Chapter 572: curse mark

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

Losing the trust of Uchiha Kai is definitely not what Orochimaru expected.

If it was before, Orochimaru might not care too much, after all, losing a partner is not a big deal.

Although Uchiha Kai is very strong, he is not strong enough to make Orochimaru tremble.

But this trip to the moon has made Orochimaru clearly aware of how terrifying Uchiha Kai is.

This guy blew up the moon and was even recognized by the gods.

Orochimaru has made a decision in his heart, so he will not have any thoughts about this guy.

It's not that I'm afraid, Orochimaru is confident that he can hide, and he won't even be easily discovered.

But Uchiha Kai, who really angered him like this, is really not worth it.

This will make him lose a way to study the gods and explore the truth and mystery of the world, and he will never do such a stupid thing.

Therefore, whether Uchiha Qi is angry, or even shoots at him, as long as there is room for manoeuvre, he will not be too worried.

Orochimaru's attitude and words also made Uchiha Kai a little baffled.

When did this guy talk so well?

This performance was really too polite. This time, he felt that there was something wrong with Orochimaru using this reincarnation technique for the first time.

Because the Orochimaru at this moment is really too much like the Orochimaru who was willing to follow Sasuke Uchiha in the later period, and then was inexplicably whitewashed!

Shaking his head, he was too lazy to think about these inexplicable things, and he asked directly: "Oh? In that case, how does Master Orochimaru plan to repay these debts? You know, you owe me a lot of things. ."

"I actually maintain my attitude towards the moon. I really just want to explore the way and find out why Qijun is so interested in this place." Orochimaru licked his tongue without any hesitation. Said his true purpose: "It's just that I didn't expect that this is the moon, and there are still people alive on the moon, and there is such a powerful ethnic group."

"Well, continue." Uchiha Qi looked at Orochimaru calmly, but was waiting for his explanation.

This attitude obviously made Orochimaru secretly relieved. If Uchiha Qi didn't listen to him at all, then all this would be really troublesome.

Although he was thinking about other things in his mind, Orochimaru would not put such thoughts on his face, he continued: "It's just that there were some accidents this time, and even asked Qijun to come to the moon in person. This is mine. The problem, but it also made me realize a reality, that is, the power of Qijun is really moving."

"I know what my strength is." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "The point, you know what I want to hear most."

"I have found the orphan of the whirlpool family, but unfortunately the delivery was delayed because of my mistake, and I will make compensation."

Orochimaru's voice was very calm, and he continued to observe the changes in Uchiha Kai's expression to determine which one was most important to him.

"Besides that, I have also found the group you are looking for that can use natural power, that is, the immortal Chakra. But I am a little careful. Since I want to cooperate, it is best to give the results to Qijun, so I did some research."

"Oh?" Uchiha Qi didn't care about the concept of Orochimaru's secret exchange, he asked directly: "So, what are the results of Orochimaru-sama's research?"

"Although it's unstable, it's up to the promise." Orochimaru licked his tongue and said that he was very confident in his research results: "I extracted their power and condensed it into a curse mark, and What this spell contains is the purest, immortal chakra without any other factors."

Speaking of this, Orochimaru opened his mouth, and soon a scroll with mucus slipped down his mouth.

Orochimaru caught the scroll steadily, and he made a seal to open the scroll, and in it there was a curse seal surrounded by three hooks of jade.

The seal of the sky, Uchiha Qi seems to remember that the name of this spell is this.

And this curse mark seems to be the curse mark that Orochimaru left on Sasuke later.

The world has changed so much, for example, the little guy Red Bean, she didn't have time to apprentice to Orochimaru, but Orochimaru ran away a few years earlier.

Naturally, she also had no chance to be cursed by Orochimaru on her neck.

Similarly, Orochimaru's research is also behind, the ghost knows how he found the guy in the original book.

But now, it is clear that this work of his has only begun to deepen after being reminded by Uchiha Kai.

Looking at the curse mark in front of him, Kai Uchiha touched his chin.

He really had been waiting for this curse mark for a long time, but the first time he saw this thing, he was a little hesitant.

He is not sure if Orochimaru is also in this curse seal, sealing his soul.

If that's the case, he probably still needs to spend some time cleaning up the 'impurities' inside.

After all, he has Sharinyan, and he has just acquired the way to master the power of Yin Escape, so he is not afraid of Orochimaru's small movements.

It's just that it's cumbersome and takes time to find.

"Qijun seems to be worried?" Orochimaru saw at a glance that Uchiha Qi seemed a little uneasy, he said with a smile: "Facing Qijun, I dare not make any small moves. Maybe in other aspects, I will Move some hands and feet. But at the time of the real delivery, I know that if I mess up, our cooperative relationship will be broken. I don't want to have a deadlock with an existence like Qijun, which will make my situation very difficult. Embarrassing."

"Actually, I don't care if you move your hands or feet." As if he had figured out something, Uchiha Kai laughed directly: "After all, I have just mastered some special powers, and I can use them even if I am not familiar with them. Especially me There is also a writing wheel, I can see through many things, such as the current state of Lord Orochimaru."

"Oh? What did Qijun see?" Orochimaru was a little unsure when hearing this, but also a little curious.

"Your soul is not complete, your body is not your real body." Uchiha Qi said frankly: "This kind of spell contains natural chakra, and it is also very suitable for the soul to live in, right? Orochimaru-sama. Since you can allow your soul to enter the new body and occupy it completely. It seems that it is not difficult to split your soul into this spell to nourish it, and if you encounter trouble, you can still use it to resurrect."

Uchiha Kai's words were very flat, and his voice was not loud.

