Chapter 571: Preventive measures

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

The Otsutsuki clan, who had nothing left, had very few choices.

And the appearance of Uchiha Kai and the promise he gave are really as tempting as a life-saving straw in some senses.

These Otsutsugi clansmen are not really fools. After a lot of entanglement, they finally made a decision.

That is to promise Uchiha Kai, and give it to Uchiha Kai in batches.

Their meaning is also very simple, that is, they can promise this guy, but they can't believe it all.

It is necessary to "pay with one hand and deliver with one hand"!

Uchiha Qi didn't reject their request, the result was the same anyway, and he didn't need to worry so much.

After some discussion, they signed an agreement.

Uchiha Kai promises to give the Otsutsuki family the necessary eyesight, but before that, Otsutsuki must hand over control of Tenseigan to Uchiha Kai.

After that, Uchiha Kai will bring the population needed by the Otsutsuki clan, and when he completes this, Otsutsuki will give him the final control of the lunar channel.

First give control of Tenseigan, although it is very risky, but this is the best result that Otsutsuki Yosuke and the others have come up with after negotiation.

This guy won't stay on the moon all the time. Even if it is given to him, he can't directly control it, and naturally he can't guide its power at will.

Unless Kai Uchiha also has Tensei, or there is no way to project power without controlling the control method and money, it can be said that it is a useless ability.

But the control of the lunar channel is different, because the current power of Uchiha Kai can really make them have no way.

After Uchiha Qi completes all this, they will completely hand over the moon channel to him, and they will also send people to the ninja world.

Once they find out that Uchiha Kai is lying to them, they will completely close the lunar channel, leaving Uchiha Kai with nothing.

It has to be said that they still have some brains, and Uchiha Qi is too lazy to reject their humble thoughts.

Even he didn't write about Totoro Otsutsuki, it really wasn't necessary for him.

After completing these agreements, the people of the Otsutsugi clan have temporarily let go of the hatred in their hearts.

After all, Uchiha Kai and the others are still strictly speaking invaders. Even if they are given such a chance, there is still a feeling of being taught a lesson.

The only thing that makes them feel fortunate is that the people who taught them are of the same origin.

Uchiha Qi and Imai Kenta are both descendants of the Six Path Immortals. Strictly speaking, they are both surnamed Otsutsugi.

And that Hyuga Aya, who has the same bloodline as them, seems to lose to them...isn't it so shameful?

That is, with such comfort in their hearts, they can convince themselves.

In the next month, the three of Uchiha Kai spent almost every day in the library of the Otsutsugi family and in the training ground.

They need to quickly transform the knowledge they see in the library into the power that is useful to them, and only in such a relatively primitive way.

And the books they read were basically all about yin and yang.

I have to say that Kai Uchiha's guess is really accurate. Otsutsuki on the moon does store the use of Yin-Yang and various ways of using it in his library.

It can only be said that it is a race that has been handed down from ancient times, and their family has really not experienced any waves.

The only turbulent time was the war between the clan and the clan, but they were stupid and would not destroy the accumulation of their ancestors for thousands of years.

If not, I am afraid there is no way to leave so many good things, right?

Of course, all these good things are now left to the three of Uchiha Kai. Even if they can't read all of these materials in just one month, they will have time to come up in the future, right?

"It's just, why do those guys just learn yang dung but not yin dung well?" Imai Kenta asked curiously after learning about yin and yang dung for a month: "Even if Hyuga... is not right, those Otsutsuki They are exceptionally good at physique, but they don't learn to control yin and escape, reaching the level of yin and yang that is described in the book, where yin and yang merge with each other, they seem to be restricted as well."

"This question is actually quite understandable. Don't you realize that the book doesn't record how many people have truly reached the point where yin and yang have merged with each other?" Uchiha Qi looked at the white chakra in his left hand, and the black one in his right. Chakra couldn't help but smile: "It seems that there were only one or two people thousands of years ago, and few people can do it after that, right?"

