Chapter 580: I want to be Kai Uchiha of the Hinata family

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

"Take a rest, Hinata-sama."

In the training room next to the conference hall of the patriarch's mansion, Neji stopped the offensive in his hand.

The two have been training for a morning, and there is no need to fight.

Hinata also nodded and bowed to Ningci with a slight breath: "Brother Ningci has worked hard."

"Lord Hinata, don't do this." Neji shook his head quickly, and then said helplessly: "Lord Hinada, although we are brothers and sisters, your status is very noble, and it is my task to train you. and mission."

"But my father and Uncle Niizai are not as polite as you are to me?" Hinata didn't seem to be so shy, she shook her head slightly and said, "So, brother Neji, don't be so polite, come strictly. Say you are indeed my brother."

When Neji heard Hinata's words, he was stunned at first, then hesitated for a long time before finally nodded.

However, he thought in his mind that when there was no one, he could be more polite. If there are outsiders, don't do this.

All branch members of the entire Hyuga clan must maintain a certain degree of respect when facing members of the clan. This is the tradition of their clan for thousands of years.

Even if these traditions make the members of the split family feel resentful, they can't do anything about it.

The members of the branch family can behave very decently in the face of the members of the clan, and there are only two people in total.

One person is Neji's father, and is currently one of the four captains of the security department.

But Rizai is the younger brother of the patriarch, Hiyaka Hizu, and Hizu is Neji's uncle.

Therefore, it is really not surprising that Rizai can have such a performance, but Rizai is still abiding by the dogma, and he rarely makes any overstepping actions.

His own father was like this, and Neji naturally learned to do it honestly, even if Hinata treated him well, he would not dare to surpass it.

In addition to his father, Hyuga, there is a very special existence in the branch of the Hyuga clan.

This person doesn't need to care about any clan's vision, she doesn't need to make any statement to any clan, and the members of the clan don't dare to do anything to her.

And this person is Hyuga Aya, the only and most special existence in the Hyuga clan.

It is true that Hyuga Aya was indeed relied on by Uchiha Kai.

But excluding the influence of Uchiha Kai, she herself is also a legend in the Hinata clan.

Once in the ninja school era, her grades were extremely good.

Her performance seemed to decline a bit after she went to the battlefield, but she survived on the battlefield until the end of the war.

At first, Neji didn't know what it meant, but after his father's explanation, he realized how terrifying the danger was.

It can be said that if you are not careful, you may die on the battlefield. Such an environment is not something that Neji can imagine, but this does not prevent Neji from imagining the horror.

What's more, Hyuga Aya returned to the family after the war. She beat her opponent to the point of vomiting blood almost every time she participated in the competition within the family!

Of course, these things are all rumors that Neji has heard, because Hyuga Aya has not participated in the competition within the family for a long time.

Probably the reason is that no one wants to compare with her, and her former fiancé also seems to have been hit by her and finally committed suicide.

This brought her possible troubles in the family, but what if such troubles existed?

Hyuga Aya is still Hyuga Aya, even if there are some bad voices, she has become a new legend of the Hyuga clan!

She is almost the envy of the Hyuga clan, even if they are divided.

Neji was obviously no exception. Even though his father was Risari Hyuga, he seemed to find in his heart that he envied and longed for Aya Hyuga even more.

In particular, Hyuga Aya once instructed him, and even that kind of guidance seemed to be very casual, and it didn't last long.

But it was really unimaginable for Neji to improve. For the first time, he knew that the use of soft fists could become like this.

It's a pity that Aya Hyuga rarely guides him after that.

"Brother Neji, what are you thinking?" Just as Neji recalled, Hinata's voice rang in his ear.

"Huh? Oh, nothing." Neji recovered and shook his head. After thinking for a while, he said, "I was thinking about Lord Ling. I seemed to see Lord Hizu and Lord Ling passing by just now."

"Aya-sama?" Hinata's eyes brightened when she heard the name, but she knew that Hyuga Aya had rescued her a few years ago: "It's a pity, I haven't seen Aya-sama for a long time."

