Chapter 573: try

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

Immortal Chakra caused so little trouble to Uchiha Kai. Although this was a bit unexpected, but thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was not worthy of his too much surprise.

After knowing his own situation, he also began to let Orochimaru and himself explain the structure of some fairy chakras, as well as this guy's experience of sealing and using these chakras.

What surprised him was that Orochimaru didn't seem to use the power of the curse mark. According to his own words, he had no way to control these powers.

This statement Uchiha Kai is still acceptable, after all, the power of this kind of magic really needs mental power to control.

And Orochimaru's current state has gotten to a point where, I'm afraid he won't be able to recover completely without a year to cultivate.

This makes Uchiha Kai very curious, what is the reason for Orochimaru to become such a ghost.

He had already gotten to know the Otsutsugi member who arrested Orochimaru, and the state of Orochimaru at that time was not that bad.

It was fine even in the dungeon, but somehow it's become like this now.

"It's because of this." Orochimaru didn't hide it, he felt a little pity to bring the discarded writing wheel in front of Kai Uchiha: "I have to say, the secret techniques of the Uchiha family are really impressive. It's hard to imagine, but the consumption is also terrible."

"Izanagi?" Uchiha Qi frowned: "You went to the library of the Uchiha family?"

"Yes, I'm sorry for my unsolicited visit." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "But to study the writing wheel eye, it is not enough to simply have eyes, I still need a lot of information. I just didn't expect it, I found With such a technique, it was this technique that got me out of the predicament. It's a pity..."

It's a pity that Orochimaru didn't say anything, and Uchiha Kai was lazy to pay attention to this guy.

Izanagi Uchiha Qi will also, this technique can be regarded as one of his most crucial life-saving straws.

At the time when the moon exploded, he thought about whether to use it or not, but when he thought that it was floating in the universe after being resurrected, he let it go.

Is it difficult to be resurrected and die once?

Therefore, he naturally knew how important Izanagi's need for spiritual power was.

Don't think that this technique only needs a three-column jade writing wheel eye as a medium, in fact, the specific operation of this technique is not simple.

If it is really a three hook jade that can play a key role, why is this technique still regarded as a forbidden technique?

In addition to historical reasons, worrying about causing serious infighting in the family again, of course, this is not the point, after all, there is a way to crack it.

There are also serious problems, that is, the harshness of the operation, and the difficulty of this operation.

Uchiha Kai probably understood that the reason why this guy became like this was probably because he underestimated the requirements of Izanagi's art.

As a result, while using this technique to save himself, it also made his already unstable soul even more turbulent.

All I can say is that Orochimaru really deserves it, and Madara Uchiha is right.

That is, without complete preparation, don't use the forbidden technique lightly!

"You brought it on yourself, but you're lucky enough to not collapse completely." Uchiha Qi shook his head, not caring that Orochimaru mastered this technique: "But the three hook jade in your hand is no longer saved. Now, you can throw it away."

"Isn't there any way to make it up?" Orochimaru is also quite a pity: "Okay, but let's keep it as a souvenir, after all, this eye helped me get out of trouble."

"Whatever you want, if you can restore it, I will be even happier." Uchiha Qi didn't care about Orochimaru's actions, how could he not know what Orochimaru was thinking?

80% of them are worried that they will take back this writing wheel, and there are other ways to restore this eye to brightness, right?

In fact, let alone, Uchiha Qi really has some ideas that he wants to try, such as using his own pupil power to infuse it to see if the eye can recover.

But this is just a thought. The three-column jade writing wheel eye is used as nourishment for Izanagi, and it is not impossible that it cannot be recovered completely.

In memory, even the eternal kaleidoscope could not be recovered.

Madara as strong as Uchiha was blinded in one eye, and it was not until he opened his reincarnation eye that the 'erased' state was undone.

It is conceivable that this technique is actually very harmful to the writing wheel eye.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi was too lazy to think about this issue, and Orochimaru deliberately showed this eye probably to remind himself.

In the transaction between them, there is also a three-hooked jade writing wheel eye as a bargaining chip.

