Chapter 586: unexpected person

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

As Hyuga Aya's actions unfolded, the atmosphere within the Hyuga clan became particularly depressing.

However, this atmosphere seems to be nothing to the members of the split, they have been immersed in a frenetic atmosphere.

Even if they felt the oppression of such an atmosphere, it still couldn't stop the news that Hyuga Aya brought to be worthy of their joy.

As for what happens next, they don't care, because for them, whoever wants to break their only hope is their enemy!

There is no room for compromise on this point, even if these people are from the same family!

What happened to the Hinata clan was actually not a matter of concern to Kai Uchiha.

He may not even participate in the battles within the Hinata clan.

Not because he wanted to see the results of Hyuga Aya's recent practice, but because he received an invitation letter.

This invitation letter is from Hiruzen Sarutobi, the old guy invited Kai Uchiha to his house for tea.

The appearance of this invitation letter really made Kei Uchiha feel a little surprised.

In addition, the news that Uchiha Shisui brought him, let him know that there are members of the Hinata clan with roots, and Shisui will not participate in this operation.

This made Kei Uchiha a bit baffled. He really didn't know what trick this old guy was playing.

However, after thinking about it, Uchiha Kai decided to take a look.

And if there is no accident, I am afraid that the day he is invited will be the day when civil unrest breaks out in the Hyuga clan, right?

"Tiaohu Lishan? Or do you have other plans to deal with me well?"

Uchiha Kaixin is also guessing what Sarutobi Hizen is thinking, but no matter what the old guy thinks, he is not worried at all.

The journey to the moon has made his growth too great, although he has not completely absorbed the magic chakra until now.

But using the magic chakra provided by the Orochimaru spell, he can already control and use it in combination with his own escape.

That kind of power is very terrifying. If it cooperates with Sharonyan, I am afraid that Uchiha Kai's conventional combat methods can be updated once.

It is very necessary to update your conventional combat methods, especially Susanoh's combat methods must be updated.

Susanoo is really strong, so strong that he has almost no opponents at this stage.

However, Susanohu has one regret that is not a shortcoming, that is, his size is too large.

With the strength of Uchiha Kai getting stronger and stronger, its body size has exceeded 200 meters, and it has begun to move towards the peak of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke.

But it is precisely because of this huge body that he often shows huge movements in battle, and even sometimes makes him feel like a cannon is hitting mosquitoes.

Before Uchiha Kai didn't have a good solution, although he could deal with it without using Susanoo, it was a lot of trouble.

But now, after possessing the Yin-Yang Escape and the Curse Seal, he can completely avoid using Susanoo, and he can achieve terrifying effects under normal conditions.

"Susanoh should be used to deal with large-scale enemy forces and those who are extremely difficult. The conventional combat methods should be more inclined to the use of Sharinyan, Yin and Yang escape, and the use of chakra."

Although he had such a plan in mind, he did not intend to use the spell from Orochimaru completely.

Through the feeling of the curse seal and various information, Uchiha Qi can be regarded as having a relatively complete understanding of the fairy chakra.

If it wasn't for Hyuga Aya who was going to deal with the Hyuga clan in the near future, she might even have a conflict with the people at the root.

Maybe Uchiha Qi has erased the curse mark of Orochimaru at this moment, and then extracted her fairy chakra, right?

But these are not big things, the time is very long, he can wait slowly.

There's nothing wrong with giving him more time to familiarize himself with the current power better.

In addition to these things, he has also been thinking about another thing.

That was the giant Tenseigan that stunned the three of them collectively, and also inexplicably released the power of the bird in Hyuga Aya's cage.

After this force entered their bodies, it seemed that Uchiha Kai had some reactions.

That is, the power of his Yin Dun and Yang Dun skyrocketed in an instant.

As for Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta, there seems to be no obvious performance at all, especially Imai Kenta.

Hyuga Aya can also be seen as the power of Tenseiyan erasing her caged bird, but Imai Kenta really didn't respond at all.

This made Uchiha Qi wonder if that power was useless.

"Forget it, why do you think so much? This guy has benefited from coming here, but he doesn't want to say it or he hasn't really developed it yet."

