Chapter 591: Prepare a funeral for you

Think of Namikaze Minato as a puppet?

Uchiha Qi looked at Sarutobi Hiizhan calmly. Did this guy transfer some of his thoughts to himself?

Uchiha Kei has never thought of using Namikaze Minato as a puppet. It doesn't mean that there is no value in doing so. In fact, it is meaningless.

Right to them, the positioning has always been clear.

In the past, he needed power to protect his life, so that no one dared to attack him easily, and at the same time he needed a strongman to endorse him.

And now, if there are no dead people resurrected in advance, I am afraid that the people who want to kill him in the true sense have not grown up yet, right?

Looking at the serious Sarutobi Hiizan, Uchiha Kai chuckled and shook his head.

After the kettle was boiled and Sarutobi Hizuzan filled their cups with tea again, Uchiha Kai slowly opened his mouth.

"What do you think is the difference between me and Danzo?" Uchiha Kai picked up the cup, smelled the tea fragrance inside and asked, "Also, what do you think I asked Captain Minato to do voluntarily, that kind of tea? Is it something that harms Konoha's interests for my own sake?"

"Can you stop disturbing the peace of the deceased?" Hiruzen Sarutobi frowned, "Although I admit that you and Danzo are very different, but..."

"But we all got huge power, right?" Uchiha Kai laughed: "But the problem is, I have never used the power in my hand as the basis for me to do whatever I want in Konoha.

I must admit that power is tempting, it can degenerate and even make people arrogant, but always remember one word..."

"Those who act recklessly when they have power, oppress them with force at every turn, and even do whatever they can to their own people will only end up being angry with each other.

Look, did anyone feel sorry for him after he died? Except for you and your friends. "

After Danzang's death, the whole Konoha is probably no different from usual except that there is no celebration.

Because this guy Danzo is really disgusting to the extreme, and Hiruzen Sarutobi knows all this.

After all, Danzo has become like this, and he has his credit, but I have to say that Danzo is really an excellent typical case.

Even Sarutobi Hizan couldn't deny how much Danzo had done back then, and even members of their same interest group were extremely unhappy with him!

"Could it be that power is really disdainful for you? Then why do you still pursue these?" Sarutobi Hizan took a sip of the tea in the cup and continued to ask.

In fact, he had already got a good answer at Namikaze Minato, an answer that was acceptable to him.

It's just that he still needs to confirm how Uchiha Kai himself thinks.

His heart is really calm now, and this kind of calmness can bring him the most objective feeling and thinking.

He wanted to know more about this person who was regarded as a confidant and even a friend by the fourth generation of fire and television.

What kind of person is he after putting aside his negative feelings towards him?

"In the beginning, it was just to survive, and to weaken you. We weakened you by any means and let Captain Watergate get the right to belong to Hokage."

Uchiha Qi said calmly: "But after that, as I became more and more powerful, I became more and more able to feel the seductive taste of power and the pleasure of killing other people, and I began to change."

Having said that, he paused, took a sip of the tea in the cup, and then continued.

"Power is too tempting, it's a trap, but it's also a framework of rules, a framework that limits my means.

I don't want to be lost by power, and I don't want to be lost by too much power, so I have to find a way to limit myself.

Didn't you find that as my power and strength became stronger, my methods became more gentle? "

Moderately, it's relative.

Compared to before, he was able to personally brutally kill brothers Uchiha Osamu and Uchiha Yu, **** suppression of the clan elders and their subordinates, and also gouged out their eyes as experimental materials.

Now he is really gentle, and the number of shots has become a lot less.

It may still be cruel, but he is actually using these things, which can't stop him from restricting himself, making him less **** and rational and objective at the same time.

He remembered that he once seemed to have read a divine book. After the characters in it became stronger, they would find an anchor to limit themselves and prevent themselves from getting lost in the powerful force.

What Uchiha Kai is doing now, although it can be said that he has found an anchor for himself.

But it can be considered a relatively suitable way to effectively prevent him from getting lost in the expansion of power and power and becoming more and more crazy.

"So, do you model the rules of power as a cage that restricts your behavioral norms?" Sarutobi Hizan asked slowly after drinking a sip of tea.

"The cage is not really, it can only be regarded as a framework. I will ask myself to act within this framework. As long as my opponent does not go beyond it, I will not go beyond it."

Uchiha Qi nodded and said calmly: "To be honest, if my opponent does not cross the line, I will not take the initiative to cross the line. You can think about it, for me, you really have room for resistance. ?"

Room for resistance?

When Sarutobi Hizan thought of the ruined forest of the country of the vortex, he helplessly shook his head.

He had to admit that if he was asked to do something, he definitely didn't have the ability to do it all!

When he was young, it might have been possible to try, but now it is impossible for him.

The whole Konoha can do all this, maybe there is no one, right?

Minato Namikaze's fighting style is more inclined to precise assassination rather than large-scale destruction.

Kakashi, this kid is pretty much the same except that he can't fly Thor.

Imai Kenta may be able to do it, after all, that kid seems to be able to hide, and Imai Kenta himself did not hide it too much, and Sarutobi Hiizan naturally knew it.

But to what extent his wooden escape has reached, no one knows.

Even if it really reaches the point of the first Hokage, this kid can't fight against Uchiha Kai.

These two are wearing a pair of pants at all!

"Well, I have to admit that you really don't have anyone in the entire Konoha, or even the entire ninja world who can fight." Sarutobi Hizan sighed, and he said with a sigh: "You are such a clear-sighted person, It's a pity to miss it, but I have something I want to ask of you..."

