Chapter 563: ultimate power

Uchiha Kai had already seen the location of Tenseisen.

Which chakra line is vaguely connected to Otsutsuki Yaya, if you change it to a kaleidoscope, I am afraid it will not be clear at all.

But Uchiha Qi has already completely crossed the level of the kaleidoscope, and his eyes have actually reached the eternal kaleidoscope of qualitative changes!

What's more, he still has the ultimate cells transplanted from Bai Jue in his body, which makes his foundation extremely strong. He is not an ordinary Uchiha ninja!

It's just that such an unusual reincarnation at the same level as Samsara Eye seems so vulnerable.

Uchiha Kai really didn't expect that the gap between the two is so big.

He felt as if he had been deceived by the original book, because Madara Uchiha in the original book didn't seem to be so exaggerated when he used the reincarnation eye, right?

But think about it carefully, in fact, Madara Uchiha's reincarnation eye performance is also very strong, but he didn't show other messy things together.

And Tenseikan's performance in the hands of Toto Otsutsuki was actually worse, but the Golden Wheel Reincarnation explosion was no joke.

And at this time, Otsutsuki on the moon is not at the point where only one person is left in the later stage. It is difficult for these people to say whether they have undergone considerable research on Tenseigan.

It can be seen from their foreheads that they have already completed the research on breaking the restraints of caged birds using Tenseigan.

In this case, it is normal for them to explore more in the use of power in other aspects, such as using Chakra.

After all, this Tenseigan is not something that is stuffed into the eye socket in the conventional sense. It is a huge eye that is condensed by countless white eyes and contains incredible chakra!

Its size can't be stuffed into the eye socket at all, but its power is probably stronger than the Tenseikan that is stuffed into the eye socket, at least it should have gone through those 'fetal movements', right?

"Fortunately, I used the power of Tenseisen, but that guy doesn't have Tenseisen himself, otherwise..."

Uchiha Qi sighed faintly, otherwise there is no need to say more.

Even without Tenseisen, he was almost wiped out with the help of the power of that giant Tenseisen.

If it weren't for his own pupil skills that were really weird, and his own basic conditions were good, I'm afraid the Shenkong strike just now would have perished.

The most urgent task now is to immediately find that giant Tenseigan, and then cut off its connection with that Otsutsuki Masaya.

Only in this way will he have a chance to kill this bastard, this guy who brings him a deadly threat!

Uchiha's speed was extremely fast, and the huge Susanoo had completely recovered in an instant with the help of his chakra.

The chakra wings covering the sky spread out, and he has already flown towards the inner core area of ​​the moon.

And Otsutsuki Ya also reacted at this moment, and he looked at the trajectory of Uchiha Kai's flight with a flaw.

This bastard, is he trying to attack those reincarnations?

No, he doesn't have that ability, his target is his own clansmen!

It was just that for a while he couldn't pursue it at all, because Kai Uchiha's speed was too fast, and his stone giant hadn't fully recovered.

"Damn guy!"

Golems can indeed recover in an extremely short period of time, no matter how much damage they have suffered.

But it was different just now. He used Tenseigan Chakra in conjunction with Shenkong Strike. This kind of destructiveness is not only external.

In the same way, it also caused violent, even irreparable damage to this stone statue!

After all, he is not the owner of Tensei Eyes, and the Chakra of Tenseisen is also a life reminder to him, and he is simply fighting with his life.

In fact, if someone chooses him, he is not willing to use such an extreme method at all.

But in the face of this damned descendant of Indra, especially if this guy has mastered the Susanoo that is enough to destroy the world, he has no choice at all.

Looking at the colossal stone statue that is still recovering and dissipating under his feet, he is looking at the silhouette of Susanoo that is getting farther and farther away.

Otsutsuki also took a deep breath, and then pulled out the tin stick that was inserted into the head of the colossus.

He didn't know why Kei Uchiha controlled Susanoo to burst out so fast, and he didn't know why this **** guy could avoid the bombing of Kamikaze.

