Chapter 581: 1 boy and girl story

To be the 'Uchiha Kai' of the Hyuga clan?

What kind of existence Uchiha Kai is, Hyuga Hizu couldn't be more clear, and even in his heart he really longed for such a person to appear in the Hyuga clan.

But on the same day Xiang Ling sat in front of him and said these words over and over again, Hyuga and Hizu had a feeling that reality and fantasy were intertwined.

Did Hyuga Aya know what he was thinking?

Or, Uchiha Kai, this guy has insight into his thoughts?

Hyuga Hizu didn't know, but what he knew was that he was really moved!

Sharing power with other people, he knew it was impossible, because no one really had that kind of life-and-death power.

Rights must be shared, and compromises must be made, otherwise one person's mastery of everything may destroy everything.

Desire, although the best driving force for human progress, is also the most terrifying destructive force.

Maybe some people don't want or like it, there will be a person like Uchiha Kai, but Hyuga Hizu is different.

If there is a shrewd, rational and calculating person in the Hinata clan who can restrain his rights but support him, he will definitely approve with both hands!

But can Aya Hyuga really do this?

In fact, Hyuga Hizu didn't object, he only had some worries, worried that in the end, everything that Hyuga Aya had mastered would become the fruit of Uchiha Kai!

But no matter whether it will become the fruit of Uchiha Kai, Hyuga Hizu must admit one thing.

That is, Uchiha Kai looks at the problem too thoroughly.

The existence of a caged bird is two completely different things for the family members and the family controller.

Uchiha Qi can easily see through this, which is not surprising for Hyuga Hizu, after all, it is indeed different to view problems in a high position.

It's not surprising that he also feels admiration, and what makes him admire even more is that this guy seems to have a way to ease the contradictions of the Hyuga clan!

"Let's talk about it." Hyuga Hizu took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on Hyuga Aya: "Your plan, coupled with Qijun's suggestion, I'm very curious about what kind of sparks can be produced."

"My plan is very simple, that is, let all the members of the branch who support us see the caged bird I lifted!" Hyuga Aya said directly, looking at the frowning Hyuga Hizu, she didn't care: "But, I I will also tell them clearly that my success was accidental, but we have already had successful experience..."

Hyuga Aya soon shared the results that she and Uchiha Kai had negotiated at the time, and after some polishing, she told Hyuga Hizu.

At this moment, Hyuga Hizu completely turned into a listener, and he listened to every word of Aya Hinata very seriously.

And also seriously thinking about what it will bring to you, or what you will lose.

Hearing the end, Hyuga Hizu can basically conclude that this matter is good for him, but it is also definitely good for Uchiha Kai!

The relationship between Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya, if there is no accident, they will definitely combine.

And the result of this is that everything Hyuga Aya gets will inevitably be Uchiha Kai.

But the conditions put forward by Aya Hyuga or Kai Uchiha really moved him very much.

In fact, after thinking about it carefully, this can be regarded as a model that completely binds the Hinata clan and the Uchiha clan.

It is also a way to completely force them into an alliance of interests, rude but hard to refuse.

Hyuga Hizu was even thinking, if he directly rejected Hyuga Aya.

So will Hyuga Aya abandon herself, and then go to these things with the support of Uchiha Kai, and finally leave him completely isolated?

After thinking about it, Hyuga Hizu thinks it is very possible!

He knew that he might be kidnapped, but there was very little room for him to refuse, and the temptation offered by Kai Uchiha and the others was not too big!

"It seems.... you have prepared carefully?" Hyuga Hizu shook his head with a wry smile: "In this way, the Hyuga clan will be completely bound to the Uchiha clan, and even Uchiha Kai can be in the Hyuga clan. Have an unimaginable voice, through you."

"I promised that within the Hyuga clan, I would not have any interference." Hyuga Aya frowned, but soon she sighed slightly: "It's like he is in the Uchiha clan!"

"You really trust him..." Hyuga Hizu sighed: "How long have you been preparing? Or, he proposed that you control the power within the Hyuga clan?"

"We've been preparing for several years, since I started working with him." Hyuga Aya said in a flat voice, and her expression became cold.

Years of preparation?

