Chapter 579: Children make choices

Whether the future mission of the Land of Waves will appear, in fact, has no meaning at all.

First of all, I'm afraid it's impossible to continue to appear there. This kid followed him and ran to Konoha smoothly. Now he has changed his name to Shui Wuyuebai.

And he also showed his talent, is being carefully cultivated by the family, and also entered Konoha's ninja school to study.

As for what he can learn, I am afraid it does not matter, this is actually the same for the Konoha family.

The important thing is that these young people can find their friends in the school, and it is enough to deepen the bond.

Without Shiro, the mission of the Land of Waves may also have lost its soul.

Even if Shiro is still mixed up with Zabuzhan, but Naruto and the others have also changed!

Naruto, who has not lost his parents, is not as "stupid" as in the original, or so pure.

His basic teaching seems to have been completed a long time ago, and there is no need for his team to waste time, and naturally it is impossible to meet Bai when he is tired and faint.

It is said that this kid Naruto is also a genius at school, and even held Sasuke down.

But these two guys are the reincarnations of Indra and Asura, although Sasuke was crushed by Naruto for a semester.

But in the next semester, it seemed to catch up again, and he kept pressing Naruto on his body.

All in all, if the two teamed up and went to the country of waves, how could Naruto be beaten up and Sasuke be dismissed as a hedgehog?

Maybe when the first wave encounters the no-rejection, it will be directly dealt with, right?

Not to mention the two of them, if the leader of the team is still Kakashi, then don't cut it... Forget it, Uchiha Kai is too cruel to even think about it.

Although Kakashi still doesn't have much Chakra, his control over Shakers has improved a lot, and he can even fight with a kaleidoscope.

And he was taught by Uchiha Kai for so many years, and he was taught for so many years.

Naturally, it is impossible to be the same as the original, first test and then look for opportunities, and finally Rachel solves the battle.

Give him a chance, and he'll see everything in an instant and launch a deadly raid.

If you don't cut off Kakashi with his back to Kakashi's special outfit, it's probably not Kakashi's emotion, but a knife that chops off his dog's head.

All in all, this so-called 'dream-starting mission' for Kai Uchiha in his previous life has already been destroyed by his own hands in this world beyond recognition.

Even if he hopes to see that scene, seeing the construction of the Naruto Bridge, I am afraid it is already an extravagant hope.

"In this case, there is no Naruto Bridge anyway, and the country of wave is really tasteless, but it is really delivered to the front, why not try it?"

The internal situation of the country of waves is not good, but no matter how bad it is, I am afraid that in the eyes of ninjas, it is just a group of hooligans.

It's just a group of gangsters, how could it cause any harm to these ninjas?

Anyway, there is no ninja system on their side, isn't it just right to try them out?

Although there is a big difference between directly recommending an obedient system and reforming an originally disobedient system.

"You guy, your ambitions are too big, right?" After walking out of Hokage-sama, Imai Kenta stretched his waist and said: "You want both sides, the most surprising thing is that Hokage-sama actually agreed with you. It's really a plan..."

"Are you a child?" Uchiha Qi stretched and asked curiously.

"What do you mean?" Kenta Imai asked inexplicably, "I'm two years older than you."

"Age can't decide everything." Uchiha Qi chuckled, and then said slowly: "You know? Only children make choices, adults are: I want them all!"

Uchiha Kai's words directly choked Imai Kenta, obviously Imai Kenta didn't expect him to say such a sentence.

In fact, for him, this is just an old stalk from his previous life, and in his previous life, he did not have the courage to make the decision of 'I want it all', nor did he have the ability.

But it's different now. He has courage and this ability, and the most important thing is that Konoha also has this ability.

After so long of construction, plus the money from the Kaguya clan and the fire country daimyo.

The degree of prosperity of Konoha is really unimaginable, and the money in the vault has a sufficient surplus.

And now the opportunity is rare, plus the money invested in the country of tea and the country of waves can be recovered from all aspects.

