchiha Kai planned to take risks before, but after accidentally obtaining the Eternal Eye, he temporarily lost the urge in this regard.

After all, there is no need to take risks, just take it step by step safely.

But now, he felt as if he could speed up a bit.

Orochimaru has never been too disturbed, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any expectations in his heart.

And this guy, Orochimaru, I am afraid that you really indulge him, I am afraid that he will continue to test your bottom line.

Suddenly, when Uchiha Qi was thinking, Otsutsuki Ya also rushed to his side, and the silver tin stick smashed directly at Uchiha Kai with a white light.

The strange pattern in Uchiha Kai's eyes turned slightly, and then he quickly jumped up and avoided his attack.

It's just that he just jumped up, and a ninja with a big tube wood quietly came behind him, and then slapped him with a palm.

Uchiha didn't turn his head back, and the dark Chakra suddenly came out.

The Otsutsuki clansman hit the dark chakra with a palm, and did not touch Uchiha Kai at all.

However, the next moment, there was no sign of a spark in the dark Chakra, and the spark quickly passed from the hand of the Otsutsuki clansman to him.

The face of the Otsutsuki clansman was a little stunned, and then he quickly slapped the flames with his other hand.

It's a pity that the more he slaps, the faster these flames burn, and even burns quickly on his other hand!

The screams came from the mouth of this Otsutsuki tribe, and the shrill voice sounded extremely terrifying.

This kind of screaming didn't last long before it stopped completely, and all that was left was a pile of ashes!

Ya Otsutsuki also looked at this scene with a blemish torn apart. The Otsutsugi clan on the moon is really missing one now, and the three of Uchiha Qi have killed more than ten so far. How can this not make him angry!

"You bastard!"

"Just two sentences back and forth for scolding people, can you come up with something new?"

Uchiha Ki dodged Masaya Otsutsuki who rushed towards him, and then said disdainfully.

However, he had to admit that the patriarch of the Otsutsuki clan on this moon was indeed powerful, especially the tin stick that this guy was holding, which made him feel a fatal threat.

However, he was keenly aware that the patriarch of the Otsutsuki clan seemed to take his subordinates seriously.

And these people seem to have some minor injuries.

"It seems that if these people really die, there will be one less."

Uchiha Kai thought to himself, but soon he showed a little smile.

"If that's the case, let's make you even more angry!"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi quietly glanced at the positions of Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

The two of them have already opened a lot of distance, and another strong Otsutsuki chased after them, but this guy seems to have nothing to do with them.

In that case....

The smile on Uchiha Kai's face grew wider, so he couldn't blame him.

As soon as he thought of it, he deliberately leaned a little in the direction of Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya, and then his chakra began to surge frantically.

The next moment, he spit out a flame like a sea of ​​flames with one hand seal: "Fire escape · Huo Huo is extinguished!"

The red flames shot up into the sky, and in an instant, they covered the big Tsutsutsuki ninjas on the ground, and even the wooden escape that Imai Kenta had just cast was ignited again.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya responded quickly, and even without any communication, the two of them guessed Uchiha Kai's thoughts.

Imai Kenta quickly controlled the chakra, and the ignited Mudun expanded wildly. In an instant, this area became a sea of ​​fire, and the fire was even more exaggerated than before!

If they were fighting on the surface of the moon at this time, I am afraid that looking down from outer space, the part of the moon that could be seen turned into a dazzling fiery red.

It is conceivable how exaggerated and fierce this battle is!

After Uchiha Kai finished using the fire escape, he once again avoided the attack of Otsutsuki Masaya, and then a second stage Susanoo appeared on his body.

The long knife was unsheathed again, and the dark flame of Amaterasu emerged on the long knife.

In the next moment, the long knife was swung out, and the dark flame of Amaterasu also spread out.

Wherever these dark flames pass, a terrifying black fire will ignite. This kind of black life is extremely phagocytic, and it cannot be extinguished like a hell!

In the face of such a raging fire, the clansmen of Datongmu are also avoiding frantically, but the places where they can stay are forced by the flames less and less.

Hyuga Aya seized this opportunity unceremoniously. She leaped high and charged with a lion-like chakra in her hands. The changes in her soft fists showed the perfect beauty in her hands.

She is like an elegant dancer, but every time she makes a move, she will accompany the death of a large Tongmu tribe.

Even if occasionally some lucky ones escaped an attack or two because of their strength, most of them would fall into the sea of ​​fire when they were caught off guard.

