Chapter 587: Aya's means


Uchiha Kai looked at the guy in front of him, and couldn't help but stunned, he didn't understand why this guy was here.

"Are you surprised? Minister Qi?" Asma smiled, then turned around and said, "Let's go, let's go in, father is still waiting for you."

After saying this, Sarutobi Asma turned around and walked in, and Uchiha Kai could only quickly follow.

Now, he is a little more confused about what Sarutobi Hizan was thinking.

The old man Sarutobi Hizan has two sons, one of which is not known exactly, it may be lurking at the root or in other villages.

And his child, Konoha Maru, is at home now!

The other is Sarutobi Asma, who is also at home now.

Let your children and grandchildren stay at home, and at the same time call Uchiha Kei, an extremely dangerous guy.

In addition, their current relationship can be described as water and fire, isn't he worried about Uchiha's difficulty in enlightening?

Kai Uchiha doesn't believe that Hiruzen Sarutobi has never seen his own destructive power. If a disaster strikes, I am afraid that the family members of Hiruzen Sarutobi's family will really be cleaned up by him at one time!

He wouldn't believe that Sarutobi Hizen would think he was a soft-hearted person.

In those days, Sarutobi Hidden let him go to the battlefield at the age of seven, and it is no longer clear how many people he killed along the way.

But one thing is absolutely certain, that is the task that Uchiha Shisui has experienced, and he has definitely experienced it too!

Uchiha Qi can't remember how he completed that task at that time, but the only thing he remembers is that he also performed this task, and his heart became so cold.

"It seems that Sarutobi Hiizan didn't plan to do it, right?" Uchiha Kei followed slowly, thinking slowly, "If you really want to do it, I'm afraid Asma and Konoha Maru won't be the same. Stay together. Even if Asma is left, Konoha Maru will never be put here, this old man..."

"Minister Qi, it's the first time you've come to my house, right?" Just as Uchiha Qi was thinking, Asma, who was walking in front, suddenly said, "But think about it, Minister Qi has been busy all the time, and we also Long time no see."

"Well, has it been a while?" Uchiha Qi nodded calmly: "What are you doing recently? It seems that you haven't been to the class reunion much."

"After traveling for a while, I wanted to go to Daimyo, but I gave up in the end. After all..." Asma shook his head, and then he continued: "But I have met some friends, and they are all there now. In the Temple of Fire, Minister Qi still has some relationship with them."

Fire Temple? The land group? Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

Since the group of twelve former guardians of Dilu were killed by themselves nearly half at one time and forced the daimyo to make a choice, they were dismissed in place.

Uchiha Kai also tried to have Kakashi recruit them, but unfortunately these people did not seem to have the idea of ​​serving Konoha.

However, they are obviously not fools, knowing that if they run out of the country of fire, they may face endless pursuit.

Therefore, they simply followed Dilu to the Temple of Fire and cleaned it up inside.

He raised his head and glanced at Asma in front of him. This guy already has some shadows in the original book. At the age of 20, he has begun to grow a beard.

And from his body, Uchiha Qi can smell a smell of tobacco, I am afraid he has started smoking by now, right?

"Here, he wants to see you alone." When the two of them came to the door of a room together, Asma stopped at the door and said with a complicated expression: "There is no one else at home, only me and Konoha Maru, so... ..."

"Take Konohamaru away." Uchiha Qi interrupted Asma directly, his voice was a little indifferent: "You are my classmate, although your surname is Sarutobi, but you have not participated in too many of these things, There is no need to take risks."

"Although I really want to say if you look down on me too much, but..." Asma sighed faintly: "You have indeed walked in front of all of us, not only you, but also Kaka West too...but, I'm not leaving."

"Why?" Uchiha Qi shook his head: "I can't guarantee many things, it's very dangerous for you to stay here."

"I won't go, neither will Konoha Maru. This is his decision. Although I don't quite understand it, I believe in his judgment and your reason."

"If I were you, I wouldn't believe these things. You wouldn't know how cold-blooded we guys are if you didn't really go through the war."

After saying this, Uchiha Kai turned around and walked into the room.

What needs to be said has been said, how to choose depends on Sarutobi Asma himself.

Entering the room, Uchiha Kei has been adjusting his breath. When he saw Sarutobi Hiizan, he was suddenly stunned.