But he knew that it was a matter of life and death, and it was pointless to think about these things.

The real thing is to kill the damned Indra descendant who has destroyed his clan!

After pulling out the tin stick, Otsutsuki Ya also sprayed blood on the ground.

But he was unmoved. He knew his current situation. It was a waste of a minute, and he was one step closer to death.

Taking a deep breath, Otsutsuki also forcibly resisted the discomfort from his body, ignoring the stone statue under his feet that was turned into powder because he lost his chakra, and a strong chakra burst out from his body again.

The green chakra quickly enveloped him, and he clenched his teeth and pointed the tin stick forward.

"Yin-Yang Escape: Heavenly Stone House Betrayal!"

In the mythology of the island next to Uchiha Kai's previous life, Amishito Besshen is a very special existence, and it is the legendary door god.

With the power of the door god, he can naturally go anywhere he wants to go!

The passage to the moon is an application of space ninjutsu. How could the Otsutsugi clan not have similar records?

It's just that it is really difficult for non-space ninjas to use such power.

But with the Tenseigan Chakra coverage, Otsutsumuya reluctantly used this technique, but he has now reached the brink of collapse, and he is still alive because he still has a deep obsession, forcibly hanging a sigh of relief That's it.

When the green chakra shook, Otsutsuki Ya also appeared on a castle.

The castle has become dilapidated, apparently caused by the collision of previous forces.

And within this castle, all the people of Otsutsuki raised their heads and looked at his back.

The shock just now spread directly from the outer area to the interior, and they were also stunned by this shock.

Fortunately, the defensive barrier of this castle is strong enough, otherwise they might have been buried under the castle just now!

"Patriarch.... this... Tenseigan Chakra mode?"

"How could this be? Could it be that the Tenseigan change just now is like this..."

"Damn, what kind of enemy is this, why is it like this?"

Obviously, these Otsutsuki people already know what happened, and they also obviously know what will happen to their patriarch!

This ending, naturally, is death, and there is no other possibility.

Otsutsuki Yangsuke held his hand tightly, and finally he could only sigh helplessly.

He is one of the main members of the high-level family. Even if they were separated before, he is also a very important existence.

He naturally knows a lot of secrets and also knows a lot of things, especially he knows what may happen next.

And it was just knowing that he felt extremely helpless. He really didn't expect the enemies this time, those from the ninja world would be so terrifying!

Otsutsuki also stood quietly above the castle, and the chakra on his body had become unusually huge.

And his vitality is also being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye as these chakras continue to accumulate.

His body is already withered, and the muscles that were still strong have completely disappeared.

The blooming luster in his hand was unbelievable. As his chakra continued to condense, a vast aura burst out from the giant Tenseigan in the castle, and then slammed into him fiercely.

"Maybe, this is my last attack. It's a pity, if I didn't get hurt..."

Otsutsuki Ya is no longer a ghost or a ghost, but he still slowly and firmly lifted the tin stick.

In an instant, the entire interior of the moon was silent, and no sound came out. A dazzling light emanated from the giant Tenseigan, illuminating all the space inside the moon, without any omission.

And at this moment, Otsutsuki also waved the tin stick in his hand.

The indescribable golden sword energy fell on the tin staff through Tenseigan, and then slashed straight down, a force full of vitality and destruction!

"The golden wheel is reborn!"


Uchiha Qi was heading towards the place where he had noticed Tenseigan before. His speed was fast, but the interior of the moon was still very vast, and it was not easy for him to arrive at the first time.

His eyes looked a little dim at this time, especially the bloodstains under the eyes were really consumed before telling him.

There is no way, even though his current strength is already so powerful, his pupil technique is still very restrictive.

In fact, he himself knows how disgusting and terrifying his pupil technique is. If there are no restrictions on such power, then there is really a problem.

Think about it, for example, he has just obtained the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and obtained this power, but he can easily kill the six immortals with this power...