Those who fall into the ordinary sea of ​​fire are fine, and they can still be saved if they act fast. Those who are contaminated by Amaterasu have no way to do it at all. They can only be swallowed by the flames in mourning.

Of course, they were not completely passive defenses. During the period, there were still many people from the Great Tongmu who planned to counterattack and actually took action.

It's a pity that the people they face are all battle-hardened enemies whose hard power is not weaker than them.

Their counterattacks may have been sharp, but they didn't cause much trouble.

Although the cooperation between the three of Uchiha Kai is bad enough in the true sense, but at least it is much better than these Otsutsuki!

"All the clansmen of Datongmu, go back quickly!"

Otsutsumuya also has nothing to say at this time, he really didn't expect this **** guy to be so ruthless!

He didn't look at himself at all, but started directly at other people.

The most important thing is that I want to kill this guy, but this guy's speed is simply suffocating, and it is as smooth as a loach.

Every action of his own seems to be seen through, and an attack can be evaded by this guy using various means.

This made Otsutsuki Ya also extremely aggrieved.

Just the price of a complete explosion....

In addition, the descendant of the previous Asura, when facing Toru Otsutsuki, once again used the wooden escape.

It caused the trees to spread all around, and the trees turned into fuel again.

Even if they faced such a scene once, the previous one was not as violent as it is now!

These three people are not only insidious, but their methods are also extremely cruel!

"Yangdun Gossip Defense!"

Otsutsuki also jumped up, he landed at the forefront of the spread of flames, and then the tin stick slammed into the ground.

Immediately, a huge chakra rushed out, blocking them directly in front of these flames, making them unable to spread at all.

All the Otsutsuki ninjas seemed to have found support, and they quickly ran into the barrier one by one.

When the last person rushed into the barrier, the next moment, the flames of Amaterasu had drowned the barrier!

The flames scorched frantically, rushing up and back like waves in the sea, repeatedly trying to burn the barrier.

But it was this thin layer of barrier, but Amaterasu was allowed to rage, and there was no sign of being broken through.

"Is this the enchantment of your Hyuga's house?" Imai Kenta saw this scene and couldn't help but curiously asked Aya Hyuga, who was not far away: "How is it the same as the turtle shell? However, it is much more powerful than yours. already."

"Bagua defense is the highest defense enchantment of the Hyuga clan, and this technique is basically impossible to perform alone." Hyuga Aya sighed slightly: "I didn't expect this guy to use his own strength to perform it, It's incredible."

"Maybe, it's relying on that tin stick?" Uchiha Kai's voice came from the front: "I don't know how, but at least they don't dare to besiege us."

Indeed, Otsutsuki Ya didn't dare to send the clansmen out completely.

They are still the best at Taijutsu in this department. In fact, they are not afraid of Taijutsu in the face of normal ninjutsu.

This kind of self-confidence is ancient and modern, and they have a way to fight against those ninjutsu.

But the problem is, they are not facing ordinary ninjutsu now.

That damned Mu Dun and the burning black flame, clearly told him that among the three people in front of him, this descendant of Indra and Asura was by no means an ordinary person.

If you rashly send clansmen to besiege them, then I am afraid it will not end well.

You must know that in the brief contact just now, both myself and Toru have already participated in it.

But the result is clear at a glance, they actually lost more than one-third of their clan in an instant!

If more than a dozen people were placed before that war, perhaps they would not have felt anything.

But now, this is simply making Ya Otsutsuki's heart bleed!

If it goes on like this...Otsutsuki on the moon, I am afraid that it will be completely delisted today!

"Toru, you are leading all the clansmen to retreat towards the core of the moon, and I am here to temporarily block the three of them in Werther's enchantment." Otsutsuki also sighed faintly, his eyes were full of killing intent.

"Let Yosuke go, the patriarch." Toru Otsutsuki's eyes were also full of anger: "I have already released the seal. If I don't fight well at this time, I'm afraid I won't have a chance."

"Patriarch, elder" Otsutsuki Yangsuke was a middle-aged man. He stared at the two of them blankly, and then he nodded: "I understand, patriarch, elder, I will lead everyone!"

After the words were closed, Otsutsuki Yangsuke acted immediately, he knew that this time he was probably in serious trouble.

However, he believes that such troubles will be successfully eliminated by the patriarch and elders.

After all, many years ago, it was also under the leadership of these two people that they successfully defeated the people of the clan.