But such words made Orochimaru's eyes widen immediately, and it seemed that a drop of cold sweat was streaming down his forehead.

Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai also frowned, their eyes involuntarily placed on the curse mark, as if they wanted to check whether there was a problem with the curse mark.

But in the end, Orochimaru still nodded slightly: "As expected of Qijun, as expected of the man with the strongest Sharinyan. I have to admit that I was indeed seen through by Qijun. But Qijun can rest assured, because I said …”

"I don't want my relationship with Qi-Jun to break down."


"Are you going to try?"

Seeing that Uchiha Kai had some thoughts, Hyuga Aya couldn't help but ask curiously.

She doesn't have any trust in Orochimaru at all, although she must admit that Orochimaru does a lot of things well.

Just like this trip to the moon, if Orochimaru hadn't found the entrance to the moon, I'm afraid they might not be able to come here in their lifetime.

However, they also remember the broken things that Orochimaru made, and the broken moon is still in their minds.

In addition, Orochimaru is in such a bad state at this moment, Uchiha Kai has seen and broken through this guy's situation, which makes Hyuga Aya even more distrustful of this guy.

It's just that she found that Uchiha Kai seemed to be very interested in this spell, which made her a little worried.

Although she knew very well, Uchiha Kai probably didn't take Orochimaru too seriously.

Orochimaru's methods were also seen through by him, but no matter how you look at such strange methods, it seems that you should be careful.

"I think you can try it... Hey, don't look at me like that, Aya." Imai Kenta touched his chin and said seriously, "Can't you feel that there is something in this curse mark? The power of chakra is the most pure fairy magic, and it is not a day or two for this guy to use the magic. He is probably planning to feel the power of these magic, and then after confirming that he can control it. , will choose to extract the magic chakra from you or me."

"So?" Hyuga Aya frowned and looked at Imai Kenta, then glanced at Orochimaru not far away, and said without any cover: "We have to believe this guy?"

"Miss Ling, you don't have to be so malicious to me. In my current state, I don't think I can fight against you and Minister Kenta." Orochimaru licked his tongue, then took out another scroll and put it on the ground: "This is the way to remove the curse seal. Since you can't trust me, then the curse seal will be lifted. Although it is a pity that these curse seals made of pure fairy chakra, this is better than being regarded as a thorn in your side by you. Woolen cloth."

"Then try it." Uchiha Qi said directly: "Xianshu, I have been waiting for a long time. Since Lord Orochimaru is ready, then I will not disappoint Lord Orochimaru's good intentions. isn't it?"

In fact, Uchiha Qi has already made a choice, but he still wants to see what Orochimaru plans to do after he hasn't moved for a while.

However, he did not expect Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai to speak directly, and then let Orochimaru take the initiative to hand over the way to remove the curse.

It seems that no one has lifted the curse seal in the original work, it seems that even Sasuke just killed the Orochimaru soul in the curse mark through Itachi.

Although he has to be careful about Orochimaru's cheating, he still has his own self-confidence.

Yin Yang escape is the source of his self-confidence, and the eternal kaleidoscope is also the source of his self-confidence!

In the original book, Orochimaru wanted to take Sasuke's body, but only a pair of Sasuke with three hooks could devour Orochimaru.

Today's own configuration is much higher than Sasuke, even if he does not have the Chakra of Indra's reincarnation, but so what?

The basic configuration is so much higher, if it still can't resist Orochimaru, then Uchiha Kai also feels that he should stop mixing!

"Aya, Kenta, help me see these." Uchiha Qi whispered to the two people beside him, and then walked directly towards Orochimaru. When he came to Orochimaru, he slowly said, "Come on, how do you implant your curse mark?"

"You don't need me to do anything, Qijun, you can just import Chakra." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "If I really do something to panic, Qijun will be even more worried?"

Uchiha Kai smiled and didn't speak, then he put his hand on the curse mark engraved on this scroll.

This scroll really looks quite disgusting, because its outside is covered with mucus from the mouth of Orochimaru or the abdominal cavity.

Fortunately, the interior is relatively clean, otherwise Kai Uchiha might not be able to accept such a thing.

When his chakra passed through the scroll and activated the engraved spell, the spell seemed to come alive It quickly followed Uchiha Kai's arm all the way to his The neck finally stopped at the back of his neck to form a ring-shaped three hook jade.

Mu Ran, Uchiha Qi felt that his body seemed to have a heat, and this heat was accompanied by a severe pain!

This pain was completely within the expected range of Uchiha Kai. At the beginning, Uchiha Sasuke suffered from pain for a whole day and night before he passed the initial adaptation period.

After that, the pain continued to accompany him. If Kakashi hadn't sealed the curse, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to participate in the Chunin exam.

As for the follow-up, it took him three years to learn and practice with Orochimaru before slowly mastering this power.

Uchiha Qi is much better than him. Although he feels a little uncomfortable, he has not even been able to use chakra.

What's more, such pain is nothing to him at all, and it can't even affect his battle!

Most importantly, he found that his body seemed to adapt to this force very quickly.

Thinking about it carefully, he felt that this was actually quite normal.

You must know that there are Bai Jue cells in his body, and these cells are very helpful for him to adapt to and neutralize the fairy chakra.

Even if there is no way for him to be like Madara Uchiha, he will grasp it in an instant, but he can take it slowly.

He is not Madara Uchiha, and he has provoked a lot of enemies to deal with.

He only needs to follow the steps, according to the notes of Qianshou Hasuma and the information of Orochimaru, slowly and completely adapt to these chakras!

"However, this power does not seem to be as difficult to grasp as I imagined!"