"I heard that Mr. Ling has been on a mission recently, so he must have just returned, right?" Neji smiled slightly: "I haven't seen Mr. Ling for a long time, but Mr. Ling must be very busy. I really envy Ling. Sir..."

"Brother Neji, do you also want to be someone like Aya-sama?"

"I'm afraid there is no one in the split family who doesn't want to be someone like Aya-sama?"

"Really? Actually, I also hope to become a being like Aya-sama, such a powerful being..."

Become as powerful as Aya Hinata?

Neji nodded slightly, but soon shook his head secretly.

Hyuga Aya and Hinata are both female, and Hyuga Aya's strength is really too strong, at least no one in her peers is her opponent.

Hinata's current level and her performance are really a little bad, but it's really not surprising that she envy Hinata Aya.

"Lord Hinata can definitely do it." Although he was not so optimistic in his heart, after all, the living environment of the two was too different, but Neji didn't attack Hinata: "I believe that Mistress Hinida can definitely do it."

"Thank you, Brother Neji." Hinata lowered her head slightly: "Unfortunately, Master Ling is a member of the branch family, otherwise..."

"Well, yes." Neji also sighed slightly: "I heard many adults say that if Lord Ling is the clan, maybe she will have greater development?"

The resources of the branch and the clan used to be completely different, and even now there are still such huge differences.

Even Hyuga Hizu can't completely break this point. After all, the situation in the family is very unstable now, unless he can win!

The members of the branch family also understand this, so they can't help but think about it.

However, they also know one thing, if Hyuga Aya is not a member of the branch, can she still create such a legend?


"Since it is the suggestion made by Qijun, it should be very constructive in comparison."

Hyuga Hizu didn't show any impatience, he still looked at Hyuga Aya with a peaceful expression, as if they were in the same position.

He is not the patriarch of the Hyuga clan at all, and Hyuga Aya is not a member of any branch.

However, Hyuga Aya didn't speak directly, she put her hand on her forehead, which made Hyuga Hizu a little strange.

Are you planning to talk about the caged bird?

To be honest, Hyuga Hizu really has the idea of ​​not setting up caged birds in the next generation.

But it is a pity that in these three years of struggle, he has not really won those elders.

The results of his failure can be seen from Hyuga Neji, the child did not escape the claws, and was still engraved with a caged bird in the end.

Of course, this also has something to do with Hyuga Hizu's own hesitation.

Otherwise, he can use tough means to reject this kind of thing.

Of course, the price is to be completely torn, the last layer of disguise between him and the elder.

And the existence of the bird in the cage, a technique that has been passed down for a thousand white years, does have a very high meaning.

At least it won't let the blood of the Hyuga clan drain out. If this technique can be solved, maybe everything will be fine.

But even Hyuga Hizu is a little helpless in this regard, because there is no corresponding solution in the family.

The bird in the cage can almost be said to be a member of the Hyuga clan, a nightmare that cannot be escaped in a lifetime!

It is the protector of the family, the guardian of the weak, but it is also the cage of the strong for a lifetime!

Hyuga Hizu sighed slightly, there was almost no way to crack the bird in the cage, and this kind of thing was basically not told to the members of the branch.

Although the members of the branch family always use various 'channels', in fact, it can be regarded as some information from the clan.

But the members of the branch still maintain some fantasies, some fantasies that they can unlock the caged bird in the future!

Now Hyuga Hizu feels a bit of a headache. In his opinion, Hyuga Aya seems to have such a fantasy, and wants him to untie his caged bird, right?

This really gave him a huge headache, and he is now thinking about how to stabilize this woman.

If Hyuga Aya is an ordinary branch, maybe he can refuse to talk about it, or end the conversation with something like "fighting for the rights of future generations".

But Hyuga Aya is really not an ordinary person. Her own ability and Uchiha Kai behind her are all that Hyuga Hizu has to pay attention to.

However, when Hyuga Aya slowly took off her forehead guard, Hyuga Hizu was stunned, and even his pupils rapidly expanded at this moment!

Because he clearly saw that there was no curse mark on Hyuga Aya's forehead!

How is this going?

What about caged birds?

