Chapter 590: action

"You want to kill them all?"

Although Hyuga Hizu's face was full of viciousness, he couldn't help shivering when he heard Hyuga Aya's incomparably calm but hidden killing intent.

This woman is much more cold-blooded than he imagined. The most important thing is that this woman has also untied the caged bird, and there is a more terrifying figure standing behind her.

Hyuga Hizu sometimes wonders, what would happen if she forced her to obey the caged bird while she was still in the caged bird control state?

It's just that the thought just surfaced, and he immediately shook his head.

First of all, he is not that kind of person. His own younger brother is a member of the split family. Naturally, he is not willing to be too harsh on the split family.

Secondly, as a patriarch, his existence is destined to protect the interests of the entire clan, not simply the interests of the clan.

If that's the case, why would he attack Hyuga Aya?

In addition, Hyuga Aya didn't have the current status and ability back then, and the ghost knew that she would come this far.

"Yes, the matter has reached this stage, and the people at the root have already been dispatched. Do you think we can still be kind?" Hyuga Aya's voice was still cold, as if she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what she said: "Only if it is completely resolved. Trouble, your voice is the only one in the Hyuga clan, haven't you already made such preparations?"

"It's not just me, but you, and Uchiha Kai." Hyuga Hizu raised her head slightly and glanced at Hyuga Aya, then shook her head and asked directly, "What's your plan? Let's talk about it."

"The plan is to convene and prepare for battle." Hyuga Aya said calmly, "When you recover, I will let Mr. Richa to transfer the women and children in the clan, but this kind of thing can't be hidden, so I also let him summon. The staff in the security department, to cover and protect this operationReceive red envelopes] Follow the public.. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

"Where will they go?" Hyuga Hizu frowned: "With such a large-scale operation, the movement will not be small, right?"

The people in the Hyuga clan are not blind, and the people who transfer the majority of the population base are probably already seen, right?

And where to move to is also very elegant, if it is too far away, it may be intercepted halfway.

The method used by the Zong family to deal with the separation is very direct. Controlling the bird in the cage can make the people of the separation lose their combat effectiveness, and I am afraid it will be massacre at that time.

And getting too close is of no use at all, unless...

"It's not far, it's just a few minutes' walk." Hyuga Aya said without waiting for Hinata to think clearly: "It's a warehouse, but that warehouse is not a simple place."

"Oh?" Hyuga Hizu looked at Hyuga Aya curiously.

Aya Hyuga didn't have any intention of hiding anything. She continued: "The warehouse belongs to Anbu, and there are members of Anbu stationed in it. Kakashi has already said hello in advance, and we can use it with confidence. At the same time, the members of the security department are there. The patrol line, when our people get there, the people from the security department will also arrive. I think, even if they are bold, they will not dare to directly offend the two departments of Anbu and the security department. "

When Hyuga Hizu heard this sentence, she immediately fell silent. At the same time, they offended Anbu and the Security Department, the only two violent departments in Konoha. Then they probably don't need to do anything, and those people will be cleaned up. right?

Although everyone knows who they belong to, the rules of each department are valid in the village.

The place where you attacked Anbu recklessly, and was seen by the security department, this is simply giving the opponent an opportunity to do it!

Even if you know that the other party will never let you go, and may even do it, you should try not to leave the handle as much as possible.

Rules are rules, if you can't involve the village, you can't involve the village.

No matter who is the first to break this scene, then if it affects the village next, I am afraid that the trouble will become huge.

However, it is not a simple matter to mobilize these two departments to endorse, no matter how you look at it.

Even if he is Hyuga Hizu, he can already participate in the meetings of the small circle of Namikaze Minato.

If he really asked him to go to Uchiha Kai or Kakashi, even if he succeeded, it would not be an understatement.

And Hyuga Aya, I'm afraid he didn't say anything, other cities Uchiha Qi helped him arrange it?