Hearing this, Hyuga Hizu can basically be sure that Uchiha Kai has no small ambitions!

Maybe it was his ambition back then, or maybe it was his ambitions that he has always been.

But anyway, Uchiha Kai succeeded.

Mastering the contact method of the caged bird, even if it is an accidental success, as Hyuga Aya said, this has already given hope to the branch!

And Uchiha Kai's proposal is also very pleasing, it is completely taking care of both ends.

The most important thing is that when he mastered all this, Hyuga Aya's existence has actually become dispensable.

Hyuga Hizu is indeed trying to induce, induce Hyuga Aya to perceive Uchiha Kai's vigorous ambition, and induce her to guess whether Uchiha Kai is using her.

But Hyuga Hizu didn't dare to go too far, because he knew that he probably didn't have a choice.

Without Aya Hyuga, it may not be a problem for Kai Uchiha at all.

Uchiha only needs one, and the person from the Hyuga branch is enough!

Hyuga Hizu also thought about it, could he replace Hyuga Aya with his younger brother?

But he didn't want to offend Kai Uchiha, and he didn't want to test this dangerous guy.

If Hyuga Aya feels a little prickly, in the future, after the Hyuga clan splits all the caged birds, and he also gets the caged birds, maybe he will do something?

For example, make this thorn deeper?

Or, pull out this thorn?

"I understand." Hyuga Hizu nodded lightly, and then he said seriously: "The last question, has he promised, your position in the Konoha system in the future."

"A minister with real power." Hyuga Aya's voice was even more indifferent, and she didn't know why it became like this.

"I understand, Aya-kun." Hyuga Hizu nodded, then he stood up: "From now on, you are the 'Uchiha Kai' of the Hyuga clan, and I will cooperate with all your actions... But , I hope you are the real Hyuga Aya!"

After saying this, Hyuga Hizu bowed slightly to Hyuga Aya, but walked out of the living room. Hyuga Aya looked at all this coldly, knowing that after Hyuga Hizu completely left, her face began to loosen, and even a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"It's a pity, you don't know Qi at all, and you don't know that Qi has seen through everything about you, otherwise..."

Thinking of this, Hyuga Aya raised her head slightly, she seemed to recall that before, Uchiha Qi pulled her to talk alone...


"Okay, Imai Kenta has left. If you have something to say, just say it, but I remind you not to mess around."

Hyuga Aya looked at Imai Kenta's back disappearing completely, and then opened some distance before speaking.

She didn't understand a little, what Uchiha Kai wanted to say alone when he was holding her, what exactly was he thinking.

Of course, Hyuga Aya is also on guard. As her relationship with Uchiha Kai deepens, their behavior becomes more and more intimate.

Especially now that the biggest knot in her heart has been untied, and the caged bird is no longer her bondage.

Uchiha Qizhen wanted to do something with her, and she seemed to have no reason to refuse.

It's just the girl's restraint that she will never let this guy succeed easily, not to mention that this guy can say things like 'I want it all'.

Imai Kenta is indeed suspected of provocation, but Hyuga Aya is definitely not as calm as she looks on the surface.

"I said, what about you?" Uchiha Qi sighed helplessly: "Why do you give me the feeling that you are a little white rabbit and I am a big bad wolf? Obviously, you are also a wolf."

"Don't say these things, if it's all right, then I'll go first." Hyuga Aya lowered her head and turned to leave, but she was just taken a step when Uchiha Qi held her hand.

"Okay, I understand." A slight smile appeared on Uchiha Kai's face: "Actually, it won't be long, so come with me."

Hyuga Aya's performance is a bit strange now, but Uchiha Kai didn't delve into what was wrong.

Maybe for him, it doesn't matter what kind of performance Hyuga Aya has, because this is the most unique part of a person, isn't it?

Hyuga Aya frowned, but she didn't struggle, but followed Uchiha Kei all the way forward.

Before long, they came to a small river.

Probably because it's still early, and it's not a rest day, the river is very quiet, and there are no pedestrians passing by.

However, this place has some special memories for the two of them.

At that time, Hyuga Aya had just injected Junmalu's cells, and the whole person fell into an acute low-intensity reaction, which was very weak.