"Get ready, we're ready to go back to the ground." Turning around, Uchiha Qi was not paying attention to Orochimaru, he walked directly towards the castle: "Probably in the next few days, we will set off, think about it What else do you have to give me, stop dragging it."

"Don't worry, Qijun." Orochimaru licked his tongue, and his signature smile appeared on his face: "I'm all ready, it's just some small mistakes that make it impossible to deliver for the time being."

"That's good, I'll give you a final reminder, don't make any decisions about this." Halfway through, Uchiha Qi suddenly paused, and he turned his head slightly to look at Orochimaru: "You know, people are doing it, God is watching. Especially, here."

After he finished speaking, he didn't care whether Orochimaru could hear what he meant or not, he turned his head and walked into the castle.

In the end there is no one watching, the ghost knows.

However, it doesn't seem like a big deal to scare the proud guy, Orochimaru, in this way.

He was slowly getting used to the attachment of the curse mark. Even if it only took a day, he was really used to it.

But to be honest, he still doesn't like this spell.

Because this spell will spread a lot of weird, rune-like things on his body.

Even though this has brought him a great improvement, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a normal person's use.

In contrast, the fairy mode seems to be much better.

Although there will also be some strange changes, such as some strange makeup or eye shadow, but these things are much more comfortable than the curse mark no matter how you look at them.

Walking all the way to the inside of the castle, there are various Otsutsuki materials and the room of the giant Tenseigan.

At this time, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya were already waiting in this room, and they immediately surrounded him when they saw Uchiha Kai come in.

Uchiha Kai is indeed planning to leave the moon, and it has been more than a month since he left.

Now all the things that should be done have been basically completed, and the data on Yang Dun and Yin Dun have also been copied or recorded in their minds.

Therefore, there is not much need for them to continue to stay, and it is the best choice to go back and report the task.

Just before that, they still have one thing to do, and that is to help Aya Hinata to untie the caged bird!

This is also the most important part of their coming to the moon, and it is also what Hyuga Aya has been pursuing.

The only pity is that people who know the method basically hang up.

For example, Toru Otsutsuki and Yaya Otsutsuki, both of them participated in and implemented the use of Tenseigan to help the clansmen untie the caged birds.

It's just that one of the two died in the transition of power consumption, and the other was directly killed by Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

The remaining Otsutsuki, Yangsuke and several elders participated in the research, but they did not know the method.

It will take at least a lot of time to restore this method, but Uchiha Qi doesn't really want to wait, nor does Hyuga Aya.

Therefore, Otsutsuki Yosuke introduced them to a relatively straightforward, but somewhat dangerous, method that cannot guarantee the success rate.

"Are you ready?" Seeing Aya Hyuga standing on the spot with a solemn face, Kai Uchiha couldn't help but ask: "Actually, it's no big deal to wait for a while, we've already done this."

"Yeah, we've already made this step." Hyuga Aya nodded, but soon she showed a smile: "Since we've already made this step, why not try it?"

"I've been waiting for this day for so many years, and I don't want to wait for a moment. Although there is no actual result to prove it, I also believe in your method, anyway..."

"We can wait while experimenting."


Hyuga Aya looked so firm, Uchiha Kei felt that he didn't seem to have anything to continue to persuade.

He knew how hard this woman, Hyuga Aya, had to do to get rid of the caged bird, so he would not blindly persuade him from the point of view of the so-called "right one".

Not the person involved, without similar experience, try to understand others with their own opinions and judgments.

Such an approach is stupid and destroys the relationship between them, Uchiha Kai will not be so stupid.

In fact, what Uchiha Qi didn't know was that for Hyuga Aya, she had waited for so long, so it wasn't that she couldn't wait for a while.

But after seeing the battle between Uchiha Kai and Otsutsuki Masaya, especially after seeing the ancestor of the Hinata clan and the Otsutsugi clan on the moon.

One-handedly repairing the moon that Uchiha Kai and the others destroyed by their battle, a flame ignited in Hyuga Aya's heart.