Uchiha Kei walked towards Sarutobi Hiizan's residence, silently thinking about some insignificant issues in his heart.

Two or three days have passed unknowingly. In these two days, they have been maintaining their status and researching some content related to themselves, but it is time for Sarutobi Hidden Sword to invite Uchiha Kai.

Since Uchiha Kei didn't plan to release the old man's pigeon, he would naturally go to the appointment on time, and at the same time, Hyuga Aya has now returned home.

This guy, Imai Kenta, has his own plans, and he will cover up Hyuga Aya's actions in the dark.

The two of them also probably guessed that today might not be very peaceful, especially the invitation letter from Hiruzen Sarutobi will definitely not be a simple matter.

But no matter what they plan to do, it's actually not too serious for the three of Uchiha Kai.

Even if Kai Uchiha does not participate, Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai are both people who have mastered the chakra mode of immortality, and they can handle it.

And now, they all have mastered the power of Yang Dun, even if they have a very general grasp, but using it with the Immortal Technique Chakra, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist!

All the way to the Sarutobi clan's clan, Uchiha Qi raised his head and looked around.

The place looks huge, but it doesn't look luxurious.

The most important thing is that the scattered houses here look like a civilian area, and they look a little shabby compared to the Uchiha family.

Shaking his head indifferently, he walked in directly, and soon members of the Sarutobi clan ran over to receive him.

This member of the Sarutobi clan did not show enthusiasm after seeing Uchiha Kai, but in fact it was a matter of course.

Because his reputation can be regarded as stinky to the old Big Three.

But this kid didn't show much indifference, probably because of Sarutobi Hizan's reminder.

Following this young Sarubi clan's slow progress, the two of them soon came to a relatively quaint house.

This house looks very historical, and Uchiha Kai has seen similar buildings in memory.

It seems that many years ago, when Imai Kenta helped settle the Senju old man, the house that the old guy lived in was somewhat similar to this.

After this Sarubi clan brought Kai Uchiha here, he did not choose to go in, but stood quietly outside the door.

Uchiha Kai smiled casually, and then pushed open the door without any hesitation.

What caught his eye was a person who surprised him a little...


Hyuga Aya returned to the Hyuga clan alone. She did not choose to go back to her room, but came to the residence of Hyuga Nisiri.

At this time, the time has come to five or six o'clock in the afternoon, the sky is getting darker and later, and the afterglow of dusk falls on the ground.

Hyuga Aya doesn't have any interest in this kind of scenery, the sunset is beautiful, and she really liked it before.

But since unchaining the caged bird, she finds she prefers the early morning glow.

Walking all the way to the residence of Hyuga Hizu, at this time, Hyuga Aya saw Hyuga Nisashi standing at the door, her expression seemed a little anxious.

This makes Hyuga Aya somewhat baffled. Could it be that the people from the sect have already started?

Quickly walking over, Hyuga Aya frowned and looked at Hyuga Nisashi and asked, "Mr. Nissa, what happened here?"

"Hey, brother... The patriarch seems to have some problems." Hinata Risari opened his eyes and looked around for a while before he sighed helplessly: "Someone may have moved his hands and feet, and now the patriarch is not quite right, just a little bit. You will vomit blood when you mobilize Chakra, I suspect..."

Suspected, Hyuga Risari didn't say anything, but Hyuga Aya already understood.

I'm afraid, someone poisoned it?

Thinking of this, Hyuga Aya's brows furrowed even tighter. Isn't this too careless?

Knowing that the opponent will probably not act according to the routine, and he has also made sufficient preparations in advance.

Just why is it still like this?

Hyuga Aya really couldn't understand, her eyes were fixed on Hyuga Nisashi's body with a little doubt.

"I've been very careful, my brother almost replaced all the servants around him, leaving only a few people." Of course, Risari Hinata understood what Hyuga Aya meant, and he said without any hesitation: "They are both Trustworthy people, and they're all split people."

"Are they separated?" Hyuga Aya sighed slightly: "Tell me who they are and what their family situation is. Don't hide it now, I need to judge whether they have weaknesses!"

