Chapter 562: Tenseigan Chakra Mode!

"It's really dangerous..."

Imai Kenta pulled out his ninja sword and looked at Toru Otsutsuki who was slowly kneeling on the ground, he couldn't help but sigh.

The strength of this guy is really terrifying, even if he didn't make a lot of shots in essence.

But just standing there, the shock of the chakra has already made Imai Ken too understand that this guy is really serious, and he and Hyuga Aya are probably not optimistic!

Shaking off the blood that was still low on the ninja sword, Imai Kenta squatted down and picked up the seed on the ground, and then handed it to Hyuga Aya.

"However, this guy is too deceitful." Imai Kenta said amusingly: "I never thought that such a terrifying guy would be dealt with so easily."

"There is a problem with their actual combat experience. If they were those old fried dough sticks in the ninja world, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to get caught." Hyuga Aya shook her head slightly, and then looked at Imai Kenta: "I'm still worried. You're not smart enough to put my plans in jeopardy. Well, you're not that stupid."

"Please, your words are so clear, I'm so stupid, so just don't mess around." Imai Kenta rolled his eyes, and didn't bother to pay attention to Hyuga Aya.

Hyuga Aya's words are indeed very problematic. Even though Imai Kenta has never been involved in Hyuga's affairs, it is not that he does not understand the origin of this matter.

Hyuga Aya did not take the initiative to kill Hyuga Hui. In fact, all of this was considered more of an assessment task, and Uchiha Qi asked Hyuga Aya to do so.

This is a very strong conceptual difference, and Imai Kenta also knew this, and only understood the careful thinking of Hyuga Aya.

But in order to make everything more realistic, the two of them shot really hard.

But think about it, if you are not cruel enough to yourself, how can you make others believe what they are doing?

Obviously, their approach convinced Otsutsuki Toru, and he believed it thoroughly.

So that Hyuga Aya had the opportunity to get close to Otsutsuki Toru, and took the opportunity to throw the seeds that Imai Kenta gave her behind Otsutsuki Toru.

Even, a deadly raid was launched on this guy!

"What are we going to do now?" Hyuga Aya asked curiously after taking back the seeds that Imai Kenta handed over, "The battle with Kai isn't over yet, and I'm afraid we can't do anything about that kind of battle."

"That's not a battle that humans can touch, right?" Imai Ken too tilted his head and looked at the two huge figures in the distance.

It is completely conceivable what the consequences will be if they are accidentally involved by these two people.

"Indeed, Kai has always been in front of us, but at least we haven't been so desperate that we can't see his background." Hyuga Aya's eyes became a little fanatical: "The person who fought against him is also a use of white eyes. ah."

"Well, yes." Imai Kenta nodded: "How about we just go to Orochimaru? Or.... to find the positions of the remaining people?"

Originally, they came here for only one purpose, which was to find a solution to the caged bird for Aya Hyuga.

Now it seems that they have a lot of looks, which is a relatively good set goal.

It's just that they have other things, and other ideas. One is the guy Orochimaru, and the other is to find the library where these Otsutsuki collected books.

Those books are likely to record things that have been lost in the ninja world!

"Well, let's go then, but you can help me at any time." Hyuga Aya thought for a while and said, "It's best to catch some of their clansmen, if necessary..."

Saying this, Hyuga Aya's eyes became gloomy: "That guy is the best to throw a rat!"


Boom! Boom! Rumble!

The endless roars continued to explode inside the moon. At this time, the outer area inside the moon, the densely packed floating islands in the sky were almost completely destroyed at this time.

The power of terror is constantly spreading, and Kai Uchiha is driving the stone statues of Susanoh and Masaya Otsutsuki to fight frantically.

The god-like monster reached the sky from the ground, and even the outer shell covering the inner region of the moon has been punched out of a winding canyon of unknown depth, spreading all the way to the crack at the end of the earth.

In some places, you can even see the starry sky outside!

The power of these two people has really surpassed common sense. If they are placed in the ninja world, I am afraid that all ninja villages will be terrified at this time.

But it's a pity, no one can see this scene like the destruction of the world, and I don't know whether to be happy or disappointed?

