Chapter 560: hot blooded feeling

The latest website: "Watergate, Qi and the others have been leaving for a month, and Qi and the others have been leaving for a week. Why is there no news yet?"

In Konoha Village, Minato Minato Namikaze is washing dishes, while Minato Minato Namikaze sits on the sofa and drags Naruto to read together.

Although Naruto looks impatient, his father has cultivated such an interest in him since he was three or four years old.

Although three years have passed, he still doesn't like reading like this, but he can calm down and read carefully.

His inner goal is also Hokage, and to be a good Hokage, you have to learn a lot.

Of course, there is also to let his parents, let the whole school let everyone in the village identify with him, not because he is the son of Hokage.

Therefore, Naruto is still quite patient and earnestly memorizes the things in the book, even if he still does not understand many things.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, your parents will give you the answer, right?

In fact, Naruto also knows that has many advantages. For example, Sasuke can't compare to himself in school now.

"Uncle Qi should have some important task."

After Naruto turned a page of the book, he couldn't help but raised his head and said.

In fact, he was also very curious. A week ago, Uncle Qi, Uncle Kenta, and Aunt Aya suddenly disappeared in Konoha, and they haven't appeared until now.

How could he not be curious?

In particular, he also ran to ask Sasuke, and quietly let Sasuke ask his father to see.

The result was nothing, and Naruto could only try to ask his family.

"There is indeed a very important task, and they have to do it themselves." Minato also put down the book in his hand, and said seriously: "But I'm sorry, I can't say the specifics of the task, after all, this matter is very troublesome. "

"I see, I know, please Minato, I am also Joinin?" Kushina pouted in dissatisfaction, but she soon remembered something: "Damn it! It's your decree, which makes me even now. It's become a Chunin! Ah! I haven't reacted yet, **** it!"

Kushina used to be a jounin, but since the decision was made three years ago, Kushina has become a chunin because of taking care of children and having no interest in taking students.

Although she herself doesn't really care about Chunin and Shangnin, she even understands that she has fallen from Shangnin to Chunin, which is of great help to her husband.

However, between husband and wife, the complaining should still be complained, this kind of life will be more emotional.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't expect this?" Even though Minato knew that Kushina was joking, he still rubbed his head very cooperatively: "How about I arrange some students for you?"

"Hmph, no, I don't have that much time." Kushina shook her head, and after she cleaned up the dishes, she continued, "Not only do I have to take care of you, but also Naruto, If I still take students, the ghost knows whether you two guys will eat instant noodles all day."

"However, instant noodles are delicious." Naruto muttered softly, and then he immediately shut up.

Because he saw Kushina's staring eyes, which made him immediately lower his head in fright and continue reading.

Minato watched all this silently, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

This kind of life is the day he dreams of.

Getting along with his wife, getting along well with his children, and becoming a Hokage, all of which were things that he could not achieve when he was a child.

And all this, he knew that Uchiha Kai brought it.

If he didn't open it, maybe he would have used the ghoul seal to die in that battle six or seven years ago?

Moreover, without Kai, I am afraid it is hard to say whether I am Hokage now.

"Dong dong dong."

Just when Minato Minato was thinking, there was a knock on his door, which made Minato Minato come back to his senses.

Looking up, Kushina had already walked to the door and opened the door.

Outside the door was a man in Anbu uniform. Although he was wearing a mask, his white hair had already revealed who he was.

"Kakashi? Come in, why are you still wearing a mask?" Kushina said with a smile, and then felt Kakashi come in.

"Kushina-sensei." Kakashi nodded at Kushina, and then immediately ran in front of Minato Namikaze: "Lord Hokage, something happened."

"Huh?" Minato frowned. Kakashi's name is very formal, which means that this matter may not be easy: "Is it troublesome? Do you need to leave?"

"No need, just go to the window." Kakashi shook his head and said quickly.

Kakashi's answer made Minato Namikaze even more inexplicable, but soon he came to the balcony with Kakashi.

This kid Naruto didn't know when, he had already followed, and Kushina had to follow because he wanted to drag Naruto back.

Only when the four of them came to the window together and looked up at the silver moon in the sky, their expressions changed.

In the sky at this time, countless stars were shining, and the moon in the sky burst into a brilliance like day without knowing it.

Such a situation, Namikaze Minato had never seen it before.

As for how long this day-like light will last, how exactly did this happen, and when did this happen, these are what Namikaze Minato is concerned about.

Thinking of this, Minato Namikaze turned his head to look at Kakashi, and then asked, "What's going on?"

"It started about a few days ago," Kakashi whispered. "It wasn't obvious at first, but as time went on, things got more and more wrong with the moon. In particular, we I also saw a lot of rubble turning into meteors and flying around."

"Meteor? Is there any trouble in the land of fire?" Minato Namifeng frowned. To be honest, these meteors are really harmful to them.

If it is just a small meteor, I am afraid that it will not reach the Ninja world, and it will be burned directly.

And if it is a little bigger, then the harm caused is probably greater, but as long as it does not land in a village or city, it is not a big deal.

But once it reaches the meteorite level, it's hard to say.

It's just that Minato Namifeng couldn't understand. He didn't know when the moon appeared, and he didn't bother to think about it. It's just that the sudden occurrence of such a thing on the moon, which had been stable for so long, really made him a little confused.

"Hokage-sama, this matter... It's hard to say, but I got a piece of information." Kakashi glanced at Kushina and Naruto, who were still a little dumbfounded, and then put his head to Minato's ear and said. : "Kai may encounter some enemies with white eyes this time."