This guy, Uchiha Kai, has an excellent relationship with Kakashi, the Minister of Anbu.

Such a terrifying guy would give anyone a headache.

"Then what should we do now?" Hyuga Hizu shook his head, he was too lazy to think about this issue, he asked directly: "Others are dispatched, how many of us remain in the family, and the other party? "

"Our people will not be less, only more, but some things and some things I think are more refined rather than more, especially such things." Hyuga Aya smiled coldly: "But before that, I think the patriarch should cooperate with them."

"Cooperation?" Hyuga Hizu frowned, "You mean, cheating injury?"

"Yes." Hyuga Aya nodded, and at the same time took out a small pill from the ninja bag and handed it to Hyuga Hizu: "We are ninjas, not samurai, they gave us such an opportunity, if If you don't take advantage of it, it's really stupid."

Hyuga Hizu had the pill, and he naturally knew what Hyuga Aya meant.

However, what Hyuga Aya said was right. The other party had no intention of holding back, and his behavior was so despicable and shameless. If so, why did he expect him to fight back with decent means?

Without the slightest hesitation, Hyuga Hizu directly swallowed the pill.

Although he is also a little worried, will Hyuga Aya do some tricks in this pill.

But compared to those elders, Hyuga Aya was much kinder.

"Why is the taste so weird?" Hyuga Hizu just threw the pills down, and immediately asked with a frown involuntarily.

"Do you still expect me to add chocolate to it?" Hyuga Aya glanced at Hyuga Hizuzu inexplicably: "Just hold back a little bit, to be honest, the poison they used to deal with you this time is quite complicated. What is it? I still need to investigate, if I hadn't used a more special method, you might have been really helpless. But it's okay, it just allows me to use some of my experiments."

"Experimental product?" Hyuga Hizu's brows furrowed even tighter: "What you gave me to eat just now is your experimental product?"

"Well, lie down first." Hyuga Aya said flatly. After Hyuga Hizu was lying on the tatami, she immediately opened her eyes and patted the three acupoints of Hyuga Hizu a few times.

Hinata Rizu didn't move. As a soft fist user, he was very familiar with the structure of the human body.

Of course he knew that the acupuncture points that Hyuga Aya had done just now would not cause him any problems.

It's just that he couldn't figure out why Hyuga Aya did this. Those acupoints would only slow down the blood flow, and would not endanger life at all.

And the technique used by Hyuga Aya is very general, and he can directly break through this obstacle with Chakra.

But when Aya Hyuga put a mirror in front of him, he also had to sigh at Aya's superb craftsmanship!

With a feeling of soreness and numbness, the three acupuncture points that were tapped quickly spread to his whole body.

Hyuga Hizu's face quickly turned pale, and there was a faint cyan color, and the eye sockets gradually became a little deep.

It looks like it has been poisoned, and time is running out!

"My luck is good, or this thing is simply an accidental product." Hyuga Aya said flatly after doing all this: "But this thing was asked by Qi-Jun to keep it, and I thought it would never exist in my life. What does it do. I didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to let us try the effects of these drugs." Hyuga Hizu sighed slightly: "So what's next? Propaganda about this, and then when they were careless, I suddenly burst into flames. rise?"

"Almost, that's it." Hyuga Aya nodded calmly: "And, in order to make things seem more real, I hope that the patriarch will cooperate more."

"I understand, don't worry." Hyuga Hizu nodded, then closed her eyes.

Hyuga Aya ignored this guy, she turned around and walked towards the door, glanced at the movement around her, and walked slowly to the trees one by one.

It didn't take long for two people to appear in front of her one after another, one was Imai Kenta, and the other... was the dried persimmon ghost shark.

"How is the situation?" Hyuga Ling felt a little bit, and immediately knew that these two were clones. She asked directly, "Why didn't Qi-Jun take direct action and let a new person participate?"

"Master Qi is in the house of the third generation, so let his subordinates do the work for him." Gan Persimmon Ghost Shark is still more respectful towards Hyuga Aya: "If there is any offense, please bear with me."