Although it is of a long-term nature, Konoha is obviously not afraid of losses.

"Well, what you said seems to make sense." Imai Kenta thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Indeed, why do adults have to choose, a guy like you can naturally consider 'I want it all' what."

"Thank you, although your tone is not quite right, but..." Uchiha Kai smiled unconcernedly: "Such a compliment comes from a minister-level person who is still my friend, I still feel very Comfortable."

"Ha, you bastard." Kenta Imai shook his head, and then his face became wretched: "So, what about women?"

"Huh?" Imai Kenta's words immediately made Kai Uchiha's face stiff.

At this moment, Aya Hyuga, who had been silent all the time, suddenly turned her eyes to the two of them, especially her eyes seemed to be dangerous and fell on Uchiha Kai.

She naturally knew that Imai Kenta did it on purpose, and Uchiha Kei seems to have always been very clean. In fact, she is not worthy of doubt about such a question.

But as her relationship with Kai Uchiha deepens, she will inevitably have some concerns.

In particular, she knew that within the Uchiha clan, there had always been some voices.

For example, he is not worthy of Uchiha Kai at all, and Uchiha's best bloodline should stay in the Uchiha family.

She knows why the woman Jun Uchiha stayed in the security department, but Kai Uchiha has never paid attention to this woman.

It's just that the **** Uchiha Kai said such things now, even if she knew she couldn't take it seriously, she still couldn't help but doubt it.

"Don't make this expression." Imai Kenta didn't give Uchiha a chance to speak at all, he patted Uchiha's shoulder with a wicked smile and said, "Everyone knows that Uchiha is older than you. Aya is older than you. These are obviously not problems, and your family hopes to leave blood with your Uchiha family? Do you also plan to 'I want all'?"

"Kenta Imai!" Uchiha Qi gritted his teeth and looked at the **** beside him: "Do you want to die!"

"It seems, Qi-kun, you need to think about it?" As soon as Uchiha's voice fell, Hyuga Aya spoke, and her title seemed to have changed: "Then, I'll leave first. After all, Qi-kun is so strong. If I want 'I want it all', I need to think about it."

"Hey, hey, isn't it?" Uchiha Qi sighed helplessly: "Do you believe this bastard?"

"Of course I don't believe it, but I do have to leave first." Hyuga Aya shook her head with a serious expression on her face.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Uchiha Kai seemed to be relieved, and he continued to ask, "Do you need me to be with you?"

"Hyuga Hizu, I think now should be a good opportunity, I need to talk to him, just me and him..."

"Is that so? I see, but before that, I have something to talk to you about."

"Two people?"

"Yes, two people..."


Hyuga Aya has long been thinking about what she should have talked about with Hyuga Hizu.

In fact, what she wanted to talk about was very simple, and that was about lifting the caged bird by herself.

It's just that she wasn't fully prepared to talk about this matter before, but after the idea proposed by Kai Uchiha yesterday, she was completely determined.

Uchiha Kaito has provided himself with such a good plan. If she can't do this well, it can only prove that she has no practical ability at all.

After talking with Uchiha Kai alone, Hyuga Aya returned to the Hyuga clan's clan, and came to the patriarch's mansion without any hesitation.

She is not sure if Hyuga Hizu is back now, because she didn't pay attention to the situation of Hyuga Hizu when they separated.

Although and may wait, after all, he may have a chat with Uchiha Fuyue.

But a little wait, it's not a big problem.

What she didn't expect was that a voice sounded behind her just as she walked here: "Aya? Why are you here?"

Hyuga Aya immediately turned her head when she heard this voice, and then bowed slightly: "Lord Patriarch."

"It seems that you are looking for me for something." Hyuga Hizu nodded. He didn't say anything polite to Hyuga Aya, but said directly, "Then come in."

Having said that, Hyuga Hizu took Hyuga Aya out of the house, and it seemed that the two of them seemed a little indifferent.