From his point of view, even if the Sarutobi Hidden Sword had no intention of fighting at this time, it would definitely not look casual.

But for the old man in front of him, it's really not that simple.

In the whole room, there were neither other people nor any weapons or equipment.

And this old guy was kneeling on the ground wearing a long robe, with a coffee table in front of him, it really looked like he was inviting an old friend to have a cup of tea.

Such a move is very strange. Could it be that this old man is planning to poison the tea?

Shaking his head, Kei Uchiha slowly walked in front of Hizan Sarutobi and looked at this guy calmly.

"Sit down, Minister Qi." Three generations of Hokage glanced at Uchiha Kai, and then poured two cups of tea himself: "Worry about me being poisoned? Or worried about someone outside the door?"

"I'm all worried, but I'm not worried either." Uchiha Qi was silent for a while before he said quietly: "I won't worry about how many people come. As for the poison..."

Poison may have serious effects on others, even some ninjas with exceptional strength may fall on the deadly effect of poison.

But Uchiha Kai is different, he barely has mastered the yin and yang escape, and at the same time he has this white absolute cell, he really doesn't have to worry about this thing.

He sat down casually, then picked up the cup on the table and took a sip, a strong tea fragrance spread in his mouth.

"It's really good tea. I remember that I once drank the tea that Hyuga Aya had brewed, and it tasted very good. She said that it was only available to the clan within the Hyuga clan." Uchiha Kai put down the tea cup and sighed lightly: " Although I spit it out later because I didn't really trust her at the time, but..."

"But now, you trust her, right?" Sarutobi Hizan sighed slightly: "The battlefield is the Shura field. It's not surprising that you don't trust anyone, even your own teammates."

"But now I trust her, I trust her very much." Uchiha's fingers twirled gently along the teacup, and then he said slowly: "Master Sandaime came to me, shouldn't he be here for a simple tea?"

"It's not really." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded: "You can treat it as a tiger leaving the mountain. Of course, it can also be regarded as..."

"It's me, the old guy. I want to chat with a young and energetic young man like you."


Hyuga Xun slowly walked into a living room. As someone who has served Hyuga Hizu for more than 20 years, she is very familiar with everything here.

She looked very calm, and although she was a little surprised by the call of Hyuga Risari, she still rushed over quickly.

But what she never expected was that when she walked into this room, she saw the pale Hyuga Hizu sitting there.

And beside him, there is a child who looks only ten years old!

The moment she saw this child, Hyuga Xun's expression changed. Originally, Gujing Bubo's face suddenly became a little stunned, but the years of etiquette allowed her to return to calm in the fastest time.

"Lord Patriarch, are you looking for me?" Hyuga Xun bowed slightly and asked softly, "Why was Qingyan also called over by Patriarch."

Hyuga Kiyohiko is the son of Hyuga Kaoru. This little guy is about ten years old, but he looks like a seven or eight-year-old child.

His face was a little pale, and although he had white eyes, it was slightly dim. The most important thing was that there was no trace of Chakra in his body.

This child, I am afraid that there is no possibility of becoming a ninja in this life.

Moreover, the reason why this child has survived until now is probably due to the fact that Kaoru Hyuga's husband has been constantly engaged in dangerous tasks, and that she herself has gained the trust of Hyuga Hizu.

"Originally, I wanted to say that I was worried that if there were any fluctuations in the family, it would cause trouble to your family." Hinata Hizu smiled pale and looked a little weird: "But now, I want to ask, do you want him Do you want to live or let him die?"

"Lord Patriarch, what do you mean? I don't understand!" Hyuga Xun's eyes instantly changed, she looked at Hyuga Hizu with a horrified expression, and then quickly fell to the ground: "Lord Patriarch, he is the only child of Yuanzhi and I. ,you....."

"It seems that you want him to die." Hyuga Hizu's smile did not change, but her expression became a little indifferent: "It's such a pity, I thought you would be a smart person after following me for so long. ."

"Lord Patriarch, what are you talking about!" Hyuga Xun's face has become very pale, and even his eyes have turned red.

With her appearance, I am afraid that 90% of people who see her at this time will choose to believe her.

But no matter what, the sunflower in front of him didn't have any sympathy.

