Chapter 592: turn on

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

When the news of the "poisoning" of Hinata and Hizu spread throughout the family, Aya and Nisari also brought together all the branches who were preparing to participate in this battle.

These people have serious expressions and abundant chakra, and they are obviously ninjas with extremely high quality.

In particular, they all came here with the consciousness of mortal death, because they knew that the next thing would definitely not be easy.

Hyuga's foot poisoning, you don't need to think much to understand who did it.

Obviously, there are only those from the Zong family, those guys who don't intend to give them any 'like a normal person' status at all, and only hope they are 'slaves' to do it!

And their patriarch did not hesitate to fight against them in order to save them. They have always been aware of this.

It's just that with the help of Minister Qi, Miss Aya untied the caged bird, all of this became particularly intense.

They really didn't expect that people from the same family would be framed in such a despicable and shameless way!

Since things have come to this point, there is naturally nothing to consider.

Only by fighting, and only by destroying them all, will they have that glimmer of hope!

Soon, when they were completely assembled, Hyuga Hizu walked out of the room with a pale face.

His face was still as pale as paper, and he held a white handkerchief in his left hand and covered his mouth.

With the suppressed coughing sound, his shoulders shook violently, and his body was constantly shaking, as if even standing would consume a lot of his physical strength.

As he kept coughing, a blood-colored flower gradually bloomed on the white handkerchief!

"Everyone, I'm sorry that things have come this far."

After Hyuga Hizu finished coughing, he raised his head and said in a low voice. Everyone could hear his weakness, but they could feel that there was an unparalleled sonorous force in his words.

"We have no choice, although we are all family, but they obviously do not treat us as 'family'."

"Damn them, they colluded with outsiders to poison the patriarch, mutilated the clan, ignored the rules of the clan, and forced the clan to have a real war!

I know that everyone is separated, and now you have actually received the promise of Minister Aya and Kei.

Too bad they won't give you time, and they won't give us time!

Even knowing they colluded with outsiders, even knowing they could control the caged bird, but..."

Saying this, Hyuga Hizu coughed again, but soon he forcibly stopped it.

His eyes were full of determination, and at the same time he raised his right hand: "But are you willing to give up the freedom you are about to gain? Are you willing to keep your children in the yoke of slavery forever? You want to see them win by vile means Everything? Are you...willing to fight?"

"Fight to the end!" As soon as Hyuga Hizu finished speaking, a tsunami-like echo sounded in front of him.

Hyuga Hizu is a patriarch in the end. He knows the minds of these branch members too well, and he knows too well what they want.

The members of these branches felt that their blood had boiled completely at this moment, and their chests were full of anger that needed to be vented.

They are not afraid of fighting.

The members of these branches have basically been on the battlefield, and many of them are now members of the security department.

Whether it was the three wars or the war between Konoha and Yunyin, they all participated!

"Very good." Hyuga Hizu nodded, and then he left the handkerchief on the ground with a pale face, and walked out with great strides: "Let's go, get rid of them!"

"Yes! Lord Patriarch!" The clansmen of the branch responded to the group leader with tsunami-like shouts, and then followed his footsteps one by one without hesitation.

"It's a good performance, the patriarch." Hyuga Aya, who had been following behind Hyuga Hizu, couldn't help showing a slight smile when she saw this scene: "I'm still worried, the patriarch doesn't know how to use his own advantages, it seems that I think too much."

"If it weren't for Aya-kun's medicine, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to be so inspiring." Hyuga Hizu said in a low voice, the voice only heard by him, Hyuga Aya, and Hyuga Hipsari: "What are our plans now? Minister Qi What? Has he not shown up yet?"

"I seem to have said that Minister Qi is at Sandaimu's house at this time." Hyuga Ayaman raised his head indifferently, glanced left and right, and said, "He doesn't need to participate in such a battle. But the patriarch, please rest assured. , he sent a subordinate over, and Ken Tai-kun is also nearby."

Uchiha Kai will not participate in this battle?

Hyuga's face changed slightly, but when he heard that Uchiha Qi dispatched his subordinates and Imai Kenta was also there, his face returned to normal a little.

Although this matter was what he had longed for in his heart, he was also secretly letting it develop to this point.

But if it wasn't for Uchiha Qi's push and Hyuga Aya to untie the caged bird, maybe he really couldn't make up his mind.

It's just that he is still a little worried about gains and losses. After all, his subordinates are all people from separate families, and his opponent is the clan!

There is no doubt that the clan's control of the caged bird will directly make the people in the branch lose their combat effectiveness or even die.

Even if there are not many people in the clan, they may not be able to let their control cover all the branches at one time.

But at least this can be regarded as an ability to seriously damage his combat effectiveness, plus those guys and the support of this root, Hyuga Hizu is not worried that it is really a ghost.

"What's the plan?" Hyuga Hizu took a deep breath, and then asked quietly, "Don't tell me, you have no plan."

"Qijun has always said that a plan is only a preliminary preparation for guiding actions, but the reason why a plan is a plan is that there will always be various mistakes in the implementation process."

Aya Hyuga looked at the turn of the mouth ahead, and a cold smile appeared on her beautiful face: "Therefore, adapting to the situation is the biggest plan. The patriarch, I know how to deal with it, and you don't need to worry."

"Is that so?" Hyuga Hizu sighed: "I understand, what about my opponent?"

"Except for the first elder, the other elders are handed over to you." Hyuga Ling said directly: "After this, you have enough prestige, but I am not enough. I hope you understand what I mean."

"Elder, but someone who participated in World War I and World War II, although he is old, is definitely not easy to deal with. Even me, it may not be able to deal with him, are you sure, Aya?"

"Don't worry, I never do anything I'm not sure about!"