At this time, Uchiha Kai's chakra is boiling frantically, and Susanoo's tailed beast chakra has become more and more active.

With the help of such Chakra, he clearly felt that his power was constantly increasing.

"Yan Dun·Longyan Art of Singing!"

Susanoo jumped high, and the next moment Uchiha Kai controlled Susanoo to seal together, and four hundred-meter-long giant dragons with black Amaterasu flames were released through Susanoo!

He could have released more exaggerated ninjutsu through Susanoo's seal for a long time, but he rarely did it.

Because of the chakra consumed in this way, it is absolutely unbelievable.

But at this moment, he has decided not to keep it, and even decided to use the pupil technique to accompany Susanoo at a critical moment, and he doesn't care about this consumption at all!

"Yang Dun·Shen Kong Strike·Five Styles!"

Otsutsuki, who was standing on the huge stone statue, also introduced Chakra into the stone statue through the tin rod, and then the stone statue threw a punch.

The momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth went straight to the four flame dragons, and those four flame dragons were scattered in an instant, but the flames of that day's photos would not be extinguished, and they still collided with Otsutsuki Yaya.

All the floating island fragments instantly became the nourishment of Amaterasu's flame, and the huge stone statue was also stained with this inextinguishable flame.

However, Kaguya Otsutsuki only frowned slightly, and then the stone statue split apart in an instant. The dark flames fell to the ground along with its split body, and the stone statue returned to its original state again.

But at the moment when it just recovered, Uchiha Kai had already rushed past, the kaleidoscope in his left eye turned slightly, and Susanoh's speed suddenly became unbelievably fast!

With a single knife, it was precisely cut at the position where Yasuo Otsutsuki was located!

Ya Otsutsuki was unmoved. He didn't seem to see the attack that contained Sen Luo's sword energy.

The tin stick in his hand paused for a moment, and in an instant, the stone statue appeared with a day-like brilliance.

When the long knife slashed at Otsutsuki Yaya's position, an invisible barrier appeared in front of him.

And another time of this stone statue, it collapsed in an instant and even turned into powder!

Uchiha Kai frowned slightly, and the kaleidoscope in his eyes turned gently.

The next moment, his Susanoo appeared behind Yasuo Otsutsuki, another sword that shattered the sky!

However, just like before, the other side of the statue collapsed again, and then quickly recovered.

No matter how many times Uchiha Kai did it, he still couldn't really attack Masaya Otsutsuki, which made him have to stop.

At this time, Otsutsuki Ya also had some qualitative changes in the chakra on her body, and the blue-green light was so dazzling.

"Perceived?" Otsutsuki also said indifferently: "I admit that you are indeed very powerful, and your attack power is indeed strong enough. Even if it is me, if I am not prepared, I will die! However, all this is due to the power of Tenseigan. Come on, it's not worth mentioning at all!"

"Use special power to divert my attack?" Uchiha Kai's voice was flat and soft: "No, it should be the power diversion caused by the attack. Is this the power of space?"

"This is the power of Tenseigan." Ya Otsutsuki's voice became more and more ethereal: "You will surely die under this power!"

"However, you are also dead." Uchiha Qi sighed: "In my eyes, you have no life left, how long can you hold on?"

"And in my eyes, you don't have any chance."

At this time, the chakra on Otsutsumuya's body had completely condensed into green, and the breath full of vitality rushed towards him, forming an indescribable contradiction with the constant exhaustion of his body.

"Before I die, you will go to **** first!"

"Tenanshinyan Chakra Mode!"

As Otsutsuki Ya also roared, an incredible chakra surged from his body to the outside.

This chakra actually extinguished the dark flame of Amaterasu, and made the huge Susanoo take a step back!

Is this kind of terrifying power really possessed by a human being?

Uchiha Qi couldn't believe it himself, he even wondered if the **** guy in front of him had completely entered the sixth level!


Suddenly Otsutsuki also moved, he took the initiative to get rid of the huge stone statue, and rushed to the front of Uchiha Kai.

The next moment, the tin stick stabbed out fiercely, hitting Susanoo with an incomparable chakra!