Indeed, yin and yang have merged with each other to the point of yin and yang, and very few can be recorded in the library of the Otsutsugi clan.

Of course, this may also have something to do with them leaving the ninja world and going to the moon.

In the world of ninjas, a group of onmyoji who used the power of yin and yang to fight appeared after that.

And it is these guys who have changed the concept of Yin-Yang Dun, which is a fusion of Yin Dun and Yang Dun in the original sense.

Those who have become known by the general public to be yin-dun and yang-dun, or those who have the skills to perform in this respect, are called yin-yang-dun.

However, no matter how they steal the concept, Yin Yang escape is an indisputable fact because of its extremely high difficulty and the difficulty in integrating after mastering it.

As the onmyoji and the samurai were lonely together, the ninja gradually stepped onto the stage of history, and the yin and yang escape gradually became something like a secret technique and blood.

Because of the continuous wars in the ninja world, unimaginable damage has been caused to many things in history, and many inheritances have disappeared in the long river of history.

But no matter how they disappear, there are too few people who are yin and yang escaping each other, and they are pitiful.

"You mean, they're actually quite smart?" Hyuga Aya couldn't help but ask at this moment, "Instead of wasting time trying to master Yin Dun, which is something that you are not good at, why don't you use Yang Dun to the extreme? "

"That's pretty much what it means." Uchiha Qi nodded, and he waved his hand to dissipate the black and **** before slowly saying: "Actually, if you ask any person with a big tube above this, they will all agree. Let me tell you the answer. For them, they really don’t need to waste time learning Yin Dun, they are good at Yang Dun themselves, and it’s enough to work harder on this foundation.”

"Then why did you let me and Ling both learn Yang Dun?" Imai Kenta raised his brows and asked curiously, "Strictly speaking, we are also the most direct beneficiaries of Yang Dun, so wouldn't it be better to make Yang Dun more powerful? it is good?"

"Then I'm still the most direct beneficiary of Yin Dun, why don't I exercise pure Yin Dun to the extreme?" Uchiha Kai shook his head, then his expression became serious: "I have never had a problem with my judgment, The same is true this time. Yin Dun, Yang Dun, these two forces are definitely not simple things. The combination of them, the true Yin and Yang Dun, can bring us incredible benefits. And... ..."

"Don't forget that we also need to exercise and fuse our chakras. As I said earlier, the fusion of the three bloods is the elimination of bloodstains, so when all the chakras, including the yin and yang, are fused together. What would it be? "


In the end, Uchiha Qi still did not easily reveal the secret of eliminating the blood stains. This matter is too widely connected.

In particular, he is not sure whether Otsutsuki Hamura is going to cheat the corpse again after this kind of **** is said.

However, Uchiha Kai's words still succeeded in stabilizing Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya. It's not that they are curious about what the blood after the so-called full-attribute chakra fusion is.

It is simply that they believe in Uchiha Kai, believe that he is definitely doing this kind of thing after careful consideration, and believes that there is definitely a lot of good behind all this.

And these two people are just talking about it, they have also seriously studied Yin Escape this month.

Although it is not as specific as Uchiha Kai's power, but also has a deep understanding.

In fact, Uchiha Qi didn't even think about it himself, why his control over Yin Dun and Yang Dun is so fast.

Yin Dun is not bad, after all, he has a wheel eye, and the complete body Susanoo is almost his conventional means of combat.

Just like Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai, the two of them mastered Yang Dun very quickly.

Almost all of them can use the power of Yang Dun to match the moves they are good at.

Even if it's very basic, such progress is incredible.

However, neither of them seems to be able to control the power of Yin Evasion in a concrete way.

After all, this is a new power, how can it be fully displayed so quickly?

On the other hand, Uchiha Kei really had it inexplicably, as if he was born with it.

This time, he wondered if the source power was at work.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was better not to think too much about this kind of thing.