She also hopes that she can be so powerful, and she also hopes that she can make her eyes blue as Uchiha Kai said.

Just like that huge Tenseigan placed aside!

So she is willing to wait, but she is also willing to try while waiting!

The caged bird, after seeing this huge Tenseigan and Toru Otsutsuki, she knew that this would not be a problem anymore.

And how to make his eyes go further and make his eyes reach a stronger state, this has become the goal of Hyuga Ayaxin!

She has always been looking at the back of Uchiha Kai, and now she sees the opportunity to catch up or even surpass Uchiha Kai, she is not willing to stop there!

"Since you have made a decision, then I will definitely help you." Uchiha Kai looked at Aya Hyuga with a serious look, and said calmly: "However, I would like to remind you that this is not what I am good at. So I don't know what's going to end up. You have to be mentally prepared, understand?"

"Don't worry, I understand." Hyuga Aya smiled: "I'm not stupid. Seeing that I have to solve all the problems, but at this stage, I'm not giving up."

"You're not stupid, you just wait for them to re-engrave the mark of contact with the caged bird, won't it be over?" Imai Kenta rolled his eyes, but after noticing Hyuga Aya's staring eyes, he immediately raised his hand : "Okay, okay, I won't say it, you can treat me as if I don't exist."

"That's not good, you have to help at any time, if things are not quite right." Uchiha Qi shook his head and said: "Especially, help me interrupt my guidance, and even provide a certain amount of chakra when necessary. Of course. , maybe it would be better if you kept your mouth shut the whole time."

Imai Kenta spread out his hands, showing an innocent expression.

But it is a pity that Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya are too lazy to pay attention to him, and he can only give up.

Uchiha Qi walked to the giant Tensei Eyes, looked at the eyes filled with huge and extremely complex chakra, and took a deep breath.

He really can't control this eye, after all, he is not the owner of this eye, and he also does not have Tenseigan.

But he has the eternal kaleidoscope and the power of yin and yang.

The most important thing is that he also possesses some kind of 'source' power that he doesn't know of any use at all.

This power once made it easy for him to pull out a white eye from the giant Tensei.

It is precisely because of his ability that he is willing to help Hyuga Aya try it out.

And to be honest, he still has some small expectations in his heart, and he doesn't know how to create a pair of reincarnated eyes.

But he knows that the power of this giant Tenseigan is really indispensable, right?

"After I go back, let Aya study the genes of that Otsutsuki Torui. If you find any differences or differences, use his genes as supplements, and at the same time rely on the power of the giant Tenseigan to see if it can be done. Create a new pair of Tenseigans!"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai's eyes turned into a scarlet The strange pattern slowly revolved in his eyes.

At this moment, he could see the appearance of this giant Tenseigan more clearly, just like the Cthulhu wind was full of eyeballs.

It's just that these eyeballs are wrapped by a special force, I'm afraid no one can see clearly except him?

Shaking his head, he slowly stretched out his right hand, and the strange source power in his body seemed to feel something, and it became a little more active.

When his hand completely pierced this giant reincarnated eye, the Chakra, which coexists with destruction and vitality, rushed towards his body.

And this Tenseikan became extremely active at this moment, and the surging power seemed to devour Uchiha!

At this time, he felt like a lonely boat drifting in the sea, and he might face the invasion of huge waves anytime, anywhere.

However, he was unmoved, and slowly raised another hand, slowly guiding Chakra towards Hyuga Aya.

In just a moment, Uchiha Kai's complexion changed completely, because this Tenseisen burst out completely uncontrollably at this moment.

The huge energy continued to condense, and then a muffled sound of 'bang' exploded directly!

Those chakras that contained the power of Tenseigan, like rainwater, poured down on Kai Uchiha, Aya Hyuga, and Kenta Imai in an instant.

However, these forces are too terrifying, knocking them down in an instant and completely wrapping them up.

However, these energies disappeared very quickly. When they completely entered the body of the three people, the three people could no longer control their coma.

However, under Aya Hyuga's forehead protection, the mark engraved with the caged bird began to fade slowly until it disappeared completely...