Hyuga Aya does have enough confidence to deal with the great elder of the Hyuga clan.

The old man Hyuga Zongxian is already in his sixties, but his physical fitness is excellent. Even if he has slipped, there are probably very few people in the clan who can really deal with him.

He is the rare old guy who used his soft fist to an extreme degree.

If it wasn't for Hyuga Aya to get the power of Xianju, and by chance, she got the power of Yang Dun.

Even if the caged bird is untied, I am afraid she will not be the old man's opponent.

What's more, even if she is still not an opponent, she is absolutely sure to let this old man die!

Ninjas have always been despicable and shameless.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with the people in the Zong family who poisoned Sun Xiangri's feet.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Hyuga Hizu herself for being careless.

She can be said to have the seeds left by Kenta Imai on her body. As long as she activates this seed, Kenta Imai will appear immediately and help her kill this old ghost!

Assassination is still a job that has already mastered Flying Thunder God Imai Kenta is better at it, especially now that this guy doesn't know where to peek.

However, this is also the last choice, as long as it is not necessary, Hyuga Aya does not intend to do so.

She needs to face herself and defeat or even kill this old guy with her own hands.

Her foundation in the Hyuga clan is too shallow, she really needs a higher prestige, and the great elder of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Zonghyun, is her best goal!

When the group of them completely walked out of the turnaround and came to the huge training ground inside, the other side also came here by coincidence.

This place is the place where the internal staff of the Hinata clan is trained and assessed, and it is also the first choice for the conflicted members of the Hinata clan to resolve their personal grievances.

Perhaps for the people of the Hyuga clan, it is also the best choice to solve the problem they want to solve here!

The leader of the Zong family was Hyuga Zonghyun. He looked at Hyuga Hizu with a cold expression, but when he looked at the members of the branch family, the disdain was obvious.

It's just that when his eyes inadvertently stayed on Hyuga Aya, an emotion of anger and fear flashed through his heart.

No one could notice the change in his mood, but he was indeed somewhat disgusted and wary of Hyuga Aya.

This woman may not be very powerful, but there is someone standing behind her!

"Elder." Just when Hyuga Zonghyun was thinking, the weak voice of Hyuga Hizu suddenly came over: "Do you know what exactly you are doing?"

"Lord Patriarch, we naturally know." Hyuga Zonghyun came back to his senses and responded indifferently: "Because of you, you broke the tradition of the Hyuga family for thousands of years. You are the sinner of the family! Are you worthy of your dead father? Are you worthy of the people who have served this family one after another?"

"It's ridiculous, guarding the ancient, outdated concept, a thousand-year-old tradition, shouldn't the tradition be broken?"

Although Hyuga Hizu was weak, her voice was exceptionally firm.

"Staying the same way will only make the Hyuga clan weaker and weaker, and will only make this clan thrown into the garbage heap of history. People like you are the sinners of the real family. Look at what you have done?

Poisoning the patriarch, colluding with outsiders, and mutilating the same clan, you are the scum of the entire family!

I can tell you clearly now that you are no longer the elder of the Hyuga clan, neither of you.

In the name of the patriarch, I announce that you have been expelled from the Hyuga clan, do it! "

Hyuga Zonghyun originally planned to say something, but this guy, Hyuga Hizu, didn't give him any chance at all.

To expel him in the name of the patriarch?

What a big tone, what a big handwriting!

However, Hyuga Zonghyun did not get too entangled, and the order of the patriarch can indeed define their identities.

But after this battle, whether Hyuga Hizu is still the patriarch is a very critical issue.

As long as he is dead, then who is the patriarch needs to be said more?

"Hmph, do it!"

Sun Xiang Zongxun waved his hand, and immediately their people also started.

For a while, the people from the Hyuga Zong family rushed out together.

There are not many people in the Zong family. I am afraid that they add up to 20 or 30 people. It is not realistic to face the hundreds of people in the Hyuga branch.

But they are all people who have mastered how to control the bird in the cage, plus they have the ninja cooperation at the root, even if there are more than 50 people in total, but they are not afraid!

Almost immediately, the people of these sects have activated the caged bird.

But they didn't directly let those who split up die directly, these guys are not stupid, a family still needs someone.

If all these people from the family are dead, then what is the need for their family to exist?

Kill the enemy chief, and kill some people who have huge influence in the branch.

However, they can't control all the branches at once, and the only person with this ability is the patriarch.

The members of these branches immediately felt a severe pain in their brains At the same time, their white eyes seemed to be unable to open.

This is the effect of caged birds, and they naturally know it.

But they didn't care that much. When they came here, they had already made all kinds of psychological preparations.

They know what they're up against, what they're going to do.

What about the control of the caged bird?

They are not even afraid of death, why are they still afraid of this **** curse?

When the members of these branches meet with the people from the clan and the roots, the collision of the body, the clash of weapons, and various screams sounded almost immediately.

Although the members of these branches are not in good condition, they have an advantage in numbers, and they are all a group of people with enough practical experience.

Although the people of the Zong family are not weak, and there are roots to help, but after all, there are still fewer people.

For a while, they actually fought evenly!

Hyuga Hizu has already rushed to the position of those elders with Hyuga Risashi, while Hyuga Aya walked towards Hyuga Zonghyun step by step.

Hyuga Zonghyun frowned, but soon he seemed to think of something, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Did Hyuga Hizu look down on you too much, and let you deal with me?" Hyuga Zonghyun said disdainfully, "Did you make such a decision because you felt that you couldn't deal with me? It seems that the poison works well? ? But how long will he live?"

"Your poison is not bad, but..." Hyuga Aya shook her head and said in a cold voice, "It's not you who has the final say, but I'm the one who decides how long you can live. As for why you are being treated?"

"Because, I need your death to help me!"