It is completely the relationship between the superior and the subordinate, and there is no other connection.

It was only after they actually walked into the patriarch's mansion that Hyuga Hizu sighed slightly: "Sorry, the pressure has been a little too tight recently, and many people have been harassed by them. Although I know you don't need to worry about it. , after all, you have Minister Qi standing behind you, what he really wants to do to you, I'm afraid he has to seriously consider it, but..."

"It's okay, after all, you are the patriarch, Lord Hizu." Hyuga Aya shook her head indifferently, completely expressing that she didn't care.

It's just that no one can hear the conversation between the two of them. If anyone really heard it, they would be stunned.

After all, the head of a family is so polite to a branch, and you can see how much things are in it.

It's not even difficult to imagine how terrifying Uchiha's influence is. He can already indirectly influence the inside of the Hyuga clan!

Crossing the corridor and passing the training room, Aya Hyuga saw Hinata Hinata training against Neji Hyuga.

It's a pity that the little girl Hinata did not perform well, or that Neji showed a very high talent.

Even though he kept letting Hinata go, it still made Hinata feel unstoppable.

But it can be seen that this kid Ningji doesn't seem to have any dissatisfaction with his modesty.

He even made a move while correcting the mistakes made by Hinata, and it could be seen that the two of them got along very harmoniously.

"Neiji's performance is not bad, but Hinata seems to be a little immature." Without disturbing the two people's duel training, Hyuga Aya and Hyuga Hizu walked directly to a meeting room, but Hyuga Aya still opened her mouth and said: "Of course. , at her age, it's not bad."

"Ningci is indeed extremely talented." Hyuga Hizu sighed slightly: "But Hinata... Forget it, don't praise her anymore, you know exactly how she performed, right?"

"Disappointed with your daughter?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head, then shook her head slightly: "If you give her more confidence and more time, maybe she will surprise you. Hinata's talent is actually It should be said that it lies in comprehensive development and a higher level of soft boxing."

"Oh?" Hyuga Hizu raised her brows: "What is the higher level of soft boxing development that Ling Jun said?"

"This is what Kai said, not what I said." Hyuga Aya actually knows exactly what it is, and there is a high probability that it will be something like yin and yang.

It's just that she doesn't have a good grasp of this kind of thing, why would she reveal such information?

However, Hyuga Hizu's disappointment with Hinata seems to be a good bargaining chip and choice?

Hyuga Aya smiled slightly, and didn't say much about it, and soon the two of them entered the living room and sat looking at each other.

The servant quickly brought up the tea, then quickly backed out and closed the door.

"Aya-kun is looking for me this time, I'm afraid there are some important things?" Hyuga Hizu showed a slight smile: "Did Qi-Jun asked you to come? Is there anything he wants to say?"

The pressure of Hyuga Hizu during this period of time was really too great. The situation in the family has become like this, which is really beyond his imagination.

Because the whole family was actually divided in half, which was really beyond his expectations.

But he didn't regret his choice. He had been restrained for too long, and he didn't look like a real patriarch who could control the Hyuga clan.

He is very envious of Uchiha Fuyue, although he knows that the main reason for this is the existence of Uchiha Kai.

Also because of the pure presence of Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Fuyue is really not really a single word in the family.

But Uchiha Kai has always been a person who follows the rules very much Everyone knows his position.

In the security department, no one can easily shake his will, but in the family he will help Uchiha Fugaku stabilize his voice.

As long as Uchiha Fuyue is not stupid, causing himself and Uchiha Kai to have an irreconcilable conflict, I am afraid no one can shake their control over Uchiha, right?

And in the heart of Hyuga Hizu, he didn't want such a person to appear.

"Indeed, but it's not that he asked me to convey it to you, it's just that he gave me some suggestions, and I decided to accept it."

Hyuga Aya raised her head slightly and looked at Hyuga Hizu: "Ki-kun has always had high expectations for me, and I don't want to disappoint him."

"So here I am, we have to talk about some things..."