"Since it's Kai's subordinate, it's naturally fine, let's talk about it." Hyuga Aya said flatly: "They attacked those women and children?"

"Yes, but they were defeated by the subordinates, and the subordinates also found out that there was another group of Anbu ninjas among them." Kanaki Oni said truthfully, although he didn't know why Konoha had two Anbu, he didn't care much either. .

"It seems that those people can't bear it anymore." Hyuga Aya nodded, then looked at Imai Kenta: "What about you? Didn't you screw up?"

"Do you underestimate me?" Imai Ken said disdainfully: "Although it caused some trouble, I'm afraid they have already panicked themselves. I have to say..."

"The mask left by Kai is really useful..."


"The poorest Hokage?"

Sarutobi Hiizhan stared blankly at Uchiha Kai, and suddenly he laughed out loud.

His laughter was very loud, and he seemed unusually heroic.

It's just that Uchiha Qiqi faintly heard a little comfort and a little desolation in his laughter.

Such contradictory laughter made Uchiha Qi shake his head slightly, I am afraid that he is the first, perhaps the only one who dares to say such a thing to him?

"You little brat, it's really interesting."

After a long time, Sarutobi Hizan's laughter gradually ceased. He seemed to have been thinking too intensely just now and even burst into tears, and the corners of his eyes were slightly red.

"You actually said that I am the most pitiful Hokage, you bastard, do you think I lost too miserably, so have pity on me here?"

"Winning or losing is basically a common thing for us, and there is nothing pitiful to say." Uchiha Qi shook his head, then he reached out and picked up the teapot to pour tea for himself, only then did he notice that a pot of tea had been completely drunk. Done.

"Come on, you brat, don't waste my tea." Sarutobi Hizan smiled and took the teapot, then skillfully began to boil and pour water, he said while doing it, "Then, What do you think, little guy? It's not pitiful, but no one else has the final say."

"It's really not someone else's decision, but..." Uchiha Qi looked at Sarutobi Hiizan calmly, and finally he asked with a slight smile: "However, isn't it very strange to be treated as a puppet by others? Okay, Mitsuyomi-sama?"

When Sarutobi Hizan heard this, his hand shook slightly, and hot water was sprinkled on the table at once.

He seriously looked at Uchiha Kai in front of him and his expression was silent.

Poor, this word appeared in his mind, and it was also mentioned by Minato Namifeng.

And now it is mentioned by Uchiha Kai again, which makes Hiruzen Sarutobi laugh and cry, but also feels deeply powerless.

"Poor, yes, it's really pitiful." Sarutobi Hizan stared at the teapot that was boiling water, and said slowly: "In your eyes, I may really just be a puppet who has been pulled up."

"Actually, you should feel the most deeply about this." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly: "In your era, you have to make choices that suit your interests, there is nothing to say.

But because you have done too well and have done too successfully, you can't take it back even if you want to stop it now, right? I don't think you can't see the pros and cons of the Shangnin reform actually? "

"It can be seen that although the system that has been monopolized by the family ninja for thousands of years has been broken, it has completely changed everything."

Sarutobi Hizan said calmly: "Although it is not complete and even retains some benefits for family ninjas, it is indeed making the 'family model' completely like the 'village model'."

Uchiha Qi was not surprised that Sarutobi Hizan could see this. After all, this old man has stood in the position of Hokage for so many years, and his vision and wisdom are no problem.

The so-called Shangnin reform is essentially a reform plan from the top to the bottom.

In addition to changing the status quo of Konoha and moving towards a new system, its main purpose also has the selfishness of Kai Uchiha.

But so what?

Or in the previous system, would it be better to watch Sarutobi Hiizan those interest groups constantly gnawing at their interests?

"But..." Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking, Sarutobi Hiizan said again: "Don't you think of Namikaze Minato as a puppet?"