At that time, Uchiha Kai had been taking care of her and deepened their bond with each other by the river.

"It's still so quiet here." Uchiha Qi led Aya Hyuga and sat down: "Perhaps it's because it's quiet here that I like to come here."

"It's great here, and I like it here too." Hyuga Aya also sat down and sighed slightly while looking at the rushing river in front of her: "Maybe I'm in a hurry, or maybe I'm really eager Freedom, I seem a little restless right now."

"No one will refuse freedom, you are the same, so do I." Uchiha Qi chuckled, and then said slowly: "Actually, I just want to tell you a little story, a... more interesting little story. It's just a story."

"A story?" Hyuga Aya blinked: "Okay, although I'm a little anxious, it seems good to hear your storytelling. Minister Qi tells the story for me personally. I'm afraid that this kind of treatment is not very good for Konoha. one."

Kai Uchiha tells the story himself, and I am afraid that Aya Hyuga also knows that he will be the only one.

Because other people either do not have this qualification, or there is no need for it.

She was also very curious, what kind of story he wanted to tell when Uchiha Qi arrested her alone.

It's just that when Kai Uchiha began to speak slowly, Aya Hyuga's face changed slightly.

"About seven years ago, a desperate girl found a boy and told him she longed for freedom and would cooperate with the devil in exchange for only.

Yes, I am afraid that in the eyes of girls, boys are absolutely no less than the devil.

The boy agreed to the girl's request based on his own interests.

And a series of plans began in the boy's psyche. "

"The girl's identity is very special, she is a member of a big family.

Although she is a fringe figure, if she can be free, the practical benefits she can bring are unimaginable.

Therefore, the boy plans to free the girl and make her a senior member of the family, constantly gaining enough voice so that the boys can also get greater rights in the village where they live. "

Uchiha Kai spoke very slowly. He didn't pay attention to the ugly face on Aya's side, but continued to speak slowly.

"I have to say, the girl is really talented, she shows her worth perfectly.

She helped the boy to keep improving.

And the boy also continued to help the girl according to his original promise.

He even raided other villages for the girl, the purpose was to let the girl find what she wanted. "

"The relationship between the two of them began to slowly change qualitatively over time.

The boy gained a lot of power, but he found that he seemed to care more about the girl than power.

And that girl, in a gamble-style attempt, finally freed the cage that had bound her for more than 20 years.

She truly turned into a free butterfly, a butterfly happily swimming in the sky. "

"The boy is very happy with such a change.

But while happy, the boy also decided to tell the girl some of his previous thoughts.

As the boy said and thought, he had already gained enough power, and he didn't seem to care about gaining more power at all.

What he cares more about is the girl's thoughts, because the girl has been completely imprinted in his heart, and he doesn't want to cause some misunderstandings between them because of the past. "

Having said this, Uchiha Qi stretched his waist and then stood up: "The story is over, it's just an old-fashioned story, and my eloquence is not very good. I'll just listen to it."

"Is it because I'm going to see Hyuga Hizu, so you told it?" Hyuga Aya didn't get up, but asked calmly, "Are you worried that he would detect your thoughts, that's why you told such a story? "

"It's not that I'm worried, but I used to think that way." Uchiha Qi shook his head, he didn't explain that much: "Actually, I planned to say it a long time ago, but I didn't find the right opportunity, and you behaved better than you. I'd be more anxious than I imagined."

After speaking, Uchiha Kai turned around and walked towards the Uchiha family's clan.

He didn't regret that he said what he once thought These are the real thoughts he once thought, and there is no need to deceive at all.

Although he often lied, even if he lied, he had to be divided.

"You said..." When Uchiha Kai walked five meters away, Hyuga Aya's cold voice came over again: "Boy now, besides power, what else is more worthy of desire?"

"Boys have never really been a thirst for power. They used to have to make various plans because they wanted to protect themselves."

Uchiha Kai set his pace: "After having enough strength, the boy regards power as a framework of rules to bind him. What the boy actually desires is strength, and in addition, he also has feelings."

"Because the boy is also a lonely person, he has many friends, but not many close friends..."

"And that girl is one of the few people who walks into his heart."