Anyway, if you don’t understand it, it’s better not to think about it, and it’s better to improve your strength honestly and honestly.

One day, he must figure out what the so-called 'source' power is!

"If it's really something bad, then you have to prepare some means of reincarnation!"

On the moon, he has almost experienced a death. In fact, whether or not he encounters this so-called 'source' power, he has a decision.

That is, we must study the reincarnation of the dirty earth carefully, so as to prevent it from happening in the future!

The fear of death is still hanging over his head, even though he seemed to listen to Enron at the time, it was because he had almost no choice.

But now that he is alive again, he has to make some preparations.

If he really died, then let Obito get Shirai's body, find his eyes, and learn Uchiha Madara to make himself alive again!

Resurrection requires reincarnation, it couldn't be easier, just go to Nagato to grab it.

He can completely use the words "resurrect Lin" and the actual operation to let Obito cooperate with him 100%.

Don't even need these, I'm afraid Obito will cooperate, right?

As long as Nagato and Konan are caught, and Konan's life is used to threaten him, Uchiha Ki is not afraid that Nagato will not give in!

Although the means are cruel and despicable, he will not sympathize with these guys.

Their assumptions and even their actions are true in some senses, but they are always just a bunch of mice hiding in the gutter.

Their plan is absolutely impossible to succeed. After all, all they have done is just making wedding dresses for Madara Uchiha.

Since they are all going to be sacrificed, they are all used to resurrect others.

So whether the person used to resurrect is Uchiha Kai or Uchiha Madara, there is not much difference.

"Your Excellency." Just as Uchiha Kaixin was thinking about the 'plan to prevent accidental death', an Otsutsugi clansman suddenly walked into the castle and came to his side: "Your Excellency, Orochimaru is now active."

"Oh? Is that so?" Uchiha Qi came back to his senses, and then nodded: "I understand, then let's go see him."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Kei put the book in his hand back to its original position, as did Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya, and they followed Uchiha Kei towards the outside.

Orochimaru was in a coma for half a month by the coercion of Uchiha Qi's use of the Eternal Eye. During this half-month coma, his body was on the verge of collapse several times, but he managed to survive.

And when he woke up, he was still a little demented, and he still had serious injuries that needed treatment.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai did not disturb him, but let him rest for another half a month.

Now that Orochimaru has recovered, Uchiha Kai naturally cannot make him so comfortable.

This guy owes him a lot of 'debt' and hasn't paid it back He even needs him to run over to save people in person.

All these accounts need to be calculated carefully. He wanted to see what the abacus of this Orochimaru had in his mind and what he was planning to do.

It didn't take long for the three of them to follow the Otsutsuki clan to a lawn.

At this time, Orochimaru was pacing slowly on the lawn alone, and his body seemed to have basically recovered.

I have to say that the power of Yang Dun is really scary, although this kind of power acting on the body cannot do things like regeneration of broken limbs.

But it can achieve the effect of rapid detoxification, or make huge wounds heal quickly.

Look at Qianshouzhujian, no matter how badly this guy is beaten, he can quickly heal his body. This is the power of Yang Dun.

Or his granddaughter, Princess Tsunade who temporarily left Konoha.

Although she can't do the step of her grandfather, she can also pass some special seals, so that those Chakras can instantly activate the power of Yang Dun, and then quickly heal herself.

Orochimaru is taking a walk and seems to be enjoying the time a little bit.

But soon he seemed to feel something, and soon he turned his head to look at the three of Uchiha Kai.

"I didn't expect that Minister Qi came right away after I recovered." Orochimaru said with a smile: "It seems that to Minister Qi, my value is still great."

"You should know that you still owe me a lot of money." Uchiha Qi looked at Orochimaru quietly, his voice was very indifferent: "I think we should also settle it properly."

"Indeed, I'm afraid if I don't behave well..."

"I will completely lose the trust of Minister Qi!"