No, it is to destroy the body of the Six Paths Immortal...

It seems that it can't be done, then Uchiha Madara.

Directly through this technique, the heart of Madara Uchiha, who did not become a six-path in his heyday, was pierced, and the chakra with powerful destructive power was completely injected.

Then even if Madara Uchiha's physical fitness is the same as that of Senju Hashirama, I am afraid there is only one way to go.

Obviously, power has rules, and the world has its own rules.

The power of completely ignoring the rules really appeared, I am afraid it can only show that this world is also very problematic.

Uchiha Kai's pupil technique has always been directly related to his own chakra and the other party's chakra.

This is sometimes effective, but sometimes it will pit him.

Because there are always so many monsters, Chakrado's is simply hopeless.

If you don't count the strength of the pillars of people, just like the flow of the pillars of thousands of hands, I am afraid that he will not dare to mess around.

And this Otsutsuki Yaya in front of him really made his head a little big, especially when he came up with some kind of 'Tensimura Chakra Mode'.

"There are still many monsters in this world."

Uchiha Qi sighed faintly, but the next moment his face suddenly changed, because he suddenly found that the chakra lines that were not clear at first had disappeared!

This scene made Uchiha Qi stunned for a moment. Although he had some bad predictions in his mind, he did not stop his steps.

However, in the next moment, the sky and the earth suddenly turned pale, and the dazzling light illuminated the entire interior of the moon.

An unbelievable force that contained endless vitality and destruction suddenly rushed towards him.

This force and its contradictions, but also its harmony!

"This...this is..."

Reluctantly opened his eyes in the dazzling light, Uchiha Kai saw a golden beam of light piercing the sky inside the moon, and the next moment he cut through the hard shell like a piece of paper.

And this beam of light is powerful, and there is an infinite binding force that makes Uchiha Kai unable to move even an inch!

The golden wheel is reborn!

This is the golden wheel reborn!

No matter how stupid Uchiha Qi is, he knows what he has encountered now. This move is definitely the move of that idiot who has no power to blow up the moon with one move!

"How could this be... dammit!"

Uchiha Qi scolded angrily, looking at the golden light, where the void collapsed, the space cracked, and all the matter was shattered when the golden light passed.

He really has a feeling of utterly cold heart now, this kind of feeling is like his first battlefield, and the other ninja launched a deadly raid on him.

It was only that time that his first leader, Jorinin, gave his life to save him, and this time he had no one to save him!

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Qi forced himself to calm down. At this time, he must not panic, because if he really panics, he will never have any chance.

Looking at this terrifying golden beam of light he directly mobilized all his chakras, and his Susanoo became even darker and deeper at this moment.

At this moment, the chakras of the three-tailed beasts also seemed to feel the crisis faced by their hosts, and they ran at full speed without hesitation.

When Uchiha Qi completed all the chakra mobilization, the eternal eye pattern in his eyes began to rotate.

Blood flowed quickly from the corners of his eyes, but he didn't seem to notice it at all.

With the mobilization of chakra and pupil power completely reaching the peak, his Susanoo has exceeded the height of 200 meters at this moment, and a strange force has condensed into Susanoo's long sword that exceeds 100 meters on top!

Time seemed to become chaotic at this moment, and everything around became irregular.

Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes still, sometimes slowly backward, sometimes fast forward.

Slowly and evenly exhaling the breath he had inhaled just now, the huge Susanoo moved the long sword to the left, the tip of the sword was pointing downwards, and he held it with both hands.

This is a standard knife swing.

In just a moment, the huge Susanoo suddenly swung the knife towards his upper right, and the long knife pulled out a strange trajectory in the air.

The space where the long knife passes is undoubtedly not distorted, and a black force visible to the naked eye quietly flies out with the blade.

"Secret Art, Blade of Time!"

Susanoh held his long sword high, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

But the black blade was already in mid-air, meeting with the golden beam of light