"Blank eyes? Enemies?" Minato Namikaze's eyes instantly became serious: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, it was Parker who said it. But they seemed to be a bit taboo, so they sealed Parker's hearing. And where they arrived, in the Land of Fire, I don't know where they went, because Parker was driven away by them. It's over." Kakashi's voice was still very small, and it was completely guaranteed that Kushina and Naruto could not hear it.

"Is that so?" Minato Namikaze nodded, his eyes still fixed on the sky: "Baiyan, enemy, it seems like those people from Hyuga really can't sit still."

"I hope you don't make wrong decisions..."


Shenkong Strike is never a fixed move. The complete Shenkong Strike includes all the boxing techniques, palm techniques and even the use of weapons.

As Otsutsuki Yaya's tin stick fell, a ray of light that seemed to be able to open up the world appeared in an instant, and as the tin stick fell in his hand, it was severely chopped down.

The outer area of ​​the interior of the moon, which was not bright before, once again erupted with light like daytime, and this time the space was trembling!

When the sword energy of the complete body completely collided with the white light falling from the tin stick, the floating island completely collapsed under the roar of the collision of these two forces!

Countless pieces were suspended, and more were torn into powder by such power.

Within the dark Susanoo, Uchiha Kai felt such a shock, a dignified look appeared on his face, but a little frenzy appeared in his eyes.

This kind of feeling made his blood boil for no reason, although he was still calm, and he was even simulating in his mind how to escape at that time.

But his body told him that he was eager for such a fight, so desperate that his blood flowed faster.

"Such a feeling.... a bit inexplicable..." Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on Otsutsuki Yaya: "And.... the tailed beast in Susanoo Carat, seems to be active too, a bit interesting!"

Susanoo really deserves to be one of the strongest defense systems, and there is no problem with such a terrifying collision Uchiha Kai, especially his Susanoo is a bit weird.

In his Susanoo, there is the chakra of three tailed beasts.

Although these chakras seem to have no way to use them after raising his Susanoo, and they seem to use Susanoo as a nest, constantly multiplying and restoring their own power.

But now, these forces seem to be beginning to show unusual dynamism. This is the first time that Uchiha Qi has encountered these chakras.

However, these chakras still became active, and it might be of great help and benefit to him.

At least now, he feels that the pressure on his body seems to be less!

Just when he was thinking, Otsutsuki also landed on a floating island fragment, his face looked pale, but he didn't seem to care about his own physical condition at all.

Glancing around with his white eyes, he found that Toru Otsutsuki and the two outsiders had landed on the relatively safe fragments of the floating island and had already started fighting.

He took a deep breath, and then the ferocious floating island fragments of the tin rod lightly waved.

The next moment, a golden chakra was transmitted from the deeper part of the moon, and then fell on Otsutsuki Yaya.

This chakra is full of incredible breath, and Otsutsuki Yaya's breath instantly becomes even more unpredictable!

Only in the eyes of Uchiha Kai, he found that the injury in the old man's body seemed to expand.

"Do you want to fight for your life?"

Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself, but he is not a person who pays attention to martial arts, he is just a ninja.

Without the slightest hesitation, Susanoo rose into the air, a pair of huge wings quickly spread out, and charged with the flame of Amaterasu directly towards Yaya Otsutsuki's position!

The ninja sword in his hand also condensed incredible chakra at this moment, and he slashed towards Kaguya Otsutsuki without hesitation.

It can be said that this knife is already his strongest knife under the use of conventional power.

He didn't use his pupil technique, not because he didn't want to use it, but because he needed to deal with some unknown troubles.

For example, the chakra provided to Otsutsuki Ya, that giant Tenseigan!

It didn't take much thought for him to conclude that the power was coming from that giant Tenseigan.

Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to leave the necessary means to deal with other possible unknowns!

Otsutsuki also looked at Kai Uchiha calmly, the chakra on his body was getting stronger and stronger, and before Susanoh's blade was about to touch him, his tin stick burst into a dazzling smoothness.

A vast chakra rushed up, and the earth suddenly rumbled.

"Tinansara: The Art of Psychic Stone Statue!"

With the injection of chakra, a huge stone statue stood up from below, exuding a terrifying power of destruction.

The stone statue let out a roar, and the terrifying Chakra airflow rushed out. It directly raised its hand and held Susanoo's huge ninja sword.

The huge chakra torrent completely annihilated this area, and the silent destruction was more frightening than the sound destruction.

Everything around was silently turned into dust, as if it didn't exist at all.

Susanoo waved his wings, and in the next instant, the pitch-black and huge Susanoo retreated like a bullet that had been fired.

And the huge terrifying stone statue was also turned into dust, and when it was touched by the breeze blowing in from nowhere, it scattered to the ground.

Uchiha Kai looked pale at this scene He was injured, and he was injured again over the years.

But no matter how he looked at it, it seemed to be better than that huge stone statue.

But there was no joy on his face at all, because he knew that there would be no problem with this stone statue at all.

In the original book, this stone statue cannot be destroyed at all. As long as the supply of chakra is sufficient, even if he is crushed into powder, he will be reborn.

This is the truth, just for a moment, the gravel re-condensed and recovered at an extremely fast speed, that huge one wanted to stand in front of Uchiha Kai with a roar!

"It's really troublesome..."

Uchiha Qi looked deeply at the giant stone statue in front of him, and Masaya Otsutsuki who was standing on top of the giant. He knew that he really couldn't hold back.

Even if the pupil power is directly consumed!
