Chapter 559: Desperately!

Remember for a second【】

In the inner core area of ​​the moon, Orochimaru swayed towards the periphery while panting.

He seems to have completely recovered now, and there is no trace of torture on his body at all.

It's just that his face was unusually pale, and his golden snake-like eyes looked a little dazed.

After walking for a while, Orochimaru sat on the ground, he rubbed his head helplessly, he felt very bad now.

"I didn't expect it to consume so much." Orochimaru licked his tongue habitually, and then he looked at the eyeball that had completely lost its color: "Also, the loss is big enough."

This eyeball looks ordinary.

But if Uchiha Kai is here, it can definitely be distinguished, this used to be a writing wheel!

There is no doubt that this guy, Orochimaru, used Izanagi to get out of trouble!

Although Uchiha Kai has never told Orochimaru, and Danzo has never searched for the secrets of the Uchiha family.

But Orochimaru is Orochimaru, and he can always get what he wants through various unimaginable ways.

It is true that the books of the Uchiha family that store these forbidden techniques have strict control and various complicated enchantments.

But these things are really not too troublesome for Orochimaru.

It only takes some time, some experience, and then carefully avoiding the detection of the Uchiha family.

In fact, only he can do this kind of thing. If it was someone else, it would have already been exposed, and there would be no burial.

Orochimaru got what he wanted, and after being captured this time, although he wasn't worried about death, he didn't want to die so suffocating.

And it's not that he doesn't have the ability to escape, he just hasn't been able to before.

And now, he has a meeting.

Not long ago, he heard the conversation between Masaya Otsutsuki and Toru Otsutsuki, and he knew that Uchiha might be coming.

Because the information he left in the pharmacist's pocket will only be passed on to Kai Uchiha!

Now that Uchiha is here, he will naturally explore the core area of ​​the moon.

What he never expected was that when he spat out the gouyu writing wheel eye hidden in his stomach and used Izanagi, his condition became extremely bad.

The negative effects brought about by the reincarnation technique were vividly displayed at this moment!

Since his body came by turning around, the strength of the body is also average, and the match between the soul and the body is also extremely bad.

This has caused his mental state to be in a very poor state. As a forbidden technique of the Uchiha family, Izanagi still has very high requirements for Yin Escape.

And mental power is one of the manifestations of yin escape. After Orochimaru used this surgery, the mental state that was originally very bad was underestimated!

At this moment, if he really thinks about it a little, he will feel a splitting headache, and he will feel a terrible dizziness after walking a few steps.


Although Orochimaru may have reached the lowest point in his life, his ninja quality is still good.

Just when he was resting, the snake he sent suddenly came to his side and spat out a letter.

"Did someone come? Was defeated by Uchiha Kai? What a terrible guy."

After Orochimaru learned about the situation outside through this little snake, he couldn't help but sighed faintly.

It is no surprise that Uchiha can defeat these people.

Orochimaru, who has actually had **** with them, naturally knows that although these people are exaggeratedly powerful, their actual combat experience is really not very good.

Even if Orochimaru was in that state before, wouldn't a Chakra force a person he didn't know how many times, and almost died in his own?

If it weren't for the fact that the state was not at its peak, the body could not keep up with the thinking.

Otherwise, such a guy, Orochimaru, may not be in his eyes!

"Forget it, let's hide." Orochimaru sighed, then stood up: "It's not a good idea to fight with those guys. If it's not that bad, maybe you can try it. But for now"

Thinking of his current state, Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh.

He is the only one who knows his current state best. He is really not suitable for continuing to entangle, and it is best not to even participate in battles.

It's the first time he's seen such a feeling of suffocation.

"Arrange the clansmen to go, do you think you two can deal with us?"

Uchiha Kai stood on top of a giant tree with a double-ringed chest, and the pitch-black Susanoo stood on him in the form of a giant.

Behind him stood Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai, both of whom had special patterns or eye shadows on their faces.

Obviously, the two of them have completely turned on the fairy mode.

Such a combination really didn't think they would be right in the face of the Otsutsuki family member Uchiha Kai.

"I have to say, you guys are really powerful, but that's all!" Otsutsumuya also held the silver tin stick in a tone of sternness and indifference: "I said you were going to die, even if I try to die, I will kill you all!"

"Everyone can say big things, but only with actual performance can they be convincing." Uchiha Qi took a slight step forward, and the chakra on his body became more surging: "To be honest, your Yang Dun is indeed

^0^ One second to remember【】

Makes my heart so I'm going to get it and the method I use"

Before he finished speaking, the Susanoo on Uchiha Kai's body has almost become the first stage, and the armor has completely covered his body!

At the same time, Susanoo's body grew again, and even the ninja sword around his waist grew further.

As soon as the knife was pulled out, the terrifying blade had already flown towards the gossip barrier, and countless rubble flew up along with the tearing of the earth.

After the originally hard barrier came into contact with the edge of the blade, it instantly became like a sea that was hit by the sea breeze, and then it became like glass with countless cracks!

"That is to take it personally!"

Facing this terrifying knife, Da Tongmuya, who was standing on the towering tower, also looked serious, and the rumbling sound was incessant, as if the sky had collapsed.

His chakra had reached an unimaginable peak at this time, and his tin stick moved forward lightly, and a hazy white chakra light swayed from the top of the tin stick.

The gossip barrier that was about to shatter seemed to boil in an instant, white rays of light shot up into the sky, and the endless cracks were wiped away like dust in an instant.


