Chapter 585: Aya's progress

Aya Hyuga's performance was very successful.

In other words, her proposal was a fatal temptation for the members of the Hyuga clan.

Their fanatical mentality has explained everything, and they will not think about it at all. There may be some hidden news for their family, which may not be considered good news.

The bird in the cage is the dream demon in their hearts, as long as they can break the thing that binds their destiny, they are willing to do anything!

What's more, Hyuga Aya also said that the bird in the cage is the patron saint who protects the blood of their family from passing away.

And in the future, they will also develop a spell that can be erased when the ninja is on a mission, after the mission is completed, will all clansmen be the same?

This can also ensure that there will be no problems with the blood of the family. At that time, all the Hyuga clan will be one family, and there will be no more clan divisions.

With such a foundation and guarantee, coupled with the disappearing caged bird on Aya Hyuga's forehead.

It is completely conceivable to imagine the terrifying frenzy that these branch families that have been oppressed for hundreds of years will burst out.

Hyuga Risari's heart was also extremely agitated. He really didn't expect that he would be able to hear this news when he was alive.

Although he is indeed working hard in this direction, although the patriarch of the Hinata clan is his elder brother.

But he also knew that it would be extremely difficult for him to untie the caged bird.

All his expectations were placed on his son, but after hearing such an answer from Hyuga Aya, he almost gave up.

In the end, when he turned around, when he saw and heard everything Hyuga Aya said next, he suddenly felt a sense of 'the rest of his life'!

This time, not only his son has hope.

Even him, even the entire Hyuga clan, has hope!

It's just that Hiyaka Risari is still a shrewd person in the end, although he was also shocked by this news.

But he still used his remaining reason to find some information that made him frown.

This curse seal was untied by Uchiha Aya with the help of Hyuga Aya, plus the close relationship between Hyuga Aya and Uchiha Aya, and the support that Hyuga Aya just said to get support...

Is this understandable that Uchiha Kai intends to use Hyuga Aya to indirectly control the Hyuga clan?

But even if he thought about it, Hyuga Risari felt that he couldn't do anything at all.

Because, Uchiha has given too much, so much that they have no idea of ​​​​refusing at all!

"And.... the attitude of the entire branch towards Uchiha Kai is probably more respectful than the patriarch?"

The way out for the members of the Hyuga clan branch in the security department was given by Uchiha!

The ninja level benefits they are getting now are fully supported by Uchiha Kai!

And now, even their caged bird, Uchiha Kai has the ability to perfect and unravel!

Such a guy, such an existence, I am afraid that very few people in the entire Hyuga branch will reject him.

Hyuga Nisiri now only hopes that his brother can control everything in his hand as much as possible, instead of being completely controlled by an outsider like Uchiha Kai.


"Did you do a good job? I didn't expect your thinking to be so clear. I'm afraid you are already a powerful person in the family now, right?"

In the basement of Kai Uchiha, Kenta Imai looked at Aya Hyuga with a little teasing.

They all looked at Hyuga Aya's performance, and it can be said that her performance was very good.

However, Hyuga Aya didn't seem to take this kind of thing too seriously at all, she just raised her head flatly and glanced at Imai Kenta, then lowered her head and continued to do her own experiments.

It is not difficult for her to perform this time. After all, she is facing all this with an "absolute hole card".

"Don't disturb her, didn't you see that she was experimenting?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and then said, "Look at others, I'm looking at you, how is your yin and yang escape?"

"Hey, don't mention it, Yang Dun is totally fine, I can use it with Mu Dun now, it's just Yin Dun..." Speaking of this question, Kenta Imai couldn't help touching his head: "Yin Dun is a little difficult, However, it can be considered to be able to mobilize the power, but there is no way to materialize the chakra for the time being. But seriously, hasn’t Aya untied the caged bird? Why are you still studying these?”