"Before you came, I asked Uchiha Ryuying to help analyze it, and I also tried to make some judgments myself." Hyuga Nisaka shook his head: "It may be Hyuga Kaoru, but..."

"Don't tell me that this woman has an affair with the patriarch." Hyuga Aya raised her brows: "If that's the case..."

"It's not what you think, Hyuga Kaoru has been following the patriarch for a long time. She has taken care of the patriarch's life for 20 years." Hyuga Risai immediately explained: "She is the person trusted by the patriarch, and she also has Husband, even has a child, do you think the patriarch would do such a thing?"

"Man, it's hard to say such a question!" Hyuga Aya seemed to think of a day when Uchiha Kai said "I want it all", and her expression became extremely dissatisfied.

It wasn't that she didn't know that powerful men might change slightly, especially when it came to women.

But Hyuga Aya doesn't want, doesn't want, and doesn't plan to let such a thing happen to her.

But she also knew that for Uchiha Kai, who had been killing ninjas from a young age, the so-called beauty and beauty were really worthless in his eyes.

Even Hyuga Aya herself, she still has confidence in her appearance, but wasn't she almost killed by this guy?

"Let's not discuss this issue, it has nothing to do with the theme." Hyuga Nisari didn't want to quarrel with Hyuga Aya on this issue, he quickly explained: "The reason why I doubt her is because she is the only one with a family background. Someone with some problems."

"Child, or husband?" Hyuga Aya's eyes narrowed slightly: "Does she know the current situation of the patriarch?"

"I don't know, because the patriarch found that the situation was not right, so he came to me and found a way to heal himself."

Hyuga Nisabashi shook his head: "And Hyuga Kaoru... It should be her child that has a problem. Her husband is a mission ninja, and he is the kind of mission ninja who loves money very much. Every mission of his is recorded. It's extremely dangerous, but he's not in the village now, he left about half a month ago, an S-rank mission. But he's not doing anything else for the money, but for their children."

"Child?" Hyuga Aya nodded: "Severely ill? Terminally ill? Or..."

"Seriously ill, at the age of ten, his body is very weak, and he can't even condense chakra." Hyuga Risai said with a frown: "The reason is unknown, Hyuga Xun had some accidents when she gave birth to this child, although it has been saved. back, but..."

Hyuga Aya nodded. After being rescued, I'm afraid she won't have the ability to reproduce, right?

So this seriously ill child has become their only love, and is willing to betray everything for this only love?

All the possibilities were quickly filtered out in her mind. Although Aya Hyuga was not sure if it was this woman's hand, she also had to admit that Hyuga Risari's judgment was very reasonable.

But there is one thing she can't understand. Even though this woman has taken care of Hyuga Hizu for so long and gained enough trust, this is not a reason not to do anything to her!

"Why didn't you arrest her and torture her?" Hyuga Aya asked directly: "Trust, I think, it's not as simple as trust, right?"

"Hey, in addition to the will of the patriarch, there is one more point..." Hiyaka Hiyaka sighed: "She is also the one who took care of Miss Hinata since she was a child, and it can be said that she is one of the closest people to Miss Hinata. ..."

"It's such a ridiculous thing again." Hyuga Aya sneered disdainfully: "Is she with Miss Hinata now?"

"No, I sensed that something was wrong, and I have separated her from Miss Hinata." Hyuga Nisari shook his head quickly: "Also, the lady of the patriarch also trusts her a lot, Aya, I hope you understand what I mean."

This woman is really not easy.

Hyuga Aya shook her head slightly after hearing what Hyuga Nisari said.

In addition to the trust of Hyuga Hizu, she also won the favor of the patriarch's wife and Hinata Hinata.

It can be said that this woman has a pivotal position for the Hyuga Hizu family, right?

But it's a pity that Hyuga Aya doesn't believe all of this. Hyuga Hizu has confidence in her and makes this woman feel free. Hyuga Aya won't be accustomed to her!

"Bring her kids here and I'll let them speak."

"But, Aya..."

"Don't worry, I will handle it. If there is a real misunderstanding, Qi will erase her memory. Now is not the time to explore these methods!"