Because the person in front of him is not Hyuga Hizu at all, he was transformed by Hyuga Aya using the transformation technique.

After Hyuga Aya forcibly made Hyuga Nisashi agree to her plan, Hyuga Aya went to visit Hyuga Hizu.

It is indeed poisoning, but this kind of thing is not too difficult for her, she can use Yang Dun to solve it.

But before that, she had to deal with some things, like this Hyuga Kaoru.

Hyuga Aya has always been one of the ten percent, and these ten percent can be regarded as ninjas who have experienced the cruelty of war and will not easily trust others!

These people belong to the most ruthless and most elite beings, but these ninjas are also a bit similar.

That is, once you trust someone, you will absolutely trust it 100%!

Hyuga Nisari looked at Hyuga Kaoru in front of him, but a little uncertainty flashed in his eyes.

However, Hyuga Risari is also an existence that has experienced the devastation of war, and he will not be sympathetic because of such a "performance".

Hyuga Aya's eyes narrowed slightly, and the expression on her face was a smile but not a smile, and then she directly stretched out her hand to hold Hyuga Kiyohiko's neck!

A trace of fear and despair flashed in Hyuga Xun's eyes. She stared blankly at Hyuga Kiyohiko who didn't dodge at all, like a motionless puppet, who let Hyuga Aya hold her neck.

"Okay, let's talk about it here, my time is very limited." Hyuga Aya said in a silent voice, "I didn't want to do this because you've been with me for many years and have always been a hard worker. But, you I'm so disappointed. What a poor kid, he didn't have to die, he could even be reborn in other ways, because his parents did something wrong..."

"Lord Patriarch! What do you want me to say!" Hyuga Xun couldn't help it at this moment, she shouted hysterically: "He's just a child, a frail child!"

"Really?" Hyuga Aya looked at her indifferently: "No one is innocent. Do you think if you do something like this, they will let you go? Will I let you go?"

"Lord Patriarch, I don't understand!" Hyuga Xun was still excited: "I really don't understand!"

"Is that so?" Hyuga Aya sighed slightly: "If that's the case, then..."

Saying this, the strength in Hyuga Aya's hands began to intensify, and in an instant, Hyuga Kiyohiko's already pale complexion became extremely pale!

When Hyuga Xun saw this scene, he rushed over as if he had completely lost his mind.

However, as soon as she stood up, she was hit to the ground by Hyuga Hipsari, and when she got up again and rushed over, she was hit again.

Hyuga Kiyohiko's face became more and more ugly, he had begun to struggle, and every struggle he made seemed to hit the bottom of Hyuga Xun's heart.

Finally, Hyuga Xun couldn't take it anymore, she knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "Lord Patriarch, I said, I said!"

However, Hyuga Aya didn't hear about it, she made a silent action, and then lifted Hyuga Kiyohiko to watch him struggling in her hands before slowly saying: "One minute, you have one minute to express. , you now have fifty-nine seconds."

"It was me who poisoned you! They let me poison you!" Hyuga Xun's voice, like a cry, was full of the feeling of a broken vocal cord.

"Not enough, continue." Hyuga Aya was unmoved, and the twitching of Hyuga Kiyohiko in her hand became more and more violent: "You still have fifty-five seconds, don't worry, you can speak slowly."

"The drug is given to me by a ninja at the root. It is a chronic poison. It has no taste or breath, but it can slowly make people unable to use their chakra. Once they are forced to use chakra, they will die. !" Hinata Kaori's voice was extremely hoarse, but she was still narrating everything You still have fifty seconds. A light smile appeared on Aya's face, and Kiyohiko Hyuga's face in her hands began to turn red, and she rolled her eyes involuntarily: "The choice is yours. "

"I really don't know, Lord Patriarch!" Hyuga Xun seemed to have completely collapsed, and she kept begging: "I really only know so much, they promised to save Qingyan, I..."

"You still have forty-five seconds." Hyuga Aya's voice was still so soft, just like Uchiha Kai.

And the face of Hyuga Qingyan in her hand turned purple, her consciousness began to blur, and her struggle began to stop.

Seeing this scene, Hyuga Xun had completely collapsed, and her whole body was shaking wildly uncontrollably.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "My husband, Hyuga Motoji, also participated in it. He joined an organization very early. We have only one purpose, and that is to save our children!"