"Unlocking the caged bird means it's over? You are so stupid that you can't help it." Hyuga Aya frowned and raised her head when she heard this, "Do you think I made such a big deal? If something goes wrong, they won't move? Also, do you think I'll be content with the status quo after seeing the power of the real eye-rolling?"

"It seems that you really want to put Qi on the ground." Imai Kenta nodded knowingly, but after he noticed that the eyes of the two in front of him were not quite right, he immediately changed the subject: " That's right, those guys can't just let you go, I'm afraid they're all thinking about going to war?"

The Hinata clan wanted to do something, which was not beyond their expectations at all, and they even planned and laid out in this direction from the very beginning.

Only fools have fantasies, they are not fools, so neither are they.

If the members of the Hyuga clan really intend to act within the 'rules', then they will undoubtedly lose, because there are too many members of the split clan.

Therefore, from the beginning, they rendered and defined this matter as an "internal family problem".

Because no matter what happens in the family, it has nothing to do with other people, and it will not affect the village.

Their abacus was good, but unfortunately the three of Uchiha Kai didn't plan to let them get their wish.

Otherwise, there would be no such agreement with those Otsutsuki who lost their eyes.

"It doesn't make much sense to start a war or not. Anyway, even if they don't trouble us, we will find them." Uchiha Kai shook his head, then looked at Aya Hyuga: "How about the research on Toto Otsutsuki's cells? Now? This kid's bloodline hides the secret of using Tenseigan."

"Some interesting things have been discovered." Hyuga Aya raised her head and said with a smile, her attitude was completely different from that of Imai Kenta before: "His gene activation the entire sequence, and even transformed from it. Something new."

"So, when are you going to start the first experiment?" Uchiha Kai asked curiously. He didn't have the gene activation level of Toto Otsutsuki's unexpectedly high level.

After all, this kid, in the future, is the guy who almost turned the protagonist Naruto over.

If it weren't for the short time he had obtained Tenseisen, the "fetal movement" phenomenon he encountered inexplicably during the battle, plus his actual combat experience, would be useless to describe.

And his opponent is the protagonist Naruto Uzumaki who has obtained the 'Six Path Level Experience Card' and has a lot of actual combat.

I'm afraid he really wasn't so easy to be turned over, and even the giant Tenseigan was cracked.

Uchiha Qi has seen a sentence in his previous life, saying that when a pig gains the power of a god, even if its foundation is weak, it can definitely easily crush you.

Totoro Otsutsuki's performance is actually similar, not to mention that this guy's physical foundation is not weak.

Uchiha Kai is also curious, if Hyuga Aya really completed the 'full sequence gene activation' with the help of Toto Otsutsuki's genes.

Is it possible to become like the vest king next door, and truly open Tenseigan?

"It's been 20 years since I've traveled through, so that guy's story should be over, right?"

"The harvest is not bad. As for the experiment, I decided to wait first." Hyuga Aya didn't know what Uchiha Kai was thinking, she thought for a while and said directly: "We have too many things recently, the blood of the Yuyi family needs to be limited. Research, yin and yang escape must be studied, and the secret of the bloodline of Otsutsuki Sheren must also be studied. At the same time, the internal affairs of the Hyuga clan must be dealt with, and there are many things that I cannot deal with at one time.”

"So what?" Imai Ken sat on the side too honestly and asked, "Do you plan to postpone this experiment?"

"Yes, but it's only temporary, I also adjusted my plan sequence." Hyuga Aya nodded: "I put the research on Otsutsuki's bloodline first, but this is for me. Ori will focus on studying the boundaries of the Yuyi family's blood. Her level is not low, and she has overcome mental problems, I believe she can do well."

"Iori is indeed very good. It is said that she did not participate in the ninja group, which disappointed their classmates in that class." Uchiha Kai smiled, and then he asked curiously: "Then what about the others? Yin and Yang escape. Research, you can't relax on that. And you're missing something, and that's chakra research."