Just for a moment, Susanoo was like the "gossip guard" not long ago, and cracks spread wildly towards the area he attacked.

The complete Susanoo, there is no way to resist his attack!

However, although his blow was unbelievably tyrannical, it did not completely shatter Susanoo.

Uchiha Kai's eyes twirled frantically, Susanoo tried to fly up, and the cracks on his body like shattered glass quickly recovered.

However, Otsutsuki Ya didn't give a chance at all, he jumped, and the giant stone statue behind him also jumped up with his movements.

He quickly stood on the stone statue, and inserted a tin stick into the head of the stone statue. Mu Ranjian, the stone statue also bloomed with green chakra, and it seemed to have a soul!

"Yang Dun·Shen Kong Strike·Sixty Forms!"

The green chakra circled wildly, and the stone giant suddenly assumed a strange posture in mid-air, and the huge chakra rose into the sky.

Perhaps it was because Uchiha Kai had already used the pupil technique at this time. At this moment, he could see things very clearly, and even the opponent's movements seemed to slow down a lot.

But after seeing it clearly, his heart was extremely low.

There are thousands of possibilities that this strange gesture has evolved!

And when the stone statue clenched his fists tightly, Uchiha Kai seemed to see countless ways of punching together.

Is this the God Air Strike?

Is each move a move that condenses all the killing abilities of that type of move?

Such a majestic Chakra, such a terrifying move, Uchiha Qi himself was completely out of his mind.

He clearly felt that if he hit a trick, he would definitely die!

However, he also had some doubts in his heart, because he noticed that the state of the guy in front of him seemed to be really problematic.

"The eyes are still white eyes, not Tenseisen, and there is no Taoist jade behind him. The most important thing is..."

Uchiha Kai's right eye began to turn quickly, and a line of blood and tears overflowed from the corner of his eye.

"The most important thing is that there is a faint connection behind him. Although it is not very clear, it can barely be seen. That it a Tenseisen?"

Otsutsuki Yaya's current situation is indeed very different from the Otsutsuki Toren in his memory. The main reason is probably that he doesn't have a real Tenseisen, he just used the power of Tenseisen.

And Otsutsuki Tototo, after obtaining the eyes of Hinata Hana, plus his own physical problems, allows him to obtain the real Tenseisen, right?

No matter which one it is, Uchiha Kai doesn't care now, his right eye seems to be starting to become unsupportable, and the people he faces are just too terrifying!

But he is too lazy to care about this situation. If he doesn't avoid this moment, he will definitely be wiped out in the next moment!

As the colossus condensed the ultimate power of all the fists together, and then punched out, the world changed color instantly.

The energy that destroyed everything swayed away silently, and everything turned into dust in an instant, and it seemed that only this punch was left inside the moon.

The entire moon seemed to be rumbling, and in the constant vibration, it seemed like it would never end The energy of destruction raged and swept across, and Uchiha Kai also closed his right eye at this moment. Susanoo seemed to be beginning to look a little turbulent.

However, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. The next moment, Susanoo was already moving sideways inside the moon at an incredible speed, and the trajectory of any burst of energy was extraordinarily clear in his left eye.

But how he is dodging, the intensity of these power spills is also very high.

All he can do is to fly as far as possible towards the weak point of strength, even if Susanoo shatters, he will not hesitate.

At this moment, he has already felt that the tailed beasts chakras hidden in Susanoo have started to boil.

All he has to do is a slight guide, and he can completely integrate it into his Susanoo!

Under the scouring of such a terrifying force, in such a continuous destruction and re-consolidation of Susanoo.

Uchiha Qi could clearly feel that his Susanoo was getting stronger at a speed that had never been seen in the past three years.

In one minute, it took Uchiha Qi a full minute to break out of the encirclement of that force.

At this time, Susanoo on his body had become completely dilapidated, and the golden, red and light blue chakras were revealed in the dilapidated Susanoo.

And Uchiha Kai, who was on top of Susanoo's head, had blood and tears on his face, but he didn't wipe it, and he didn't even have the pleasure of the rest of his life.

His current goal is only one, and that is to hide the location of Tensei Eyes.

He has already seen it completely!