Soon Hyuga Hizu's expression became vigilant, and now he even doubted whether the woman in front of him was not Hyuga Aya at all!

Is this a scam created by the three generations of Hokage and the clan elders in the family?

He quickly opened his white eyes, but in an instant, Hyuga Hizu was dumbfounded again.

What he really hopes he sees now is another person who has applied the transformation technique, not Hyuga Aya.

But unfortunately, with the help of Bai Yan, he has determined that there is no problem with the person in front of him.

It's just that, her forehead has completely lost the traces of the caged bird, and she still can't see anything even under the observation of white eyes!

"This..." Hiyaka Hizu stared at everything in front of him, speechless for a long time, unable to say a complete sentence.

"It's surprising, isn't it?" Hyuga Aya put down the forehead guard in her hand and looked at Hyuga Hizu with a calm face.

This is the first time since she returned to Konoha, apart from Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai, that she has shown herself without the restraint of a caged bird.

Now it seems that the effect is not bad, especially looking at the terrified expression of Hyuga Hizu, Hyuga Aya really wants to laugh.

However, she was still in control and did not show any emotions.

"What the **** is going on here?" It took a long time for Hyuga Hizu to calm down, and he looked at Aya Hyuga with a very solemn expression: "Your caged bird.... Uchiha Kai? Is it Minister Kai? Yes? Did he free your caged bird?"

"Well, yes, it was made by Qi." Hyuga Aya nodded and said calmly.

"No wonder, no wonder!" Hyuga Hizu seemed to understand something, and he muttered to himself a little absentmindedly: "No wonder you have such strength, it took three months to carry out the mission! So it is so, so it is so!"

The strength of Uchiha Kai, Hyuga Hizu can be guessed, and also got the acquiescence from Namikaze Minato and others.

With such terrifying strength, it took three months to go out to do a task, which is simply unimaginable.

Could it be that he ran to the moon and blew it up?

Then they are likely to have completed the task long ago, and it is even more likely that they have begun to study caged birds very early.

And this time, the mission is to use the guise of the mission to go out and free the caged bird!

As it turns out, they have succeeded, and can be said to be very successful.

Hyuga Aya has become a free man in the true sense, and the impact on Hyuga Hizu can be imagined.

This damned caged bird, this thing that made Hyuga Sunzu feel helpless, was actually lifted. For a while, he didn't know whether to be happy or panic.

However, Hyuga Hizu is the patriarch in the end, especially his heart is no longer standing with the clan elders of the clan.

He suddenly thought of a lot of things, especially when he recalled the constructive proposal from Kai Uchiha that Aya Hyuga said.

"Aya-kun, tell Minister Qi's proposal and your thoughts at onceHyuga Hizu took a deep breath and calmed down her emotions: "Since you have come to see me , instead of announcing this matter to the members of the branch, obviously you, or you and Qi Jun, actually have certain plans, so let's talk about it. "

"As expected of the patriarch, we actually have some plans." Hyuga Aya showed a slight smile. She didn't put on her forehead protector. She showed her 'free' side from afar: "Help me Qi. Getting in touch with a caged bird can actually be said to be an unexpected success."

"Accidental success?" Hyuga Hizu frowned, "Meaning, you don't actually have a real way to get rid of the caged bird?"

"With one success, is it still far from real success?" Hyuga Aya asked back, "And even if you really get the solution, Kai doesn't plan to take it out directly."

When Hyuga Hizu heard this, he was really stunned again. He really didn't understand what Hyuga Aya and Uchiha Kai wanted to express.

Maybe it was normal times, he might have reflected it, but at this moment his heart was a little confused.

He really couldn't concentrate seriously and think about what Hyuga Aya's words meant.

"Because Kai said, what is the actual meaning of the caged bird." Hyuga Aya didn't care about Hinata's expression, she continued: "As an executive, maybe I can't understand it. But from the perspective of a decision maker, I can probably see a lot of issues. So we have a plan, and this plan will allow us to attract more support in the future.”

"And me, my goal is also very simple, I want to become the 'Uchiha Kai' of the Hyuga clan!"