A blazing white light burst out, and then spread in an instant. It was a dazzling light to the extreme. It was as if a sun appeared in the inner peripheral area of ​​the moon, and the surroundings were completely dyed white in an instant.

Uchiha Kai frowned, and then he quickly closed his eyes, and Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya also had to close their eyes.

The huge impact swept away, and many cracks appeared on the huge Susanoo.

Everything was twisted, rumbling, and the countless rocks below began to twist, then torn to shreds, but in the end not even a powder was left.

After everything stopped, Uchiha Kai noticed that his Susanoo had been completely destroyed!

It was the first time he had met such a terrifying collision of forces.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya are in good condition now, but they all know that this is due to the protection of Susanoo, and Imai Kenta deliberately used the wooden escape.

Without these things, I'm afraid they wouldn't be much different from those crushed stones that were turned into powder.


A cold hum exploded in their ears, and Da Tongmuya rushed in front of them at the fastest speed, and then hit them with a tin stick!


Uchiha Kai said quickly, and then he directly repaired the damaged Susanoo, and then quickly raised the ninja sword.


A silver tin stick struck Susanohue's long sword.

That seemingly fluttering stick with little strength, but the place it passes through is distorted, and the space seems to be shattered under his fist.

This time, there was no terrifying explosion, everything seemed so stable, but with this stick, Kai Uchiha's face changed completely!

Because of his re-condensed Susanoo, he collapsed again completely out of his control.

"I said, you will die!"

Otsutsumuya also looked extremely indifferent, his white eyes could not see any emotional color, and the chakra on his body was so huge that it made people desperate.

"You will all die, even if I will fall because of it, but your end is doomed!"

Uchiha Kai didn't answer, but jumped back quickly.

This old man looks really desperate, and his power is really terrifying!

Just a moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly showed a little smile.

That's fine, he hasn't felt this way for a long time.

This kind of pressure is really unbelievable. Maybe he felt the most profoundly when he first entered the battlefield more than ten years ago?

In the past five years, he has basically no pressure in this regard, and he has almost forgotten this feeling.

Although he has always remembered how terrifying people will be in the future, without an actual comparison, it will always make him somewhat unable to find his way.

Now, he seems to have a goal and a direction.

What he has to do is to fully show the strength he should have, and conduct a real collision with all his strength!

Thinking of this, the chakra on Uchiha Kai's body instantly became extremely rippling, and the dark chakra once again condensed on his body.

Otsutsuki also looked at him indifferently, he did not act, if it was Uchiha Kai, I would not give the enemy such a meeting at all.

But he was different, whether he was stupid, or he kept his demeanor, he just looked at Uchiha Kei quietly.

When Uchiha Qi's chakra was condensed to the extreme, his body suddenly floated up, just for a moment a Susanoh with a Wutengu mask, a height of nearly 200 meters and wings, stood in the outer area of ​​the moon's interior !

The gloomy and huge chakra erupted on Uchiha Kai, and he looked at Otsutsuki Yaya indifferently in front of him, this is the result of his years!

Over the years, although he has no actual combat meeting.

Except for the five patriarchs who asked him to use it once, there was no more battle worthy of a full body Susanoo, but he never stopped training Susanoo.

Although it may not be able to reach the level used by Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Sasuke, or even Kakashi in terms of height.

And his Susanoo is obviously not at its peak.

^0^ One second to remember【】

, But even so, the current Susanoo has reached an unpredictable level!

"Sure enough, you have mastered the power to destroy the world."

Otsutsuki also looked indifferently at the giant that appeared in front of him. It seemed that he didn't have too many accidents at all, or that today's accident had made him numb.

"Actually, you shouldn't let me completely freeze this power." Uchiha Qi said faintly, "I really don't know whether to call you confident or stupid?"

"Hmph, do you think I'll be like you, so despicable and shameless?" Ya Otsutsuki looked at Kai Uchiha with disdain: "I really hate you to the bone, and I really want to kill you! But I'm not you, I do If you don't do that kind of thing, if you want to win, if you want to kill you, I will do it in an upright manner!"

"Perhaps, you are still living in the era of samurai." Uchiha Qi heard the words, he didn't know what to say for a while, and finally he could only shake his head: "Come on, I want to see what skills you have. !"

As soon as the voice fell, Susanoo quickly pulled out the ninja sword, and the terrifying chakra combined with the flame of Amaterasu seemed to set the entire space on fire!

When this sword was completely opened, the world was suffocated, and Sen Luo's sword qi swept out.

Using the full body Susa to cut the strongest sword seems to have exceeded the upper limit of the power of the ninja system.

In other words, it has surpassed the limit of human power.

But it is a pity that even if it surpassed many extremes, it still did not reach the level of Six Paths.

The power of God is really not that easy to achieve.

Uchiha Qi is also aware of this matter, so he has never uttered wild words, or regarded himself as a god.

Those guys who use the gods to inhabit One is Nagato. He doesn't know what real power is, thinking that he is a **** after getting the eye of reincarnation.

In fact, this guy has to reincarnate, and it's not even his own!

And the other one is Uchiha Madara.

He does have this qualification, and he has really reached the level of a god, but he has been ripped out of his heart.

The power of God, at least in this world, should be at the level of the Six Paths.

Otsutsuki was also facing this knife, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The next moment, the whole person quickly vacated, and the terrifying Yang Dun in the body erupted with Chakra.

The silver tin stick was aimed at Susanoo's blade, and then the tin stick fell gently.

"Yangdun, Shenkong Strikes Twenty Styles!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^