"Please, let's talk about it at the end." Before Sarutobi Hizan could finish speaking, Uchiha Kai interrupted, and he said calmly: "In the meantime, I have a suggestion, I don't know if you want to hear it or not. ?"

"Proposal?" Sarutobi Hizan was a little curious, then he smiled and said, "Tell me, what proposal makes you so serious, I am also a little curious."

"You about I prepare a funeral for you?"


"Are you all ready?"

In a small room in the branch of the Hinata clan, the chief elder of the Hinata clan asked indifferently.

He looks to be in his sixties, but his strong body can't see the erosion of time on him at all.

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It's just that his face is not quite right now, especially when he finds that there is one less elder in this room.

Even if his family is still here, this has caused some bad thoughts to appear in the elder's heart.

"Where's the fourth elder?"

"Lord Great Elder, father he..."

The speaker was a middle-aged man, about the same age as Hyuga Hizu, but at this moment he looked a little sad.

And he still has some injuries on his body, it looks like he just went through a battle.

This state of his made the elders frown. He really didn't know what happened in the clan, because he had been discussing some important things with some 'mysterious guys' outside the clan before.

But after the fourth elder's son told everything about it, he basically knew what happened!

It turned out that not long ago, a mysterious guy suddenly appeared in the clan courtyard of the sect, and then walked directly to the residence of the fourth elder.

God knows whether it was intentional or just a random choice, and soon he collided with the fourth elder.

The Fourth Elder's family noticed that something was wrong with this guy, especially since they couldn't see the guy's face clearly with their white eyes, so the Fourth Elder and his son both chose to fight directly.

Needless to say the final result, after a 'hard fight', the fourth elder died on the spot, and the fourth elder's son also suffered some minor injuries.

The murderer seemed to be worried that his actions would attract others, so he took the initiative to leave after killing the fourth elder.

Hearing this, the elder's face was extremely gloomy, and he quietly appeared in the family courtyard of the Hyuga clan, and he could quickly kill the fourth elder.

This kind of strength has already exceeded his expectations!

"Are you sure, your eyes can't see his face at all, not that you don't dare to say it?" For a long time, the first elder stared at the son of the fourth elder, and asked sternly: "Also, are you sure that the other party is fast? Arrived, you can't see clearly, it's not a telekinesis, or..."

"I really don't know, Great Elder!" The fourth elder's son was a little crying, and he didn't know if he was frightened by the Great Elder or the mysterious man: "He doesn't say a word, he is very fast, he uses It's a knife, right-handed, the whole person is haunted, my father and I can't resist him at all!"

The first elder looked at the guy in front of him silently, but he was thinking about something else all the time.

According to that guy's description, three possible enemies have appeared in the elder's mind.

One is Namikaze Minato, the other is Imai Kenta, and the other is the mysterious organization that attacked Konoha, Kirigin, and Yunyin!

And these three people, no matter which one they are, it seems that he can't deal with them, let alone provoke them.

Who is it, why, if Hokage means he's going to intervene?

If it is Imai Kenta, is it that Hyuga Hizu has completely received the support of Hokage?

If it's that mysterious organization...

Thinking of all these messes, the first elder felt a headache, but the matter has developed to this level, and he has no way to retreat if he wants to!

However, he also believes that if the Fourth Hokage intervenes, then they also have certain excuses and reasons.

"Lord Great Elder!" But at this moment, a masked member suddenly walked in. He half-knelt on the ground and said quickly, "Get ready, Hyuga Hizu and the others have already assembled."

"Assemble?" The elder nodded indifferently: "I understand, it seems that I want to fight to the death, but..."

"I want to see what your last card is!"



With the scream of 'Hyuga Xun', the tea set in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.

With a bang, it fell to smithereens. Then she ran out in horror, screaming at the family ninja who were patrolling the yard.

"Come on someone! Something happened!"

The patrol members ran over immediately, and they all knew that this Hyuga Kaoru was the housekeeper of Hyuga Hizu.

In their memory of several years, this very gentle-looking woman has never been so gaffe.

"Quick... find the medical department, the patriarch he... he... was poisoned!" The expression of 'Hyuga Xun' revealed an indescribable panic.

The leading man was a member of a clan, and he was one of the few who followed Hinata.

The main reason is that he is somewhat similar to Hyuga Hizu, he has a separate brother, and their relationship is very good.

Hearing this, he immediately waved his hand and sent two team members to do it.

At the same time, he left half of the people to continue patrolling, while he and the other half stormed the house.

Entering the bedroom, he could not help but take a deep breath when he saw the man who was already in a coma, his face was blue, his eyes were sunken, and he was unconscious.

It turned out that the strongest person in this family, the one who fought for the entanglement between the clan and the branch, would have such a weak day!

He frowned seems to have noticed that this matter does not seem to be simple.

But he didn't say much, he gently put his finger next to Hyuga Hizu's nose.

Feeling the kind of gossamer that could extinguish his breathing at any time, he breathed a sigh of relief while being frightened.

Raising his head, he decisively ordered: "Hurry up and block the news, and all the rest will find the medical department, and invite the best medical ninja in Konoha! Also, go to Mr. Rizai and Miss Ling immediately, hurry up. Point, and, call us all together, you know!"

"Yes, yes!" When the subordinates heard this sentence, they immediately recovered.

It's just that when they saw the extremely weak Hyuga Hizu, they felt very uncomfortable.

They are not stupid. Naturally, they can see that this may be poisoned. They can probably guess who the poison was.

Now their hearts are full of anger, and their blood has begun to boil now...