"I don't plan to delay the Yin-Yang Escape, it's in my second sequence." Hyuga Aya's face showed a touch of confidence: "My Yin-Yang Escape has also achieved good results, although I can't materialize it like this idiot. The power of chakra, but temporary enough. As for chakra, I only lack Lei Dun now."

Yin Yang escape has reached this level?

Moreover, in terms of Chakra, there is only Lei Dun?

Uchiha Ki and Imai Kenta both looked at Hyuga Aya in surprise, but they didn't expect this girl to have a completely rapid advance after untethering the caged bird.

This made them both begin to wonder if the caged bird had suppressed the girl's talent?

But after thinking about it, they think it should not be possible. The caged bird does not have this ability, probably because of the mentality problem?

Mentality has always been the key to a person's progress, and now Aya Hyuga has untied the caged bird, and her inner depression has been swept away.

She can face everything with a very good attitude.

This is similar to when Uchiha Qi obtained the semi-finished Eternal Eye, that is, at that time, his strength improved by leaps and bounds the fastest!

As for Imai Kenta, the obsession and unhappiness in this kid's heart seemed to surround his family and the three generations of Hokage.

And when he took the position as the head of the task department, it seemed that his strength was also improving rapidly.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi didn't think about these things for the time being. He asked directly, "In that day's family? It seems that this is not within your sequence at all, right?"

"Because there is no need to arrange." Hyuga Aya chuckled lightly: "I don't think how much of a storm they can make with your participation, in fact, I don't want you to participate, because I also have my own ideas, I think Try my latest strength boost!"

"So, your first experiment was actually put on hold for fear of adverse reactions?" Imai Kenta seemed to have thought of something, and he immediately asked.

Hyuga Aya nodded seriously: "Almost, although I don't worry about them, but I'm not so stupid that they won't have any means of preparation. Keeping me in good shape is the most important thing."

"I understand, it's a good choice." Uchiha Ki nodded, then he walked in front of Hyuga Aya and flicked her forehead with a smile: "Be confident and be well prepared, this is the key to winning everything. .Then, this time it's up to you to perform, I'll let Kenta help you out and deal with those guys' corpses."

"You guy, it seems that I still have to wear a forehead guard. However, you let Kenta handle these things, what are you going to do?"

"I, naturally, I have to keep an eye on the movements of some old guys..."


"Have you figured it out?"

Inside the Hinata clan, in a loft not far from the patriarch's mansion, a group of old men sat together.

Their faces are solemn, and their foreheads are so bright and clean, they are all elders of the Hyuga clan, and they are all members of the clan!

"Naturally, I figured it out." The second elder of the Hyuga clan sighed slightly, then nodded firmly: "Elder, we have gathered here, and we have already said everything. Hyuga Ling's food, she should be damned! There is the sun and the sun, this **** has completely forgotten the honor and tradition of the family, he is not worthy of being the patriarch, everything we do is for the family!"

"They really deserve to die, and everything we do is really for the family, but..." The fourth elder of the Hyuga clan hesitated: "Hyuga Aya seems to have a special identity. If we really kill her, Then we and Uchiha, and Namikaze Minato and the others..."

Hyuga Aya is Uchiha Kai's lover This point they naturally have to consider.

Uchiha Kai's deterrent power is too great, no one dares to really ignore this guy!

It's just that the eight elders of them have different views on this matter. Some elders think that Hyuga Aya is the first person to be freed from the caged bird. Such rebelliousness is a scourge.

However, some elders did not want to provoke Kai Uchiha and let this matter spread passively.

"Humph!" Just as these elders were arguing, the first elder suddenly snorted coldly, and all the elders present suddenly became quiet.

"Hyuga Aya is indeed a trouble. In all fairness, I want to kill her!" The elder said in a stern tone: "But if she didn't participate in the war, then she has lost the caged bird, and we can expel her from the Hyuga clan. If this time She went to war and died, so I'll give it to the third Hokage as a name..."

"Everyone, you know, we have no way out!"
